The Forgotten .:. Magiks Arise

1, Yes, He is trying to steal her business. He does not like her. Also it's not uncommon for bar's to be actually next to each other. I know where I live there are streets with only Bars on.

2, Possibly, but Penryn will of been highly co-operative with any law enforcement. He takes great care to make sure nothing can be traced back to him. Also being that this black market deals are for Magical things. It's doubtful your character would be aware of them. Finally he has the best lawyers in town... just saying.
I had put in there that the hall was about three quarters of a mile... which honestly I thought was almost too long with the characters being on foot and some hardcore operatives just on the other side of a hastily welded door aaaaaaaand I'm scared of grenades.

Not admitting to any personal alcoholism, but I know my favorite places are always in a district with a cluster of popular joints. You know. So you don't have to drive.... Reference, San Diego Gaslamp, Tempe AZ Mill Avenue, Kihei HI Triangle..... lol. *goes off to reflect on life choices*
Lol I wouldn't know of Magik stuff. Hell Adrian didn't even know he was Magik up until today. He thought him and his brother were the only special people in the world. I meant on a professional level they would know each other. Unlike with Orla where they're friends. And I agree with you. I've seen bars next to each other. Just for some reason I my head the bats were further apart
Your character may know mine, Henry would probably just know you as "Officer." You would probably be well aware of Fell Blackcoat though when you mean him. I mean he is in the Leading law firm
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Lol gotta love lawyers -___- let's just say I've never had a case against him >_> otherwise I probably would have been on the alert that something was up with him. Provided he's a Magik lkl
@andujarprime --He's a magik. A Loup Garou to be exact. You can check him and his sister out in the OverView under the Resistance info post :D

He's a shape changer (specifically, Wolf) (He's not exactly a Faerie since he can't assume any other form beyond his human self, and a wolf)
You will probably deal with MrMopp's 2 Loup Garou before you actually meet Fell. ^-^ ((Think Mafia boss.... xD gotta get through the "lackeys" first (No offense MrMopp!!)))
Crazy thought. What if my brother isn't dead. But was kidnapped by the first group of scientists which was headed by luccas parents at the time. And he is jn fact still alive and brainwashed into working with them O.o just an idea.
More like Stockholm syndrome O.o very young Magik didn't know what he was when your father kidnapped him and ran experiment on him. Then kept him around training him and studying him. Could be a "friend" of yours since he's been gone so long from his real family
Eh, Luka's parents are of military background, they could honestly care less about magicks and the like. It's impossible for a military body to be even interested in pointles squabbles such as this due to the fact they are contracted by the government/Army. Luka is the only guy in his family who is an Educator/Scientist. :/

Making a even more unlikely plot that's more hilarious would be to say that he was kidnapped and expermented on child/teenage Luka. xD
O.o woops. That's out the window. I would however find it hard to believe that this whole science foundation was all started by Luka. This is something that's supposed to have been going on for a long long time. So maybe a predecessor of some sort.
You make some intersting points. ...Hummm...

All I know thus far is that people, namely the so-called scientists and their supporters are taking action now after magicks have been around for so long. The foundation was probably minescule due to undesireable factors like the conflicts that we currently are more or less aware of such as the Cold War and events between th 70s and the present date.

I can imagine them trying to organise together but simply couldn't because of other things. The idea wasn't taken seriously until of some example or simulation. Eventually the idea evolved into something of a orginazation or ideal. The ideal is democratic and was nothing more than a bunch of opinions that can agree the magicks aren't good. Then maybe around the late 90s the squabble of opinions took upon themselves a leader if not several leaders who would lead the orginazation.

The leaders proved troublesome and kept leaving until they come to the point where they were probably desporate. Luka probably filled in the positions merely because he was the new generation instead of inspecting to see what he was capable of.

At this point you should ask yourselves - why didn't it break up?
Dun dun dunnnnn lol well, we can figure out just who kidnapped my brother back then when it gets closer to that time and I make a cs for him. For now, Luka is the threat O.o scary child. I can imagine no animal was safe around him in the name of science
Oh, do praise Luka more :D

We can probably have a scientist who can answer that... but at the moment the scientists have only Luka and Esabella. I can imagine one of those slots having something to do with your brother if anyone would be willing to join the dark-side.

Update on current positions for all characters:

@ Yahtzee @andujarprime @Ian Temero @Xanafera --- yes, I tagged you even if you already know -- The group is just outside an emergency exit of their destination

@Shiroby -- The groups of magiks are banging at your back door. While Fell is in the VIP Lounge... and his "lackeys" just entered in

And the scientists are talking amidst themselves about the new test subjects
Come to think of it, my guys should probably already know that Fell is there. Since they're working for him. Should they go up and talk to Fell first thing?

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