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Fantasy The Forgotten .:. Magiks Arise ((Open))

"I have never been more certain in my life of anything as I am certain that something will happen tonight." Orla pressed her index finger into the desk now at her side, underlining her words. "Please, look at what you will, but keep yourself safe and any other magik you might come across out there. This concert is aimed at a younger demographic, and a magik here surely fits the parameters." She shivered involuntarily. It had been a long time since she had feared what mankind could do, not since she was little and naïve in the ways of the world.

"And if something does happen, make your way to stage left and the third door on the left down the corridor will be locked: a simple door handle that should prove little resistance for you. Beyond it is our escape route. It will take us sufficiently out of harms way, and anyone we see fit to take with us." Giving a soft sigh, she looked back out at the concert, the bouncing crowd screaming the singer's words back at her and for a brief moment felt a spark of jealousy. Why couldn't she just find herself enjoying herself in the crowd for once?

"I'm glad you're here. It gives me comfort." She said after a long moment.
As the pop idol preformed her first piece, Akane pushed her way through the crowd towards the bar, located conveniently near the VIP lounge. Sliding onto a stool, she turned towards the bartender. "A mint julep, please!" She shouted over the music.

The tender just raised an eyebrow. "You don't look old enough to be drinking!"

"I promise you that I am!" She said with a smile, placing her drivers license on the bartop. He took a look at it for a moment before handing it back to her and grabbing a highball glass. She watched as he took four mint leaves, some sugar, a small amount of water, put them in the glass, and gently stirred them together with a stick. He then added ice and Bourbon, mixed it all together, placed a sprig of mint to the top for show, and finally placed it on the counter.

Akane took her time with this glass. She took sips of it while Trevan started into her second song, relishing the cooling taste of the mint followed by the burning of the alcohol in her throat. When the pop idol dragged one of the audience on to the stage with her, Akane set the glass down, put two fingers to her lips and let out a loud whistle. "You go girl!!!" She cheered, though it was improbable that she was heard over the screaming crowd.

As the song came to an end, Akane downed the last of the liquor and slammed the glass down, a big grin on her face. Now that the "flavor" drink was finished...

"Bartender! Vodka! And keep it coming!"
The flames danced and leapt in time to the various nuances of the music. At one point Aviur had created several pillars that would move up and down to the different beats that filled the air in the same way a volume bar did on a computer only this one was made of fire. Also it was awesome. It was soon apparent to anyone with half a brain and an iota of knowledge about pyrotechnics that this display simply was not natural. It was a little like that but way more. Supernatural. The blatant obviousness of it all would have given Aviur cause for pause but it was just too much fun to stop. Even he didn't know that he would be able to do what he was doing, at least to such an intense degree, but now that he was doing it it felt like the most natural thing in the world because of course fire should surround the singer in a spiral and burst outwards. That was just what a master pyrotechnician could do.

Aviur had put the lighter away some time ago to avoid depleting the fluid inside and instead kept a small ball of fire in his right hand that would send out a stream of flame to his left hand which would be used to manipulate it as needed. At least that was how it had started. The more power he seemed to use the bigger and harder to control the flame was becoming. At first it really was a neat little sphere but then it covered his hand like a glove and now it reached up to halfway between his elbow and shoulder like a fiery gauntlet. His sleeve had been burned away already but the rest of his shirt was fine and more importantly so as his burning flesh. Being immune to his own flames was something Aviur had always suspected but had never gone so far as to set himself alight to test the theory.

When the slower song began Aviur breathed a sigh of relief and he clenched his fists tightly making the flames go out before turning and heading off the stage from around the side. There wasn't much fiery dramatics he could do with a slow and relaxing song and besides which he was feeling rather knackered all in all. So he made his way to the bar, completely oblivious about his steaming right arm or his one short charred sleeve and one long regular one. "Beer. Big. Wet. Cold." He said simply as he sat heavily on a vacant barstool nearby an alarmingly young girl who seemed to be making a rather serious attempt to get smashed on shots of vodka. He shrugged nonchalantly and chugged down his glass before making a gesture for a refill. It was going to be a while though and he played with his lighter in the meantime. Opening and closing the lid and spinning it around his hand. Eventually the next one arrived and he put it away and tried to strike up a conversation with the chap next to him. It was spectacularly unsuccessful as the man seemed to be German and didn't speak a word of English. Glancing around he noticed his next best option was the girl and he put on a smile and turned to face her. "Hey!" He called out over the music to get her attention. "I'm Aviur." He tried by way of introduction then after a brief pause added, "I'm the pyrotechnician here." He made another smile and took a gulp of his refreshment before holding out his still gently steaming right hand in the offer of a possibly overly-formal handshake.
Unbeknownst to everyone a small intruder had entered the celebration of this Friday fair. A small bio-metric insect robot hovering quietly overhead in the air out of sight from the audience and their entertainers. The nano-camera had its lens zoom in and out to look at the view of this spectacle.

