The Final Test (Ricia x Venomiss)


Meta-Magic Eight Ball

The Godly Realm

Icarus: Sun god, big white lion with a mane of fire

Created the sun, created all felines, mate to Greta

Sent griffon son to chase the moon across the sky and make way for his sun

Greta: Goddess of the day sky, snow leopard/white falcon griffon

Created clouds, all birds, and cliffs for them to nest, mate to Icarus

Freya: Moon Goddess, Black winged wolf

Created the moon, created all canines, mate to Stardust

Sent daughter, a Pegasus, to chase the sun out of the sky and make way for her moon

Stardust: God of the night sky, Black, sparkly unicorn

Created the stars, and all horse kind, mate to Freya

Judges the dead, those who he believes are worthy, he will create a constellation in their glory

Sobek: God of the rain, Sapphire dragon whose head/tail resembles a crocodiles'

Created rain and all reptilian/amphibious kind

Cerunnos: God of the plants, Great elk stag with gigantic antlers that are fertile tree branches

Created plant life, and all hoofed kind (besides horses)

Mamcocha: Goddess of the ocean, Gigantic orca whale with reverse colors

Created the ocean, and the underwater world

Was jealous of Icarus and Freya's superiority and created her own world within the Earth

Aphrodite: Goddess of the Flora, Beautiful butterfly with wings that hold each of the Earth's wondrous hues

Created the flowers, and all bugs

Incredibly vain, first created only butterflies then wanted to seem more beautiful so created many less aesthetically pleasing bugs

Ponoma: Goddess of fruit, Spirit bear with a amethyst gaze

Created all fruit, bears, bats and most marsupials

Wanted something sweet for her kind to eat, as she has a huge sweet tooth herself.


The Shadow Realm

Not much is known about the shadow realm, as it's creatures are incredibly mysterious.

What is known as they want to take Earth for it's abundant resources, mainly meat.

They are all carnivorous and have a big appetite; innocent blood is thier favorite.

The leader of the Shadow Realm is a terrible creature known as the Morgar.


It was a crisp summer morning in the great Semien mountain range. The wind blew mercilously through the trees, creating a song of rustling leaves. The trees whispered to eachother of the fast-approaching fall season, and a few were even starting to shed thier beautiful summer coats in preperation.

A wolf's howl range through the skies, speaking of great sorrow. Many voices joined into the sombre song. A life had been lost today. A young ebon wolf with strange green markings about her body stood beside her fallen father, singing for her sadness, and her dad's glory. The great mountain pack stood all about her, creating a powerful chorus that thundered through the trees.

The corpse was of Dirtar Shadowsong, the great night guardian of the mountains. He did not look like your average wolf- just like his daughter he had many dark emerald markings and 7 different tails. Although he had many pups, the one who stood beside him was the wolf destined to take his place. She only had three tails, showing her progress in her training.

The thought was simply terrifying- the great forest had lost their night guardian, and his daughter was no where near ready to take his spot. As she lowered her head to finish her song, it dawned apon her that she had absoloutely no choice.

Her father's words echoed through her memories, 'If something were to happen to the guardians, you must take the final test. Meet the others in the meadow of Cerrunos, and then you must work together to travel to the realm of the Gods. First you must gather the elemental stones- yours would be obsidian deep in the cave of the Spirit Fox. Then, you must travel to the top of the tallest mountain- the peak of the Gods, and sing to our Goddess, Freya. If all stones and elements are present, you will be transported to the godly realm on the wings of the great pegusis.'

"You know what must be done, my child." A voice chimed behind her.

The dark wolf turned about, where her mother, a common timber wolf, stood with a sad glimmer in her gaze. She didn't say anything, she merely nodded in reply. She then stepped to the fae, and nuzzled her scruff for a moment.

Suddenly, with no word of warning, she dashed off, her speed exceeding that of the common wolf. Her destination was the meadow of Cerrunos, a giant, beautiful meadow in the center of the mountains. She knew this place very well as it was the main gathering place for prey.

Above her, strong, yet small, wings cut through the frigid winds. A petite gryphon sped through the air, tears rolling out of his big, golden owl eyes. His mother was gone, and it was time for young Zephyrus to take her role as the Guardian of Air.

'Be strong, my son.' Her last words replayed over and over in his mind, 'Find the Quartz of Air, on the tallest cliff of Greta's mountain, and then find the Gods.'

After a exhausting hunt with very little success, the gryphon had returned to his cliftop home to find his mother laying in a pool of her own blood. She had slain the shadow creature who had caused the damage, but, her wounds were serious, and she had very little time left. Zephyrus had tried his hardest to save the dying gryphon, but, had no success. She died under his wings.

Fighting off the terribly recent memories, the young gryphon swooped down to land in a tree just on the edge of the meadow of Cerrunos. Trying his hardest to contain his tears, he glanced about the meadow, wondering who exactly he'd see- the other guardians, or thier offspring? Had all the guardians perished this dreadful morning?

Name: Adura

Species: Tigress/Saber

Element: Fire

God: Icarus

Appearance: Adura is a large Tigress that a dark red coat and midnight black stripes. She has small always burning Flames around her paws, shoulder and forelegs. She has a smaller Flame that burns on her forehead. She has long fangs much like a Saber Tooth. She has gold eyes and a black nose.

Stone: Sunstone

Name: Alces

Species: Elk

Element: Plant/Earth

God: Cerunnos

Appearance: Alces is very tall and has vines that climb his legs and end before they reach his body. he has leaves that match the season by color on his shoulder. His chest is white as snow and trails up his neck, while the rest of his coat is a a stunning golden brown. His antlers is much like Cerunnous and are premature trees. Flowers and mushrooms grown on his body, depending on the seasons.

Stone: Hematite

Name: Rhean

Species: Snow Leopard

Element: Light/Healing

God: Greta

Appearance: Rhean is a proud snow leopard with a sliver hide. Her spots are gold and her tail splits half way, much like a tuning fork. White fluffy wings lay on her back. . Her spots and glow at will.

Stone: Pietersite

Adura moved across the meadow ground, still grief stricken by her Father’s murder. She knew what she had to do, she had been prepared for this, but she knew not nearly prepared enough. Would the other guardians accept her as the Guardian of Fire? Her father was a beast of great pride and power, she was still a kit, just taking her real steps out as an adult. Adura’s stomach twisted in fear in the coming meeting with the other guardians.

When the tigress reached the opening to the meadow, she stopped to survey the area. She saw a griffin in a tree not to far away. A Flicker of movement of black caught Adura’s eye. Twisting to see, she saw a black winged wolf. They were all small… they were all children. Were all the guardian’s slain? Adura knew for a fact that none of new guardians that have been born training have been completed.

When a third form came out of the tree line, a stag this time, Adura thought it was best for her to make the first steps of her new guardian ship with her fellow guardians. The flames on her shoulders and paws sputtered as she jumped into the field and sprinted towards the others.


Alces walked through the tree line and into the breath taking field of his god Cerunnos. Alces’s strides were long and slow, his head towering over any brush that would cover other smaller creatures. He kept his body erect to show a proud and strong composure. His Father had told him to walk proud and to stand hard through his quest to Greta’s domain, to the mountains that tower further then the eye could see.

The new Earth Guardian swept his eyes across the field and spotted a black wolf and a flaming tiger, breaking into a run forward. All the children of the previous Guardians so far. Red flags began to rise in Alce’s mind, this might not just a coincidence, he will see when everyone is here. Approaching the black she wolf, Alces stopped in front of her and glanced down, “
Greetings. I am the son of the Earth Guardian, the assessor to the Earth Guardianship and now current Guardian due to my father’s untimely death.” He finished just as the flaming tigress approached.

Geez you sound proper. You don’t even sound broken up about his death.” The tigress said stopping next to the black wolf. The statement annoyed Alces immediately, “Crying does not bring my father back, nor does it help me get to the highest mountain or find any Gods. If I truly want to honor him, I will do as he asks.”

The flame on the tigresses forehead immediately increased in size, flaring up as she let out a long hiss, “
You can at least feel some emotion!”

