The Fleets of Talavah

I'm trying to figure out how to get Jed from Hin because it doesn't look like Red Thunder will be participating in this anymore :(
Sadly no, I've tried to get in touch with him but he hasn't responded. My suggestion would be that someone (Either Wavebird or you) would control him until we can either "ditch" him in a believable manner (If GK was in charge, he'd probably drop a rock on him :P ) or he comes back. Thoughts?
I don't know about controlling someone else's character... I'm attempting to come up with a logical reason for Jed to break his word. Ohhhh, idea! I have to go talk to wavebird :P

Ok. Well then. What would Aliz's reasoning be for shooting Hin?

(Preferably not a death shot, just a 'have to go to hospital' shot)
It was intended as a joke, but as for a reason Aliz wouldn't really need one. The girl's crazy, but not stupid so she wouldn't really do it. (Now Jed she would probably feed to Sifirh if given the chance :P )
Apologies, thought I'd have plenty of time to post tonight but got pre-occupied. Will attempt again tomorrow after work.
A bit short an uninspired post I know, but I want to have your characters get some time to react and make desicions propelling this forward. @Irubus , I'll have to give you some heads up since you had your character enter the infirmary. (And anyone who enters will of course have the same information). Sorry for the long wait guys.
I'll get to work on my post, and my attempt to pull away from Hin in a moment. Still debating over the best way to get that done.

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