Elsewhere in a room full of monitors sat a man watching that spectacle. The room is bathed in emerald greenish circuits, lights slowly making their way downward from the walls to the floor thus making the dark room a strange emerald wonderland. small light green particles of dust reflect the light that the circuits give off and float harmlessly around the room. The light from the multiple screens bathe the lonely calm green dark room in warm colors of red, orange and gold.

...Beautiful... He thought to himslef.

Short smooth brown hair, amber brown/golden eyes and a somewhat yellowish skin complexion. There sits Luka, watching and moving with the crowd as well. Head bopping and thumping his leg on the ground - he's definitely enjoying the concert despite not being there. Hard to believe that this young scientist is the head of everyone else.

"Hahaha!" He clapped his hands together to applause the popstar and laughed heartily to himself. it was the point the little star was handing out - or in this case - throwing CDs into the crowd that the young man calmed down from the concert and took a sip from warmed sake. His left arm stretched over to a white palate containing a neat selection of sushi and popped the small delicacy into his mouth.

Luka put on his glasses and glanced at one screen that should have him notified and monitors the other scientists. Eventually the brutes are going to start a ruckus...
Akane paused mid drink, a little surprised that someone was trying to talk to her through all the noise. She turned to face the person talking and found herself looking at a young man with flaming red hair... a rather good looking young man at that. Bonus: he looked only a year or two older than her. Well within her range.

"Name's Akane." She answered cheerfully. She held her breath and threw back the shot, cringing as the forty proof alcohol hit the back of her throat. It took a second for her eyes to stop threatening to tear up berfore she could talk again. "So you're telling me that unnatural light show was your doing? Pretty awesome display, dude! One might even say magikal!" She was dropping some pretty heavy hints here. "If your art were to break any more laws of physics one might get suspicious."

Akane glanced at Aviur's raised hand and noted the singed sleeve, not to mention the steaming. "I would shake your hand," she explained sincerely, "but it looks a little hot to the touch."

Picking up another shot-glass, Akane downed it and stared at the now empty cup for several seconds. "You know, It used to only take six of these to get my fingers tingling." She mused, flipping it upside-down and gently adding it to a stack of nine other glasses. (The bartender glances over and his eyes nearly pop out his head.)
Aviur withdrew his hand with a small smile but inwardly he was reeling. Akane's obvious, and hinting is to mild to put here, suggestions about his light show all hit home. He knew that there was a certain stigma attached to people who could do what he had just done and his hand unconsciously touched the lighter in his pocket protectively. Still, this girl seemed pretty cool so the worry was quickly displaced and he didn't let his friendly smile fade away. Instead he focused on her rather incredible tolerance for what appeared to be vodka and a small grin spread over his face. "Bartender! This young lady of what is clearly indefinable class has a taste for the stronger things. Let's see how far this can go. Time for some Backdrafts!" He said the last word loudly and several of the patrons turned their heads to look at them with their mouths agape. The bartender looked mildly shocked too but obliged and began mixing. "You'll love this." He intoned to Akane

A few moments passed before everything was ready. There was a saucer placed in front of Akane and on it was a shot glass of clear liquid. Avuir motioned and one was placed in front of him too. Then two larger glasses with another type of spirit were brought out and Aviur took out his lighter and flicked the top open and struck the wheel to create a flame. "You want to see something unnatural, check this." The fire shot from the lighter in a blatant exposure of his power and hit the liquid in the larger glass. Flames leapt from the surface of the beverage and Aviur poured it into his already full shot glass. The saucer was soon filled with flames as the liquid overflowed and he quickly put the larger glass over the smaller one and watched as the flames went out and everything got sucked back into the glass. "Alright now this is where things get... intense." He said grinning like a child. He flipped the glass over and snapped a hand over the top, trapping the noxious vapours inside. Using a straw he carefully slipped it inside whilst still trying to keep as much of the vapour inside it. Then he sucked it into his mouth. The gas tasted far stronger than almost any other mere shot could have and he chocked from the intensity of it as the world began to fog over. Moving quickly he grabbed the shot glass and downed the contents. "Oh my god!" He yelled as the kick came on him like surge of a thousand suns. It was far stronger than any normal drink had any right to be and any sensible patron would ban them. Luckily this was not a sensible sort of place and he couldn't stop grinning for that fact.
The Raid

Treven was halfway through her concert and having a blast. Her music picked up it's pace yet again, the flames licking through the air in time with the music. Aviur was really out doing himself this time.