The stag just blinked down at the tigresses and said nothing more, feeling no need to justify himself or his feeling to a hot head. She did not deserve his respect.
Name: Hati

Species: Timber Wolf

Element: Darkness/Night

God: Freya

Appearance: Hati is covored in a pelt of jet black. He has several gray/green markings, the main being a crecsent moon and star on his forehead. There are also a couple of gray/green markings about his forelegs and shoulders, swirling about in a beautiful pattern. Two raven wings come from his shoulders, though they have just become strong enough for flight and he hasn't been taught as of yet. In the full moonlight, they sparkle like the stars in the night sky. He has three tails, each tipped with that same gray-green color as his markings. He has intense emerald green eyes.

Name: Zephyrus

Species: Griffon (Canadian Lynx/ Barn owl)

Element: Air/Wind

God: Greta

Appearance: Zephyrus is very small for a griffon, reflecting upon his lynx ancestry. The frontal half of his body is covored in gold and black feathers, along with his wingspan. Much like the barn owl, two large, golden eyes peer from a completely white face. His forelegs end in two golden talon, whereas his backlegs are the paws of lynx. His back half of his body consists of silver and black fur with a white underbelly, ending in a small, bobbed tail. At the end of his tail a few tail feathers rest, aiding in flight.

Name: Asasara

Species: Snake Dragon

Element: Water/Ice

God: Sobek

Appearance: Asasara mostly resembles a snake with a long, jade green body with blothces of teal lined in black. Her head is rounded, much like that of a viper's, indicating that she is indeed venomous. Her eyes are turquoise with black slits. Unlike most snakes, she does have two legs placed closer to the front of his body, with incredibly nimble fingers. She has two small wing-like appendages above her legs that resemble that of a butterflies. He cannot fly with these, but, uses them to glide from tree to tree. They are normally folded on her back as she prefers to swim. She is about the size of an average full grown ball python, though she is a fast grower, and her kind has been said to grow larger than the largest of anacondas. As most snakes do, she has a forked toungue, though hers is turquoise, and long retractable back-facing fangs that drip a deadly venom.

(( Will edit with post a little later; Client will be here soon. Yes, I gender swapped the wolf because I can. =P Hope that doesn't bother you too much. ))
Hairs raising on his scruff, Hati observed the short-lived argument. He observed the two guardian trainees, realizing that their situation was worse than he thought. Had all the guardians passed on this night? That meant terrible things for the forest, and Hati's beloved family.

"He's right." He spoke up, voice low and stern, "It's a sad day for all of us, but, there is no time for mourning. If three guardians are already gone, we must make haste on our journey. There's no telling what the shadow realm will do with the area unprotected..."

Leaping from his perch, Zephyrus stepped towards the group shyly. His species being quite reclusive, he was notoriously shy around animals of different kinds. He eyed the wolf a moment, memories flushing through his brain. His sister had been devoured by a pack of wolves.

His voice was small, and shook with fear, "Make that four..."

Wheeling about to face the voice, Hati released a growl of displeasure, "Four what?"

At the sound of the vicous growl, Zephyrus begun to shake and he sunk down the slightest, trying to show he meant no trouble and the wolf was his superior.

"Four guardians dead. M-my mother passed on last night...I am to be the new air guardian..." Zephyrus replied, his voice smaller than before.

Two turquoise eyes peered from a nearby stream. They examined the small group, scrutinizing them in every way. Although Asasara's father had passed on this dreaded morning, the water serpent felt no remorse for her loss. She was a greedy creature, and craved the respect the guardians received. She did not reveal herself, her scales camouflaging in the clear stream almost flawlessly. It was not that she feared the others, it was that she awaited the perfect time to present herself to the group.
(Thank you for the Character sheet! No problem on changing the gender haha. Just… make sure you want that gender before we get into the middle of the story haha. xDD

Also… it usually does not take me this long to respond, but yesterday was suuper crazy! But here is the post now!)

As I am the new guardian of the Light.” A white leopard said, emerging from the brush next to the Gryphon. Adura’s head snapped forward to look at the new comer. She was sleek and small compared to Adura’s own bulk and muscle mass. The flame saber lifted her head to smell the area for any others, there were 5 out of 6 of the guardians trainees. It was almost curtain that the next one was going to be the progeny of the last guardian.

know we have all met at least once while we were still kits, but I feel as if we should make quick introductions to each other before we move on. Let us make it brief, we must make haste.” The leopard already began to order. Adura made note that she was the second one of the current five of them to start barking orders. There might be some head butting in a bit…. Adura thought to herself, glancing at the black wolf.

