The Flavor of Blood [CS]

n i h i l i s m

my jinji don't you cry

the flavor of blood . . .

welcome to the flavor of blood

teen vampires with gay teen vampire angst.

age ::
quasi/pure: (if applicable)
biography: (including why they're at the hideout and how they got there)

links :: icrp

code by pasta pasta
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your friendly neighborhood quasi

Moon Kang Joon. 20 . 5'8. 140lbs.​

I’m your tricolor cat
Here to meet you
Love me now touch me now

Just let me love you
Just let me love you
Ever since the universe was first formed
Everything has been planned
Just let me love you

Let me love let me love you
Let me love let me love you

Kang Joons past is something you can call depressing. Joon was a happy kid, known for having good grades and being just an overall good kid, until he turned 18. His friends and him decided they wanted to be rebellious for one night and snuck out of the house and into the woods. Of course, they thought these woods were just a place where kids snuck out to smoke and drink, but that wasn't the case at all.

The trio ended up getting lost, heading deeper into the woods instead of the way out. As they neared a house in the middle of the woods, Joon heard a blood curdling scream and turned around to see a woman with a man piercing fangs into her neck. The trio started to run for there lives, but were stopped by a tall and handsome male. The male was named Dongsik, and he spared Kang Joon and his friends, under one condition, one of them stay with him. Joon stepped up, willing to sacrifice himself for his friends. Joon was brought back to the males house and thrown into a jail like cell. the first thing he noticed was that he wasn't the only one. There was at least five other people in cells next to his. Joon became one of Dongsiks "favorite toys", and was always forced to hang out with the male. One night was different though, Joon was bit, and then fed human blood, making him Dongsiks Quasi. Joon was made into a puppet,
killing and dragging dead bodies to the warehouse almost daily so Dongsik didn't have too. The worst part? Joon fell in love. Dongsik treated Joon sweetly, giving him almost anything he wanted as long as he, "did his work". Joon knew the male didn't actually love him, but Joon just wanted to be loved.

A few weeks later Joon came home to find a stake through Dongsiks heart, and Joon felt the world stop around him. He went hysterical at the death of the man who didn't even love him, and killed everyone in the warehouse, before carrying Dongsik's body out to the graveyard and burying him. Joon fled after that, he left Ilsan for Busan, walking aimlessly for days, hungry and exhausted. Joon stumbled upon his new pureblood and that's how he ended up with the group.

Joon is still a bit mentally unstable, haunted by everyone he has killed and Dongsik's memory, so he tends to lash out and get angry easily.

Likes > reading, music, drawing, dogs, nature, rainy days, and big sweaters.

Dislikes > graves, stakes, talking about the dead, yelling, and spiders.

Fears > love, spiders, and heights

I’m your tricolor cat
Here to meet you
Love me now touch me now

Just let me love you
Just let me love you
Ever since the universe was first formed
Everything has been planned
Just let me love you

Let me love let me love you
Let me love let me love you

code by youngjae
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age ::
kind: quasi
biography: (including why they're at the hideout and how they got there)
real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real ..real .real
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papi status pureblood


lim jin tae
age 18
gender male
sexuality bisexual
status pureblood


height: 6'1
weight: 149 lbs
hair color: dark brown
eye color: dark brown
piercings: none
tattoos: none


I've been upside down
I don't wanna be the right way round
Can't find paradise on the ground

Tae Jin's silent and intimidating personality gives him the appearanec of a dominant figure. He hounds over the unhealthy power dynamic he forces on people. Isn't that how purebloods are suppose to act? ***wip - something should be inserted here. he's not that dramatic* On the inside of his thick outershell is a sad and lonely man.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.

