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Futuristic The Fleets of Talavah

It was not Dezdin's place to question the actions of others. He would however take action if the choices made by those who thought only for themselves affected the innocent around them. That was the sense of how Dezdin took the words of Shifra as she warned the ones around her of her agenda. By all means they had chosen for themselves to follow in her wake, but he could only hope that Shifra's plan didn't involve anything beyond a simple question that wouldn't cause any retaliation. Though if anything were to happen to this town from her childish actions he would most certainly make sure she suffered a fate worse than anything the Fleet could muster. That aside Dezdin fell in tune to the questions taking each one as they came, his words concise as they left his mouth.

"Hin, is only a few buildings over." he pointed through the window at the building he had been in a few minutes ago. "Do refrain from calling him a smith while the fleet is in town."

Stepping past her he waved off Aliz's words as he started pacing towards the back door. "It'll be safer this way. I'll meet you in the back of the Inn." at this point Dezdin had grown aggitated, as his words lacked the usual humor he accompanied it with. It was best that he got these strangers out of town as soon as he could. With words of conflict brewing from Hin, Jed, and now possible confrontation with Shifra each passing moment left a increasingly bad taste in his mouth. He doubted it was the Keeper's cooking either... making his way to the back he motioned to the Inn Keeper; the man didn't question him as he stepped behind the door that lead to his kitchen area.

"Anything been going on lately for all this to happen?" Dezdin started off as the soon as the door closed behind them.

"Nothing that I know of honestly, it was probably just an accident while they were hunting." The Keeper, rubbed the back of his head as he thought over anything he had heard from passing travelers. "Though a few weeks back I heard that a few of the fleets had started fighting over territory close to here."

"That's nothing new..." Dezdin muttered as he let out a sigh through his nose. "Alright." the two men grasped each other's right hand at the elbow firmly "Do keep my stuff safe while I'm gone."

"Keep your own hide safe, Kid." The Keeper chuckled as he made his way back to his bar top. Stepping past the door that lead to the storage room Dezdin took a quick look at his vehicle as it remained waiting for its owner. Stepping next to it he let his fingers skim over it's surface, ignoring the creeping cold, before finding the connection to the large metallic cart and disconnecting it. Moving it towards the entrance, he sat down and let the ignition warm up, as he did a double check on all the machine's functions, hoping nothing had frozen and broken during last night's wind. "Morning." he softly whispered to his vehicle before tapping it softly. This was his life line during his travels, without it he would've died a long time ago, ranging from turning into a popsicle, to being eaten, and not just by Gohlar.
Jed watched the man-bear’s movement, interested by how it looked like Hin was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. The large man suddenly looked so… defeated and small, especially when he rested his head in his hands.

He listened quietly as Hin spoke, not surprised and actually fairly flattered that nomads were seen as warlike and that he was living up to the reputation. He didn’t particularly like the way Hin phrased that if there was a problem the nomads could just leave… that sounded like cowardice to Jed, but he remained quiet- he was sure that any offense Hin gave was not something the man intended on giving.

“How long will the fleet remain?” Jed asked, wondering if the fleet would set back their departure. It probably would… Hin would most likely not want to leave until the Fleet did to make sure the town was safe. This had Jed’s skin crawling already, though- lying low, not doing anything. He’d at least rather be facing the desert then sit around and wait for the Fleet to leave or notice him.

“I must not have a soul.” Jed muttered with amusement, lips quirking up at one side. Those who were weak enough or dumb enough to be captured deserved their fate. The idea of not having a soul didn’t entirely bother Jed- he’d never really been one to think much in religious terms. He existed in this form until he no longer existed in this form and if death was a wakeup call, then he’d wakeup- otherwise he would cease to exist and that wasn’t entirely all that much worse since he wouldn’t know about his lack of existence anymore. “After we find the man you seek, I think I will start finding a way to take down the fleets- after I finish my mission of course. I wonder… if everyone banded together if we could not then defeat these fleets once and for all. Not that I care whether we do or not since the fleets do not oppress my clan truly, but perhaps for your sake I can attempt to gain a soul.”

It made Jed’s smile fall to hear the man speak of losing everything. “You only have lost everything when you are dead. If you survive the battle to see another day, even if your village is destroyed, there is still cause to believe you still have something because you have yourself. And with yourself you can start over, build new homes and a new life. Even if your forge is taken, destroyed, and your friends and family cease to exist a man still has something. Until he’s dead- in which does it matter whether what he had, besides honor?”

"Come Hin, what shall we do to past the time while he hide like younglings behind a mother's skirt?" Jed asked, not wanting to spend the time sitting around and bemoaning the fates of one's existence.

@Red Thunder
Zazjh wasn’t surprised at anyones reaction to the offer, after all he would have been suspicious of them had they done the same…hell, he WAS suspicious of them. But he was placing his trust in Erevel who had more experience with inhabitants of this world. It had been a common social custom in the Clan to not ask questions and follow the instructions of the eldest member of your Caste who most often had many years of experience over those that were Oathbound to him or her. And while it had been a long time since he had been a novice and he was no longer with the Clan he surmised this to be the wisest course of action based on how little he understood of the situation. Of course he got the gist of it based simply on everyone’s actions but that didn’t mean he understood the details, and the details were what killed a man.

Shifra seemed intent on moving quickly and having settled on a course of action Zazjh rose with her though he paused as she spoke about having something to do in town. He was struck by a bit of doubt as he wasn’t certain if such an action would wind up getting them killed, sure that might happen anyway, but one didn’t willingly stick their head into the jaws of a Goatwombat.

He felt a pat on his shoulder though a bit below it as Erevel couldn’t reach all the way up being quite a bit shorter than Zazjh, but it caught his attention and he turned to see the man standing up next to him. The man gave him a slight nod in the girls’ direction as if to prompt him as he pulled off one of the two shirts he’d been wearing that they’d pulled off one of the fallen men in the desert. He bunched it up and shoved it into one of Zazjh’s hands as he put out his other hand, Zazjh realized he meant to shake it like he’d seen other people do including the man at the counter. As he did so as he stated simple, “You’ll need this on the desert, and maybe it’ll help you blend in a bit better until then. Stay safe Zazjh!”

Zazjh nodded as he took the elder mans arm in his and shook it, “You too…Erevel,” it was only then he realized he’d likely never see this man ever again whether he survived the next ten minutes or not. He wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about that since Erevel was the only familiar thing he had out here, but he understood action had to be taken.

And with that he turned away, just in time to catch the canteen Shifra had tossed his direction, luckily his reactions were good. He had to look at it for a moment to realize what it was (he’d never seen a storage container for water that wasn’t an animal skin until recently) and then understood the girl had taken him up on his offer, however tentatively. He nodded as he went to put on the shirt Erevel had handed him, and only now did he realize the old man had wrapped the clothing around something which he took measures to not show as he unraveled the clothing and stuck the item in his hip at the same time as he hung the shirt that was several sizes too small, but at least looked more like local clothing than wearing nothing did, over his shoulders.

As for the item Erevel had snuck him it wouldn’t do him much in a fight but if he could get the drop on someone even the rough-hewn table knife that had likely been used for cutting bread or other foodstuffs could kill a man. He didn’t approve of stealing, but he also didn’t approve of finding himself up against someone with a firearm with nothing but his fists.

As he followed Shifra out the door he spoke to her, “Zazjh will remain several paces behind you in the shadows as not to draw attention, and assuming there’s no trouble we’ll stay that way until we get out of town. If we aren’t so lucky and something happens Zazjh will maneuver to aid you,” he stopped until he realized he was dealing with someone he didn’t even know as he held his hand up into a motion his kin had used to signal attacks during a hunt, “If during your conversation with the Fleet or at any other time you believe things to be turning violent then make this signal with your hand, you don’t need to hold it up, Zazjh will see it and move to attack,” he turned to see Aliz following catching up with him and held the signal up to her a moment before doing exactly what he'd said he would do and in an instant disappearing around a corner, seemingly out of sight (hey, he hadn't been lying about being used to taking to the shadows).