I am Adura. I am the new Guardian of Fire.” Adura said, taking the incentive to be the first to introduce herself.


Nice to meet you once more Adura, I am Rhean, the new Guardian of Light.” Rhea said, glancing around to the others. Rhean did not mean to come bouncing in barking orders, but there was an urgency in her soul. They needed to move quickly, her mother had told her that things were worse then they even realized. She did not however, want to move on without trying to at least knowing the names of the other guardians; after all they were her new life partners.


I am the new Earth Guardian. You may call me Alces.” Alces said, looking down on the white leopard, Rhean. He did not appreciate her just popping out of the bushes and then demanding people’s names. He already liked the black wolf, he knew what had to be done. “where is the 6th guardian?” Alces said. He had a feeling that they would be the Son or Daughter or the previous guardian/ there was no longer a doubt in his mind that the last guardians were all murdered, and if they don’t go to the mountains for their final test, they will be dead next.
As the others introduced themselves, Asasara seized her chance to make a sneaky entrance. She folded her little arms behind her lithe body, and slithered silently onto the grass. Her emerald colored scales made camoflaugh in the greenery just as effective as in the water. She noted that all the other new guardians were watching each other, high up from her vantage point low to the ground. Hoping to go unnoticed, she slithered right to the center of the group.

Body wrapping into a typical snake-like spiral, she lifted the upper half of her body from the ground. She spread her small arms, her nimble fingers, although covored in scales and ending in tiny claws, much resembled a chimp's. She also spread her wing-like gliders, letting the sun shine through like a stained glass. A stunning pattern of blue, teal and indigo was displayed.

"Sssilly creaturess...I am right here. I am Assassara, the new aqueousss guardian!" She presented herself with much pride in her voice.

Jumping at the serpent's sudden appearance, Zephyrus ruffled his wings nervously. His gaze fell on the light guardian, admiration shining in his golden orbs. The snow leopard resembled his great Goddess Greta, and she had the air of a wonderful, kind leader. He already liked Rhean. Bowing his head in respect, he went to present himself.

"My name is Zephyrus. I am the new guardian of air." He announced, his voice quiet and in awe.

A nervous habit of his, his beak clacked together several times. His gaze then turned to the frightening wolf, who seemed a tad annoyed at Rhean's entrance.

Fur rising even higher, Hati carefully scrutinized the snow leopard. Barking out orders, hey? Silly orders, at that, he thought. He vaguely remembered his father speaking of the light guardian, always annoyed with the deceased's antics. This new guardian was already getting on Hati's nerves. His three tails flicked about back behind him, waving high as to show an air of dominance.

Holding his cranium high, he spoke up, "Names aren't all we need to know." He announced, "We have stones to gather; we must make a plan of where to head first, or we might end up running around in circles. My name is Hati, son of Dirtar and the guardian of the night. I need to find Obsidian deep in Freya's cave, at the bottom of the great mountain. The spirit fox resides there."

Although he feared the spirit fox, a great nine-tailed fox who could eat one's soul for dinner, he allowed no terror to show in his voice and gaze. He kept a pride-filled and fearless composure, his jade gaze challenging Rhean's.

(( Haha that's okay. I can be patient...sometimes =P. And nahh, I meant Hati to be a male in the first place, not sure why I wrote him as a female in the first post. I prefer to play males anyways. ))
Asssssassaaraaa…” Adura mumbled, mostly to make fun of the excessive s's that Asasara had loaded into her name when she presented herself. Adura felt her scruff raise as the tension between the light and dark guardians seem to be challenging each other. The gryphon, Zephyrus began to make a repetitive clicking sound, making Adura want to scratch her ears off.

We know what must be done Dark Guardian. We may all be fledglings still, but we were not born yesterday. We have all be preparing for what must be done today all our lives. What we need to do is not the issues, but instead how we will go about doing it.” Rhean calmly said, rising to the wolf’s challenge, her own ice blue eyes burned back into his own. Rhean made sure that she was standing tall, her own wings reaching out to match the wolf’s size.

