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Fantasy The Forgotten Past Of Legendary Heroes- The Seven Deadly Sins

Kenora nodded approvingly. Their young faces was still the same, never changed since they've been betrayed. She longed to have eternal youth but they look much too childish for envying. Kenora watched as the cloak rippled the air and grinned, impressed by the amount of maturity Riku has despite her age and appearance.

She turned to Shami. "How about you?"

Loud gets up and follows the weird person who could change it's form and tries to apologize...

"Alright.. How about this.

I'm extremely sorry for my rude behaviour towards a nice lady like you.

I, Loud, would like to offer you a drink and some sweets while i can happily discuss with you about your shape shifting power so i can humbly thank you afterwards and then we can part ways."

"So, was that good enough?"

"For 1 I'm not nice for 2 i'm not weird and for 3 I guess I will get a drink. But we will not part ways say good bye or what ever...."

I smile deviously as such an evil smile and look at you from under my hood

"How about an I'll protect you and never leave your side and you protect me and never leave my side. Then you can "Observe me or whatever"

I giggle

"Well, I'm the same as always... I still eat a lot and I still look the same..." Shami said with a smile. She was glad the creepy lady went to go tackle and devour somebody else instead of her friends because she still wanted to live. The gluttony girl took off her hat and wig, the mustache was somewhere else. Her chocolate hair was still in the same style as ever, and her face never ages.
"Hmmm..." Loud begins to lose himself in his thoughts till finally he replies

"Fine.. I'll tag along with you, but under some conditions if i may.. First, i would like to keep all Muffins with me at all times. Second, i usually talk to myself, so please don't find it weird if it happens. And Third and most importantly i have something to do, call it my life's mission if you want, but let's keep it a secret for now..."

Loud hears the voice in his head saying to him: *The interaction beetween people isn't very logical* and Loud suddenly yells " Hey don't start with those comments again..." Loud realises that he was still talking to her and continues "...I'm sorry, i was just talking to myself like i said a while ago, please ignore me in these moments..."

I nod "It's okay. I think after what you just said we'll get along just fine"

I smile small voices in my head calling you out but I just giggle

"So where are we going mr. Observer?"
"For Starters, I would like to find a Town or something like that,

but it's my first time setting foot in the outside world so i don't know where i need to go.

Can you guide the way please?

And... it's Loud.. my name."
Kenora looked around at the forest, casually leaning against a tree. She pondered what could she say next. It seems as if their previous heroic moments didn't matter anymore, only a distant memory to the three. "You know, this place is cruel, but it seems to run just fine, don't you think?" And Kenora licked her lips. "Do you still hate them? The kingdom?"
Azer1on said:
"For Starters, I would like to find a Town or something like that,
but it's my first time setting foot in the outside world so i don't know where i need to go.

Can you guide the way please?

And... it's Loud.. my name."
"okay Loud well I don't really interact with the people of the town so I really don't know my way either...

But if you want we could go to my house and I could show you some of my shifting"

I point farther out into the woods still hiding my face but looks at you

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"Hmmm..." Loud starts to make calculations in his head while recalling a book about strangers that was very specific about never go with strangers to dark places...

Then Loud was going to say no but what he did said was : "Sure, why not even if it's in a dark place, like i always said: Man fears the darkness, and so he scrapes away at the edges of it with fire...." Loud covers it's mouth and replies yet again: " I'm sorry sometimes there some kind of resonance and the voice in my head starts to talk gibberish with my mouth...

N-Neverthless, that dark place in the woods that you call home seems awfully similar to my crib, although it kinda collapsed along with all the books i've read.."
"well if you don't burn my house down"

'dark area? what??' I think to myself

"I'll give you some books I got and read all the way and give you some if you wish.

And the head and speaking thing I get it"

I giggle and smile and start walking

"Come on let's go"

"Ohoho... I definitely hate them... After what they had done to my little sister... But really, I don't hate them as much as before... They mind their own businesses... Unlike ahem... The stupid knights they have... But the citizens are okay..." Shami yawned and sat down on the root. "How about you guys?"

