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Fantasy The Forgotten .:. Magiks Arise ((Open))

Upon seeing the man's discomfort Aviur tried for a warm and friendly smile. "Don't worry about it mate." He said putting one hand on the man's shoulder for a moment. "Your worry would be of more use directed at all the other men with guns on the other side of this door. A melted lock will hold them off but probably not for long." Aviur said as he turned to face the rest of the group. The truth was that after his own spurt of uncontrolled desperation that had led to someones death he wanted nothing more than to curl up and hide but now was not the time for that.

"Trevan," He began as an idea occurred to him. "That bus is still outside isn't it?" He asked unsure of what the star had intended after the concert. " I can't help but think it would make a pretty good distraction. If the driver is," he swallowed, suddenly feeling sick. "You know. Alive." He finally muttered. "If the driver is there then he can lead these men away. Far away. Maybe we can use someone else's car while they are all distracted by the bus." He said as he turned back to the man from earlier. "Can you drive us uh..." His voice faltered. "We don't actually know your name. We're all in the same boat here so please, please will you help us?" He asked as one hand reached out and took a hold of Trevan's.
"Nah! That puts your driver in danger." Akane interjected. "You saw what happened back there. Anyone that helps us, anyone that stands up for us, gets eliminated. Best not to get none Magiks involved. I'll do it instead. They'll be more likely to follow a Magik. Besides," she added with a smug grin "I'm a Phoenix! I'm a lot harder to kill then any human has the right to be!"

"I'll take the bus and lead them off. Then we can meet up somewhere."
"We wouldn't want to use any vehicle registered to any of us." Orla said, standing now and using the hair tie on her wrist to tie her hair back into a ponytail for what may have been the first time in front of others in well over a hundred years. It almost made her cold to have her ears so exposed. She crossed her arms, and began to head down the dark hall driven forward by the sound of shouts on the other side of the door, presumably from the operatives. There was easily three quarters of a mile to walk before they got to the outside, and she didn't want to be close when they got through the door. The glow in her eyes was slowly fading back, though still slightly illuminated in the dim lighting of the hall. She kept a careful eye on Adrian; he'd lost the most of the group so far and she worried for him, making a note to talk to him when she had a chance away from the others. "This lets out a couple blocks over, in a service alley. It'll be enough to get out of immediate danger but we'll need to skip town."
Treven glanced at Akane, and chewed her lip. A nervous tick she'd had since she was a child. "We don't need a distraction. They're focused on the door in the building. We just need to hurry up and get out of here. Once we make it outside, I can briefly cast an illusion so no cameras will recognize us until we get a decent distance." She said, not wanting to risk anyone's lives for her own. It didn't seem fair to her. "Besides, there's still supposed to be another hour or more to my concert, and I told the driver to get some rest. He probably took the bus to a truck stop to sleep for a while." She added, sighing softly. She squeezed Aviur's hand slightly, it was comforting to have her close friend with her. She looked at Orla, and then to Adrian. "Let's go. The sooner we get out of here, the farther away we can before they notice." She said with a reassuring smile to everyone.
Orla led the way, her arms remaining crossed as she spoke out loud. "I know where we can go, where we can get help. It's not somewhere I would tread lightly, not with absolute need, but I suppose we are passed that point." Her high heels echoed in the hall, picking up pace after hearing a loud bang from the direction of the door they had sealed. It would take serious equipment for them to reopen it, and so she knew that they had the time but the knowledge didn't help to ease her already tender nerves. "It will work to our benefit, because anyone who knows anything about business in this city knows that this is the last place I would choose to go." She shifted her hands, hugging herself now and doing her best to reel in the tears threatening to spill over. The sheer terror, shock and death were beginning to catch up with her as the hush of the hall offered little distraction. "Mister Henry Penryn... Is a very interesting character. Let's try to keep an open mind." She said, more to coach herself than anyone else.
Luka took his eyes off the screens and paid attention to his assistant slash childhoodfirend, Isabella Jamison.

"Oh?" A boyish playful smile stretch on his face.

"Was that me who chose the requirements?"

He chuckled to himself as he shoved his sushi platate to make way for the young woman. His eyes darted from his coffee mug to the empty wine glass and back to the plate of sushi. Hmm... I might get a stomache after this session. Is what he thought. Earnestly he cares little now that he got a few magic users caught.

