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One x One the foolish friends (the manor)



angel eyes ♡
allure allure

nickname_ charlie
age_ 17
gender_ male
relationships_ he’s (perhaps unexpectedly) very close with eric. he’s a bit angry with tabitha because of how much she ghosts on them, since her actions encourage animosity within the group.
persona_ he's chill and goes with the flow, making him someone who gets along with most people. he’s not the type to get angry over trivial things and absolutely hates conflict. charlie does his best to keep the peace within his group of friends. he prefers things to be lighthearted and laidback and uses humor to accomplish this, constantly cracking jokes and acting silly to make others laugh. his attempts at keeping the peace don’t always work, however, as he is easily overwhelmed by arguments.
backstory_ grew up in foster care, has plans to move out and live on his own as soon as he turns 18
group quirk_ it was his idea to go into the haunted house in the first place, but he meant it as a joke and didn’t think that everyone would take him seriously.
endurance_ 35

nickname_ jinnie, jinah
age_ 16
gender_ female
notable relationships_ she relies on eric and melanie to be the people who defend her and comfort her since she’s bad at standing up for herself. she has secret romantic feelings for melanie.
persona_ she’s a ball of sunshine who’s known for always staying optimistic in the face of difficult situations. she keeps up a strong and unaffected front most of the time, never seeming to get actually upset, but is still often labeled as a helpless airhead due to her somewhat ditzy demeanor. jinnie is quite sweet to everyone, though it’s not always genuine. she can be whiny at times but is an effervescent, happy individual in general.
backstory_ comes from a wealthy family and privileged background. has had quite a sheltered lifestyle, was taught by her parents to always show a “good appearance” in public, causing her to repress all her negative emotions even around her friends.
group quirk_ the friend who always sees the silver lining
endurance_ 87

nickname_ eric
age_ 16
gender_ male
notable relationships_ he’s especially protective of jinnie, who he sees as a little sister almost. his closest friend in the group is charlie.
persona_ you could call him a rebel. or, more accurately, a bad boy. he’d probably snap and snarl at you if you ever did, but his cold demeanor and harsh way of speaking gives him that kind of reputation. eric is a very “fuck the system,” doesn’t care what anyone thinks type of guy, or so he likes to pretend. in actuality he depends a lot on his friends and loves spending time with them. he’s kind of a hardass but still very soft for the people he cares about.
backstory_ his parents’ jobs require them to travel a lot, leaving him to live with his older brother, andrew. andrew is involved in some shady underground shit, but aside from that, he and eric have a great relationship.
group quirk_ despite his somewhat grating attitude, he’s a player, known for breaking hearts and never committing to a relationship
endurance_ 56

nickname_ tabitha, tabs
age_ 17
gender_ female
notable relationships_ tba
persona_ she’s charismatic and bold, one of the more popular members of her group of friends. in fact, she has so many other friends that she doesn’t spend as much time with the group as she could, which puts a strain on her relationship with some of them. tabitha can be hotheaded and won’t hesitate to speak her mind. she’s very independent and tries not to rely on other people. she sees things in a realistic and more mature light than most, but it’s hard for her to recognize her own flaws.
backstory_ comes from a middle-class family, has 4 siblings so they all constantly compete on who can be the best in certain aspects.
group quirk_ she was the unofficial “leader” of the group, so to speak. she’s well-respected enough to have a lot of influence over the others, but that has probably changed recently due to her absence.
endurance_ 67
Castello Castello

nickname_ Harry
age_ 16
gender_ Male
notable relationships_ Very close friends with the popular Marcus, for reasons that confuse others, but are deeply rooted in their history together. Does not seem to be close anyone else in the group, but is on friendly terms with everyone except Alison.
persona_ A quiet introvert who tends to keep to himself most of the time. While he does participate in some of the group discussion, he can be quite distant and aloof emotionally. That being said, he is a very composed individual, good at keeping himself under control.
backstory_ Was born in England when he was young and lived there until he was ten years old. His Dad was offered a job in America and after leaving his friends in England, has had trouble making new ones since.
group quirk_ Has a British accent a lot of people make fun of.
endurance_ 95

nickname_ Marc, though he prefers his actual name
age_ 17
gender_ Male
notable relationships_ Harry's best friend and makes sure to be close to everyone else. Has had a secret crush on Tabitha for a long time, but has recently felt more neutral towards her. There is still some yearning, however.
persona_ A reckless individual who loves to try new things and experience danger in his life. He pushed for Charlie's "joke" idea of going to the mansion and is not immune to other crazy ideas. Marcus has trouble listening to others and is very forward minded, unless it is Harry's advice. Is a natural leader and confident in his abilities.
backstory_ Has always been successful in his life and marked with uncanny luck. He is very involved in soccer and has spent most of his life playing. When he and Harry were in seventh grade, he stole his parent's alcohol and got incredibly drunk. At the middle of the night, he wandered into the middle of an intersection and was almost struck by a car. Had he not been pulled out of the way by Harry who risked his life, he would have died.
group quirk_ Has taken the torch of the group's leader since Tabitha left.
endurance_ 60

nickname_ Mel or Melly
age_ 16
gender_ Female
notable relationships_ Is Jinah's best friend and would do anything to keep her safe and happy.
persona_ A natural perfectionist and a very protective girl. She feels obligated to support those who need her help and relies on doing this to validate herself. While seemingly confident, she is quick to lose faith if she suffers a failure.
backstory_ Comes from a very strict household with plenty of rules and because of this Mel has always been forced to aim high in life. She has always earned high grades and is a star on the school's baseball team, better than most boys her age even.
group quirk_ Is terrified of the dark and still sleeps with a night light.
endurance_ 40 alone, 80 with a group

nickname_ Alli
age_ 17
gender_ Female
notable relationships_ Is hated outside this group of friends and is often at odds with Tabitha and Harry, both of whom she believes do not belong in the group. Despite this, she is relatively nice to the others who she sometimes relies on for support
persona_ a vain and emotionally unstable girl who is known to have a jealousy streak to her. She is rude and judgmental to people she has never met and loves to hold grudges. She perceives herself as a mature individual and this has caused her to be narcissistic and selfish in her actions. She is, however, very grateful to those she cares about and can go out of her way to show her thanks.
backstory_ Born to a neglectful single mother caused her to have very little of a childhood as she was always pressured to act older than her age. While she is silent about this, she has been beaten by her mother and uncle and is emotionally abused.
group quirk_ Is always working at her part time job so she can pay for her "lavish" life.
endurance_ 20
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