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Fantasy The Flooded World [Closed]


Junior Member
The sun hangs high in the sky above the lawless Port Razule. It is noon. The island is filled with sounds. Insects and animals that fill the jungle surroundings the city, people arguing, laughing, talking, moving, the ocean beating against the shore. But above all is the sound of shouting. Loud, almost supernaturally loud shouting.

In the town square, a large, angry orc covered in scars with short black hair and hate-filled dark eyes stands atop a raised wooden platform. He paces back and forth for a moment, then looks over the crowd in front. One way or another, you have ended up among this crowd.

"Alright, this is the last time I'm asking!" The orc roars out, his powerful voice demanding attention. "I am, as all of you should know, the Pirate Lord Grazk! All of you know who Captain Fent is, aye? Slimy, two faced changeling bastard! Well the cretin decided to go after the wrong man! Must be daft, the fool decided it'd be wise to sink one of my ships."

There's a murmur through the crowd. Fent definitely was well known. To some, he was a devious, treacherous villain who knew no limits. To others, the man was a hero and was praised as a force for good. One thing everyone agreed on was that he was sneaky, tricky, and sharp as a knife.

Pirate Lord Grazk looks irritated, and starts to shout again. "Hey, you lot! I'm not done speaking!" The crowd almost immediately silences. "Now, as I was saying, Fent wronged me! And, as is only reasonable, I want him brought to me to be dealt with properly. Or at least his corpse. Anyone who brings this coward to me will be rewarded with whatever you want! Treasure, ships, power!" He smiles wickedly, and the crowd seems to be getting excited.

"But! Any of you get in my way, harbor that worm, or so much as think of going up against my fleet, and I will make an example out of you! You'll be damned just as much as Fent!" The orc scans over the crowd once again, then turns around and begins walking away. A path opens up in the crowd when he gets near, it's quite obvious no one wants to get on this man's bad side.
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Korstus examines the orc closely, trying to ignore the whispers around him.

"You can take him, don't be a pussy!" "Yeah, kick his ass!" "No, don't do it, you'll die!" "Oh, shit, he's right, and then we can't come back to life anymore..." "Yeah, don't fight him. Maybe we should help him?" "Nah, he seems like the "You have outlived your usefulness" type." "Oh, that's a good point..."

Korstus shakes his head, until he notices a spirit floating towards another individual. He sighs, and follows the spirit. This better be good...

((OOC EDIT: Korstus is currently approaching another player!))
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Salina stared at the orc, her eyebrows furrowed. Why the hell would she help the bastard? He was more of an animal than a man - and not a very attractive one either. Then, he said something that caught her attention. Power.

As the orc left the platform, Salina lifted her skirts and ran towards the man. Once she was upon him, she put her best siren smile on and popped her breasts out. She knew that the men in the area did not think that women were capable of battle, of hunting or killing or having power. She would convince him, though.

"You want Fent, eh? If I can get him for you, what shall I receive? You mentioned power."
"Oh boo hoo!" Connor shouted, half hoping the orcish captain woukd hear him. Then he'd at least be remembered as the foolish man that fought, and lost, against the big fatty over there. "Just pay for that prostitute, and a new ship while you're at it!" He wish he could afford a ship, and let's be honest he might as well add a prostitute to the bill. But it was rough going when it came to job hunting, pickin pockets was much easier but less lucrative.

@Ducky Girl

Grazk grunts and looks over at you, then crosses his arms. The massive man looks over you with harsh, cold eyes. Either he is not impressed with your display, or he's doing a good job at hiding it. The orc smirks slightly when he hears you speaking of power.

"Power you want, is it? That all depends on what sort of power you're after. If you're after magical power, that might be tricky, but I might know where to get my hands on somethin'. Fent's been a thorn in my side for a very long time, even before this, so I'm willing to pay quite a lot to get him."



The orc's attention is diverted from Salina and he looks out into the crowd. "Which one of you wretches said that?" Grazk growls out, then points to a smaller orc that must be one of his lackeys. "You! Go find them and bring them to me! Whoever that was, they need to learn some goddamned respect!"

The second orc quickly starts searching through the crowd, not wanting to draw the anger of his captian. However, he wasn't paying much attention to the crowd before, and the voice did not particularly stand out. He manages to walk right past Connor without so much as glancing at the unremarkable man.