As he moved parallel to where they were into a side alley where he could keep an eye on both them and any others that came close to him or the girls and into the village he considered how strange this situation was. Two months ago he wouldn’t have trusted anyone but his closest clan brothers to watch his back and now he was placing such a task in the hands of a young girl he’d barely even shared a passing word with. It felt wrong and completely alien, but then again so did his every waking minute out here on the Red Death, it all felt like a waking dream.

…or maybe more accurately a nightmare.

@RejjeN @Wavebird
"Come Hin, what shall we do to past the time while he hide like younglings behind a mother's skirt?"

Hin looked up. Weariness lined his face, and his naturally ashen skin bore an even whiter pallor. Through the black tangle on his jaw his mouth could be seen, thin and grimly straight. But he shrugged casually in spite of his obvious concern.

"They typically aren't terribly long in their visit. A twelve-hour, sometimes a day, from what I recall. I typically spend my time at the tavern, waiting as time and liquor washes away my trouble."

Hands pushing on his knees, the smith stood, and his chair sighed with relief. The orange blade's sheath lay on the mantle of the fireplace, and it was soon retrieved. Silently the sword slid into it, and it was set comfortably on Hin's back, held in place by a black leather strap. Tightening the handkerchief on his head, he turned to his shorter companion with a wry smile.

"Well? Care to join me in searching for the bottoms of liquor bottles?"

Shifra's only answer had been a slight nod at Dezdin when he had warned her not to call Hin by his profession when the Fleet was present in town. It made all sense in the world – if the Fleet found out that there was a skilled craftsman in town, they'd give him a hard time upon each visit by demanding repairs and materials. And since the smith here in Artin was unknown to the Fleet they probably already had a smith to trouble in some of the other settlements they'd come down upon from time to time. Shifra had therefore decided that there was no need adding Hin to their list, especially if he had been a nice enough guy to take Jed in – so, she was going to remember what Dezdin had told her.

She then watched how her new supposed travel companion, Zazhj, bid his friend, the old man, adieu. She could sense some regret in Zazhj, but didn't quite get the same vibe from the old man. At any rate, she understood what it meant to say farewell to someone in a time and place like this, and so she let her gaze slide, and strode outside the door instead. Once there she halted her steps and leaned against the wall of the building that was the Inn. It was still cold outside, but as she stood there and let the early rays of Dranoh'ce caress her face, the warm touch of the sun washed the cold away and she felt both warm and relaxed. It was her favourite time of the day; it was no longer dark, and it was yet not scorching hot as it would be by mid-day. In truth she cherished the short moment she got there, bathing in the morning sun as she waited for Zazhj, who soon got outside the door.

Shifra greeted him with a smile as he approached her, and paid close attention to what he said about staying behind in the shadows, and made sure to memorise the hand-sign he showed her. She even tried it out a few times in order to allow her own hand to familiarise itself with the the sign, so that it would serve her instantly and without question would she actually find herself in need of aid.

“Agreed. I will see that I avoid conflict however...” Her voice was coloured with some doubt as she didn't exactly understand what the, as far as she knew, unarmed man would be able to do to aid her in an actual fight against the handful of armed guards she expected to find down the street.

When Zazhj later disappeared around a corner, and (if she was even there) Aliz also disappeared from the corner of her eye, Shifra found herself alone on the street. Painfully visible in the clear weather, she started walking with steady steps towards the two guards stationed outside the infirmary. She let her gaze wander along the street and spotted the other three fleet hands further down it. They seemed to be tending to one of the hovercraft, which all was in need of polishing and repairs by the looks of it. Hardly surprising, the street was empty and quiet aside from the fleet folk and herself.

As her feet moved across the red snow the lay as a blanked over the icy street, and as she came closer, one of the two guards raised his crossbow, carefully placing Shifra in his sights. Upon noticing the guard's reaction, Shifra promptly raised her left hand to cover her eyes for a brief moment, carrying it out in a waving manner as to show it clearly to the guards. Cowering your eyes was the common sign among fleet folk to show if one had no intentions of fighting. And as Shifra had intended, the guard lowered his crossbow again (still leaving it at the ready however).

Shifra treated the two men with a smile as she stepped up to them and got a closer look at them. They where clad in similar uniforms, black coats with white and golden details, dark pants and heavy boots, just like the ones Shifra had, only a bit cleaner. She halted, saluting them both with a graceful bow before speaking. “With Dranoh'ce, I bid you a good day-break. But tell me, what brings the honourable dogs of 8th Northern Fleet to Artin at this early hour?” Her heart skipped a beat as she worded the insult in her otherwise courteous greeting. Perhaps it was to go too far since she was a fleetless stranger to them? But then again, it was exactly the sort of greeting that'd work with this sort of people... At least way back when she was used to conversation with fleet folk at a daily basis.

“And good morning to you too, nomad whore.” Was the answer she was offered by the taller of the two men. His comrade, who was a bit shorter but yet broader, chuckled before adding: “Dirty Skadians, breaking treaties, that's the first reason why we're here. But now there is you, hun. And believe you me, I'd break any treaty to see your beautiful eyes from the right angle.” The two then laughed, probably for the hundred time at the very same condescending comment they'd offer any woman dumb enough to speak to them. Ugh, I've met Gohlar more flattering...

“Got too close to their borders or what? You know how they are, always redrawing the maps, it can be hard for dumb shits like you to keep track of it all” She retorted, still smiling ever so broadly.

“Hah! It was them bastards sneaking up on us with their flying fortress in the middle of the night! Far from any border I've ever head of! Unless the Basarrgi Isle have grown some two hundred leagues south overnight! But they fled faster than lightning when ol' Bolt opened fire upon them! Faster than anything I've ever seen to be honest! Like a freaking lighting!” The man continued, clearly giving away that he was somehow upset over what had happened, even though he tried his best to disguise it all as a joke followed up by a messy bunch of bragging. This was, however, exactly what Shifra had been looking for – indication of where the main fleet was! Two hundred leagues south of Basarrgi Isle would place them to the North-West, which meant they probably was heading that direction as well since they'd apparently paid a visit to Artin rather recently.

Happy to have found out what she needed so easily, Shifra felt relieved and plotted to end the conversation. Her next words didn't even manage to get passed her lips, before the taller man spoke up again, nudging his comrade and pointing straight at Shifra, “Esshar, look! This bitch wears a freaking Ha'Shannun uniform!”

“Why, look at that.” the shorter one continued, “Seems like this here nomad has once been banished from her fleet.” As a smirk now quickly grew on the face of the man who had slowly started walking towards her, the smile of Shifra's was all but gone instead and her heart started beating like a hammer against an anvil. Her eyes must have betrayed how surprised and terrified she just had become, for her adversary's voice turned into one that was full of mocking superiority, “Oh, this is just too good to be true! Tell me, honourable Ha'Shannun bitch of the 21st Northern Fleet, what is your name? Not Sirifia or something along those lines, is it?”

How ignorant could she possibly be!? Not for a moment had she considered that her banishment would become a story widely known among the Northern Fleets. But in retrospect it was way too obvious! Of course people would talk and laugh about how the crazy Fleet maiden from the 21st Fleet had let her entire fleet down for no reason! It must've been the words on every fleets hands lips way back when. Shifra froze, not knowing if to sign for help or try to get out of the situation without turning it into a fight. At any rate, she (or someone!) had to come up with something!

@RejjeN @Goldenkitten @Irubus @RubyRose @Red Thunder
Standing by the side as the other people around her exchanged words, gestures and water Aliz held her right arm up by her left as she had her hand on the side of her face, absentmindedly playing with the bang of hair as her gaze was fixed on the floor. Anyone who knew her would realize she was conflicted, normally she didn't really stop to think for too long but this was an issue that gnawed on her.

She was really anxious to get back to Sifirh, and she didn't mind spending some more time with Dezdin. He seemed like a nice enough person after all. But at the same time she was afraid what might happen to Shifra, intentionally going to talk with the Fleetfolk. Normally she'd just cut and run at a time like this, but for some reason she felt she'd regret that... She was a person who was often ruled by emotion, but the rare times where she stopped to actually think things through she often went with the logically sound choice. This time, it didn't seem so simple...