In the back, hidden within the shadows cast by the lights of the concert, gathered groups of people. Each with an earpiece tucked into an ear, and almost resembled special agents of the government. In fact, that was exactly what they were. Just dressed in civilian clothes to blend in with the club, rather than their tight nit suits. Someone whispered something, and many of the people nodded. The group dispersed, moving among the crowd.
"On the move, Seigfried." came a garbled, crackling radio into the scientists monitored rooms. The music quieted, and they slowed their movements until a new song ripped through the air.

More whispered words, more nods from unseen listeners. The main man, standing in the back, stared at Treven on the stage.
"She's a magik. There's also two fire users at the bar, and two near the stage. The woman who owns this establishment is one as well." he said into his communicator. More silent nods. A few of the group moved to the sides of the stage. Suddenly, any and all electricity went out. The building went black aside from any flames remaining from Aviur's magik abilities. Someone screamed.

Chaos. That's the only thing that could describe what happened. Treven froze where she stood on the stage, staring. Darkness, except for flames. "AVIUR!" she screamed, and dove off the stage. She needed to hide. Her magik flowed through her, and her appearance changed again. She needed to hide. She picked something that only Aviur would recognize as her. She rushed to where she thought was the bar, her eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness. Red hair. There! She ran over, and threw her arms around her pyrotech. "Aviur. We have to get out of here. They found us! We must have drawn to much attention!" she said softly, fear coloring her voice. "I'm not a good fighter, Aviur! You know that!! I'm only good at hiding. We have to get out of here!" she urged again, her eyes wide as she stared around into the darkness searching for their enemies.

A gunshot sounded in inky blackness. Another scream. More clicking noises of guns being primed for fire. Exits became blocked, and people began to panic. Some of the crowd was released into the streets as they were slowly determined to be non-magiks. Then there were shouts. Hateful shouts about the scientists who experimented on the magiks. They had allies. Maybe escape wasn't hopeless. Another gunshot, and another scream. The hateful words ceased. Treven's eyes widened more, and she gasped softly. Someone died. She just knew it.

"Humm... a few casualties..." He said with a straight face when he saw the chaos unfold on his monitor. He's going to have to remember this just so he can enforce his own kind of punishment on his minions... but it was to be expected.

The man glanced over to a set of keyboards and changed four of his twelve monitors into 'infrared'. The orange red body temperatures of the individuals flared onto the blueish background as the people were in obvious panic. Another four were put into a type of night vision and the remaining monitors remained normal. The young man leaned back into his office chair and popped another sushi piece in his mouth before turning his attention to the chaos that he had ensued.

The situation is progressing as it should be. People are flooding from that concert and the Magicks should do the same.

"Keep an eye on those who are deemed magic-users." Luka spoke over an extended microphone on his desk.

"And please," he paused to rolled his eyes.

"Capture at least one alive. Siegfried over."
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Adrian was heading towards the bar, he needed a drink and figured Carry would appreciate one as well. He spotted her on his way there and she was shouting and jumping with the wildest of them. He could still feel 'vibrations' in the air but they weren't much of a concern. He heard static and chatter, but figured it was someone trying to use a cellphone (dumb kids) in the middle of a concert. Or probably the guards checking in with each other. He was halfway to the bar when he spotted Orla, the proprietress stepping out from a door. Probably her office he thought as they made eye contact and waved at each other. He changed course to make his way over to her. He figured that the drinks could wait long enough for him to greet an old friend, and thank her for the tickets.