"Thank you for the Coffee,'Izzy'." He carefully grabs his coffee mug and begins to sniff the fragrance of the dark brew. Earthly smell and a taste that's not too mellow and not too bitter. His happy expression fell a bit - He was hoping for dark hot kakao.
Isabella looked at Luka flatly, and rolled her eyes. "You're the boss around this office, so yeah. You did." She sighed sarcastically, laughing softly. She looked over the table that he always used for food items, taking in the occupants. "Luka. You and your tastes." She sighed, and pulled a bottle from her lab coat pocket. "I thought you may have use for this." She teased lightly, setting the stomach medicine down on the table as well. She turned her eyes to the monitors.

"Did we get any new test subjects?" She asked curiously. She didn't nessecarily enjoy expirimenting on living creatures that were human, but at the same time, she thirsted for more knowledge about the magiks. She glanced at Luka as he used her childhood nickname and sighed. "Didn't I ask you not to call me Izzy any more? I prefer Bell, now." She sighed, and stood from her chair. She set her coffee down, and approached the monitors, studying several of them.
Adrian trudged along grudgingly. They had been walking for a little while now. Mostly in silence, their footsteps echoing off the walls. 'Magiks' he thought to himself looking at everyone in the group in turn. He had so many questions. He glanced at Orla. An old friend, holding such a secret from him. But he was in no position to talk. After all, he hid his secret from her. From his parents. His therapist. From Carry. From everyone, except his brother. His brother had known. His brother had been like him. Adrian shook his head bringing himself back to the present. He couldn't afford to lose himself in the past. Not right now. He began to manipulate the air into making random swirl patterns out of the dust as they walked. It was interesting to see moving clouds of dust expanding and contracting and rising and falling. Twisting and turning. He continued as they walked on.
Aviur spent a long moment in indecisive hesitation before making up his mind to follow after the group although his hands fidgeted nervously. "My machines..." He mumbled sorrowfully under his breath. "My beautiful fiery machines." They may have let him down at the last moment but in he simply couldn't accept that. Someone was behind that malfunction and he had already resolved to see them burn for that but to do that he had to be alive and his best chance of keeping his internal organs internal was to follow this group of magicks and choose his battles wisely.

As they made their way out of the concert and into the night air, Aviur took a deep breath and relished the cool breeze against his skin. Feeling invigorated he rushed forward to Orla in at the head of their little travelling company. "Thanks for uh... you know." He said with a wince as his shoulder twinged painfully. "I guess I shouldn't have interrupted the process earlier but still it's incredible. I wish I could do something like that..." He trailed off lost in thought. "So who is this Penryn guy you mentioned earlier? And how far away is he?" He asked her.
Mister Henry Penryn stood from his desk and placed the lid back on his pen with an audible gratifying click. His paper work filed, the accounts of his night club up to date and all his correspondents answered. Well for today at least…

With his daily occupation fulfilled he crossed his office to his tantalus. His sleeves rolled up as was customary, his suit hung loosely over his shoulders having never once fastened the buttons. His hand reached out to a decanter but hesitated. To day was far from over, perhaps an older age was in order? It must of been. Whiskey in hand he left his office on the top floor and into the stairwell. It looked out directly over the entrance hall to the club where he could see his men on the door and the long line outside. It was now time for his less legal occupation.

He was expecting to meet at least three wolves tonight and he wanted to know which would arrive first. He turned off the lights for the top of the stairs and pulled out a classic pair of sunglasses to hide the shimmer of his eyes in the darkness. He drank, and he waited.

Fell Blackcoat sighed as he locked up his office doors for the evening. It was friday, and he was definitely worn out work. He glanced at his sister, "I'm going to the club. You in?" he asked gruffly, knowing full well what her answer would be. She, of course, huffed, and scolded him as usual, but declined the offer. They moved their separate ways, and Fell headed off for his more favorite of the city clubs. The one that he dealt with on a rather regular basis for the resistance. He pulled at his tie until it hung loose and undone around his neck, and ducked into a side alley. He always kept a spare change of clothes hidden for him when his days as a lawyer were done. He changed quietly, and fingered the patch over his eye before leaving the alley.