Sighing heavily she looked over to Shifra and Zazjh who were about to leave, Aliz bit her lip as she felt she was being rushed to a decision, the tooth being ever so slightly sharper than it should be, leaving a tiny pinprick of blood behind. Once the door closed she turned to Dezdin who was also on his way, probably expecting her to follow suit. "Sorry!" She called out, not overly loud, but enough to grab his attention. "I have to see this through first, but I'll meet up with you later if that's alright with you!" She said this hurriedly, as she took off after the other two, feeling a little guilty about not following through with Dezdin, but with Shifra's plan, things changed.

Catching up as Zazjh explained his plan and showing his "sign" to them, she nodded but otherwise remained quiet. In her Sect they had similar call signs when hunting or raiding, though the sign itself was unfamiliar to her. Once he had said his piece he disappeared into the shadows, hiding out of sight. Aliz was surprised how well he was able to hide himself for someone so big, but she knew it was more about knowing how and not ones size that mattered (Even if it could be helpful at times as well). Still she felt he had been a bit quick to the punch, as she had also intended to watch from the shadows. She didn't feel any particular need to foil Shifra's plan by showing her obviously-not-Fleetfolk self.

"You go on ahead, I'll catch up with Zazjh." She said to Shifra as she moved into some cover before pulling her bow off her back and stringing it, a process that didn't take her more than half a minute, partially due to the composite construction of the bow allowed the string to be mostly attached when it wasn't in use, so it was only about bending the bow and dragging the string from one end to the other. Which admittedly was fairly strenous for her due to the size of the damn thing. Either way she was soon done and began her search for Zazhj.

It didn't take too long for her to catch up, it had been easy enough to spot Shifra walking by herself in the middle of the town street, so it was a fair guess that the foreign man was nearby as well. Coming up behind the man she quietly sidled up beside him in a conviniently hard to see spot (from the Fleetfolk's point of view), the lack of surprise or real acknowledgement from Zazhj made her think he'd known she was there all along. It was clear to her he was no amateur when it came to hunting, though his body did hint at that already.

Looking him up and down Aliz noticed he wasn't carrying any (visible) weapons, briefly wondering if he was planning on punching the Fleetfolk if it came down to it... As strong as he looked, she doubted he'd last long that way. They were usually armed with crossbows, if not guns... And as she looked on, it seemed things were starting to get pretty bad... Looking for the sign they had been shown earlier but seeing none, Aliz hoped Shifra hadn't just frozen up in panic, but had a plan... Fearing the worst Aliz put her bow down on the ground before she quietly unfastened the belt that held her sword sheath to her back, she grasped it and handed it to Zazjh. "Just in case a fight breaks out. It's pretty important to me, so don't lose it, okay?" the strap with two white feathers attached to a 'pearl' swayed in the wind.

OOC: Sorry about leaving Dezdin on his own like that, was pretty conflicted myself about what Aliz would do. I figured being the emotionally charged person she is she'd go with her "new friend" :P

@Wavebird @Goldenkitten @Irubus
Perhaps he should have expected as such from Aliz as she excused herself to join the other Inn Keep residents. Congregation members were always like that, but seeing her now on her own made him feel much more aware of why they should stay to that sect. Her personality was getting in the way of her ability to think ahead. He couldn't understand what could pocesses these travelors to initiate a conversation with the very people they were trying to avoid. The most positive outcome he could think of was simply the enslavement of their hides, but not all Fleets were that kind, Dezdin could really only hope that the retaliation that might occur wouldn't spread to the town. Even if they managed to get away with their own skins, they were leaving behind a blood bath that would ensue once the main fleet arrived. Dezdin let his motor die out as he continued to think over what he would do next. They were truly grinding down his patience, and even his own kindness was being thrown out after each passing moment.

The thought of helping the fleet capture these people simmered in his mind for a moment though he doubted the old-man would ever look at him the same again, but he would still be alive to give him the stink eye everytime he passed by. That thought was thrown out the moment he finished his own internal monologue, but it still clung to him, if only by a thread. Not able to take his own lacking in motion he slammed his fist against the walls before pacing through the Inn Keep and making his way towards the others just as Shifra was confronting the grunts he had spoken to earlier.

With how rowdy they addressed each other it wasn't that difficult to listen in on them as he kept himself out of sight. Ignoring the blatant insult Shifra had spat at them he could only curse internally at the actions of the woman, and ponder if he should've charged her last night for the drink, if only as a makeshift impudent tax. It was the final exchanges that caught his attention, the statement of 21st Northarn fleet and banishment, puzzled him for a few seconds and he tried to make sense of why that was important. It wasn't until moments later that his mind clicked to the stories he had heard during his times of travel, Shifra, the fleet member who had left her Groom at the altar. He had never cared for that story, but at this moment he could only slide his hand down his face in irritation. A fair part of him felt like leaving her to her own demise for being this foolish, not only had she tried confronting overwhelming odds, but now her own existance was a very reason they should take action against her. Petty reasons for insinuating violance against her honstly, but fleet people were most of all ignorant and petty.

Witnessing Shifra freeze up on the spot Dezdin let out a sigh, "How useless." he murmmered to himself.

Stepping past the others he put himself between the Fleet member and the woman, his symbol baring in front of them once again.

"I ask that you forgive my apprentice who has a bit of a sharp tongue. She is still lacking in showing respect to fellow customers and lacks the descency to show humility when they are as powerful as you are." He nudged her behind his frame, to keep her out of sight whether she wanted to or not. "And this nonsense of the 21st fleet is beyond me, she simply enjoyed their wears amidst our travels. So please, gentlemen, let's not get heisty in assumptions." Standing firmly he let a lazy smile remain placed on his face as he tried to calm the men down, his weapon more than ready to be pulled out if these grunts were as dumb as he assumed. He could only wonder if this would turn against him somehow in the end, and he'd up putting his own name on the line. Maybe these people behind him were truly that selfish.
Jed noticed how the events in just the past few hours seemed to have aged Hin. He bit his tongue back on a comment of how the man was now looking older than an elder and instead awkwardly patted a hand on the bigger man's shoulder.

"Speaking of liquor, didn't your friend leave a bottle?" Jed said, not minding a day off. It was rather amusing if you looked at it from his old angle- that he had never even wanted to stay in this town... and now he was wasting time left and right, and as things continued his real mission seemed to be getting farther and farther away. But... well he'd have a true tale to bring back with him after he completed his offer to help Hin.

"I don't know if it would be wise for me to become to lost in that search of the bottom of bottles, though the Elder's tend to phrase it as 'barrels'... but I will share in your misery and supervise that you won't do anything stupid." Jed replied, going to fetch the bottle left for Hin and then heading to the door. This single bottle certainly wouldn't be enough to last- best to head out into the streets over to the tavern and hunt down more. Jed made sure to grab his new weapon, just in case- you could never be too careful in a town you didn't know all that well.

"Let us seek solice in drink." Jed continued, not wanting to remain quiet but not having anything better to comment on.

@Red Thunder
"'Solace'. 'A good time'. Whatever you want to call it."

His smile still wry, Hin pulled open the door to his small house and stepped into Dranoh'ce's beams. Once Jed followed, he pulled the door closed and locked it tight. Adjusting the sword on his back, he turned and strode down the street through the ankle deep blood-red snow, taking the path he followed yesterday back to the tavern.

The path, regrettably, led right past the Infirmary, and the voices of those standing before it, though muffled against the powdery blanket on the ground, were still filled with enough passion to be heard by the passing pair. Hin peeked around a building's corner as Dezdin spoke.

"So please, gentlemen, let's not get hasty in assumptions."

A confrontation? Damn. Who'd be foolish enough to...ah. Figures. The two Fleetfolk looked agitated, and the young woman standing behind Dezdin looked very nervous. The smith glanced at Jed, frowning.

"You may get your wish for violence," he whispered. "I can't see this ending well at all."