"Hey!!!! Thanks-" He began to thank Orla when chaos erupted. The lights cut out so abruptly it took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust. He felt great disturbances in the air around him as shouts and screams were let loose. His brain went into survival mode as he instinctively thickened the air around himself, and felt for Carry's presence. He felt the familiar touch of his magic around her, he lifted a hand towards her and closed his fist, enclosing her in a bubble, he pulled the closed fist towards an exit and she was pushed through the crowd and released her as she got to the exit. His other hand waving as the air around Orla thickened. Over the shouting he heard a gunshot. It came from the direction he had pushed Carry. Panicking he tried feeling the air for her familiar vibrations, her presence. He couldn't feel it. The air carrying the smell of blood towards him. Leaving Orla where she was, he rushed through the crowd to find Carry, keeping the air around him inches thick, pushing people away without even touching them. He could feel some of the other 'special' people, there were three now by the bar. They weren't a concern to him now. He only wanted to find Carry, make sure she was ok.
She had beamed when she saw him waving, raising her own thin hand to wave back as she started to make her way to the bar. She could at least enjoy herself tonight, everything seemed to be going normally and Adrian was always great company. After several crime ring busts in her clubs, she was happy to call him a friend despite him leaving the Police for the CIA. She maintained that he had been her favorite officer to work with, and it helped that he'd had a heart of gold. Of course she had said yes the moment he asked for tickets to the popular concert, but it was a decision that part of her regretted the moment the lights were cut and darkness fell. She was pushed by the guests, her hat falling from her crown of blonde hair.

"Adrian!" Orla yelled, watching him turn and vanish from sight, through the pulsing crowd in full panic as they pushed for the exits. He was going for the girl he had gotten the tickets for, and the last look she had seen on his face made the blood drain from her face. She knew it: there had been something in the works. How could they have cut the power, right under her nose? She retreated quickly into her office pulling a recurve blade from it's perch on a decorative mount and strapping it around her chest, the gleaming silver metalwork sheath tight against her spine. The sound of gun fire made her jump into action, moving through the crowd and using a barstool to jump up onto the bar, running along it toward the atmospheric thickness signature of Adrian. She called his name again, doing her best to catch a glimpse of him in the dark and bedlam before jumping down from the bar in time to hear a bullet whiz by.

Too close.

Her heart was pounding as she did her best not to get trampled by the people moving like white water rapids. She chased Adrian, but knew that they shouldn't go for the exits. It was too obvious- they needed to get to the escape behind the stage! Another round fired, more screams. Just when it seemed to be hopeless, she managed to catch a glimpse of Adrian. If there were other Magiks, surely he would be able to find them? She gasped as an elbow bore into her ribs, knocking her to the ground and a large man in black trained the sights of an assault rifle on her. With little thought, she pressed her palms into the concrete flooring and struck a leg out at his ankles, knocking him off balance and giving her enough time to spring back into the crowd to chase after Adrian again.

How careless she must have been, the other Magiks here must have been, for them to put this much effort into the premeditated attack. It had been risky to run along the bar, but she hoped that she could have at least given a beacon to any other Magik nearby being that the very obvious sheen of the blade at her back was an indication of her own race.

Her heart nearly jumped with elation when the crowd seemed to split and she finally reached Adrian, but what he had found made her freeze with shock.

"Oh," She breathed, "Oh, no,"
The large ratio of alcohol to blood in Aviur's body from the Backdraft kept a sort of foggy bliss draped over his mind and all he could do was dumbly smile as the lights blinked out and plunged the area into darkness except for the flames floating around the stage. As a scream pierced the air though something burned away everything leaving his mind surprisingly clear. His eyes darted around searching for Trevan and he quickly locked eyes on her, or at least her disguise anyway. "Trevan!" He called desperately as she ran towards him and he pulled her to him as she reached him. "I'm so sorry! It was stupid of me to take such a risk." He apologized to her with a voice that cracked after she spoke.

At her mention of getting away he nodded and let go of her. "I couldn't agree more." He said before glancing at Akane. "Akane things are about to get seriously out of hand. Come with us and we can protect you." He said before taking Trevan by the hand and pushing through the crowd whilst his other hand clutched his lighter at the ready in a white knuckled grip. They weren't even halfway to the exit when the gunshot rang out. The effect the sound alone had was disturbing and a chill flooded through Aviur like ice before melting away like ice in the face of his righteous anger.

Despite it being so loud and chaotic that single bang stood out so sharply everything else seemed to be completely silent. "Oh crap." He cursed under his breath and spent a moment arguing mentally with himself before turning to face Trevan again. "We can't do this. We can't just leave. Someone is hurt, Trevan." He said with urgency flooding his voice. "We can help. We must help. Don't worry though," he smiled and his calmer more easy-going demeanor came over him. "I'll protect you through fire and flames." He said with a grin before moving towards the sound of the shot.

It was a trial but finally he managed to make his way through and he stopped, catching his breath as he took in the scene before him. Three people were before him. Or at least two people and possibly a body. Bile rose up inside his throat at the sight of what had happened. A man stood near the fatally wounded girl and even from here he could see whoever that he was he had been very attached to the girl. Standing a distance away was the woman Aviur had spoken to earlier before the concert. The lady who owned the concert. He ran over to her. "Orla," He called out to her as he moved closer. "We have to get out of here. All of us. If you know that man then bring him with but if we don't leave now we could all end up victims here."

As if on queue three men appeared with guns all aimed directly at them. Aviur looked at Trevan fearfully and his earlier words echoed in his minds. He would do everything he could through fire and flames to protect her. Sparks leapt from his lighter and in the blink of an eye both of his arms were alive with burning flames. "Get down!" He yelled as he spread his arms on either side of him like burning wings. "Get away from us!" He yelled as flames leapt from his arms and the small group was surrounded in semicircle of fire. "This wont hold them off for long!" He cried out desperately as more men with more guns began to arrive.
The commotion around him was muted as if in a fog. The only thing Adrian could manage to focus on was Carry. The look of confusion etched on her face frpm the chaos that had been her final moment of life. He couldn't believe it. The only other person he allowed himself to get close to. And she was taken from him. The warmth he had felt in his caring for her were gone. Replaced by an empty void. Adrian retreated to an empty place, and in doing so his power reacted in turn. The temperature around him plummeted dramatically. From a comfortable 70 degrees, to 50, then 30, down to -2 where he stood. A wind picked up around him as he stirred. Swirling around him he stood, looking for the case of his anguish. The reason for his loss. In seconds he found it. A tall bald I n a suit standing in a group of three people all had rifles trained on him. They did this. They were responsible. The air around him swirled faster creating a chilling vortex at his feet. He stood and walked towards the men, not caring for the flames, not caring for the red dots trained at him or the threats they were yelling. None of it mattered. Carry was gone, and they took her from him.

He stepped into the fire, the cold air immediately extinguishing the flames beneath his feet. There was very little oxygen at the origin of the vortex, it was like a vacuum. The men began firing at him, but the atmosphere around his body had all but solidified. The bullets were suspended around him as he reached out and grabbed the terrified man by the throat. The man's breath was a frosty haze as he began to scream. Adding to the chaos outside the nearly extinguished fire. Ayden was past throwing blind punches. He wasn't some angry kid anymore who couldn't do anything when someone he cared about was taken. This time he could fight. This time someone , at least would pay. The man's fingers started to turn blue and blackish. The air around him became a small vacuum. Ayden positioned an open hand over the man's face. He just stared at Ayden confused. That confusion didn't last long as Ayden began to draw the air out of the man's lungs. Soon he was suffocating. Turning blue from lack of oxygen and the freezing air around him. Within seconds he was dead. Momentarily sated, his anger subsided long enough for him to remember where he was. He looked behind him at the small group of people staring at him. His old friend Orla, a strange red haired boy who's arms were on fire, and a small girl with black hair. They were all staring at him in surprise. Well all but Orla, as if she had known all along what he was. The wind subsided and he was able to make out the man's words "We have to go!!"
Treven felt better when she was with Aviur. She may be a magik, but her abilities certainly weren't combative. "It's okay, Aviur. It wasn't just you. You always did say I changed to much on stage." She laughed nervously. She followed after Aviur, her clammy hand clinging to his. She froze as the gunshots rang through the air, stiffly following after Aviur. Memories flooded her mind. "No..." She whispered under her breath, tears pooling in her eyes. She stumbled when Aviur stopped, and she paled as she noticed the small group huddled around the body of someone.

Treven felt sick. The cocauphony(?) of the chaos around her seeming to dull in her ears as if she were wearing ear muffs. Somewhere she heard someone yell to get down, and she dropped to floor. Fear made her blood run cold. What had they done? This was her fault. She caused the death of someone who was simply trying to enjoy her music. She felt her body convulse, and bile spilled from her mouth as she vomited. The air was thick with the smell of blood and some mixture of alcohol and sweat. She trembled. What was her problem? She attempted to order herself to calm, to focus. She didn't need Aviur to worry about her. He needed to focus. But she couldn't do anything. Or atleast, she couldn't perceive herself doing anything.
The flames were impressive, even making her step back while crouching and using her arm the shield her face from the heat. She suddenly had a confidence that they would at least be able to save themselves, but heart seemed to sit at the soles of her feet as she looked at the one who choked on her last breaths. Orla could see the fear of the men hiding behind their guns as Adrian turn this bit of the world upside down and watched as his fury closed in on the one when the other retreated. Orla put her arm out in front of the younger ones at her side.