code by pasta pasta
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ℕ??? shin miyeon ☆彡 being the superficial woman she was, her mother wanted to name her something beautiful. and she did, literally. miyeon was a name that meant "beautiful", "pretty", and "pleasing". rather than a name that matched her daughter, she wanted a daughter that matched the name. she should be proud though. miyeon grew up to be a beautiful woman like she wanted, and will stay beautiful for the rest of her immortal life.
??ℕ??ℝ female
??? 24 years old ☆彡 age no longer had any meaning in her now immortal life, but it only has been two years since she got turned, so miyeon still counts the days like any other human being.
???????? ? bisexual ☆彡 attracted to both genders, but you can say she prefers males. miyeon has never really fallen in love or pursued another woman after being rejected by her best friend. besides, she had an easier time hunting male humans than the female ones.
??ℕ? vampire
ℚ????/ℙ?ℝ? quasi
ℍ???ℍ? 5'6" (167 cm)
????ℍ? 130 lbs (59 kg)
ℍ??ℝ chocolate brown ☆彡 being of asian descent, she was born with black hair and has never once dyed it until her first year of high school. wanting to try out a different color, she had her hair professionally done at the advise of her mother, who refused to have her daughter use cheap hair dye products that can be found in any convenient store. falling in love with the color, miyeon has continued to dye her long hair chocolate brown ever since. she usually likes to keep it down and slightly messy, only styling it when she's out hunting.
???? dark brown
??????? she has a tattoo of a star on her wrist. ☆彡 miyeon got the tattoo a few months after the death of her little sister. it's supposed to represent her little sister because she always shined and brought light to miyeon's dull life. it helped her cope with the loss, as the tattoo became a physical representation of the memory of her sister that she could look at, at any time she wanted.
ℙ??ℝℂ?ℕ?? she just has her ears pierced.
????? her pureblood, flowers, reading mystery books, flowering teas, water color paintings, being praised by anyone not just her pureblood, sweets, being useful, over-sized sweaters, watching the sun rise and set
???????? her parents, loud and crowded places, being told what to do by anyone that isn't her pureblood, two faced people, liars, the nightmares she has about her sister, spicy food, losing or feeling inferior in any way, hunting for blood sources(but will reluctantly do it for her pureblood)
???ℝ? losing her pureblood, running into her parents
ℙ?ℝ??ℕ????? wip
????ℝ?ℙℍ? wip
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Name: Ko Seungjae
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Kind: Quasi
Blood type: A+

Likes: Dancing, Photography, Painting, Cooking, Chinese Food, EXO, School, Fancy Dress, Bell Peppers, aesthetically pleasing outfits, fluffy things and cleaning.

Dislikes: Mess, Apples, The colour green, direct sunlight, being scolded by the Purebloods, Being controlled by the purebloods, Eggplants, having her photo taken and cucumbers.

Fears: Lonliness, Failure, angry purebloods and the pureblood who turned her.

Personality: Many people say that a Quasi’s completely changes when they are turned but Seungjae stayed relatively the same apart from the fact that she know needs blood to survive instead of food. Seungjae has always been on the quiet side as she would always think deeply about her words before actually letting them out of her mouth. Seungjae may be on the quietside but in no way is she a pushover as she actually catches quite an attitude if you piss her off.

If you’ve managed to get past the slight cold exterior Seungjae is actually just a girl who has lots of love to give. One of her favourite things is taking care of those she loves even if they don’t notice or thy take it for granted. Seeing her precious people happy is one of her main joys in life.

The final thing to note is that Seungjae used to be a professional ballerina. As cliche as it sounds she really does use dance as a way to express feelings that she can’t put into words. Seungjae has always wanted to pick up her career where she left but she lacks confidence going back into the industry as a Quasi instead of a human.

Bio: Growing up in the seaside city of Busan Seungjae was raised on a steady diet of seafood and tough love. Seungjae grew up in a large family with herself being the second youngest of 6 children who were nearly always constantly fighting with eachother. However, Seungjae was slightly different from her rowdy family due her quiet nature but they still loved her to bits.

Seungjae discovered her passion for dance at age 7 when her school began to offer it as an extra curricular activity. Her mother quickly enrolled her in a dance school and she shot up through the grades as she achieved her Gold level distinction at the impressive age of 14. A dance company in Seoul had been watching Seungjae for a long time and they finally offered her a place at their prestigious academy.

At first her family was against the idea of them being separated but after a few strong words on Seungjae’s side her parents agreed to let her go to Seoul. The day she left it was quite the sight to see as the whole family had turned up to see her off and there was lots of tears but Seungjae wasn’t sad to leave her family as she knew they wouldn’t be alright and she was also off to pursue her dream.