@RubyRose @Irubus @Wavebird
It was not long after Zazjh broke off from Shifra that Aliz followed up behind him. He had gathered from their previous interactions she considered herself something of a hunter as well. Not that she had said as much, but from the way she sort of seemed bemused by his own claims seemed to suggest she had at least as much faith in her own abilities, that she was carrying the weapons of a hunter only seemed to further imply as much. He wasn’t sure why she chose to follow right behind him but she was small enough to not draw attention and honestly there weren’t that many places to effectively hide in this town so he said nothing, and better to have someone with proper weapons nearby that get caught alone with only the small knife he had.

As they stopped at a position with a good view of Shifra without giving their positions away he simply waited and watched. He wasn’t entirely certain what good talking to these Fleet individuals would accomplish but much like he had trusted Erevel he was putting his trust in these girls that they knew more about the situation than him. However even while he couldn’t hear what was being said the body language being displayed by both parties made it clear things were turning ugly fast. Either their girl wasn’t the smooth talker she thought she was or the way people conversed out here was just…strange…well, stranger than he already knew it was.

When the Fleet mens body language began to turn downright hostile Zazjh began to plot a mental map of his surroundings to take one of them by surprise. He wasn’t particularly happy that it had taken Shifra all of thirty-seconds to get them into a bad spot but he also didn’t back out on his promises. Perhaps that was naïve out here, it seemed much of the ways of thinking of his clan meant little in a world seemingly populated by cutthroats, cheats, and manipulators. But his beliefs and honor was all Zazjh had left now, he would not abandon them simply because the situation could have been avoided.

Aliz must have been thinking the same thing, or at the very least recognized they were going to have to battle as just before he made his move a slight clinking sound drew his view to Aliz next to him. She offered him her blade before a true battle broke out. Perhaps he had misjudged this girl, or perhaps she still had something to gain? Either way in his clan bequeathing another with ones blade was a sign of upmost trust, and while he doubted this girl trusted him that much she at least seemed to think he could be of use. To that end at least he would not disappoint, and it would dishonor him to do anything less than use it to its fullest.

As he took the blade from her he bowed slightly in respect and added, “Zazjh will return it to you promptly.”

He then put it on his hip, on the opposite side of which he was carrying the small knife Erevel had handed him. It would be useful in what seemed to be an inevitable fight brewing but if he could use the smaller blade to ambush one of them he could get two birds with...two stones, but that wasn’t the point, the point was his tactical options were greatly enhanced by this simple addition.

As he witnessed the situation turning ugly he looked to Aliz, “If…actually looking Zazjh would say this is more of a “when”. When it starts take out the one further back from the building line with your bow.”

He nodded and then instantly began moving along the path he had mentally prepared moments before. Life in the Northern Steppes required hard hands and unparalleled dexterity so when Zazjh drew up possibilities he did not consider it on a simple plain. Hunting the beasts that could nimbly hop up rocky crags had infused in all his clans hunters the abilities and tactical importance of using everything in your surroundings to your advantage.

With a running start his jumped on top of a nearby barrel that had been at the bottom of a storage pile behind one of the houses. With several carefully placed steps he ascended the pile quickly before he was high enough to jump and catch on to the roofs edge. His callous riddled hands, made hard from a life of climbing ice and water covered rocks made getting a grasp on the slippery roof simple as he hoisted himself up before going low to the “ground”. He peered out over the area and saw that the man from the bar had gotten involved, he seemed knowledgeable about these Fleets and the surrounding area so he hoped he might use that silver tongue to talk them out of a fight. But the best motto was to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

As such when he was certain all the Fleet were focused on the two down below he stood and with a quick burst of speed leapt and landed on the next roof over as silently as he could. Those inside might have heard something but it was doubtful they’d expect it was someone on their roof, and even more doubtful they’d come out to check with the Fleet in town. At any rate it was quiet enough not to give him away to anyone on the street and from this position he was able to quickly maneuver himself within leaping range of the Fleet soldier standing closest to the building. And at the same time got him close enough to hear the discussion being had between Shifra, the man, and the Fleet soldiers so he could better react to what was coming.

@RejjeN @Wavebird @Irubus @RubyRose @Red Thunder
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To find out that Shifra was alive and kicking after all these years was certainly a surprise to any fleet hand who'd heard the story. Even if fleet folk was known to be relentless and hardy people, they sure had no reputation about them to survive on their own in the desert. In fact, banishment into the desert with only their gear and no rations was a mocking way to go – armed and deadly, but still completely powerless in the face of Talavah.

So, as the fleet hand now approached Shifra (or Sirifia, as he remembered it), he had high hopes in making a story to be told! And he'd probably be able to get a handsome reward at that! After all, he knew what effects her betrayal had brought upon her former fleet and the fleet which she was supposed to be gifted to (The 19th Northern Fleet); First and foremost, the two fleets had been unable to cooperate, resulting in a loss of territory in the north, allowing for Skadian expanses into Talavah. But not only that! The two fleets had even been thrown into an open conflict with each other over what little territory was left. Losses had been severe on both sides before the new borders where drawn.

For other nearby fleets, such as the 8th Northern Fleet, the time the followed had been much hard work. Tonnes of monstrous beasts had seemed to pop up from everywhere as the two fleets focused their aim on each other rather than on the Gohlar threat.

In short, there where many people who would love to get their hands on the bitch that had started it all, if they found out she was still alive.

But the fleet hand had to halt his approach and stopped promptly as Dezdin stepped in. His mocking smile quickly faded and a surprised face with an eyebrow raised took it's place as he turned his attention to Dezdin. "Your apprentice?" he paused briefely and gathered himself, then took yet another step forward before he continued, "Then tell me, for what reasons does she wear the colours of the Ha'Shannun? Tell me that, and I shall gladly change the heisty assumptions of mine." He let his hand fall on the handle of his blade, making it clear that he was ready to defend his rights his quarry.

Shifra herself was just as surprised as the guard at the appearance of Dezdin, and the surprise was made even greater when she had heard what he had to stay. Clearly he wanted to get her out of the situation, but for what cause? For all she knew, he was after the same possible reward as the fleet hand. A Peltin trader is better company than a handful of hostile fleet folk any day of the week though... Thought Shifra and made the decision to play along and stay behind Dezdin.

She stayed quiet, figuring that was what a apprentice would do if her master showed up to clear things out. In short, she trusted that the Peltin would solve this. However, if he wouldn't solve it, things could get nasty, so she readied her left hand to make the signal to Zazhj and Aliz would a fight break out, and let her right hand slide down to her short sword, ready to draw.

"Better give me friend some straight and quick answers, you." could be heard from the man who had stayed in the back. He spat on the ground and pierced his eyes at Dezdin, having already readied his crossbow.
Now that the two grunts had mentioned it Dezdin took a quick glance at his "apprentice" that was behind him. For how long had Shifra been exiled from her Fleet? However, that wasn't the real question he had, it was more along the lines of...

"Why is she still wearing the same uniform as her old fleet..."
It almost felt like this woman was trying to be found, and she had done a fine job of just doing that.

Without voicing that question he made it look like he was scolding her as he abruptly kicked the back of her knee to make her kneel on one leg. "Apologize to these men!" It wasn't his intention to hurt her but he didn't have much of a choice but to play his part. He was her temporary master and as such it was his responsibility to teach and reprimand her mistakes, and without a doubt she'd prefer a chance of a lingering pain over being captured or raped. Turning back to the men he put his hands up in defense as he eyed the now peering crossbow. "There's no need for violence over a wondering whore gentlemen, let's put the weapons down. As you know we are Peltin." he motioned at himself and the kneeling Shifra, "We travel a lot, and during those travels we've done business with the 21st Fleet. She enjoyed their wears and that's why she looks this way. Even I have my own personal preference in wears." Showing his own suit in a playful manner. "I've done business with your fleet before and it has been a while since then, but I value my customers and I apologize for her mistake. I thank you however, for your insight as you are the first to make that connection to that ... Sirifia was it? I've been too lenient with my apprentice and I'll be sure this issue doesn't reoccur." bowing lightly to the men he took a step back adding some space between them.

