The Final Exam

(no one is accepting or unaccepting my pic in the charrie sheets for this!!! I need them to or else I won't be able to have Kimberly brought to the orphanage.)
Tristan heard a noise. That didn't make sense to him, after all, the room was supposed to be sound proof. Tristan looked throughout the room but it seemed sealed. He decided to ignore the noise and consider it just a part of his game, a glitch perhaps??

After looking at the time he stood up and stretched
, only to sit down again.
Tristan looked around the room and Hope froze, forgetting for a moment that he couldn’t see her in the hallway. It didn’t help that after he was done looking, he stood up; in her panic she thought of bolting up the stairs. Making more noise probably wouldn’t help her situation much…

He sat down again, only getting up to stretch and not walk around, he resumed doing what he was before. Whatever was entertaining him, it was doing a good job of it, as she had been able to pound at his door and have him ignore it.

Maybe…he couldn’t hear her…

It was this thought that made her drop her guard, clinging to the invisible-wall no longer and shaking off the nerves. Walking towards the bag, she smacked right into a wall and cursed; the door was farther to the left then what she had guessed. Eyes closed again, she counted the specific time of seven seconds before enunciating the same limerick, backwards.

She opened her eyes again, and carefully made her way through the door…
Flashback - Morning

Jasper helped the kids into the orphanage before looking at the time...he quickly waved goodbye to the children and Rhys before taking off, under the guise of helping his grandparents when in reality, he was quickly running back to his house in order to prevent an awkward situationfrom happening...

Flashback - Afternoon to mid afternoon

The perverted man known as Ryce Longhorn was busy taking advantage of the wild breeze to take silent panty shots of random women that were foolish enough to wear soon as he took around 20 shots from various locations, he put his camera away, calling his mission a job well done.

Present time - mid afternoon to evening

Ryce was slowly walking towards a maid cafe which he frequented quite often...he decided that he would at least have some fun oogling at most of the maids that worked for the flat-chested one. "Aaaah...I wish that girl would work there...she could probably replace that flat-chested brat and possibly a few of the others..." Taking out his cellphone, Ryce scrolled his contacts until he found one that was named 'Rhys...' "Hmm....should I call her...but what if she's busy...taking a bath or something?!" he thought to himself as the image of Rhys washing herself with a foamy sponge almost caused him to shoot blood out of his nose! Pinching his nose, Ryce closed his cellphone and continued the long walk towards the maid cafe.
A young man with gray hair, a hat, and some rather punk looking chains around his clothing was walking through town. this is Jacob. He looked around, bored, with nothing in particular to do. He had just moved here from his home town and was still trying to settle in. He wore a rather neutral expression on his face and walked with a stride that showed he wasn't in a hurry. He looked around for a bit and came across an interesting looking shop. The sign read 'We Do Voodoo'. This got Jacob's attention and he decided to go take a look around the store and maybe make some friends or something.

Jacob entered the shop and was quite impressed. There was a lot of interesting stuff. Voodoo dolls, strange looking figurines, and odd looking outfits to name a few. He noticed two people (Foster & Lydia) talking at the counter and decided maybe he could strike a conversation with one once their business was over. He walked over to the two and wondered if they would say hi to him, or if they were too busy.
Down the sidewalks, with the steady padding of her footsteps, Rhys had started to wander around the town. She figured they wouldn't care if she didn't show up tonight, they never did when she came in late. Taking random turns, she stared down at the side walk, quietly avoiding those that she passed. Till she walked into one of them.

Holding her hands up, she bowed her head to the man, "I'm really sorry."

"Watch where your going brat." The man's voice growled back at her, as he sneered down at her, causing Rhys to shrink into herself. Folding his paper, he roughly bumped past her, muttering something about children. