The Fleets of Talavah

Man I was like... "I'm gonna get shot, this is so irritating!!!! screw it, snap!" Though who knows. Everything he said is true.
Irubus said:
time to dieee
I was considering if Aliz was going to panic and just shoot one of them if you didn't post soon, but it seems like things are going that way without my help xD
I was talking to my friend over how Dezdin should react on all this, and I was telling him over the fact of how I view this planet. It really forces people to cooperate at a certain level whether they like it or not. It's not like earth where you can just sustain yourself out there forever, you need essentials and things you cannot make or need to fight back. The fleets may be able to raid a few villages and towns here and there... but that's just hurting themselves, they're burning their own fat if their outlets are cut off from them. All merchants would stop conducting trades in their territory and their enemies will only get stronger as they're given what they lack. I can't help but feel that Fleets are overrated, they can't survive on their own without slaughtering each other for what little they've gained. Of course that's all just based on my ideals of how human interactions work, and the pressure and influence others hold over each other. We all want to survive, and we all want to preserve our own hides in the end.

I could be wrong on certain things but I'm fine with that. Dezdin really hates the Fleet people anyways.
Dude, you didn't act out of line, its fine. :) just thought that dezdin would keep trying to stay calm is all
Time to get this show on the road. Kill everything!!! I'm certain this scent of blood will make a certain tribe seek us out. We might need their protection.
I'm probably going to be unable to write much starting tomorrow and until the weekend is over. Looking forward to read some when I get back ;)
Post is up. Sorry it's been a while since I posted but I figured until there was a reason for Zazjh to either attack or retreat there was little reason to post since it would have amounted, "Zazjh waited", "Zazjh played card games in his mind as he waited", "Zazjh took a nap while he waited" :P .

Nice post :D As way of replying to the OOC-part of your post: The total number of fleethands in this area is five. There were two guys (well, one after what Aliz did) in front of the infirmary. The one that remained of the two was already held by Dezdin if I recall correctly, meaning the the remaining three was a couple of meters away, tending to the hovercraft. So, if your post is to work out (with some adjustments) I guess Zazhj might've jumped down at the guys by the hovercraft? Leaving only one of them standing right now?

@Irubus @RejjeN , do you agree with me, or did I miss anything?

Regarding what year it is:

Skadian calendar: The Year 1192 Post Distaster. (The calendar is based on when the Disaster struck)

Estrinn/Fleet calendar: The Year 974 of the 9th Age (Each age is 2000 years, and their calendar is based on the one used by ancient culture. It's worth noting 974 is more so 97? as people of different fleets and settlements disagree about how to translate the old calendar)

Congregation calendar: The Year 997 (The calendar is based on the "awakening" of their diety. More or less, they base this on when the first Gohlar started appearing in Talavah)
I assume after the hostilities began between Dezdin and the Fleet dudes that the guys by the hovercraft would have readied weapons and probably spread out, plus I think from how Irubus worded his post that after he grabbed the one he was arguing with that he let him go near the end of his post, so if we assumed that the 3 by the hovercraft had split up then it wouldn't cause any contradictions.
Alright. I'll go ahead and post later tonight then! (I just finished two other posts and need to freaking rest before writing yet another one xD ). Unless @Red Thunder, or by some miracle @RubyRose (Where are you guys anyway?) decides to show up and do their posts, in which case the can just say here that they plan to post, and I will hold my horses :)

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