Seungjae spent the next 3 years in a highly competitive environment where she had to do anything to get an edge on her rivals. Seungjae was competitive but she was ethical in the ways she got an edge not like the other girls who would trip eachother hoping that the lead would sprain an ankle. Despite the toxic environment Seungjae was blossoming into a beautiful dancer who had a promising career ahead of her. Well that’s how it should of been.

Seungjae was walking back to her shoebox apartment late one night when the worse thing could of happened. She was crossing the street when some pureblood brat struck her with their insanely expensive car. The impact from her car left her brain dead almost instantly. The pureblood brat who struck her decided that instead of having to suffer the consequences of killing a human they’d just turn her into a Quasi.

Devastated with her circumstances Seungjae completely cut herself off. She dropped out of school, cut off her family and turned into herself but she needed to adjust to her life as a Quasi and so she did what she needed to do to survive.

Seungjae arrived at the abandoned building in search of a place to belong. In search of a second family. She’d heard about it from a few other Quasi’s and since she had no other place to go Seungjae decided to take a leap of faith and move in with a bunch of complete strangers. It may not be a good decision but it’s something she has to do to survive.

(PM me if interested :3)

fc: Lee Hyebin


by youngjae
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Typical spoiled bratty pureblood obsessed with having the all attention from her quasi [FINALLY FINISHED!]

(Park Junghwa probably)

Choi Sori Na




name: Choi Sori Na
gender: Female
age : 22?
sexuality: bisexual
kind: pureblood

likes: dying her hair, jewelry, bossing others around, watching drama between others happen, causing drama between purebloods and their quasi, causing trouble, everything expensive, attention (especially from her quasi)

dislikes: being bored, being neglected, not getting what she wants, her father's new wife, losing arguments, crying (unless used to get her way), being disobeyed

fears: Her father choosing his wife over her, Her quasi hating her

personality: Sori gives the whole "bratty pureblood" stereotype a new meaning by living up to those exact standards. She is a selfish, ruthless, bossy, and manipulative girl who cares about no one's feelings but her own...and maybe just slightly her quasi's. As terrible as a person she may seem Sori does have a soft spot for her quasi simply because she enjoys torturing them with her outlandish behavior. Throwing a temper one second and showing worry for her quasi the next, Sori has trouble with displaying affection correctly because she was taught that unless for a purpose, affection was just weakness. Sori hates being weak and refuses to reveal her weak side to anyone aside from her quasi who accidentally spotted her in tears once.
She loves material things, any temper she has can be fixed with a mere gift of something shiny.

biography: Sori was born into one of the few filthy rich vampric households as the sole heir and apple of her father's eye. She grew up a daddy's girl, never knowing her mother and never caring to learn of the woman. All she needed was her father and his undying devotion to his favorite little girl. With a rich father came the never-ending stream of wives waltzing into her territory and Sori Na being the beautiful little monster she was made it her mission to send every single one of them packing the moment they stepped their crappy high-heels on her expensive floors.

Sori took pleasure in torturing them all; manipulating any situation she could and managed to send all five of his previous wives packing with divorce papers. It wasn't until six months ago the terror met her match with her father's newest wife being nearly the adult version of herself. Just as terrible and manipulative the woman had Sori Na's father around her finger secured with a large shiny diamond. No matter how many of her old tricks she played the woman had Sori's father in her favor; the young heiress seeing her father's cold side directed at herself for the first time in her life. Feeling neglected by the man who had always taken her side Sori let her temper run the wildest it's ever gone; running away from home without a single warning and taking to an abandoned building to hopefully find others to provide her with the attention she knew she deserved. She scornfully hoped her father was agonizing himself over her gone missing as his punishment for choosing "that witch" over his own daughter. If he was busy worrying about her, then he had no time to provide attention to the other woman making Sori the victor of their little war.

code by pasta

Silent but obedient quasi
(Oh Sehun, of course)

s w e e t​



Name x Yu Seong Nam
Nicknames x Yu (by everyone else), Nam Nam or Nammy (by his pureblood)
Age x 19
Gender x Male
Sexuality x Pansexual
Kind x Quasi

Likes x Quiet dimly lit places, Reading old literature, Being able to take care of someone, Feeling needed, Fashion

Dislikes x Crowds and loud places, His pureblood getting into trouble, Getting into trouble because of his pureblood, Troublesome situations in general, The way his persona is seen by other people

Fears x Disappointing his pureblood

Relationships x
Pureblood - Kang Jisung



Yu is the definition of the strong silent and cold type; at least that's what everyone seems to think. Never saying too much to strangers or even around non-strangers Yu's charm tends to come from his looks and the great deal of silence that comes with it. He finds himself too mature for his age, only being 19 yet somehow still more adult like than half the pureblood brats he's met. Though he speaks significantly less than his peers, Yu makes up for it by being the absolute most loyal quasi he can be. He owes his life to his pureblood, and he makes sure his pureblood knows how much that means to him. Rumors might even tell he's harboured a few extra feelings toward his pureblood; of course Yu doesn't acknowledge any of this.

Biography x
Yu, even when he was human, had always been the quiet and shy child of his family. Growing up the middle and forgotten child of the large household, young Seongnam was never the type to feel significant about himself. His family held too many members to count and nothing ever seemed to stand out about him compared to the rest of his siblings. It wasn't as if he were treated poorly, it was just the fact that he just didn't exist at all. Yu accepted it nonetheless and spent most of his time alone entertaining himself with books or sketching on scraps of old paper he'd find lying around.

At the age of eleven he discovered his knack for fashion design when one of his older sister's got a sewing machine for christmas. Being the neglected one of the bunch, she hadn't even noticed when he had swiped it one day; fascinated by the machine and how it worked. It wasn't until that time he received the very first trial of affection from any member of his family. That same sister eventually found him with her machine and taught him everything she knew about making clothes; becoming the first person he could call a friend.

By the age of fifteen Yu had gained an immense amount of popularity almost overnight. Puberty hit him hard as his sister described it; his face had flourished beautifully. In his growing relationship with his sister he had taken to exercising regularly; a hobby she enjoyed and continuously seemed to drag him into.Though he enjoyed the pools of peers admiring and attempting to befriend him, he continued to be the ghost he always was; never striving too far from the "himself" he grew up as and giving devoting his attention to his best friend and sibling. His love for fashion continued to grow and with is sister's encouragement he settled on his dream to walk the runway after finishing up high school.

At the age of eighteen Yu had been scouted and found joy in his new found happiness; leaving home and his sister for a while to explore more options as a model. Contact between himself and his family lessened and eventually he wasn't very bothered to think about any of them much at all anymore with how busy he'd become. After sometime of finally deciding to visit home Yu, received the tragic news of his sister's passing due to an illness she'd been battling since a few years prior. The shock of never knowing or paying her enough attention to notice she was ill hit him in an instant and he immediately blamed his selfishness for her demise. Yu, feeling lost and guilty for not being available to her in her last moments, spiraled downward into loneliness once again; quitting his job and moving back into his home with his family, living in neglect and depression until the night his accident finally "saved" him.

Yu had gone out for a night run to the convenience store when he had heard a commotion, a young woman being harassed by a few men, and gave into the heroic side of himself attempting to help her. His success resulted in the woman's escaped but his own tragedy when the group decided to beat him til the brink of death. While lying helpless in his last few moments, Yu was turned into a quasi by a generous stranger he'd never even seen before. Accepting his fate as a chance at a new life, Yu found himself at the at the abandoned building in search of a place to figure himself out rather than becoming a danger to rest of his family back home.

t e e w s​

code by pasta​
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name :: Hyeon Gun Lee

gender :: male

age :: 23

sexuality :: bisexual panromantic

kind :: halfblood hunter

likes ::

dislikes ::

fears :: Vampires, commitment.

personality :: Cold and calculated, Gun refuses to yield himself to anyone. A solo life is the only one he will ever live. As long as he has his freedom, there is contentment. The capacity for happiness without the aid of recreational drugs or liquor faded a long time ago. However, beyond the cold exterior of a hunter, Gun grasps the final threads of morality. He believes that killing is wrong, but is resigned to the fact that this is the only thing that will fix the wrongs committed against him and any other human on the planet. He is repulsed by delusion but often finds himself being fooled into the concept that he is still human underneath the fangs and aversion to sunlight.

