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Realistic or Modern The Fog


~lumos maxima~

Ominous Fog in Kaiseburg!


Citizens of Kaiseburg, Louisiana woke to a sudden and terrible surprise last Sunday morning as a strange fog seeped through their doors and windows. This was not just any fog, however, but a fog created by our very own Government to be used as a weapon against our enemies. Once the fog touches a human beings skin, it is supposed tear the flesh and boil the organs. However, the so called 'test subjects' whose lives were torn away from them by this fog displayed neither of the expected symptoms. Instead, the fog left a terrible burn across the skin of each citizen who had contact with it, and only God knows what it's done to their brain.

Why would the government make such a weapon? You might ask, well, that question would be better answered by our darling president, who has yet to deliver a single statement regarding this murderous fog. For now, Kaiseburg has been quarantined, in hopes to keep any of the toxic fog from leaking out into the open. The families of the late citizens of the small town are rioting, demanding to have their loved ones' bodies. Why is the Army denying access for hurt families, why will they not allow reporters in? Is there something being hidden from us loyal Americans? More on the story next week.

Kaiseburg Citizens... Alive?


Last week our paper covered the deadly fog that brought terror and death to a small town by the name of Kaiseburg, Indiana. After days standing out in the open, begging to know more about what exactly happened to the citizens of Kaiseburg, our reporters bring shocking and almost unbelievable news to you. The citizens are not dead! Reporters Angela Johanson and Rick Tull met with one of the leaders who are working to cover the Kaiseburg incident up, and were brought face to face with a citizen of the small town who had lived through the fog.

"He looked dead. They had him in a hospital room or something, running tests on him, and when we went to look he actually seemed as if he were rotting right in front of us. Boils covered his face, his teeth were falling out-" The paper has opted to cut off the rest of Mr. Tull's statement, for it might be much too gruesome for some. After demanding to see the other citizens, our reporters were promptly shut out, with the excuse that the other citizens were sleeping. What sort of disease did the fog give to the people of Kaiseburg, Indiana?

Families of the infected are refusing to back down. Knowing that their loved ones are alive is not quite enough for them. Americans everywhere are demanding answers, rioting the streets. Everyone wants to know what got into the scientists of the American government. What possessed them to 'test' their experiments on live human beings? Do not worry, readers. We will get to the bottom of this. More next week on this mind-boggling event.

Infection Spreading


The Kaiseburg Incident has unfortunately become the Indiana Incident. As said last week, the Kaiseburg citizens were discovered to be alive, but terribly sick. They had been quarantined for the safety of the people in the area, for scientists did not know if their disease would spread. We regret to inform the citizens of America, that the infection has, indeed, spread. Late Monday night, a young woman by the name of Kendra Winter was walking home with her friends from the park. An elderly lady in hospital garb approached them, and this young lady stepped forth to ask the woman if she was alright, only to grabbed roughly by the shoulders and bitten.

"We had just been messing around at the park, talking and sharing deep thoughts. We were all going back to Kendra's house because her mom was making dinner- wonderful cook, Kendra's mom. Anyway, this figure sort of showed up at the end of the sidewalk, walking toward us. It was obviously a person, but it was making such a weird sound. Gargling. Kendra stepped forward and asked them if they were okay, and when the figure got close enough we realized it was an old lady wearing a hospital gown. She didn't say anything, she just grabbed Ken and bit her!" Stated Matthew Nichols, a senior at a local high school.

Ms. Winter was rushed to the hospital, and remains there under strict regulations. The doctors keep her behind thick glass, scared that the infection would spread even more. Ms. Winter's friends had taken it upon themselves to subdue the woman, and she has been taken to a lab where she will be studied. Nobody knows how this old woman escaped Kaiseburg, but what we will all stand by is that if she could, the rest could as well.

Cities nearby Kaiseburg have been put under lock and key, road blocks in and out of the cities to ensure another infected person is not brought in. Reporters are no longer allowed to write about the incident, but for this very last blurb we would like to inform the citizens of America: If you ever see someone who looks as if they are already dead, but walking, keep as far away from them as you can. We believe the government's deadly fog has caused what everyone thought would never happen.
This Is The Apocalypse.

It has been months sense the outbreak. The infection has spread across the country, with more of the infected than the healthy. Those who are surviving, are forced to rely on one another to live. The only way to protect yourself from the infected, is to aim a blow to their brains. The scientists have abandoned the country, but there is one group who refuses to lay down and die. Who will you be?

This Roleplay is open to only 14 characters; and you can have a maximum of two characters. We will be roleplaying as one group!

Member groups are listed below:

-Leaders: ONLY 2

-Medics: 3 only

-Hunters: 2 only

-Scavengers: 3 only

-Cooks: 1 only

-Unable-Bodied: 3 (children below the age of 13; elderly people)


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