((@Bluesunnyday I'll get a post in for you next time someone joins in. Sorry, your post kind of relied on someone else reacting to you and that didn't happen.))
"Ah up yours." Connor says, gesturing offensivly to both the captain and his lackey. "I'm surprised you can even walk without a cane you fish eyed, toad brained pig child." he spat out before taking his leave. Hopefully the piggiy's lackey didn't see him, but he very much doubted it. Being so average had it's benefits. Especially when you were wearing the opitamy of average clothing, a brown pair of pants and a brown vest over a white shirt. "Now I got to go get some food." he mumbled to himself, holding a hand to a stomach that threatened to growl.
Bones is standing at the edge of the crowd, next to a cart covered in a cloth that two of his crew members are wearing. He's currently wearing a black hooded cloak, covering himself up, a suspicious figure in the crowd. And that's before he nods at his crew members, who uncover the cart, letting him select a particular link of chain from the chain they were pretending to have bought... and pull out a 5-foot chain with a large steel ball on the end. At the same time as his crew members head back to the ship to gather the rest of the crew(except a force of five to man the ballistas in case people tried to board it), he pulls off his cloak and steps into the middle of the path the crowd left for him. He figured that he could pretend to BE Fent, since he was supposedly a shapeshifter, and when he was subjected to whatever death the captain tried, the heat would be off him. Or he could just kill the pirate lord here and now and collect the bounty.

He roars, "I AM CAPTAIN FENT, and you, are a COWARD! COME ON, THEN! You want me dead, now's your chance to do it yourself, or be forever known as the captain afraid to fight a lone man!"

Subtlety is NOT bones' strong suit. He does, however, keep the ball part of the chain behind his feet so he appears to simply hold a length of chain. In other words, he simply appears to be a well-dressed sickly orc holding a length of chain. Certainly not a threat...right?
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With nothing better to do, Dipper found herself standing with the onlookers as a large male Orc roared about a bounty on a pirate named Fent. Dipper was familiar with Fent, her father and her had done dealings with him in the past over some rare product only they could provide. He wasn't what Dipper would consider a friend, but she knew of him.

She crossed her arms as the Pirate Lord, Grazk, threatened the life of any person who decides to help Fent. She was ready to roll her eyes and walk away when she thought of the reward. A new ship? Well, she could certainly use that... She'd been stranded on this Island, the exact Island she'd spent the first 10 years of her life on and she didn't want to have to be here any longer. She's be in dire need of a ship soon what with the coin dwindling. Dipper sighed and moved across the crowd as Grazk exited stage, left.

She wasn't the first one to reach Grazk though, no another female, gorgeous and ehem, well-endowed, approached him first, mentioning his promise of power. Dipper was about to quip in about a ship when Grazk suddenly answered the call of some loud mouth in the crowd and walked away.

"Hm... alright then." She clicked her tongue behind her teeth and nodded politely to the woman who had just been talking to the orc before turning and walking towards the closest tavern. If she was going to find Fent, she would need more information.

The wooden door, worn with the salty air, creaked loudly as she pushed it open and confidently strode into it's dimly lite inside. She walked up to the bar and nodded to the tender who set an empty mug in front of her. "Dipper McCullen! Didn't think I'd see you around here for quite sometime! How's your father?" He smiled and poured some dark colored liquid into the mug.

Dipper's pleasant smile fell and she quickly lifted the drink to her lips before just setting it back down and shaking her head. "Well, I've been here for a week, just hadn't gotten around to visiting you yet..." She sighed and finally took a swig of her mug. Her face twisted into a comical pucker as she fought to keep the burning liquid down. "My God, Seymour! Is this... eh, is it new?" She smacked her lips and blinked her eyes a few times as her friend, Seymour the bartender and owner of the establishment laughed and poured her a new mug of her regular wine.

"Yes! In fact I wouldn't have been able to obtain this cask had it not been for your father, say you need to tell him to drop in sometime!" He wiped down the mug he'd taken from her and set it to the side.

Dipper made an unreadable face and sipped her wine, taking a moment to appreciate the familiar taste. "It's just me in town... I'm uh looking for work, well- not work per say, Fent." She said, deciding to stay away from the topic of her father's death and loss of ship, crew and wealth for right now.

Seymour's face grew dark. "Fent? Now why would you be in search of him? You know better than to go actively looking for a man with that many enemies." He gave her a suspicious look.

Dipper shrugged and smiled. "You know better than to underestimate my abilities and personal reasons for seeking anyone out." She gave him a small smirk over the rim of her cup.

