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Fantasy The Flooded World [Closed]

"Can't we talk about this?!" Pip heaved the wreckage onto the first orc that approached, and rummaged through the gunk in search of a specific book. "cottage, cabin, tower, why so many buildings?! Ah, that'll do!" Pip's horn glowed (glew?) minty green, and he began plucking miniature sized empusas (empusi?) from a page, bombarding the orcs with them. "I'll have you know I have no idea what I'm doing!" Pip also made a mental not to give them more clothes next time.
Korstus frowns at Bones' sudden assault of the pirates, and snaps his fingers, Spear Guy dissipating into mist and, in turn, the spear Bones was holding. "Hey, buddy! You know what'd be really nifty? If you didn't do that again!"

"Something's wrong here, boss..."

"He doesn't feel right..."

"Think he's one of us?"

"No, not quite..."

Korstus' eyes turn a deeper shade of blue, and this time two spirits appear, clad in oversized helmets. Thick, ethereal rivulets of blood trail down their bare chests, and they're both wielding longswords.

"Listen, as much as I'd hate to sic The Pentients on you, I'm not seeing much of a choice. Back off."
Bones and Korstus

@hector212121 @Bluesunnyday

Rather than fight against the chain shoved into his mouth by Bones, the wolf-kin clamps his jaw down on the metal and holds on tight. He growls loudly and shakes his head, trying to tear the chain from the orc's hands. Hornswoggle let's out a low, pained groan before falling to the ground in a bloody heap, dead.

Bones' kick to the chest is barely enough to get the enraged wolf-kin off of the chain. Apparently, that bite had some considerable force behind it because as soon as Bones starts to swing the ball and chain, the chain snaps and the ball goes flying through the window of some poor shop.

The wolf looks like he's about to rush at Bones again, but then he notices the two ghostly figures nearby and stops dead in his tracks. He was ignoring Korstus before, but now he couldn't bring himself to look away from him, seemingly frozen in fright. "Holy hell... No way, that can't be right..."



Grazk watches you as you speak, quite intently in fact. He almost seems bored while you talk, but a brow does raise slightly when you call yourself 'The Jewel of the East. Which is a little odd, because he didn't seem all that impressed by 'The Queen of Pirates.' It's possible that he recognizes the name, but he tries not to let much emotion show.

"Authority, ey? Well I wouldn't call myself that, but I do have a good deal of influence here in Port Razule and the surrounding seas. But if you're after trading, then that shouldn't be much of a problem."

Grazk just barely smirks as he speaks. "You're not from around here, so I'm going to guess you don't know the rules around here. Really, there's only one rule that anyone can agree in. 'Don't fuck with Port Razule.' I suggest you listen to it, the local scumbags really seem to like this place."

Grazk motions for his boys to get out of the way, and steps himself aside to stop blocking your way. "As long as you remember that, I think we can get along just fine. I might be interested in some economic deals, depending on what you have to offer. From the looks of things, Miss Nejem, I'd say you have quite a lot."



Barry's creepy grin widens when you agree, and he takes a quick look around the room without moving his head. His eye's seem to stop at the minstrel for a moment, but no longer than that. The gnome sighs softly and leans in closer.

"Perhaps we should discuss this somewhere with less ears around? Wouldn't want someone overhearing your tip and beating you there, would you?" Barry whispers, not wanting to be overheard.

He then hops off of the stool he was sitting on and starts heading for the back door. Barry nods for Dipper to follow him before pushing open the door and waiting outside.



Even if Grazk and his boys weren't standing around the huge ship, you have a feeling you still wouldn't make it up unseen. The ship was incredibly tall, it'd take too long to scale. Almost any other ship docked here would be a better choice, including several bearing the same insignias as the behemoth. You also feel like Grazt wouldn't recognize you even if you struck up a conversation with the Pirate Lord. It doesn't take much for you to blend in while you wait, people don't seem to mind your presence too much unless you start bumping into them.


@Thorn of Discord

Instead of producing actuall living creatures to defend yourself, somehow you end up tossing plush dolls of insect women without clothes at the pirates. You don't notice at first, and it doesn't do anything to push the pirates back, but it does thoroughly confused several of them. One pirate, a burly man with a fiery red mane of hair, picks up a plushy and then starts laughing. Very loudly. Several of the other pirates join him once they realize what's happening.

"Oy, horse, how about this? You keep us entertained, and we won't kill you until the captain gets back and tells us what to do with you. Been a long day, and Reg was an asshole. Caught him cheating at poker last night, so I was just going to slit his throat while he slept anyways."

Korstus grins. Good, he could use his reputation a bit. "That's right, pal. The Ghost King and The Pentients are working together. Are you entirely sure this is a fight you want to be having?"

One of the Pentients suddenly lifts the hinge of their mask, a maimed, skeletal face grinning at the wolf-kin. It slams shut, scattering droplets of gore across the area. A few spatter the wolf-kin's face.

Korstus turns to Bones. "And you. I don't like your attitude. Could we not fight? Please? I'd rather not have these two carve you to bits, but you're not giving me many options!"
Spotting the strangly uniform symbols on multiple ships, Connor slowly puts two and two together. 'By the Gods above and all the Devils beneath. That's one massive fleet.' he thought to himself. He also figured that they couldn't keep track of everything little thing on each ship, which was amazing for him. Plus, there was the added benefit of being a part of a large group, if one were to sink odds were it wasn't going to be his. Decision made, he begins to prowl, which for him meant worming his way through the crowd, along the dock, searching for a ship that he would have the greatest chance of getting aboard without any one being the wiser.
Dipper internally cringed when the greasy gnome's smile widened. it was clear that the creature wasn't what one would consider hygienic and so she had trouble returning one in kind. When he suggested they move to a more private place Dipper couldn't help but lean back with a face shaded in offense but then he looked around the bar and hopped off the stool, making his way out the back.

Dipper frowned and followed him with her gaze. She was very tempted to not follow him, especially somewhere alone, but there was something else in her gut telling her she needed his information so, without further ado, she stood and took the filled glass Seymour had replenished with wine and looked to the nearest patron- which so happened to be- the Minstrel.

"Here's to not dying, gettin' me ship, and getting laid soon eh?!" She winked and threw back the drink, swallowing its contents in one go before nodding and following the nasty gnome man out the back.

When she burst through the back door, she didn't immediately see him. It had gotten dark out since she had entered the tavern and all she saw at first was the immediate glow of the torch by the door that mostly lit up a stack of wooden crates.

"Which way?" She called out.
"Please, lad. You think the Pentient pose a threat to me?" Bones discards the chain, reaches up to the collar of his shirt and pretty much tears the thing right off, revealing that in spite of the fact that he's thin as fuck, he's incredibly muscular--at least for his mentioned thin-ness. He might not even have a pound of fat on his bones. He lunges forward at one of the Pentient, slamming punches into the helmet repeatedly. Each time, they can hear his bones crack and break, but he doesn't even react to it.
Leena let's out a small, nearly sinister chuckle as Grazk speaks...

So they have heard of me then... Hopefully they shall know their place then after I let my ships conquer this dirty place...

"I see then. Indeed I do have very many riches aboard my fleet. After all, my title carries more then just riches and power no?"

The Tiger woman seemed to imply something here as she turned her gaze forward now and began to walk towards the town to see what was there, her hips swayed with her stride alluringly and tail flicking confidently as her group of body gaurds stuck close as they passed by Grazk's men.

"I shall show myself around then Monsieur, and I shall keep what you have said in mind... But if you and the rest of the port know what is good for you... As you put it vulgarly, you do not fuck with The Queen of Pirates either then, yes?"

Leena chuckled again as she passed without looking at the Ork.