biography :: Being the child of a vampire and human was no easy task, for those humans whose births held no complications (of course depending on their social status) Gun could only feel jealousy and spite. Even the home he was born into was difficult, alongside his younger sister (insert name in a sec). It was a pureblood haven filled with some of the richest names in vampiric nature. And the only reason that his mother was allowed to live was that the purebloods needed a food source that wasn't tainted, and some of them still held true to the old vampiric laws. But soon the other vampires grew angry with Gun's father, as he tried to monopolize his lover and make it so that she could not be drained to death by the others. Instead of letting this come to pass the angry vampires murdered Gun's father in front of his very eyes, exposing the cruelty of full-blooded vampires and the dim spark in his life that was vampire slaying. As his mother drifted farther and farther away the only person left in his life was his sister. Who was also being pulled away from him. After she confessed her love for a vampire and ran away with him, Gun began to track them. However, during his journey he picked up the art of vampire slaying, becoming one of the most well-feared hunters in vampire culture today.

jang yi jeong
real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real ..real .real
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it's ya girl back at it again with the shitty placeholders

. runaway quasi
. old and powerful
. smokes bc he gives no shits
. "how am i not dead yet? beats me"
. maybe joined up with a pureblood after escaping his old clan

. comes from one of the richest pureblood clans
. treats her quasi like her best friend
. absolutely hates her father
. high-maintenance
. doesn't really believe in class distinctions

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i won't wake up from this dream baby
forever, i got you, you got me
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before me

cheon suji.

appears 22.

[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentII" style="display: none;"]
with you

inner attributes
dogs, puns, attention, cartoons, the thought of being taken care of forever.
competition, being alone for too long, arguments, alcohol, passive aggressiveness.
losing her girlfriend.
personality here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc,
[/DIV] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentIII" style="display: none;"]
you fill my

in depth
biography here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc,
[/div] [/DIV][/DIV]
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Name: Kang JiSung
Nickname: Sung
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual -leaning more towards men.
Kind: Pureblood


Reading, writing, drawing, dancing, being pampered/spoiled, satisfying his curiosity, drinking blood, listening to peoples stories...

Being bored, being ignored, being called childish, being told what do do, big crowds.

Abandonment, small spaces.

He is very possessive and overprotective of his quasi and doesn’t let others mistreat him/her or try to get too close to him/her, easily gets jealous, he can be bossy towards his quasi but isn’t cruel or cold, actually he can be like a friend to them, when he is really excited about something he is like a kid on candy. He can be a kind guy or the meanest person you come across -depending on how you treat him and his quasi. He is very curious and likes to satisfy his curiosity which can get him into trouble. Sometimes he is easily distracted which is how people close to him prevent him from getting into trouble or obsessing over something too much (they distract him with something he likes).

Quasi - Yu Seong Nam


His father was from a very rich, powerful and renowned pureblood family but his mother was his father's secret pureblood lover since the man was married. As Jisung was born it caused big problems and it only got worse when his mother died. His father took him in and his father's wife adopted him but she extremely resented JiSung. Always when she was annoyed with him or angry and his father wasn’t around she would lock him into a small room in the attic, sometimes for days as his father went on businesses trips.

His father was very busy and the treatment from his adoptive mother made him feel abandoned and confused since whenever his father was around he was treated extremely well and got anything he asked for. As he grew older things didn’t change much until he turned fifteen and got a tutor that spent a lot of time with him. They got very close and he became quite attached to his tutor until his adoptive mother realized it and fired him without JiSung knowing it, thinking that the tutor abandoned him only added to his abandonment issues and he became very possessive and overprotective of anything he owned or liked as well as easily got jealous. As he turned seventeen he started retaliating against his adoptive mother and even managed to prove to his father that she wasn’t who she pretended to be. Things started to look up for him from then on, he made a few friends, had a relationship -which was short-lived because of his possessive and overprotective nature as well as occasional mood swings- but all in all things seemed good. Until he turned 19 and his father's enemies started targeting him in order to get to his father. That was how he ended up in the abandoned building with the others.
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I regret that it takes a lifetime
to learn how to live.
name \ hyeon chae eol
age \ seventeen
gender \ female
type \ halfblood
sexuality \ unknown
personality \
* grew up with a vampirism complex. like human blood is the poison that taints her heritage, and to have untainted blood is to exist as perfection.
* shuns away the human part of herself.
* subconsciously, every choice she makes and has made is in some way an attempt to bring herself closer to vampirism.
* still believes she is unworthy of her girlfriend's love.
* likes to act like she's a powerful person who takes charge but is actually quite the doormat.
* has become dependent on her lover, truly believing she's nothing without her.
* discriminatory towards humans especially, but quasis as well. she keeps this hidden, but sometimes things will slip when she gets emotional.