He made his way to the bar, and ran a hand through his hair. He considered traveling in his wolf form, but it was broad daylight, and it wasn't like he could pass for a dog. Not like his sister. She was small enough to be considered a dog. He wasn't. He was massive for even wolf standards. He looked up as he rounded the corner, veering to the left to avoid the person at the end of the line. He smirked, and shook his head, moving straight for the door. He had a vip pass for a reason. He chuckled, pulling the pass, as well as his i.d. from his pocket. He flashed them at the doorman, who begrudgingly let him into the club. Fell wandered into the venue, and went straight to the VIP section, finding his normal booth that would allow him to keep an eye on everything that was going on around him. Eventually his friends, as most would call them, would show up.
Luka didn't say anything but reacted by bowing his head when Isabella produced some sort of stomache medicine from her labcoat. Luka appriciated it and could forgive his assistant for not bringing him his beloved kakao. He pressed his back against his chair and balanced his body on the chair's two legs before continueing his gaze at the series of monitors

"Three of those magic-users in total. A drow. A nymph perhaps. Lastly a fearie." He said.

"This is a good start for our faction." He added.

His head is rushing with thoughts. Thoughts on what to do with them. Very... queer thoughts on what to do with them. One side of his smile showed more teeth than the other and his eyes were for a moment not sane at all. This golden brown eyes seemed to shrink and shiver for a moment and his fingers were tapping againts his elbows in fluid rythm. A tickly almost soft feeling was residing in him as his excitement grew.

"This is a really good start." squeaked.
The metal door was bolted lengthwise, the bar moving as she pulled on the handle and several loud clunks echoed before it swung open to a set of stone stairs. Orla gave a sigh as she looked back at the group. Walking into Penryn's office would feel like walking in to meet the Devil, she knew. He had a presence that made her blood run cold, though it hadn't always been that way. A story for another time, she thought.

"The back entrance to his club is just up here," She began the short ascent up to the back alley, wondering if it had been intentional planning that his establishment was right at the opening of the secret escape. Orla couldn't help but look both ways up and down the alley as if she expected the agents to be trained on them as they emerged. When she was convinced that it was safe she stepped out onto the street and up to the door with the red and white "Authorized Personnel Only" sign and rapped her knuckles on it four sharp times.

What would she say? The truth seemed wild enough. She ran it over in her head: Oh, well, you know. My venue just got hijacked by a bunch of hopped up men in black with semiautomatic weapons and their own sense of righteousness.


She decided that she really needed a drink at this point and knocked again on the door.
Meanwhile about a block away, two Loup Garou had got of the buss and were making there way to the bar. One of them- his name was Peter- was actually in the fur today, dyed black from head to toe and wearing a Service dog vest, while the other, Stuart, was in his human form, acted as his "owner" and held his leash.

Humiliating as it is for wolf to be on a leash, it was obvious that Stuart got the bad end of this arrangement. He was a mess. Bruised, bloodied, his clothes torn to shreds and overall looking like he got in a fight with a cheese grater. Looking at the way Peter hung his head and tail low and the way he kept glancing at his partner as he limped along, you could guess who's fault THAT was.

"<...You 'Kay, dude?>" Peter said in the wolfish language. Now that they weren't on a crowded buss, they could talk to each other freely without looking crazy.

Stuart shrugged, "meh, I'll survive. I mean, it'd be embarrassing if I didn't. imagine my epitaph! 'Here lies Stuart Lycus, died at the hands of a panicked brother and twenty yards of of fast moving pavement.'"

Peter flattened his ears. "<Hey, lay off, dude! I said I was sorry.>"

Stuart chuckled. " Hey, all's forgiven, I'm not mad about that any more. But still, A HOBO? Seriously? You got scared by a HOBO?"

<"Dude! That chick was freaky!"> Peter protested.

"I mean, why do we WALK anywhere?" Stuart continued. "Just hook you up chariot, have Hobo in the front going 'booga-booga!' and I bet we'd break the sound barrier!"

"<You'd break the sound barrier if you saw her!>" Peter snapped. "<She looked like a Halloween prop!>"

Stuart rolled his eyes "Oh, puh-LEASE."

<"Seriously! First, there's a pile of blankets . I go an sniff and then there's a HEAD! RIGHT THERE! And it's GRINING AT ME!>"

"Disembodied Hobo head from hell" said Stuart dryly. "Stuff of nightmares."

Peters rant had too much momentum to stop. "<And I'm talkin' an ear-to-ear-one-eye-bigger-than-the-other-"I'm-gonna-eat your-liver" kinda grin! THAT kinda grin!>"

"I'm sure she was just saying 'hi', Pete"

"<Yeah, and then she goes, "HI PUPPY!" and reaches for my FACE! I swear, that hobo wanted my SOUL dude!>"

Stuart smirked "So does that make you a hobo-phobe?"