"We may discuss some trading at a later time, I shall send of of my men to find you after I think on it a little bit." She waved a submissive hand as she walked away, just looking around in general to see how the locals react to her presence and see what this place has to offer.

(If given permission from creepingShade, I'll edit or add another post of Leena finding another player and interacting or something.)
Pip stared blankly at the crew, trying to remember under what circumstances he drew the naked dolls.."That cruise on the Gigantic maybe?"..but he shook his head, and wracked his brain for some semblance of an idea, one that would not get him killed.

"Er, okay...uh...check this out!" Pip summoned some plates on sticks, and spun them on his nose while standing on his back legs. Thinking fast, he recounted the last shanty he heard, ([media]

[/media]), and kept glancing around for a way out of this mess, both figuratively and literally; The dead guy was beginning to smell!
Korstus and Bones

@Bluesunnyday @hector212121

While Bones is busy driving his fist into the mask of one of the Pentients, they both plunge their swords into the orc's stomach and slowly twist the blades. They slip the blades through his body skillfully in such a way that he wouldn't die instantly, so that they could have some fun dragging out his death. However, Bones was not an ordinary person, which quickly became apparent when he didn't so much as flinch. The half-dead orc didn't even feel what would have sent even the toughest heroes of legend into shock.

This was a bit troubling, to say the least. The Pentients worked by dealing out pain, and this thing didn't even feel anything. It almost looked like he didn't even notice that he had two longswords sticking into his torso. Korstus can see that Bones shows no sign of slowing down.



You spot one ship that looks perfect for your plans. Judging from the way they're swaying and swaggering as they patrol, the two men set to guard the ship are drunk. And most of the other members of the crew are ashore. Pretty good luck, if you don't say so yourself. Really, you probably could just stroll aboard and they'd be none the wiser.

However, it'd be stupid of you to try. While no one's looking, you climb up the side of the ship. You quickly slip below deck into a cargo hold, biding your time. You could just come out now, or you could wait until there's more people aboard so you could more easily integrate yourself.



The gnome seems to have utterly faded into the shadows, without a trace. After a few moments, the slimy gnome steps into the torchlight from a corner made by a stack of crates and the wall of another building. Which is strange, because you could swear you just peered into that spot and didn't see anything at all. Maybe it's just a gut feeling, but something tells you that Barry might be a bit more than just a creepy information broker.

"Over here. I reckon there shouldn't be anyone around to listen right here." Barry peeks around the alley, and then nods. "Yep, no one. Wonderful. Just wonderful." The gnome grins widely and rubs his hands together.

"So, I guess you want to know what ol' Barry knows about Fent, don't you?" The gnome leans against the stack of crates. "Fent by himself, nearly impossible to just find if he wants to be hidden. However, he isn't all by himself. His Quartermaster, pretty drow lady named Etheryne with a golden voice, there's a rumor going around that she's his lover. True or not, doesn't matter."

"What does matter is that I know where she is. She's been staying at an inn not far from here, the Cracked Keel. And just about everyday, right before sunset, someone visits her room. Different person everyday, with different clothes and different gear, but they always have the same pair of earrings. Pair of simple pointed steel studs, with a little reddish tint. Took a while for my men to pick up on that." Barry pulls out his flask from somewhere inside his clothes and takes a swig. Whatever's in it is pretty strong, you can catch a whiff of it from where you stand. "I'd bet quite a pretty penny that the people she meet are all Fent. Do what you will with that information. Kill him, catch him, warn him. I don't care. Just tell Fent ol' Barry Duskstrider said hi."



Grazk nods, a slight smile on his lips when he hears 'do not fuck with The Queen of Pirates.'
"Of course. I'll make sure the word gets around, it'd be a damn shame if some hotshot just starting up tried to pick off one of the ships on the edge of your fleet. Probably would be the last mistake they'd make."

You can catch a couple of Grazk's men staring as you walk away, but you hear a loud thud followed by groan of pain. Apparently he whacked some sense into one of his boys, and the others make sure to keep from gawking at you.