biography \
coded by y o u n g j a e
fears \ losing her girlfriend _ being found by her brother

likes \
dislikes \ humans _ quasi vampires _

relationships \
hyeon gun lee _ older brother
cheon su ji _ girlfriend
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[class=contain] width:300px; height:500px; margin:auto; overflow:hidden;[/class] [class=1] background:#333; background-size:100%; height:400px; [/class] [class=11] background:white; border:1px solid lightgray; padding:3px; height:10px; font-size:10px; line-height:10px; font-family:Karla; margin:2px; [/class] [class=111] color:white; [/class] [class=tabs] color: white; font-size: 12px padding:5px; margin:3px auto; width: 100%; float:left; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: cell; display:inline; padding: 10px 0; width: 20%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-image:URL(; z-index:2; [/class] [script class=tabsContent] [/script] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} 1) (fadeIn 400 tabsContentInformation) if (eq ${currentTab} 1) (fadeOut 200 tabsContentCharacters) if (eq ${currentTab} 1) (fadeOut 200 tabsContentRules) if (eq ${currentTab} 2) (fadeOut 400 tabsContentCharacters) if (eq ${currentTab} 2) (fadeOut 400 tabsContentInformation) if (eq ${currentTab} 2) (fadeIn 400 tabsContentRules) if (eq ${currentTab} 3) (fadeIn 400 tabsContentCharacters) if (eq ${currentTab} 3) (fadeOut 400 tabsContentInformation) if (eq ${currentTab} 3) (fadeOut 400 tabsContentRules) [/script]
[div class=contain]
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[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=1] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentInformation"][div style="background-image:URL(; background-size:100%;color:white;padding:5px;font-family:Karla;font-size:11px;height:390px;"][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentRules" style="display: none;"][div style="background:#333;color:white;padding:5px;font-family:Karla;font-size:11px;height:390px;"] LIKES Ӝ gardens/flowers, jewelry, the sunrise, wine and champagne, fireworks, piano music, television soap operas, pretty people

DISLIKES Ӝ snow/the cold, being confined in the house for too long,

FEARS Ӝ the full moon, her reflection? paralysis, pain

She acts like a newborn despite her appearance. She's easily interested in everything she sees such as a file of worker ants carrying a muffin a hundred times their size or being glued to the soap opera channel on the television. Her curiosity is boundless, to say the least as she has a habit of wandering around or being in a daze contemplating why the sky is blue.

Like the speed of her curiosity, she is as easily scared of things she has no knowledge of. As soon as she feels an inch of discomfort or pain she'll become defensive and will attempt to run and hide. While her trust can be easily obtained with a few gifts and favorable impressions losing that trust is just as easy. Her grudges run deep. With just one moment and it will take awhile for the other party to be on good terms with her again. [/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentCharacters" style="display: none;"][div style="background:#333;color:white;padding:5px;font-family:Karla;font-size:11px;height:390px;"]STORY
Her past remains a mystery.

She only knew she had awakened from a deep slumber. She had no answers to who she was or why she was in a coffin in the middle of the woods. The only things which could be used to identify her were the faded green and white hanbok and the butterfly hairpiece she had on her.

Knowing that sitting still will get her nowhere she got up on her feet which eventually led her out of the woods and into civilization. After causing a bit of trouble due to her powers she encountered the group of teens who she felt a bit of familiarity with and began to follow them in hopes of finding her memories. [/div][/div] [/div]
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