We do know, so I suggest like Heti was trying to say, we set our first destination of each guardian so that we are not back tracking. We all know that we are pressed for time.” Alces said, stepping forward to break the eye contract between the two opposing guardians.

Adura took note that no one was getting the right foot off the ground. The only guardian that has not offended another is Zephyrus, who seems like he does not have a backbone anywhere in his body. “
You know what I think?” Adura said, she waited for the majority of the animals to glance at her before she started again. “I think we should get something to eat, then sit down and talk properly. When that is done, we can leave in the morning.”The saber finished by sitting on the ground and then started licking a large paw, navigating past her large teeth.

Rhean’s eyes narrowed and thought about the suggestion that Adura had just made, “
All of us are in much danger, and you want to sit around?” Rhean asked, seriously.
(( So sorry about the absence I had crazy sales at work and a couple courses to do, as well as the normal weekend shenanigans. Back to normal now...sort I'll be able to post normally again. ))

"Not just us, the whole Semien land is in danger! Our families, our friends, our food...everything we've ever known may be gone if we do not hurry!" Hati added on to what the light guardian had said, fur bristling even higher in annoyance, "And you want to sit around?!"

Baring his fangs in fury, he finished his speech in a low growl. The symbol on his forehead began to glow in his anger, along with his emerald gaze which now burned into the tigress'.

Releasing a hiss-filled chuckle, Asasara seemed to enjoy watching the conflict. She found it so highly amusing, she even ignored Adura's mock of her speech, when normally, she would have raged. Instead she simply sat back and enjoyed the show that unveiled in front of her as the conflicting guardians interacted.

Shrinking down as the the tension rose, Zephyrus fought a battle in his thoughts. He felt he should speak up, but, at the same time, he did not want to face the wrath of that wolf if he felt his mention was in the wrong. Finally, he decided it was worth the risk, as he knew the dark guardian was correct, everything they ever known, including themselves, would be dead if they did not make haste.

Zephyrus took in a deep breath, raising his cowering body from the ground, and spreading his great wingspan to catch the attention of the others.

"Both Hati and Rhean are right. We must leave now. With this group, we will take about a day to even get to the range of the Great Mountain. We should discuss the stones on the way- Mother has already shown me the general area of each one, so personally, I suggest finding Asasara's first, as her's is closest..." As he spoke, and more eyes fell on him, his attempt at a commanding voice fell softer, and his body sank lower.

When he finished, his wings had folded on his back once again, and he had fallen even lower to the grass than before. He glanced at all the eyes around him, his beak starting to click once again as he filled with an imense amount of anxiety.

(( Gar blah. Crappy post =[ ))
(Super busy… sorry for the tardy reply. This might be happening often for a bit. Sorry >.< and this post was much worse then your own... even though yours was fine.)

Adura growled, deep from her gut, furious. The flames on her body increased in size, flaring up with her anger. She had gotten ganged up on by practically everyone, even the shy bird. “
Suit yourselves.” She snapped. She turned around and walked a few feet away before coming back slightly calmer. The flames on her body died down to their normal size. “Sssooo we are helping Assssassssaarraaaa first?” She asked.

Rhean watch as Adura walked almost like she was pacing and coming back calm. She manages to catch her temper fast.
“I think that is a great idea Zephyrus. Thank you for sharing that.” She praised, hopping it will help him speak up more. He seemed to know useful things, and right now they needed all the help they could get. Asasara also gives an air of knowing, but she gives an air of being stuck up and self surviving, how did she become a guardian? "Do you think you can lead the way Zephyrus?"

When Adura spoke up, she asked if they were helping Asasara first, “
Would you stop mocking her.” Rhean snapped, nothing was going right, everyone was going smoothly. This entire meeting has turned entirely rocky. This time Adura only grind this weird toothy grin, obviously not going to stop.

Alces only quietly observed everything that happened, much like Asasara was doing before. He had was not the only one that knew that they were all in term oil, but non wanted to swallow their pride to get it fixed. It was obvious that they would be meant for disaster if they kept this up, “
Cerunnos… help us.” He murmured.

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