Seymour sighed and shook his head. "Alright... but I can't really help you. I don't know much about Fent's whereabouts. If you haven't noticed he's got plenty of reason to stay disappeared." He said, gesturing with his head towards the doors where the rally by Grazk had almost completely dispersed from by now. "But- you're my friend, so I'll tell you what I know..."

By the end of the conversation with Seymour, Dipper was convinced she now new less than what she originally had when she sat down. She turned her back to the bar as Seymour wished her luck and walked away to attend another patron. She rubbed her temples and finished her drink, thinking about what little Seymour was able to offer. He had mentioned that someone saw Fent last in a different port town on a different Island, but the information was from two weeks ago so for all Dipper knew, he could be on a ship in the middle of the sea heading anywhere by now.


You probably would have been able to avoid an ass kicking if you kept your mouth shut, but with the lackey standing so close to you he is just barely able to spot you out of dissipating crowd. The lackey orc swings a telegraphed but powerful punch towards you and tries grabbing your collar.

"Get over here, you little shit! I'll pull that tongue out your mouth!"

You're grazed by the punch but luckily you can step out of the way of clumsy grab, should you choose to do so.



You follow the stay spirit, only to find it flitting around, and to your dismay you can see that it is moving towards some cloaked, sickly looking orc that's shouting about being Fent. The spirit floats around the orc, checking him out, and then snickers.

Wow, what a jackass! C'mon, let's kick his ass! If he is this Fent guy, we'll be rich. I expect a fair share of the reward, I don't care if I can't actually spend any money."

You can't help but groan and stare at the spirit, although to anyone else it'd look like you were staring at the sick orc.



You can hear the Pirate Lord Grazk laugh at your challenge, a loud, rumbling laugh.
"Been a while since anyone's made me laugh. I suggest you put that you away, because I'm about tired of dealing with idiots. My time is valuable, I'm not wasting it humoring the mad." The orc captain scoffs, turns away, and starts heading for the docks, leaving Salina behind and looking quite annoyed.

As the Pirate Lord leaves, a pair of thugs approaches you, pounding their fists into their hands. One is a wolf-kin about as big as you, and the other is tanned human covered from head to toe in tattoos. He's even shaved his head to get more 'canvas.'

"Oi mate, how about you put away that bit o' chain and go back to whatever sewer you came from?" The tattoed man glares at you, although it's a little hard to take man whose eyebrows have been replaced with tattoos reading 'Hornswoggle.' "Or we could tear you limb from limb and toss your guts for the fishes? If you are Fent, we'll be able to tell after you're dead."

You also notice a tall, pasty human staring at you from a few yards away.



You're quite disappointed and a tad frustrated by the lack of useful information on Fent. But the man was infamous for his slippery nature. Changelings were like that, being able to change your face at will promotes that sort of behavior. More people enter the tavern, speaking of the bounty on Fent. Some were elated, others disgusting, and many were just indifferent.

You notice that a short figure in the corner of the room has been watching you, almost since you've walked into the tavern. The figure starts to make his way over to the bar, and you can see that it's a portly gnome with greasy slicked back black hair and dressed in dirty clothes that once might have been fine. Just looking at this guy makes you feel slimy.

"Excuse me, Miss McCullen, isn't it? I just happened to overhear your conversation with Seymour. I wonder what aa pretty girl like you is doing getting involved in this mess?" The gnome clears his throat and holds out a hand. "You can call me Barry. What if I told you that I might be able to help you? Put you in the right direction, at the very least?"
Korstus examines the obviously suicidal orc in disdain. He wasn't going to get involved just yet, but he was certainly ready. His gaze flickers across the crowd of spirits around him, and he points a thumb to a spirit clad in rusted platemail. The spirit nods silently.
Bones repies by lifting the chain before quickly whipping it around, the ball coming off the ground only to smash into the ground inches from "Hornswoggle"'s feet, cracking the flagstones with a audible clang and flying sparks... Which are among the many reasons he wears fireproof clothes.

"Tell you what, boys. You start running, and I promise only to turn HALF the bones in your bodies into splinters."
Not far off in the ocean, a immense ship was spotted sailing over the ocean, it was almost as large as a castle with many rows of canons and popped out windows upon it's humongous, gold and iron clad sides. it's sails taller then three story buildings with Eastern insignia's painted upon them...

Far behind it many, much smaller ships followed in it's wake with similar insignia's upon their sails as they came nearer to the island...