"As further apology for this inconvenience, allow me to give you greater remarks with your commander by improving our set contracts when the main fleet comes into the area. I'll put it under your names as the ones who established the improved deal." Dezdin wasn't sure if this would work in the long run, but he didn't have many option to truly run with, hopefully these guys were looking for a better standing in the eyes of their leader. All he needed really was a way to remove them from this position, and give the people around him time to flee. After they were gone, he could easily deal with the Fleet's commander on his own, though he hoped that these men wouldn't be continuous pain. "Will that bring us to better terms gentlemen?" Putting his hand forward, he waited to see if this deal would be sealed or if he would have to fight back and prioritize removing his clan's name from his own actions.

Sniffing in the air Dezdin, couldn't help but be reminded of the time he had tried to trade with a clan who would've preferred his own skin than the furs he was offering. They ended up being nice guys in the end.
Aliz wasn't much of a swordsman, but she still felt uncomfortable to leave her sword in someone elses care. As she'd told Zazjh it was important to her in more ways than one, it was a gift from the Shaman Apprentices which had acted as her parents as she grew up when she became a Beast Master, it was a blade made from the Night Stalker she had slain in her quest to become an adult in the eyes of the Sect, and it had saved her lives on more than one occassion. As such she was hesitant to loosen her grip when Zazjh took it, but it was just a moments hesitation though it was visible on her face.

The foreign mans reassurance that he'd return it as soon as possible helped her overcome the uncertainty a little bit, mostly because she got the impression he understood the value she placed on it, and could probably relate. She did not know from where he came, but something told her it was from a culture not entirely unlike her own. This was just assumptions however, and assumptions got you killed in Talavah, so she decided to not get too comfortable around a stranger that likely could snap her neck like a twig with his bare hands.

Still, even after Shifra got herself into trouble in less than a minutes time she had to commend him for sticking to his promise. Most would have backed off in this instance, either he was insane or a man of astounding integrity, potentially very naive as well, something which if true could be used. Either way she turned her attention back to Shifra and the Fleethands, as Zazjh told her to target the one furthest in the back, the one with the crossbow in hand. She nodded in agreement, no reason to give them a range advantage when they already had a number advantage after all.

She had to look back to Zazjh as he began to climb up on the side of the building next to them, she briefly opened her mouth to ask what he was up to, but thought better of it and just shrugged. If he was going to flee, then climbing up on a roof didn't seem the best way to do so. She had to assume he was going to get into a position to pounce on one of them. At least that's what she hoped...

While Zazjh was busy climbing and jumping on rooftops Dezdin suddenly decided to make a surprise appearance, putting himself between Shifra and the Fleethands, as he spoke to them, though she couldn't make out what was being said however the Fleethand that had been doing the talking stepped closer and his body-language turned ever more hostile, as the one in the back readied his crossbow. Still not seeing Shifra do the symbol Aliz wondered if it might not be prudent to make the first move themselves. But at the same time that could throw everything out of whack, for all she knew Dezdin had this in the bag... She didn't really know much about interacting the Fleet folk after all, she usually just killed or avoided them.

Keeping to the shadows she readied her bow and drew her arrow, keeping it just taught enough so that she'd be able to keep it ready for a while (so that her arm wouldn't grow tired too quickly), but still able to fire it in a split second, hopefully enough to prevent the crossbowman from firing. Seemingly out of nowhere Dezdin kicked Shifra on the shin, forcing her to kneel, as he yelled something about an apology... If the situation hadn't been so tense she probably would have thought it funny. Still, it seemed they were doing some kind of act. Whether it would fool them or not however, remained to be seen...

@Wavebird @Irubus @Goldenkitten
As Shifra got kicked she fell down on her knees, groaning slightly as she put her hands to the ground to break the fall for her upper body. She hadn't expected that from the stranger, but she understood that he was trying to play an act to save her sorry hide. She figured her best bet was to play along, so she put her hands together and closed her eyes, almost as if she was saying a prayer.

“My mentor is telling you the truth, and I apologise to you, sirs” Shifra tried to make it sound as if she was genuinely sorry, not really considering that she had had a completely other tone just a moment ago. Perhaps this respectful tone would fool the fleet hands into thinking that she was truly beneath the man who said he was her mentor, or would it help them call the bluff?

All the while the other fleet hand kept his aim at Dezdin, the first one looked down at Shifra, smirking, while he listened at the rest of Dezdin's offer. He then looked up again, still with a smug smirk on his face. “Wears, and gear appearently...” he nodded towards the ginat crossbow on Shifra's back, which was definitely a fleet hands weapon. “Besides, your offer, that is quite a high price to pay for such a useless little bitch of an apprentice, now isn't it?” the man now took a step forward intimidatingly, instantly removing the distance Dezdin had created by backing, positioning himself between the supposed master and apprentice. “Medicine wares, have you got any with you Peltin? If so, cough it up and I might consider not call your bluff...”

Even though the smug face of the fleet hand was still painted all over him, there was a faint hint in his eyes that he'd really prefer to get the medicine wares. Shifra of course couldn't pick up on this, being on the wrong side of the man, she was busy still kneeling in order to not get shot by the second fleet hand.

@Irubus ((And the rest of you, but this post was so aimed at Dezdin that he could just as well go ahead to get things moving, but if anyone else have anything to add to the situation, just do so!))
“Medicine wares, have you got any with you Peltin? If so, cough it up and I might consider not call your bluff...”

A nerve hit Dezdin as a deal was proposed by the grunt. Almost like a switch, something went off in his mind as he heard the man's words spill from his vile mouth. If he were to take a moment to think over this sensation he would describe it as...disgust. As such, Dezdin could only do one thing... in an instant he met the man in his step with the handle of his sword as it jabbed into his solarplex. The stun left him easily open as Dezdin grappled him into a choke hold and since his hostage had yet to recover his breathe it was easy to keep the man's body as a shield for Shifra and himself before exclaiming loudly.

“You do not establish deals, nor do you negotiate. You either accept or deny what I offer, in this case there is only the former.” Pressing his blade a bit harder against the man's skin he let a slight sliver of blood flow down the sharpened steel.

“Your commander negotiates, your commander makes deals, and your commander can speak to me on these matters. You do not lay a finger on us or these people. If you do your enemies will receive your cargo, your enemies will receive your weapons, and you will all die in this frozen desert. This is a completion of a contract. Your commander has agreed that no harm should ever come to a Peltin when we negotiated and yet you stand here defy his authority. You will lose your lands, your commander will kill you and you will lose everything over a simple misunderstanding of a runaway bride.”

Stepping back with the man he made some minor distance between him and the others, before finishing. “I value my customers and I'm certain your commander will agree with my actions if I were to cut off this man's head. You do not break a contract. So I will ask you one more time. Do you accept my deal? Or will you continue to think yourself over your commander.”
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A trickle of sweat ran down Aliz forehead, making her to blink as it got in her eye. The situation was tense, the Fleethands did not seem to be buying into Dezdin's bluff and she could practically feel their hostility growing. Aliz forced herself to remain calm however, as she kept her attention on the crossbowman and Shifra. She had yet to make the sign, however she had to wonder if Shifra had the instinct to recognize when it was time to fight. Letting the Fleethands get the first strike would likely result in their demise, all that was keeping that from happening now was Dezdin.

A flurry of motion forced Aliz to shift her attention in the merchants direction as she pulled the string of her bow taught. In an instant she recognized he had struck the man he had been "negotiating" with, and was now holding him in a choke hold. The men behind him was obviously surprised by this sudden aggression, however if they did not have their weapons readied before, they did now. At least she had to comment Dezdin for having some serious spine, even if it was probably the wrong time for it now.

Sensing a fight was heading their way one way or another Aliz eyes darted to Shifra once again to confirm she had yet to make the sign... Dammit. She liked fights, in particular ones where she got to kill Fleetfolk, but she was also careful about the fights she picked and without Sifirh's presence in her mind she wasn't feeling as confident as she usually did. Probably something to do with not feeling the same kind of bloodlust as she did with him around. With things looking to be spiraling out of control Aliz focus returned to the present.