"<Oh, shut up>." Peter growled indignantly. There, their conversation ended as they were now entering the bar.

Stuart shook his head. Peter was always jumpy, especially as a wolf, but mostly, he just didn't belong the city. But then again, neither did Stuart. He had to adapt. Both of them were country wolves. Living out in the woods with the rest of their family until one day, Stuart decided to head out into the big city decided in search of adventure and fortune. Well he found the "adventure" part at least. Got involved in a little criminal activity just to pay the bills (and I'm getting the impression that the local wolf-pack has sort of a mobster mentality anyway). But the cruel reality of urban life didn't stop Stuart from telling his mother all about how great he was doing, so Mom, thrilled to hear about her sons success, decided to send Peter his direction so he could maybe show him the ropes.

And believe me, if she knew half the ropes Stuart had been showing Peter, she would rip both their heads off. And that is not a hyperbole.

Edited. They just entered the bar .
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Henry's cell phone vibrated silently in his pocket. Glancing at it he saw it was one of his employees calling him. He pulled a bluetooh headset from his shirt pocket and twisted it into his ear.

“Hello...” His voice was calm and reserved for now. He didn't like to be disturbed if it could be helped.

“Sir, Orla is trying to gain entry to the club via the...” the unfortunate employee who was on cctv shift that night jumped as his boss interjected.

“What?!” Penryn's voice cut though the darkness he was standing in and caused several customers down below to jump. With the expression of a man who had just drawn a knife Penryn listened to an account of what could be seen on the cctv.

He considered ordering the camera to be turned off and the files deleted. That would be something that would have to wait. Something was clearly wrong if Orla was here and with wounded. He needed all of his cameras on. Speaking again he ordered that more people be stationed over looking the cameras on all sides of the building and that he is to be alerted to anything suspicious, vans, or people of interest. Then he reached for his phone and scrolled though his contacts till he found one named Phoenix Wright. He clicked on the portrait and selected text.


Orla is here, something is wrong. Might need legal advice. My office.

He hit send then paused before adding in a second message.

...Bring the wolves if you see them.

He hoped a show of force wouldn't be necessary but it might be of use somehow as long as they didn't cause any more trouble. At the other end of the Club the lock on the service entrance switched to open with a click and a soft buzz. With another sip of whiskey he went and lent against the wall of the balcony, so that he was directly opposite the stairs up. Finally he took off his sunglasses and returned them to his shirt pocket, his eyes clear silver rings glaring in the darkness.
Akane tapped her foot impatiently as Orla knocked at the door. She tried to be patient, she really did, but only a few second went by before she couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay! Seriously?" The girl grumbled. "Gun toting maniacs could be here at any moment and we're waiting for someone to open the door for us? Pardon me." Akane pushed past the elf and pulled out a set of lock picks.

"This will only take a second..." She said as she began to pick the lock... Only to have the door unlock itself. She stared at the door for half a second before shrugging and pocketing her tools.

"After you all." She said, opening the door for the group.
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Peter and Stewart climbed the stairs to the VIP booth.

"Let's not make a scene this time, okay?" Stuart said to Peter.

Peter scowled "<dude, I GET IT! what part of "lay off," don't you get?>"

Peter expected the usual, lackadaisical, snarky response from Stuart, but was caught off guard when Stuart grab his mussel and looked him in the eye with a stern expression. "The part where screwing up gets us KILLED." He hissed. "I'm SERIOUS, Pete! If we become a liability, we might 'get taken care of'"

Peters eyes widened. "< Wait, I thought the boss was... you know... good guy-ish>"

"What? Fell?" Stuart said in a hushed voice. "Oh, Yeah, he's a saint (As long don't make any pirate jokes about him). I was talking about Harry and he is different. He's a little more vulnerable than Fell so if we trigger his paranoia, he wouldn't shed a tear about cutting his losses. And by "losses" I mean "our throats". As it happens, you've already made a bad first impression, so with all due respect Pete, please please please please PLEASE suck up your pride and do exactly as I say!."

Peters gulped. He was liking this line of work less and less "<Okay.>" He sort of squeaked. (Imagine, if you will, a wolf squeaking).

"Alright, good." Stuart let go of Peter and they continued walking up to the balcony. "Just let me do the talking and will be aright... Oh yeah, That's not gonna be a problem, is it? Heh. Ok then, just stay off the furniture. And don't pee on anything"

"<What am I, a three year old?>" Peter growled.

"Do you want a nice answer, or the obvious one."