At the Top of the massive ship's bow, Stood a woman, olive eyes gazing down upon the port down that she was now nearing.

"Looks rather pitiful..."

She mumbled to herself.

She was what could be considered a Anthropomorphic Golden tiger, dressed in a red belly dancers outfit, beads gently clacking together in the wind, around her neck a golden collar with a peculiar red insignia that didn't show on any of her ships, belted to her side an ornate Rapier gently rested itself...

It'd be about 10 minutes until her ship would be able to Dock nearby this small port... from what she had been told by her navigators, this would be the first of many stops towards the so called Western seas and lands.

He tail flicked at the idea of her ever growing power and conquering the West as she had done the East..


She suddenly called over her shoulder, and immediately, one of her crew came up to the platform she stood on, bowing his head down to her.

"Once we dock, get people to go and retrieve supplies, doesn't matter if they steal or pay for it.

This place doesn't look much more then insignificant port town, But, spread men and women, particularly spies, pirates, and mages out around the town before I go into it myself. Most of the west has yet know my know my name, but this place shall be the first to start spreading news of my arrival like wildfire if it hasn't already."

She waived a hand to dismiss the man as he nodded and went back down onto the deck.

She personally desired to get a feel for these westerners before she made any large decisions... but from what she hears, they are mostly dirty scum, greedy, and often disloyal to their captains and crews...

The massive flag-ship makes it to the small island port, pulling up port-side to a dock far too small for the monstrous ship.

The Tiger woman Walked down onto the bridge herself, heading downwards into her ship to disembark after her crew begin spreading themselves into town.

"Let no one outside of our crew board the ship, everyone be prepared to fight and protect the ship if needed.

Once we're finished here and we leave this place, signal the rest of the 'Ustul to move in and claim the town to either "recruit" or claim this port for me.

Try not to kill or destroy anything unless i command it!

I want some of these Westerners to escape, so they will spread the word ahead of time.

I want the west to know that Leena Nejem, the
Queen of Pirates, is coming to rule the west, and I will not be stopped!"

(After her crew exits and starts dispersing into Town, Leena will go forth to locate the Authority/Controlling pirates of this port with an escort of body gaurds.)
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"Nice try you ugly bastard." Connor said, slipping away from the orcs grasp before taking off down the street. Some attention he just did not want, his tune having completely switched from just a moment ago. Ducking down alleys, vaulting over fences, he ran in an attempt to lose his pursuer. Odds were that he had already lost him, but you could never be to certain with these kinds of things. And to finish off the chase that may or may not still be going on, he ran to the docks to possibly hide on a ship for a short bit. At the very least look like the multitude of dock workers that were down there.
Korstus frowns. This individual was going to cause a full on riot if he didn't fix it.

He lays a hand on Bones' shoulder, frowning. "Excuse me, sir?" His eyes begin glowing a pale blue, and the chain-mailed spirit manifests, an ethereal warrior run through with several spears. The spirit pulls one from its gut. "I suggest that you stop."
Bones doesn't even notice the hand on his shoulder. "Quiet, kid. I know what I'm doing." He doesn't even bother looking at him.

((Edit for Beo:Yeah, but I don't really have much to write until CS updates, but at the same time i can't ignore Korstus.))
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(Umm... This is Detailed, that means more then a single sentence... Terribly sorry about this by the way, I'll delete it once I figure everyone has seen this.)
"That is a spectacular view." Pipsqueak inhaled the ocean breeze as he gazed over the island. He stood on the roof of the tallest building he could find, a church that was strangely enough, converted into a bar. Go figure. "Let's do this." Pip strapped himself into a a cloth and wood contraption fashioned in the shape of a pair of enormous wings. After double checking he had all his equipment safely bundled up, he leaned over the rickety railing, and cleared his voice. "Leeeeeeeeroy Jenk--crapcrapcrap!" Pip skidded down the slope of the roof before taking a running leap from the building. But his leap of faith wasn't enough like he had hoped. "CrapcrapcrapCRAP!"

Pip plummeted fast, until a sea breeze gently lifted him into the air, making him the first unicorn to fly! "HELL YEAH!" Pip banked and turned, occasionally gaining more air, as he made his way to the waters edge. "Screw gravity! I'm flying!" Wood splintered and cloth ripped violently, sending Pip tumbling through the air. "AaAAaaaaAAAAaaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaA!"