As much influence as Dezdin held as a Peltin she doubted the Fleethands would accept being treated like this, even as Dezdin yelled at the man and his comrades about how "they do not negotiate" she thought she saw the man make some kind of gesture with his hand, and the group seeming to react to it. It could very well be her imagination, maybe she was seeing what she wanted to see, because she was at the end of her ropes.

Merchant or no, the Fleethands would not let this offence go... She thought, as she loosened her arrow, straight into the throat of the man with the crossbow, the suddenness and power behind her composite bow almost nailing him to the building he had been standing by, the shock causing him to send a crossbow bolt flying into the air. The scene was suddenly filled with shouts as panic and anger set in among the Fleethands, however as their attention had been on Dezdin and Shifra, Aliz shot had surprised them leaving some of them vulnerable. Hopefully her allies capitalized on this, she thought as she drew another arrow, and readied another shot.

Unbeknownst to her, her expression which had been tense and grim throughout most of this encounter was now one of murderous glee.

OOC: The logical point for Aliz to initiate the fight would probably have been the moment Dezdin drew his weapon, since from her perspective that would have looked like he was going to do just that. But that would have ruined Irubus post, so I worked around it and found a different solution. Hopefully it works :)

@Wavebird @Irubus @Goldenkitten
Zazjh had been amazingly calm and still for a man currently poised very uncomfortably between two rooftops using nothing but friction to hold himself in place. But it was a technique honed from years of stalking wild beasts, his prey was a bit different this day but the skills still made their use known. He’d recognized that if he jumped straight from the rooftop while he could certainly slay one man he was high enough that he couldn’t guarantee his own safety. If he landed from that height and sprained or even broke something he’d likely be struck down moments later, and even if he survived there was no guarantee his “companions” would be willing to help an injured individual past that point.

It was these thoughts that had maneuvered him into his current position. It placed him in a spot he could more easily be seen and he’d lose some of the downward momentum but if he could surprise the men that wouldn’t matter, and it seemed surprising them would be easy. Things were rapidly escalating below and the men couldn’t be bothered with looking around them as an enemy was right before them. He was surprised by the mans aggressive actions as he took hold of ones neck, perhaps out here that would work, or maybe it was just a last ditch effort to ward them off before things turned truly violent; either way it didn’t seem to be working. The other men had immediately gone for their weapons when he’d taken the other one “hostage” and it was clear to everyone a battle was imminent. Or at least he thought it was clear, below Shifra had yet to give a signal and though he was inclined to make his move before he was noticed he also didn’t want to set off the spark that ignited the battle if the merchant man and Shifra still believed they could get out of this peaceably.

But the spark came anyway, he only caught a glimpse of the super-fast object flying out of the corner of his eye and the next moment one of the men collapsed with an arrow in his throat. He didn’t know what had prompted Aliz to fire first, maybe she had seen something he hadn’t and chose to act before they could, or maybe she was just battle hungry. Either way at that point there was no way this wasn’t ending in blood and it only took Zazjh a moment to recover and react.

Getting a solid grasp on the building with one hand and leg he pushed off firmly and in the next moment was hurtling down at the closest man whose attention was still turned to the man who had just perished, clearly they had yet to realize there were enemies outside the two before them and it was going to cost them dearly. Zazjh carried Aliz’s blade in his main hand but was wielding the small eating tool he’d been slipped back at the inn in the one he’d pushed off the wall with, and consequently was the one coming down with the most force. He fell upon the man’s back and plunged the knife into his throat so quickly that he couldn't even yell before he died, the force of the impact driving it even further in than his own strength would have allowed, creating a large gouge into what must have been a vital artery as a great spout and pool of blood emerged almost immediately.

By this point those that were left understood they were under attack but Zazjh moved as quickly as he could and capitalized on the last moments before they were battle ready. Leaving the now useless eating tool in the mans neck he charged the other man that had been standing in front of Shifra and the merchant. The Fleet man seemed unsure of whether he should turn his back on the two or not but in the last moments seemed to consider Zazjh the bigger danger. Unfortunately for him it was several seconds too late as Zazjh whipped Aliz’s blade around in a way that seemed foreign to those around him, and clearly was to his adversary who had been preparing for some other type of attack. His sword wielding arm went flying off to the side and even as he began to recognize its absence and the blood along with a short scream issued forth Zazjh pulled the blade back with both hands and jabbed it straight into his chest, pushing and digging it deeper until he was certain it had come out the other side.

For the briefest moments Zazjh had horrible memories of the last time he’d had to take human life but the moment passed quickly. Instead he reminded himself of the times he’d had to fight raiders and other clans. Though the taking of human life within the Clan was taboo Zazjh had more than enough experience with fighting those that wanted the territory they had. He chose to focus on that instead and continued forward.

They’d lost the element of surprise at this point and what remained of the Fleet members were either charging with swords drawn or cocking long range weapons but that didn’t mean Zazjh was going to give up his momentum. Withdrawing the sword from the man he reached out and picked him up by his throat before he could fall, and then wielding him like a shield he held him up in front of him as he charged at the nearest man. Intent on using the dead mans corpse like a bludgeoning tool to either knock the other man down or at least knock him off his guard so he could find an opening to strike with the blade.

((OOC: I couldn’t find a post stating exactly how many Fleet there were other than the two men talking to Shifra and Dezdin. We all seemed to have different ideas of just how many there were so if I’ve calculated there being too many just ignore that last paragraph and act as if it ended when Zazjh killed the second man, and I’ll edit that in at a later point.))

@Wavebird @RejjeN @Irubus
When the first arrow – Aliz's arrow – swooshed through the air and ripped the throat of one of fleethands standing by the hovercraft vehicles. In the corner of her eye, Shifra saw the red stream of blood that made it's way down to the ground. At first, she didn't understand what was going on, her mind had been so focused on the act she and Dezdin was performing in order to get out of the situation that her mind didn't seem to compute when the blood appeared at the scene. She turned to look at it, as it was seeming to fall in through the air in ultra-rapid before blending into the already red snow. No, she didn't realize what was going on until just a split second later, when the bolt fired from the fallen fleethands crossbow planted itself in the ice, only an inch or two in front of her – it was the wake-up-call she needed! Her legs surely let her know that were being stiff from all the kneeling when she sprang up on her feet in a quick motion. She quickly scanned her surroundings as she got on her feet: the first fleet hand fall with his hands grappling his own throat, and as from nowhere the Estrinn named Zazhj had appeared and already managed to take out two of the fleethands in what was a clearly an impressive display of combat skills.

Two of the fleethands remained in fighting form at this point, both of them having crouched down behind their hovercraft, hoping to avoid further fire from Aliz's bow as the loaded their own. Shifra could not spot any of them, but the guess that they were hiding behind the vehicles was an easy one to make. Now, Shifra couldn't risk remaining in the open, nor did she trust that she would win a shoot-out versus the fleethands as they where behind cover that was pretty much ideal for such a situation. See, even lightly armoured vehicles provided perfect protection against crossbow bolts.

So, instead of reaching for her favoured weapon she went for what was usually her second choice – her dagger. It was a pretty long dagger, bordering to a short sword. It was a typical weapon on fleets, a double-edged combat dagger of sorts; light enough not to burden you much at all, and heavy enough to parry bigger weapons (or Gohlar claws for that matter). With it in hand, she sprinted towards the vehicles and ending her approach with a sliding maneuver wounding up low and pressed against one of the vehicles. What she was going to do next was risky, she knew that full clear, she was going to throw herself over the vehicle, and place herself on the other side, engaging her foe once there, hopefully with the element of surprise at her side she could make quick work of one of them at least. Do it! Now!

