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Realistic or Modern The Fog - Settings/Locations


~lumos maxima~



The campsite is located in one of the many forests of Michigan. There are trees surrounding the camp on all sides, with barbed wire stretched from tree to tree. There are also large, farm bells hung from the wire to alert the group if a threat is nearby. There is only one camper and it is used for injured people. The camper is pulled by a blue truck that is driven by one of the scavengers, Christopher. The rest of the group sleep in tents that are set up throughout the clearing depending on where each individual member wants to be situated. The leader keeps extra tents inside of the storage chamber of the camper in case there are any new members that do not have a tent. In the center of the camp there is a large fire-pit used for cooking and gatherings. Around the pit are lawn chairs and logs for leisure. The group uses the leader's tent for important discussions, and the children are schooled by their parents in different tents each week. The hunters are permitted to go wherever they need to hunt for food for the group, including the lake which will be described below.

The River


There is a running river not far from the camp where the group goes to get water. There are rocks around and inside the river, slippery boulders mostly. The little river leads through the woods and out into a large lake, where the hunters fish and the group bathes. The lake is very large, and the hunters have a boat that takes them out to the deepest part of the lake. They use worms or small fish as bait.



The city sits outside the forest about thirty minutes away from the campsite. The city is small, and is beginning to get low on supplies. There is a shopping district, which holds thrift stores, clothing stores, food stores, and much more. On the outskirts of town, there are homes along the hills and streets. These homes are nothing big and fancy, but usually hold enough household items for the group to get by. The reason the group does not stay in the town is because the town is out in the open, where the infected are sure to wander along eventually. In the camp, they are able to stay together and work together to maintain the safety of the group.

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