Screaming towards the port Pip wrenched his flight path, missing a pissing contest between two pirates by inches.The wood and cloth contraption caught it's final air-draft, sending Pipsqueak flipping, "HIT THE DECK!", Pipsqueak shouted as his turned a nose-picking orc on Grazk's ship into paste with a juicy-squechling-kinda noise, and his machine into a pile of junk. He poked his head out from inside the mess and grinned a mile wide. "Now that's falling with style! I flew like a freaking mile, did nobody....uh...my bad, hope you don't mind me uh.....dropping in?" He put on his best please-don't-tear-me-limb-from-limb-and-toss-my-guts-to-the-fishes smile.
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Dipper looked up at the fat gnome who emerged from the shadows and began speaking about the conversation she had been having with her friend. When he mentioned her looks she lifted an eyebrow in a simple show of growing disinterest in his words. It wasn't until he cleared his throat and mentioned he could help her that her features changed to at least something along the lines of curious.

"Oh, can you? Well Barry, what would you want in return for this information?" Her voice was suspicious but she was willing to hear him out. She crossed her arms and leaned back in the bar seat, waiting to hear what he had to say next. She couldn't shake the feeling though that there was something about him past his vagabond looks that rubbed her the wrong way. Something slippery in the way he slinked out of the darkness at the perfect moment that she starting to think the hunt for Fent may be hopeless.

She could tell there was something that he needed and there was a piece of her that didn't want to know. At the same time, the idea of having a new ship and crew to carry on her trade was buzzing in the back of her skull, telling her to stay longer, hear the little creepy thing out.
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Madoc was dressed in his usual, odd, colorful fashion. anklets on either foot which was hung with golden bells of various sizes, loops of bells and feathers and beads, wooden, glass, and shell hung from his neck and stacked up together on both of his forearms. He wore a faded purple vest embroidered with shining bits of metal and tan strips of cloth. He wore a scarlet sash which strips of frayed blue and green cloth had been tied into., and a belt of bells was strung over his hips. His pants were simple in design, ending above his ankles, beige colored, but more bright beads and leather tassles hung from their seams and waistline. His long, thin fingers were adorned by stacked rings silver, gold, and bronze, set with all sorts of bits of colorful shells and glass and gems, though Madoc was sure most of the gems were fake. He wore a simple silver arm band on his right bicep and all of his ear piercings were filled with silver rings, his eyebrow piercing was similarly filled, and a green gem glittered from his nose piercing. beads and metal clasps were braided into the longer bits of his white-blonde hair on the left side of his face, a simple beaded head band was all he wore on his head today though. As usual he wore no shoes. This sort of dress impressed people to enjoy his performances even more. It gave them something interesting and brilliant to look at.

The bells on Madoc's ankles and belt rung in a scatter tinkling as he rose his head to cry out the last verse of the song, pulling at the strings of the oud, accompanied by the voices of men and women already drunk this early into the afternoon,

" That man of the greatest zeal cried out,

'And if death comes fer me tonight,

Well, I'll take her to bed and she'll become ma' wife!'

So buck up me matey's! The storms ah-brewing,

to the west,

And when the sun goes down tha sea,

we'll all have mead in our bellies and dancers in our beds!

Dancers in our beds.

Because we've swindled tha honest and broken tha meek!

And it may very well be the luck of Oisaa.

the luck of Oisaa.

Bu' if it is we'll pray to him another day.

For today's the day for a'dancing and drinking!

The beseecher's no more!

the scourge is struck!

Cairan the king is dead.

And now we'll rule the seas!

Forever more!

Dear old Cassandra accompany us,

On the mass of a dead man's ship.

Bless the heroes of your death and make our drinks be good and pure!


and our lover be loyal!

and our hearths be warm!

and our children grow and and strong!

Make calves be handsome!

And the fields be full!

For we'll be sailing back on the 'morrow.

We'll be sailing back on the 'morrow.

The heroes of the isles."

There was an eruption of cheers and an uproar of laughter and clanking mugs as the crowd of gathered drinkers celebrated the finale of the lyrical tale and the last call of the oud, drowning out the hum of the conversation of a woman and the tavern keeper which Madoc had been listening to absent-mindedly as he finished the song.

Apparently some fat cat was looking for the pirate lord Fend. Interesting. Madoc could enjoy pushing his hand into that beehive.

