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Fantasy The Forgotten Past Of Legendary Heroes- The Seven Deadly Sins

Loud upon reaching ground replies:

"So, what kind of new interesting person are you..? And if i might be bold, what does it feel to be relaxed?"

"Relaxation isn't something I oould know about. If I ever did I didn't care to remembe it." I shrugee and glanced at the girl a bit away and waeed. "I'd say I am rather interesting actually, but you would have to get to know me for that."
I wave back at you and make my way to the both of you shyly

I stand next to Loud my head hanging low
"Well, anyway glad to meet you Marie..."

The voice in Loud's Head starts talk to Loud *My name is GREG THE STAMPEDE!! Forgive the lack of warning, but it's time for my daily massacre! If you do not believe I am the real thing, take a good look at me and start freaking out!!* upon listening to it Loud went silent for a while for the stupidity from the Voice...

And finally says something:

"Please stop, just stop really..."

@JenTheDemon @motoemo
"Stop? I was only waving. And talking. And I don't care to stop thank you." I cross my arms and arch a brow. "So since you know my name, midd telling me yours?" I smiled at you all and tpp my foot slightly.
I sigh "I'll help with that as well I guess. Geez Loud you need some help"

I giggle and start towards the tree again and climb up real fast

I change from the shorts into skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt and I put my hoodie back on and cover my face

I yell from the trees "Marie he has voices in his head he was talking to him or her not you dear!"

@JenTheDemon @Azer1on
"Settle down there Shami." Kenora smiled, thinking of the girl would ever get fat. "No worries, the food's always good. Come along now, go ahead if you want to bring Riku."

She began walking down the dirt path, out of the trees and back into town. She doubted that Shami would whip up her fake wig again.
"I'm sorry, i was...lost in thoughts and yeah i do need some help, or i can try to live with this.

Oh yeah, you're right, the name's Loud, i might approach you with some strange questions from time to time.."

Loud turns back and starts climbing the Tree saying:

"Oh Books, Books, i wonder what kind of Knowledge i will find today."

@JenTheDemon @motoemo
"Books? Uh huh. So, you climb trees for books?" I looked at the tree oddly. He did know there was a library, right? "Right, well, I am going to go to the library, might find soeething to munch on. Anyways, bye?"
Upon reaching the top, Loud stands astonished from the amount of books...

"Wow, soooo many books, time to dig in, please don't mind me.." says a happy and thirsty for Knowledge Loud.

"Bye Marie... Now onto the matter at hand, BOOKS!"

And so Loud starts reading the books one by one...

@JenTheDemon @motoemo
I laugh "Any question or anything you need just ask"

I keep reading and hide more in the over sized hoodie my red eyes glowing from the darkness of the shade and my fingers long thin pale and bony
"Right..." I shrugged and started walking across town. Sighing, I realized those were the first people I've senn in a while. Weird. I began to sing some bird tunes as I walke down to the library to find something, anything to eat.
"Actually, yes..

Remember what i said before, that i needed to confirm something with you..?"

And so a very Serious looking Loud continues...

"Do you recognize this..." takes a bloodstained cloth from one of it's hidden pockets and from beneath it there was a Arrow with a rather unique shape and Loud continues "...i want you to tell me if you've seen an Arrow like this before." Loud's eyes showed that he was very serious and at the same time rather anxious with the answer that was yet to come...

"Where did you find that?" I don't look at it my eyes start changing from red to a grey

;Seems like the weirdo book sucker found something you want huh you're going to need that remember what he sa-;

"Get out of my head!! I hate you!!" I pull my hood down and hide starting to cry a little

I sniffle "Where in the hell did you find it?!"

"...I guess it's time to tell you something about me then..."

Loud sits down on the floor and puts his back on the wall as he remembers the faithful day 13 years ago..

"The reason why i didn't want you to read my journal is because the first part of it contains my past over the time...

I guess i could tell bits of it so you can understand why i carry this Arrow...

Hmmm.. It all began some years back, somewhere between 12-13 years, well i can't quite remember. But during that day, i was truly happy and that's also the day i lost everything..."

Loud continues as he looks down to the floor...

"Let's just say i tried to escape to the mountains and i got my back pierced with this exact same Arrow and fell into a cliff.. I think the rest you can guess just by saying that i was stuck in a place that resembled a library and i got a Voice in my head that only says gibberish, my only hobby was reading all those books and day after day praticed with a Sword that was there. That is until recently when i finally made a way out of the rubble that covered the exit.. So my only purpose from when i finally saw the outside world was to find who, and why must i lose everything because of it..."

"Pretty pathethic right?" says Loud while trying to cover his face with his hand "Anyway, i just want to know that's all, i want to know all things there is, i want to know my parents killer, i want to know why can't i protect anyone, and most importantly i want to know how can i protect everyone. Now please tell me, does this Arrow looks familiar to you?"

Some tears fall from my eyes as I nod to your question

"Yes the arrow looks familiar to me"

I sniffle and look away sadly

"I'm sorry"

I curl up in a ball as more tears fall from my face "It's not pathetic you want to know pathetic read my fucking mind" I sniffle and hide in my hoodie more

"You can't protect anyone because you have to believe and practice. And you can'y protect everyone just like you can't protect yourself. Your always going to get hurt like everyone else I'm sorry about what happened and I really am but can I have that arrow please?"

I get up and walk to you and hold out my hand for the arrow crying more


Loud silently gives the Arrow back to her.

"...I see. I understand, and i'm sorry and i forgive you."

Loud stands up and goes outside to catch some fresh air...

Then after a while the Voice tells Loud ironicaly...

**bursts into tears* I can't talk about it! It's so horrible! They were-- they were-- the milk! Oh God, the milk!*

Loud doesn't utter a word...


I set the arrow down on my desk and stand next to you.

I face you towards me and I hug you awkwardly as I wipe my tears away on my hoodie

"What is your voice saying now?"

My hand goes purple as the small light goes up your body then disappears. I wait for your response and I keep hugging you hoping it works

"Do you even know why I said sorry?" I look up you my eyes the only thing seen

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( xD it's some random thoughts i come up with from time to time)

"I don't know why you said it, but i felt like a weight finally decided to leave my chest. As for the voice well..." Loud turns into his usual self "... something weird as per usual."

Loud then smiles..

"Hmmm... I guess this is what they call friendship right? It's a warm feeling and yet sad... i guess the human emotion can be a rather complicated subject."

"I also feel like sharing something with you that i've read in one of my books back in the library i used to call home... :

Loud takes a deep breath..

"Shining brightly, even for a split second, is better than living a dull-grey life for eternity."

" Pretty deep, Right?"

Shami squealed in delight as she put her hat on. "Yes!!!! Foooooood!!!!! Riku-chan, c'mon!!!! Kenora-chan is gonna take us to eat!!!!" She happily skipped behind her and licked her lips while humming some kind of made-up song. Her eyes twinkled of the many varieties of food that will be waiting for her at the table. @GiannaCoco
I nod and hug you tighter

I stop hugging you and sit on the couch reading my book again

"Yes really deep if anything it's very true"

"And I guess this is friendship"
"Aye Shami! Here!" Kenora called out, waving as she entered the bistro. She sat at the nearest table, ignoring the looks of anyone nearby. "Order all you want Shami, it's on me." She smiled, aware of the pouch on her side. If Shami overate, they could always fight their way out. "I'll have liquor and a cake." She shouted and someone shouted to the kitchen for her meal.

I smile and then sit next to you.

I look at you and smile and take off my hood

"Ugly aren't I?"

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