"You're absolutely right," Orla said, throwing Aviur a nervous and rushed smile. "There's a door to stage left, It'll be locked but you should be fine to get through it. I just want to see the girl, and we will catch up!" Her hair whipped around her head as she stepped towards Adrian, towards the girl laying on the floor. She had to at least check to see if there was anything she could do for her but the hope was slowly fading in her. The shot, even from here looked fatal. There were things that Orla could mend, could heal, but her abilities only extended so far.

Before she could even reach the girl, just moments after she had told them to run, the wind tunnel slow sucked into itself and faded. The prickles of ice on her lips and cheek bones began to warm up instantly as the body of the man hit the ground with a thud that spoke of great finality. It had been enough to scare back the other operatives, perhaps enough to get them to the stage. Orla touched the girl laying lifeless on the concrete, the pool of deep red growing around her. She'd been a pretty one, even in death. Her eyes pressed closed and tear escaped her, and she reached out to close the girl's eyes.

"Adrian, we have to get to stage left. There's an escape route there, we have to get ourselves out, and the others now with us... We have to look after them." Her voice was gentle, knowing there would be time to mourn later. Standing, she reached towards his shoulder but stopped short of touching him as the operatives seemed to gain enough courage to begin rattling the doors. Orla looked back to see the others still there, Trevan recovering from her sick.

"Aviur," Orla said, with urgency. "If you can melt the lock, we can get through, but also if you can melt it behind us to seal it we don't have to worry about them following for a bit. Do you think that sounds possible?"
(Too much info to catch up on. I'll just add her in now.)

Akane watched from a distance, a bottle of vodka that she had liberated in her hands, as the wind user killed one of the armed men. He seemed oblivious to the other two that were currently still shooting at him, so Akane figured that she would help out. She took a swig of the liquor and walked on over, smashing the bottle against one of the men's head, dropping him to the ground. The second man turned to shoot her but found the handle of a switchblade pressed against his throat...

The body dropped to the ground and Akane flicked the blood off her knife. "What are y'all lolly gagging around for?" She asked, completely calm in the chaotic situation around her. Behind her the first guy she hit stood up, rubbed the back of his head, and aimed his gun at the young girl's back. Noticing him, Akane snapped her fingers and the man's liquor soaked clothing burst into flame.

"Let's get going!" She said, her eyes glowing like embers...
Aviur cursed as his flames were brushed away by icy winds emanating from the man extracting his revenge. Even the flames on his arms began to whither away to nothingness and but despite how freezing it became he found himself never uncomfortably cold. That surprised him but the relatively mild surprise was subdued and buried beneath mountains of panic at the current situation. Not the bigger one caused by the scientists, that panic had began to grow familiar and stale, but the panic that now gripped him was caused by the grieving mans vengeance. The cold, detached way the man executed his foe made Aviur look away and any words that sprang to mind quickly died in his throat.

Orla's words quickly brought him back to the present situation though and he could hear the yelling and footsteps of others rapidly approaching men with guns. "Alright, I'll wait for you but if you're not there in five minutes I'm coming straight back." He yelled over his shoulder as he began a frantic dash towards the door.

Upon reaching it he was dismayed to see his way blocked by a man similar to those he had seen earlier. Really the only thing that stood out to Aviur was the gun. "Oh come on," he tried as the man raised his gun. "Please," Aviur begged as he raised his lighter in response. "Please!" He yelled. The man's gunshot was deafening and Aviur struck the wheel.

Flames filled the space between where Aviur was and the door. The man between was caught in the flames and his screams echoed along the corridor along with smell of burning flesh and hair. Pain flared up in Aviur's shoulder and he let out a choked sob of anguish as the man burned before him. Orla spoke and he found himself nodding numbly.

More people were coming and Aviur struggled to his feet as he gathered himself mentally for one last effort. Unfortunately this time when he his thumb flicked the wheel sparks refused to catch. He tried again. And again. And again but it was in vain. "Damn it!" He yelled and he flipped the lighter around so that the wheel faced away from him and he pressed it against the wall. With a cry born of pain and desperation he rolled the lighter up the wall causing it to unleash a constant stream of sparks which finally caused the wick to ignite.