He smiled, his bright, up-turned eyes dancing as he faced the patrons, who had quieted a bit, but were still causing quite the commotion. Madoc like the noise though, it was jovial and bright, here no one was out for each other's necks, fair enough they may be drinking away their sorrows or may be fighting someone. But fights here always turned out hilariously. Tavern's were the places where strangers were your best friends, and you could get any information or adventure you dreamed of, they turned sadness into humor. Those who wished to drink in peace could slip into the shadows of corners and onto stools at the bar. But others always gatherd for entertainment around the minstrel. This was the sort of place Madoc chose to spend the majority of his time in.

"Dance for us minstrel." A low voice called out unabashedly, the rest of the drinkers cheered. There were days when they bar had many patrons, but they were well-behaved and only wished to hear solemn ballads regarding the heroics of humanitarians, Madoc could pander to those patrons as well. Yet most taverns he'd ventured into in his life, he found that there were always a few people willing to cheer and flock and dance and sing. More so late at night than in the middle of the afternoon. This wasn't the largest crowd Madoc had gathered in his life, it was only a hand full of people, yet they were still happy and loud.

Madoc laughed brightly at the request and nodded,

"Sure, sure, just let me get another drink in me first mate." The drinkers laughed as if it were the most hilarious thing they'd ever heard and Madoc shimmied through the crowd and over to the bar, gratuitously accepting when a particularly handsome (and drunken) elvish woman offered to pay for his drink.

He sat a few seats away from the woman who had been discussing Fend with the tavern keeper, still in ear shot, she was joined by a dark-haired dwarf now.

"Oh, can you? Well Barry, what would you want in return for this information?" Madoc hummed and smiled sitting back on his stool, pleased with himself, he seemed to have entered into ear shot at just the right moment. The elf, who sat to his other side beamed as she called the bar tender over for drinks, thinking the smile correlated to her presence. And it wasn't that Madoc wasn't pleased to have such a nice view. He simply found the prospect of potential adventure and trouble more satisfactory.

Aira adjusted her cloak as she slipped through the crowd, thoughts flooding her mind as she started planning. She remembered doing... business, with Fent at one point in time, though she'd gotten countless other jobs for his head. She never could find the changeling when she tried, and that's why she never took those jobs.

What made this different? She'd been dying of absolute boredom these few weeks, it seemed like no one needed someone to kill for them, just ran in and got themselves seriously injured in the process. Seriously, what were they thinking? Her existence made their lives so much easier, and considerably less painful. She rolled her eyes, and flitted her gaze around. She could write Jess, she supposed. That girl seemed to know everything. Jess had probably even slept with him a few times.

Her gaze flitted around her surroundings, landing on the tavern sign. That could do. Aira turned and headed into the building, taking in the lively environment with a quick movement of the eye. She noted someone singing and performing on stage but what caught her attention was a familiar face. The information broker she'd met at one of the cities was seated at one of the card tables, though she recalled him being absolute shit at card games. She made her way over, taking a seat beside him and shooting him a sideways smirk. "Deal me in." Aira told the dealer as she pulled down the hood of her cloak.

The broker returned it with a knowing smile. "Melier. What brings you to this sorta place, eh?" Aira tipped her head to one side as she took her cards. "I thought we were on a first name basis, Jerrik. And I should ask the same of you." The man let out a low laugh as he drew a card. "I'm here on some business, Aira. Visiting a friend, you could say." He turned and glanced at her. "What can I do for ya?" She noticed the singing in the background had stopped, and drew her turn.

"I need some info on a certain changeling, I'm sure you know who I mean. And I dare say I've won this game as well." (let's just not talk about my poker descriptions) The broker grumbled in grudging admiration. "Indeed you have. Mind if I treat you for a drink?" Jerrik stood up and offered his hand, which she accepted gladly. The two sat down at the bar, and the man called for two whiskeys. "Now, to tell you the truth, I haven't heard anything 'bout Fent in weeks. I could give you whatever I've got and go look for more though." Aira made an irritated noise and swore at Fent under her breath, and then took a sip from her drink.

"How much?" "My usual price for the bit first, we'll negotiate if I find more." "Honest man, aren't you?" she said appreciatively. He chuckled again. Aira couldn't help but feel just the tiniest bit excited for getting nearer to her goal. But good god, it'd be absolutely dreadful if he was on the other side of the world right now.
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Korstus and Bones

@Bluesunnyday @hector212121

'Hornswoggle' just looks more pissed by Bones' attempt at intimidation than anything, as does his wolfy friend. Even with several bits of the road embedding themselves into his leg.
"Have it your way. Salty, 'elp me tear this fool apart. Kid, feel free to join in." He seems to be referring to Korstus.