"<Oh, Shut up>"


After a little theatrics with the bouncer ("Look I have a VIP pass! Are you going to kick me out because I'm not dressed nice!? No. Now quit starring... What, him?... Yeah, he's my service dog. For emotional support... Well yeah he's a big dog! I have big PROBLEMS! Now LEMME IN before I CRY!"), Stuart an Peter entered the VIP lounge.

"Hey, Harry! Sorry I'm late." Stuart announced as he came in. "Friggin buss didn't arrive on-"

He stopped mid sentence. The person he found himself talking to was NOT Harry. It was Fell. Fell Blackcoat. Their own boss and the flippin pack leader. Apparently he decided to come and grace this meeting with the cyclopean glory of his presence in person. Without telling Stuart.

This was both reassuring and highly intimidating at the same time.

"Oh! Hey! Fell!" Said Stuart with surprise. "I, uh, didn't know you were gonna be here!" His mind raced to find an excuse for his current ragged condition that didn't make him look like a wuss.
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Fell cocked an eyebrow at the two just as he pocketed his phone. "Get up, Peter. No dogs allowed, remember?" He toyed, his voice deep, and lyrical. He stood from where he sat, shoving his hands into his pockets as he appraised the state of the two. He sniffed slightly, and shook his head. "What kind of trouble did you two cause this time? My desk better not have paper work about it in the morning." He growled softly, "You look like you tried to ransack a fox den." He chuckled. "Better not let Larka see you like that." He added, shaking his head. Fell moved for the stairs, nodding for them to follow. "Henry needs us to meet him in his office. Orla seems to have gotten herself into some trouble." He yawned. He didn't wait for any responses, and continued his way to Henry's office.

Treven blinked as the door clicked unlocked, gripping Aviur's hand tightly. For a magik, she was by far not the most courageous. She really had no fighting skills. "We'll be safe here, right Ms. Orla?" She asked softly, her form changing to a slightly smaller girl, her hair turning a bright platinum blonde, and her eyes changing to a deep ocean blue. Her long hair seemed to shrink and and twist until she had a shoulder length mass of cascading curls. She always felt better hiding in a different appearence when meeting shady people.

Isabella's eyes seemed to light up with fascination and excitement. "Three?" She breathed, turning to look back at Luka. She giggled softly at the look on his face. "Hey, Luka. Your crazy is showing again." She teased lightly, and moved back over to her chair. She sat, and crossed a leg over the other, folding her hands into her lap. "This is most certainly a good start for us. The others will definitely be excited about the news." She said lightly, her own thoughts racing on the possibilities of what they could learn.
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Luka calmed himself to an extent but kept a white toothy smile on his face and turned his attention towards Isabella. He tried to stretch one arm towards the keyboard and caused him to move around on his seat before actually landing a finger onto the enter key.

The screens revealed a more extravagant area of the blocks while keeping the area of the concert centered. Red dots still flittering around the place and a number still close by his spybot that he had slipped into the concert. He close his toothy smile and hummed a low note faintly to himself and Isabella.

"I think we should call off the raid, it looks like it's over and I want those three things back at HQ."

"We'll deal with more of them when the time comes." , Luka said with a reassuring voice.
Dethbycoffee said:
Fell cocked an eyebrow at the two just as he pocketed his phone. "Get up, Peter. No dogs allowed, remember?" He toyed
Peter looked perplexed. 'Get up'? He was standing up, wasn't he?

Fearing Pete would short circuit, Stuart leaned over and whispered, "Turn human, dip-wad."

Ohhhhhh. On two legs. Gotcha.

And one impressive transformation sequence later (that I'm too lazy to write), a scrawny young man with dark, ruffled hair stood up next to Stuart and brushed himself off. "Thanks".

Dethbycoffee said:
"What kind of trouble did you two cause this time? My desk better not have paper work about it in the morning." He growled softly, "You look like you tried to ransack a fox den."
Stuart scratched the back of his head. "Yeeeaaaah, sorry about that." He said with embarrassment. "Tried to do the whole "horse and chariot" thing with a skateboard. As you can see, didn't work so well. Ended up falling off and got dragged about half a block down the sidewalk." 'It's better he doesn't know about the hobo,' he thought. 'Looking immature is embarrassing, but looking wussy really kills a smugglers...' He looked down at his torn up clothes. '...Professional appearance... Ah, who am I kidding?'