Now it was alight Aviur put the open flame just in front of the lock and his hand behind it. The flames slowly flowed forward like lazy liquid and soon covered the metal lock, causing it to glow red from the heat. With a gentle push the door swung open and he rushed inside. As soon as everyone else was inside he reacted without thinking. He dipped his hand into the liquid metal of the lock and smeared over the frame before it began to cool and harden, sealing the door completely.

It was then, as Aviur pulled his hand away, that he noticed it was covered in red. Pain in his shoulder made him groan again and he fell to his knees as spots dance in his eyes. "I think," he began in a slurred voice. "I think I may... I may have been shot." He said in a voice that seemed to echo.
Adrian was still moving in a sluggish motion. His mind now in a fog. A good portion of his rage spent. He turned his head, barely hearing what Orla had said. He barely noticed the strange girl dispatch the other two thugs in front of him. He slowly turned and knelt beside Carry's body. The rage threatening to build up and burst again. This time, he kept it in check. He didn't explode, but it was there. Simmering just beneath the surface. He looked up at Orla is skin pale from the frost build up. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it back without a word. He knew it was too late. It didn't matter how fast he could get her to a hospital, it wouldn't do anything. She was already gone. With a deafening roar, the sounds of reality rushed back to greet him. Now that he acknowledged b her death, everything hit him at once. The reality of the situation they were in. The raid. After years of busting rings, and hideouts he knew a raid when he saw one. He just didn't know who was leading it, or why. He had taken care of drug problems here and in neighboring areas. And surely he would have heard if one of the major bureaus had planned one. He stood up, struggling with the heavy burden of loss and guilt. He looked towards the strange girl. She was one of the "wierd vibrations" he had felt before. Guess that explains the glowing eyes. He turned towards Orla, sword on her back, hair disheveled, and ears sticking out...ears? That was odd. He shrugged it off as the shock making him see things... He looked around at the chaos that had begun. And he nodded for Orla to take the lead and show him where the exit was. "Where to??" He asked, as he nodded to her. He looked back over his shoulder at the stranger. "Thank you. You might have saved my life, or the life of someone else tonight." He said choking back a tear. He reached under his jacket pocket and pulled out his non standard issue Desert Eagle, it was a metallic black with bone white trim on the handle, and a white trigger. He looked down at it and smile, feeling the familiarity of it. He patted his jacket to make sure that the guns counter part was still in the holster at well. He started forward after Orla
Among Friends

Now that the group was gathered, panicked in the dark secret hall, Treven seemed to recover.
"Aviur!" she cried, kneeling beside her friend. She looked to Orla. The ears gave it away. "Help him! Please! I can't lose my friend. Please." she begged, looking up at the elf woman. Tears swam in her eyes. Her form shifted back to normalcy, her magik unable to keep her disguise up in her distress. "We can't leave him, please." she choked out the words softly.
Orla rushed forward to Aviur, tearing at his shirt with a small blade pulled from her top so she could get a better look at the wound as she guided him down to sit. "No, we are not losing anyone else today," Orla said stubbornly, she knelt beside Aviur and closed her eyes as a light glowing began at her finger tips held between her and Aviur. It spread down her fingers and palms in a light blue haze and when she opened her eyes her pupils and irises had been consumed by the same glow. "This won't be pleasant, I'm sorry... And it will still hurt for a while, but your body will stitch itself back together and you will heal. Ready?" The question was clearly rhetorical and she placed her hands on either side of his shoulder, the entrance and exit wound, with a strong grip. Forcing flesh to recreate itself was energy consuming for both of them, but she knew from experience that it was the sort of thing that made grown men melt in pain.
Scientist Isabella