The rest of the town, however, gawks openly, both at you, your fleet, and your massive ship. As you move into the interior of the town, people seem to be less awestruck, either because they're unaware of the new arrivals in the port, or they simply don't care. After a bit of walking, you find yourself in street lined with inns, taverns, and pubs. They range from luxurious to filthy.


@Thorn of Discord

The pirates seem to be enjoying the display, because they're laughing and cheering. One even tosses a couple of coins your way. This is probably massively embarrassing for you, but hey, at least you aren't being murdered like you honestly probably deserve.

After a while of this, suddenly everyone goes quiet. A massive, battle-scarred orc makes his way onto the ship, flanked by an entourage. You'd guess this could be their captain. And you're still spinning plates when he steps onto the deck.

"The hell is going on here? Why is a fuckin' horse singing and fooling around like a jester on my boat, and what is that smell?" Apparently he has noticed the smell of creamed orc, and sees the bloody pile of mush. His eyebrows raise and his nose wrinkles. "Good gods, is that Reg? I told you guys you could kill him for cheating and lying, but how did you even manage that? I'm not even upset about that right there, just confused. Someone clean it up."
Dipper squinted as she realized the gnome was near the boxes where she had just looked. She decided not to comment but it was apparent in her face that she was tired of his wiley ways. She listened to his information and crossed her arms as he finished.

"Alright, Barry. If What you say is true, I'm betting there is a lot of muscle hanging around the area..." She mumbled and took a moment to think before finally nodding to him and turning to walk away.

"Thanks, we'll see what I can do with this... See ya." She gave a small wave over her shoulder and walked away, back towards the center of town. She knew about where the Cracked Keel was. She's never visited it but shed heard of it. She sighed as she took a turn down an alley and thought about her approach to the situation. She was not a fighter so there was no way she was just going to bust in and demand Fent come with her to Grazk's feet, and fighting him was out of the question. Perhaps she'd just have to confirm that he was there and then send Grazk to them? She hoped no one else had this information yet and quickly headed towards the inn.
Korstus frowns, pulling his cigarette case from within his robe. He flips it open, withdrawing a cigarette. "Wow, alright, you are one freaky son of a bitch. Well, that's alright, they just go for pain. They're probably holding back. Boys, go for the throat, make it quick." He lights the fireleaf stick with a small flame from his finger. "Sorry about this, but you don't leave me much choice."

The Pentients nod, and drive their swords directly into Bones' chest.
Bones simply laughs and twists his body, snapping the swords on his ribs before reaching out to grip each Pentient by the helmet...

And begins slamming them casually together. After the fifth slam, he tosses the one on the right at Korstus with a casual air that should make this all the more terrifying, and then slams a fist with ease into the other Pentient's gut.
Pipsqueak let his plates clatter to the deck and sent a silent prayer of thanks upwards. Not waiting a moment, he went to his crashed contraption.

"Blistering barnacles!" Pip's saddle bags were soaked in...Reg, leaving most of his artwork ruined. "Jeez, you were a prick." Sighing, He scavenged some spare paper and a bit of refined charcoal, not forgetting the few coins about. He considered booking it, but it occurred to him he'd never been a pirate before. He hobbled after the captain, "Pardon me , but I see your crew is a man short, might I tag along?"
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Leena scoffed at the more filthy looking establishments, turning her gaze to the more luxurious ones here and there.

For now, she planned only to survey the area for herself and be on the look out for special individuals that could possibly work and benefit the Queen and her fleet she thought to herself...

She shall briefly visit some of the more luxurious establishments here to see what they offer, but not stay in one place for too long... But by now her men and women should be everywhere, and the crew back at the flagship are more then likely guarding everything too... It certainly would be foolish if some hotshot would try and attack one of her ships she thought... The rule she had was that, If one ship was attacked... You'd get a good portion of the fleet to attack back or assist...

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