Dethbycoffee said:
He added, shaking his head. Fell moved for the stairs, nodding for them to follow. "Henry needs us to meet him in his office. Orla seems to have gotten herself into some trouble." He yawned. He didn't wait for any responses, and continued his way to Henry's office.
As the two brothers followed Fell up the stairs, Peter asked Stuart, "who's Orla?"

Stuart shrugged. "Hell if I remember."
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Adrian was mostly lost in his own world. Still processing everything that just happened. He was only barely paying attention to the people around him. He still couldn't believe there were others like him. He couldn't believe that a raid had just gone down like that. That's exactly what that was. A raid. If anyone knew it was him. He's been in his fair share of them. But they weren't after guns, money, for drugs. What were they after? Why hit a concert? And why, why, why did Carry have to die?? He was beset by questions and emotions. The atmosphere directly around him dropped in temperature again. It matched his mood, and he didn't care if people next to him felt the chill. Right now, he didn't care much for anything. He watched on as the girl set about trying to pick the lock on the door ahead of them. He heard the lock click, he watched as the singer changed shape again. He watched as everyone headed jnside. Watched from afar. Detached from reality almost. Everything seemed to move in slow motion to him. As if it were all still surreal. He took a deep breath and followed the group inside. Using the air around him to push the door shut behind him
Everyone had continued walking while Aviur fell behind due to the strange otherworldly being that controlled his every thought and action being away for a time however now he was back and Aviur rushed forward to catch up to the small group of friends. Maybe it was the occasionally flickering lights in the already dark corridor but there was a sense of unease that settled down to nest in Aviur's gut and idly fingered his idly but grimaced as he remembered that it was out of commission for now until he got some more lighter fluid. If anything serious went down best he could hope to do was distract any enemies with some outstanding screaming and desperate flailing.

They came to a closed door with the sounds of muffled voices coming from the other side and he looked at the faces of everyone nervously before reaching out and giving a single, timid knock before recoiling away as if the door could reach out and chew on his hand like a used shoe. "Well looks like nobody is there. Anyone up for coming up with a planB?" He asked eagerly but before he had even finished talking he heard the telltale creak of the door opening behind him and he hung his head with a sigh before turning to walk into the adjoining room.

There were a group of three men inside two of which seemed similar enough to each other that Aviur had a small niggling feeling they were in some way genetically similar. Relatively anyway. " Oh bollocks." Aviur said staring at the faces of the men in ront of him. "Uh... Don't mind us. We were just looking for the uh...." He looked around desperately seeking some help. "Uh you know. Orla, tell them what we were looking for and then we can humbly bugger off."
Orla sighed heavily at the group, crossing her arms and entering the doorway. She didn't want to have to speak: she could feel bile threatening at her throat, just daring her to open her mouth. It had been sickening, really, everything that had just occurred and it seemed that it was only just beginning to set into reality. They had been pinned in and hunted like game, for Gods knew what purpose. What of the ones that didn't escape? The ones who caught bullets?

She wanted little more than to shut her eyes and fall asleep somewhere safe. Then again, what was safe anymore if not her own property?

"I need to see Penryn." She said to the dim lit room, eyes eerily luminescent under shadow and lack of light but keen on all shapes in darkness. "It is extremely pressing."
Fell Blackcoat

Fell crossed his arms over his chest, and eyed the group with his one good eye. He looked to the redheaded male who spoke first, and took a deep breath. He was a magik. He could smell it. He let the breath out loosely, and smirked. Fire. That was clear. There was another female that smelled similar to him. They must be matching magiks. He thought as he scanned the group. With another deep breath he recognized a magik in touch with the air, that was certainly entertaining, as well as the elf woman, and another that was nearly unidentifiable by scent alone. She smelled of so many different scents, it was near impossible to place her. Fell immediately didn't like her, merely because he didn't like her scent. Though, he wouldn't outwardly show his distaste, that would be rude. He looked at his two underlings, and shrugged, then looked back at Orla when she finished speaking. He looked at her flatly, and raised an eyebrow at her. With one hand, he silently pointing to Henry, standing off to the side.

Treven Castille

Treven hugged herself behind Aviur, nervous about this new, dark place. She wasn't normally so, but after what had happened at Orla's club, she was on edge. She peered at the three, and glanced toward a fourth that was almost unnoticeable if it were for the one man with black and white hair and an eye patch pointing him out. An odd curiosity came over her, wondering why he had an eye patch, but didn't dare ask. She looked at the other two now, and felt at odds that they looked so much a like. Even though it also looked like they had been through a fight.
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