The wolf man just grunts in agreement then pounces at Bones. He gets in close and starts trying to rip the half-dead orc with his teeth, starting at his weapon hand. Hornswoggle also lunges for Bones, trying to grab him and force him to the ground.

The speared spirit readies his spear once the fighting starts and looks to Korstus for permission. "Should I join in now, or let these brutes settle things themselves?"



Once you disembark, you find quite a crowd gathering to check out your massive ship. Port Razule has seen some great crafts in its day, but not since the great city-ships of legend built to brave the Great Flood has anyone heard of anything that big. At the head of the crowd is a rather large orc, with a diverse entourage around him.

Some look to just be tough thugs, muscle. Others look to be quick, sneaky types, and there might even be a mage among them. The possible mage was dressed in several thick robes, despite the tropical weather, and had most of his face covered. You would guess that the orc saw your ship coming and quickly gathered up his boys. Although you don't know who he is, the way people avoid getting in his way makes him seem important.

"Now what in the deep below is this? How the hell'd you even get enough materials for that thing? Impressive to say the least, but I can't see the point." The orc crosses his arms and looks towards you, brow furrowed and dark eyes burning into you. "Tigress, you in charge of this thing? Haven't seen you 'round here before, what business have you in these waters?"

"Hopefully I like your answer. Name's Grazt, Lord of the Shredding Seas. Had enough bullshit today, so don't have much patience left."



(See section for Leena)

You manage to escape the slow orc quite easily. You have a feeling you could have done so quite easily even if you didn't blend into the crowd like you did. The orc starts panting and wheezing after just a short chase, and has to bend over and lean into a wall to catch his breath.

You get to the docks, and see a truly massive ship anchored there. It's a miracle it managed to dock without wrecking into the various smaller ships around it, sporting the same insignia as the behemoth. It's quite stunning, honestly.

You also see Grazk and his boys standing out in front of the dock, seemingly trying to speak to a barely dressed tiger-kin woman. It's too far away and the docks too noisy for you to hear the conversation.


@Thorn of Discord

You're currently covered in warm, sticky, slimy, smelly orc paste. It's quite disgusting, and there's bits of shattered bone. You're also pretty sure you must have sprained your ankle. It's a miracle you weren't hurt worse.

However, with all the angry pirates surrounding you, it looks like you might be getting hurt very quickly. "What the hell! Reg got smashed by a horse?" "No man, that's a yooni-corn. See the horn?" "What's it matter? It killed one of our boys!"

The pirates keep closing in on you, but then everyone notices a gargantuan ship pull into port. Everyone stops looking at you for a moment to stare in awe, but quickly snaps out of it. Several of the pirates come at you with a rope, obviously intended to tie you up.



Barry looks slightly annoyed when you don't shake his hand, but he just lowers his hand and leans back against the bar. "What do I want? That's a very good question, and I wish I could answer it. I am a businessman, but I'm not sure you could afford my services. How about we just call this a favor?"

The gnome grins and takes a gulp from a flask he must have been keeping hidden somewhere on him. "...of course, I will expecting a favor back from you, some day. But what that favor is can be determined some other time."

He stows away the flask and keeps smiling. The smile reminds you of that of snakes and other treacherous things, but he's practically claiming to have your ticket off the island. "I assure you, any information I give you will be well worth the hassle. I have friends in many places, and eyes and ears everywhere."



The elvish woman was practically hanging off your arm. Giggling and blushing and fawning over you. It's a little pathetic, honestly, but that's what alcohol can do to some people. It's also a tad distracting, making it difficult to focus on the conversation you're eavesdropping on.

"Oh minstrel, where'd you learn to sing and play like that? You have such a pretty voice..." She smiles lazily at you, but her attention is diverted once the drinks arrive. The elf mumbles a thanks to the bartender and starts drinking.



"His ship's not in the docks, that for sure. But I've heard that he's got a hidey-hole to stash it on the other side of the island." Jerrik speaks softly, to make sure no one else overhears your conversation.

"That's just a rumor, but I have a feelings it's true. Fent's been spotted in town before, even when his ship isn't anywhere to be seen." The broker glances around to check for eavesdroppers, but it's subtle enough that most people wouldn't notice. He takes a swig from his drink before setting it back down on the bar.

"I'll look into it more, if you have the coin to pay me. Fent's a tricky bastard, but everyone makes mistakes. I'm guessing that you're after the bounty?"
Bones shoves the middle of the chain into the wolf's mouth, glances over his shoulder and casually yanks a spear out of the spirit with one hand, then jams it point first into Hornswoggle's chest. He tenses before lashing out with a kick to the wolf's chest to free the chain up again before starting to whirl it in a circle over his head.
Leena seemed to turn up her pink nose at the Orc and his men.

Her eyes quickly scanned the dock around her, seeing her crew hidden all around and some scattering into town, all while several heavily armed body guards stood at her sides, who looked far more like royal soldiers then they did actual pirates...

They look absolutely disgusting... Have they no elegance or respect for themselves?... She thought to herself...

But they are the authority here as it seems.... But if this is what the rest of the west is like, this shall be very disappointing....

"Humpf." She seemingly grunted at them.

"Some of the uneducated would say such a Navire as my own is built from dieu himself..."

Leena seemed to turn her body sideways, the exposed side of her leg visible as she spoke. She struck a pose of confidence and that was seemingly one of royalty almost.

"I am Leena Nejem. The Queen of Pirates..."

Her olive eyes flashed at the orc in a sort of menacing manner.

"Or as I am told, you Westerners rarely call me The Jewel of the East.

And I shall be
regarded, and respected as such."

Leena seemed to smile, her eyes scanning around his thugs and men, mostly looking around for her men who may be blending into the crowd, but her attention was drawn to the hooded figure...

"I see you seem to be the authority in this mina' yes? You seem to have quite a following with you there after all... Rogues, bandits, some mages, and muscle, hrmm?"

She seemed to say flirtatiously...

Some of these boys could be very useful in rowing should sails ever be damaged she thought... That is after the rest of her fleet came in to "occupy" this place... She would never allow any of these filthy people unto her flagship unless she was going to set a trap upon them or they had her respect...

She seemed to chuckle to herself as her eyes drew back to the rather ugly Grazk.

"May you respect my status, and mayhaps I shall respect yours... No?"

"Regardless of what my forward scouts have told me, yes, I am but a Stranger to these waters...

I am here for many reasons though of course, some trading, some resupplying of my 'ustul, perhaps some hiring to replace those who may have perished upon the voyage from the east. As is the usual, you see?

Perhaps while I am here, we may negotiate some... Economic deals, No?"

She asked Grazk, making sure she was standing far away enough from his group and close to her men, so she wouldn't be immediately attacked or springed on by some sort of savage instincts these brutes may hold...
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Dipper couldn't help but find his slight annoyance in her refusal to take his hand a bit satisfying. She rose an eyebrow at the way he mentioned she couldn't afford him and nearly scowled at the truth in it. Had it been only a week prior there would have been no information he had that she'd be unable to afford but sadly most of that was all at the bottom of the ocean along with her loyal crew and father.

"A future favor?" She took a moment to null it over. Nothing about this greasy little gnome was trustworthy but she felt she was out of other options. She eyed him with deeper suspicion before finally nodding. She knew, deep within her gut, that one day this slimy little gnome would find her and cash in on their favor but it wasn't something she was interested in worrying about right then.

"Alright, Barry. I think we can work something out then. Tell me what you know." She leaned forward in her chair and relaxed her features, ready to hear what the sneaky gnome had.

Near her, Dipper's ears couldn't help but burn fro the chatter so close to her seat. It was a few stools down from her but a drunk female elf was hanging all over the minstrel that was preforming when she arrived. She couldn't help but shift her eyes in their direction and when the elf woman caught her looking she gave a quick nod and returned her gaze to Barry. The longer she sat there the more anxious she grew. She was practically shaking with nerves to get out of there and get going on this adventure to reclaim her fortune and livelihood.
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Seeing the massive ship, Connor says quietly to himself, "That'll do." before preparing to leap onto the side. He had this all planned out, hop onto the side, shimmy his way around to the other side, climb up, then act like any other crew member until they reached the next port. A free ride, and free meals, all with only a little labor on his part. But then he heard it, the voice of Grazk. Even with his skill, someone was bound to notice him on the side of a ship. So, guess he needs to either find another ship, which there was a multitude to choose from, or wait for a better chance. He was no stranger to waiting, so that's exactly what he did, blending into the crowd for safety.

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