She took a deep breath and again sprang up on top of the vehicle. But as she did she met a sight she had not wished for – the two fleethands had popped up behind the vehicles taking aim at Dezdin and Zazhj. But as things turned out, Shifra had jumped up almost in front of the one aiming for Dezdin. The fleethand was just as surprised as Shifra, and had no time to change targets, instead, he fired his bolt at Dezdin, not getting a clear shot thanks to the distraction provided by Shifra. The two men had fired one crossbow bolt each by the time Shifra landed on their side of the vehicles. Shifra quickly hurled herself towards the closest one, aiming her dagger at the heart of the man, hoping to finish him off before he could reach his sword. But if there was one thing that fleetfolk excelled in it was being quick and precise; the man twisted his body almost completely avoiding the dagger and at the same time he managed to launch himself away from Shifra, drawing his blade as he did. The two now stood face to face, blades drawn. Dagger versus sabre it would seem, a match-up that wasn't completely in Shifra's favour.

Back in the fleet Shifra had got combat training, and she knew full well that fleet folk learned many a way to handle a sword in combat. But the way she saw things it mattered little finding out exactly what fighting style someone used, what mattered was to find out if the person you fought was, what Shifra called, an opportunist or a dancer. Dancers being people that strive to move quickly, and lash out attacks in resemblance with their own footwork and their opponents moves, effectively weaving a deadly weave of attacks, hoping that the foe will not be quick enough to keep up, getting wrapped up in the weave, unable to get out. Opportunists on the other hand being those who rather wait for the right moment to strike, trying to read their opponents moves and predict them, hoping to end a fight with one deadly move. Shifra belonged to the latter category, and it would seem that her opponent belonged to the category prior. So, the man started lashing out a flurry of well-coordinated attacks both high and low at Shifra. She in turn answered by gracefully side-stepping, dodging, parrying and spacing herself away from her opponent, trying to get a read on him. The problem was the limited reach of her weapon, she didn't seem to be able to get close enough to land a killing blow without leaving herself open!
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As Zazjh charged forward toward the hiding Fleet members he was glad to see that Shifra was better at combat than she was at initiating conversations without someone getting murdered. She instantly picked up on what was happening and moved in for the attack, proving to be faster than Zazjh himself was (though this might be because she wasn’t carrying another man in the process…he’d have to test that later). She arrived at the other side taking the man Zazjh wasn’t going for off-guard as he loosed a bolt back the way they came, it was clearly aimed at the merchant man but Zazjh got the feeling that if someone was willing to step in to a violent situation like that they had a confidence in their abilities. Not to mention Shifras actions had forced the bolt to go awry so it might not even be anywhere close to hitting him, but he had no time to check.

The Fleet man Zazjh was charging down on the otherhand had several extra seconds to take aim and for the first time Zazjh got a feel for the fact that they were well trained. He’d killed the first two before they had a chance to truly prepare themselves but that was gone now. A normal man might have simply taken aim at him and hit his “shield” or missed aiming for an extremity, or panicked. Instead the man took aim for the slight bit of face Zazjh had exposed in order to see where he was going and had he not pulled back at the last moment it would have hit, as proven by the fresh trickle of blood flowing from a slight cut the bolt had traced as it glanced his face.

Zazjh realized quickly that the attack had done exactly what it set out to do if it hadn’t killed him, it’d forced him to pull out of his charge and slowed him down for just a split second, but it was long enough. In that time the fleet man had switched over to his blade and unlike the man before him Zazjh could tell he was ready for a fight, and possibly better trained too. Recognizing his initial plan wasn’t going to work Zazjh tossed the body at the “hovercraft”, more a symbolic gesture than a strategic one at this point and launched himself into combat with the other man.

They traded a few blows and Zazjh quickly recognized he was correct, much like the man fighting Shifra he was far more competent…or perhaps simply more prepared, which meant they’d definitely made the right choice in making a preemptive strike if they’d all been so skilled. But what the other man failed to realize was that simply cutting him down wasn’t Zazjh’s only plan. He was a hunter of the Ri’leyn Clan and they always hunted in packs. He knew his current companions didn’t move as one body as his clansmen would, but he had a feeling they all had enough skill to know an opening when they saw one.

When he’d finally pushed the man into a full standing position and saw an opening in their flurry of traded blows Zazjh raised his free hand, the mans eyes followed it clearly expecting some kind of attack. Instead what he saw was a simple hand gesture held high into the air which naturally caused a brief moment of confusion on the mans face. He hoped that confusion lasted long enough and the same confusion wasn’t going through Aliz’s mind, because for the briefest moment while both men were focused on their current attacker they were wide open to a shot from Aliz, or potentially the other man though since he’d yet to see him produce an attack Zazjh wasn’t counting on him to act just yet.

@Wavebird @RejjeN @Irubus

((OOC: In most cases I’d wait for the others to post. But since Zazjh was actually charging even before Shifra it wouldn’t have made much sense for Aliz or Dezdin to somehow get ahead of him and engage the other man. But for fairness sake (and because these guys are supposed to be elites) I only engaged him leaving him open either for Aliz to take a shot or Dezdin to enter the fray, though I don’t know if he intends too.))
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Jed's easy smile had quickly turned to an expression of cold observation at the scene taking place.

"Hin." Jed said, looking over at the man for a moment before looking at the battle that seemed to be starting. And who was at the forefront? Or at least who seemed to be the cause? His dear old companion, Shifra. Jed released a heavy breath through his nose as he tried to take in all that was happening.

"I do not believe this battle to be for us, Hin. I believe they have things covered." Jed said. Though he dearly wanted to find out the strength of his halberd, he was curious to see what Shifra would do. She was a warrior, and it seemed she had plenty of warriors at her side... there was no need to put the man bear into danger when the danger was being faced.

Jed watched the attack with interest, moving over to the corner of a building and gesturing for Hin to follow as well as a woman started to strike down fleetman with arrows.

"Shifra has made some friends, it seems." Jed said, and he wasn't sure if it was pride in his voice or annoyance. Maybe a strange mixture of both. He let out a low breath when Shifra jumped onto the ship and over to take on two sneaky fleetman herself, possibly saving her comrades while risking her own life. Another warrior came to her rescue or possibly just came to her aid as he watched.

"Are these people of your village or wanderers like Shifra and myself?" Jed asked Hin, his gaze remaining locked on the battle that seemed to be just about complete.

@Red Thunder

(Sorry about my absence, guys, I'm only just getting my old laptop up and working while my techie friend continues to work on my newer laptop. Also, sorry about the short reply at first- laptop glitched and entered early)
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Dezdin's shield let out a frantic cry as a bolt lodged itself into his abdomen.

"Shut up." Slicing the man's throat in a swift motion Dezdin listened as the fleet member gargled in pain for a few seconds through his newly opened extremity. Letting him fall Dezdin quickly paced towards Shifra, letting the man's attention be drawn to him for a few moments. He didn't want to corner the man as it could cause him to act out desperately and get one of them killed. Keeping a fair distance behind Shifra he peered behind his shoulder and caught sight of Aliz readying another arrow. This fight was getting far too cramped, he would more than likely only become a hindrance at this point. Pacing away without turning away from the Fleet member he got behind the vehicle and allowed his disappearance to keep the man on edge. His intentions where more focused on the people still inside the building. However many there were, the noise would've warned them already. More than likely they were ready at the door waiting for anyone to enter so that they could put metal between the eyes of whoever was dumb enough to enter.

Sneaking past the front door he took a spare knife that one of the dead fleet members had dropped on the ground after the larger man had caught them by surprise. Crawling towards the side of the building he checked one of the interior rooms before entering through a slightly opened window into the storage compartment. The noise they were making from the front was more than enough to drown out his entrance. Pulling himself through the opening his head was suddenly hit by metal that caused him to lose his balance and land roughly on the ground. Regaining his wits after only a brief moment of pain he caught the hand that was about to hit him again. "Reina!" he spoke in a hushed exclamation. The nurse of the location dropped her source of protection as she began to apologize but hit him again with slap on the spot she had already dented. "Dezdin! What is wrong with you!" obviously angry with his action she began to rub his head to soothe away the pain but kept pressuring it to his annoyance. Her eyes kept motioning towards the barricaded door that Dezdin had been unable to see. "Shhh, how many people are in here?" Getting back up before she could kill him he looked at the blind spot he had missed.