Isabella walked carefully down the hallway toward her friend, and boss's, office. She knew he would be watching the raid. She carried with her two coffees, his favorite, and one for herself. Her new heels clicked against the hard marble floor, and the slightly slippery surface made her uneasy. Why did she have to wear them again? She sighed as she took another step. Click. Click. Click. That was going to get annoying. She reached the door, and knocked, using the toe of a shoe, then finagled her elbow to open the door. "Luka! I brought coffee!" she chimed lightly, smiling at him. She moved into the room, and set his cup down on the one table that didn't hold anything electronic, then moved to her own chair. She sighed, and kicked her heels off her feet. "Why is it you require women to wear these blasted things again? I swear I'm going to break an ankle." she laughed, stretching her toes against the cold floor.
Adrian jumped back at the sight of Orla using magic. "Orla? Wha-what??" He exclaimed in confusion. He looked around the hallway they were in, used his magik to sense everyone. Realizing that they all had the special presence about them. "All of you, you're different? You're like me?" He asked, shaken at the revelation. He sunk to the floor against the wall, taking a deep breath. This was too much, all at once. He had o regain control of himself, of his life. And it all started, with now. He took another deep breath. "Where does this lead?" He asked standing up watching Orla press on the wound. The blood stopped flowing, and the skin on the boy's shoulder was moving. Like it was sowing itself back together with an invisible needle. Orla was healing him? He was almost sure he was losing his mind. But he felt the air around her vibrate differently now than any other time they had met before. He wouldn't believe it if he didn't have his own powers. Then he noticed the singer in the hallway with them. When had she caught up? And where was the other girl clinging to the boy's arm before? Was she like them? He sensed the air around her, feeling the difference again. What are we? He asked himself once more, feeling the air around the boy being treated, and the other girl in that had fought with him. Not normal, that's for sure.
It was all too easy for Aviur to be guided down to a sitting position. His head was beginning to spin and the spots in front of him had begun practicing a neatly choreographed dance. Unfortunately they were black dots and therefore sucked at that sort of pastime but they did succeed in making Aviur let out a feeble groan as someone in the far distance began to speak. Something about pain and being ready.

"Huh?" He responded blearily. That monosyllabic grunt obviously was taken as confirmation because a moment later white light exploded behind his eyes and he opened his mouth to scream but before he could his voice caught in his throat as set ing began pulling him backwards and suddenly he was falling.

Aviur stood in a white room somewhere in his own head. His clothing was gone and he was completely naked but this was his mind and he felt not the least bit uncomfortable. Not until the bird showed up anyway. The avian wasn't covered in feathers like most of its kind. Rather it was covered, no, it was created from a fierce golden flame.

"Phoenix." Aviur said.

"Aviur." The bird replied as back in the real world Aviur's wide eyes began to glow with a similar golden flame.

"Who are you?" Aviur asked but the Phoenix merely cocked it's head in response. "What, what are you?" He corrected but was only met with a confused look before finally, in a voice like the roaring of a thousand fires, he received a response.


Aviur gasped like a dying man drawing in breath. His eyes faded to their natural reddish hue as they darted around taking everything in. Trevan was there, Orla had her hands on his arm. His arm. It was burning with pain and Aviur yelped at the sting, the first sound he had made so far, and recoiled as the pain began to fade away. "Holy flaming crap." He said between breaths looking at the cheery pink and unmarked skin where a bloody hole used to be. A moment passed before he finally calmed enough to let realization sink in. He looked up and met Orla's eyes. "That... That was pretty damn cool." He said eventually with a hint of envy. If only his power could be used to heal. Maybe that man from earlier... The smell of burned flesh sprang to mind and he shivered before locking eyes with Trevan. "You're alright!" He exclaimed happily as he scrambled to his feet to embrace her out of sheer relief. A relief so sheer and profound that a grin sprang to his face and refused to leave. Everything would be okay.

Somewhere deep inside Aviur a fire had been lit. A fire of golden flames and life itself. It was small now but it would grow and part of him was now irrevocably a phoenix.
Treven smiled just as widely as Aviur came to. She hugged him with all the force she could muster in her small frame. "Oh thank god! You're okay!" she said with a relieved laugh. She glanced around, and smiled at the people gathered in the hall. She looked to the one who had manipulated the air, and approached him. "Hey. I can see your confused. It's cool. We're magiks. All of us." she said with a smile. "Or at least, that's what I've heard people called those of us with special abilities." she laughed. "Aviur manipulates fire. I can change my appearance into anything I want if it's a living creature. Orla can heal. What about you?" she asked curiously.
Adrian looked at Treven. He seemed confused still, but slowly it was making sense. This was the girl that was with them before. Aviur, (he guessed that was the boy) was maniuplating the fire in the show, and the fire around the gunmen. "Magiks?" He asked puzzled by the name. He nodded and shrugged just accepting what was right before his eyes. If he learned anything on the force, don't doubt yourself, don't doubt your gut. And definitely don't look a gift horse in the mouth. If someone is offering information, take it and file it away. Process it and comb through it later. "I guess, air. The air in and around me." He said being vague. He didn't know everyone here, so he didn't want to give away all everything. "I'm sorry, I lost control back there" He said looking away sheepishly, hand behind his head scratching it nervously.

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