@GiannaCoco @TheHappyPikachu
"Alright!" Loud then begins to talk quietly ".. finally some new books, i will delish myself into them later.."

Along the way Loud begins to take some plants and stores them in it's small backpack while writting in it's journal...

"Chapter 2-2 / Day 2 / Year Unknown

Dear Journal,

I've experienced quite some wondrous things today.

I've met people, YES PEOPLE, after so long i've finally was granted the opportunity to engage in sociable activities, although not what i inicially thought it was from reading in a book.

Also, i've met a someone interesting who can shape shift, i wonder if there's any limit on time or animals/objects she can shape into to.. Oh i'm getting myself carried away.

I do hope she can tell more about other things aswell since i more or less only read books and don't have any first hand experience into some subjects like cooking, or like something i've read about in a book stating that having friends in the most wonderful achievement someone can have, although if you ask me i feel kinda stupid by writting that in my journal because the only friends i've ever really had was this stupid voice in my head who couldn't stay quiet and always had some comic/sarcastic comments all the time, funny at first but after so much time i couldn't take it anymore..."

As soon has he finishes updating his journal, he immediatly closed it and slide it in his pocket...

"Hey, i've a question while we are on our way...

What is the feeling of being relaxed?"

"Hate is a strong word, but yes, I still hate them."

She sighed, flinging her head behind her. "They just-" Kenora stopped herself. "What they did was unforgivable." She whispered. Her memory flickered back and forth, confusing Kenora much more than she wanted.

"Tired are you? Well, what do you say if we go to town and get you two something to eat?"

@yumiyukifan1 @TheHappyPikachu
I shrug and grab your Journal/diary and read the page you just wrote

"How should I know what relaxing is?" I laugh

"And sure I will teach you other things if you wish of so"

I giggle and put the book back in your pocket

Loud caught off guard and rather sad says:

" H-Hey, please don't read more then you need to.."

Loud sights..

"Anyway thank you, and also please do tell me about other things. Also i would like to confirm something with you after we arrive at your place... it's kinda important and i need to know."

I nod "You tell me I'll keep it a secret even if you as so wish

And the journal I just read what you JUST wrote down"

I giggle and start climbing up a really tall tree a wooden platform connected with about 35 other trees at the top

"Going up"

Waking up on a door step, fun, I thought. Loud yelling and crying were a few blocks away. I rolled my eyes and gathered my feet under me, collecting what I have into my backpack. "La la, lalala la." I sang ottloud to myself and rose up neatly to my feet. Follwwing the noise I found a small group of people. "Whoa. Maybe I should go....."
Loud begins to climb the tree rather slowly while saying:

"It's rather hard to climb trees then it seemed on the book.. The outside world is so.. ah, can't let carried away with the excitment."

And so Loud continues to climb the Tree and at some point looks down and sees a rather different kind of individual looking at them..

"Humm, hey whatever your name is called, since i forgot to ask your name and all... There is a yet another different kind of person down at the bottom of the tree.."

@motoemo @JenTheDemon
"Yeah, I'm Marie....why is she in a tree?" I look around and see that there is a guy also climbing the tree. "Is this tree climbing thing suppssed to happen?" I scratch my head some and cock my eyebrows.
"I think she scared of the group and probably knows you. Go see just come back up when your done I have to go get the lights so you can see anyways"

I smile shift into a squirrel and quickly crawls up my fur pure white

Loud begins to climb down to see what this Marie person wanted...

Muttering to himself "Hmmm hopefully the voice in my head won't bother her..."
I turn on the lights which just a heal ball in a paper ball hung up.

I clean up a little clothes and books I just finished reading all over the place

I finish cleaning and listen to the conversation as I drop down and hide my face still hidden by the hood

@Azer1on @JenTheDemon
"Eat? Yes!!!! I'm so hungry!!!!! All this running made my stomach empty!!! I can eat for days!!!!!!" Shami exclaimed and jumped in delight. She patted her stomach and got up. "So, where's the place? How far is it? Is the food there good?" She licked her lips and twirled around happily.


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