Iternally he thanked the gods that it wasn't someone with an actual weapon who might have killed him. Eyeing the woman Reina looked more than ready to have a heart attack as her hands trembled while trying to pry away the strands of hair that kept agitating the front of her view. "I-I think there are three, I know two were inside before things got crazy. The third one might have been outside. Dezdin what happened outsi---!" Clasping her mouth shut Dezdin tried to keep her from raising voice too louldy but was bitten for it instead.

"Don't do that!" she voiced again however this time with more control.

"Then please be quiet." Shaking his hand and rubbing it with his fingers he tried to ease the pain before moving towards the door and leaning his ear against it. He could hear hard breathing coming from a fair distance and swearing thought it was a bit muffled. Sliding his hand on the edge of the furniture he got a feel for the cupboard that she had jammed against the wall and the door. It wasn't too heavy per say but if she helped him he could probably move it without making too much noise. "Mistakes were made." Placing his sword back in its place, Reina caught the blood that had stained its metallic frame before looking at him with somber expression at the implications.

"Then get it fixed you damn Peltin." Looking wearily at the ground she didn't hesitate to move towards the furniture that she knew he would try to move.

Dezdin only smiled at her but steeled himself as they quietly moved the obstacle. He leaned against the door once again to see if he could hear anything, but it had gotten quiet on the other side. "Please tell me this door doesn't creak." Reina didn't answer him as she herself couldn't remember at the moment. His plating could take the brunt of off target bullets, or slicing weapons, but a crossbow bolt would go cleanly through it if it hit him on a flatter area.

Alright... Opening the door he was content to hear that the creaking was very minimum and the room was as he remembered slightly hidden behind a wall to the main room. As it was, he didn't want to step out of his position until something gave away the position of the other person, or if a distraction accord. He was certain Aliz had seen him go inside the building and he simply waited while trying to pick out anything that might be a clue.
A flurry of activity erupted on the scene ahead of Aliz after she'd shot one of the fleethands, with the first to act unsurprisingly being the foreigner who dropped down on one and planted a knife in his neck before skewering another in short order. Arrow drawn Aliz was watching for an opportunity to shoot, but at that moment there was simply too much activity for her to get a clear shot. Deciding to move toward the edge of the alley she was hiding in to get a wider scope of the field Aliz saw how Shifra made her mad dash for the Hovercraft, she had to wonder if Shifra knew what she was doing but she had to admit that having a ranged duel against people with solid cover was not a good idea either, so perhaps it was something that was necessary given the circumstances.

At other parts of the "battlefield" Zazjh charged the other Fleethand using one of them as a shield, while Dezdin seemed to be moving toward the infirmary. Aliz wondered what he was up to, chances were that there were more people hiding in there, but sneaking in alone while they were still fighting out here seemed risky. Focusing her attention back on the two still-living Fleethands she noticed that Shifra seemed to be having difficulties dealing with the one she was fighting, not surprising given their weapon choices, however Shifra had managed to draw the man out from behind the hovercraft.

With her bow aimed at the man Aliz aimed to either hit one of his legs or the ground in front of him to trip him up or distract him, hopefully giving Shifra the distraction she needed. There was so much movement between the two she found it hard to anticipate where he'd be the next second, as such it felt too risky to go for a kill shot. With the arrow loosened Aliz immediately switched her attention to Zazjh just in time to watch him distract the man with a surprise gesture. With another arrow loosened it struck the fleethand in the side, probably not enough to kill him but Zazjh should be able to finish him Aliz thought as her attention shifted to the infirmary once again.

She wasn't sure what she should do, there'd been no obvious signs of fighting from inside, so she had to assume Dezdin had yet to encounter whomever was inside... Perhaps he needed a distraction? It was a bit risky, but doing something was better than nothing. Drawing two arrows she loosened them into the door of the infirmary causing loud thuds as they lodged themselves deep, while she prepared to shoot one through the visible window furthest from where Dezdin had entered.

OOC: Sorry for the late reply, also for the sub-par quality of the post. Pretty tired as I'm writing this. Hopefully next post will be better.
The attacks kept coming! For Shifra the well-coordinated attacks of her adversary was like a constantly flowing river. For each attack parried or dodged the fleet hand managed to launch yet another one just as hard to predict and react to. Her short range made her unable to get the spacing she needed in order see what his next attack would be, she had to guess, to react quickly, only staying out of harms way thanks to her swiftness and to her complete focus. The question was, would she get the an opportunity to strike, or would this go on till she was too tired to keep up? The pace was high, and she was already tiring from this dance of theirs, all the while her opponent did not seem to tire all that much considering how he kept lashing at her with the same coordination.

Where Shifra had hoped for someone to help her out as she stalled her opponent, she was surprised at what was her rescue. In the corner of her eye, the metallic head of Aliz's arrow flashed the reflection of Dranoh'ce as it swooshed by, sending a beam of blinding sunlight straight into the eyes of Shifra's adversary, if only for a split second. This is it! Shifra saw the opportunity she had been waiting for, the flash allowed her to change direction, and the tiny advantage it gave her allowed for her to precisely beat the reaction time of her adversary and get close enough! With a graceful step she was on him, and with the power of her right arm her dagger had made it's way into his heart. Her left was holding her adversary's arm, preventing his sword to reach her throat only by an inch.

As the fleet hand fell dead into the red snow, Shifra could breathe out, and first now did she feel the surge of adrenaline that had been shooting through her during the heat of the battle. She looked around and tried to get a grasp of the battlefield. Each and every enemy seemed to be down and out, but where was the Peltin? Dezdin had disappeared without her noticing. And Aliz, she was on the move, firing arrows at the door of the infirmary.

Her eyes shifted to Zazhj. In her head she quickly counted the fleet hands he had taken down, or been part of taking down, clearly impressed by his abilities. Now, she turned to him, sort of hoping that he knew what to do next. Things had gone wrong from the start, and judging by effort this Zazhj-guy was clearly the most competent around.
Jed should have known better then to expect himself be able to sit out of a battle when the tribe's enemy was involved, the Fleet. Or more specifically, when a tribe member, as infuriating as she could be, was in danger. Jed was too slow to actually be of any help, for when he finally headed to Shifra's side, before he was even half way there someone took down the person she had been battling. He paused there, making sure he wasn't in the line of fire as he flattened himself to the ground before realizing that the enemy had been thoroughly demolished. Gripping tight to the beautiful Halberd that the manbear had gifted him, Jed decided to continue making his way to Shifra.

"Must you always cause trouble?" He asked as he approached, his gaze still flitting between the downed soldiers and the people who had been fighting on Shifra's side. They all proved themselves very capable fighters, and alone Jed would not want to face any of them. If he had his tribe members, though, defeating any one of them wouldn't be so hard (though if they all came at them as they had the Fleet hands, Jed had a feeling his family would take heavy casualties at the least).

"What did you do to cause such anger?" He added, reaching her side. His weapon was held in a slightly offensive position, Jed ready to go into a fight at any moment if it were still required, but his stance was open and unhindered by concern. Jed's gaze flickered to the pale haired woman that had assisted Shifra, wondering where she had learned to be such a good marksmen. Jed's smile was easy though his eyes were guarded- as much as he disliked the woman he felt relief that she had made it out of this alive, but was still angry at her for the fight the night before. He still can't believe she decided to sleep in an inn...

”Must you always cause trouble? What did you do to cause such anger?”

It was Jed. Shifra had not expected him to show up at the scene. Heck, for all she knew he had taken off into the desert happy to be rid of her. But yet here he was, still in town and obviously still showing some concern about her, even if it were the angry and annoying kind of concern. Shifra shifted her attention to Jed and put on some attitude as she looked at him with lowered eyebrows.

”It is no concern of yours, Jed.” She continued quickly before he could reply: ”Besides, why are you still in town? Were you to weak and afraid to be alone in the desert at night? And what is that? You went about and bought yourself some protection?” She nodded at the halberd in Jed’s hands. For some reason she was mocking him again but she didn’t know why this time either. She was actually glad to see him, but still she couldn’t bare to be nice to Jed, it was as if his very presence annoyed her.

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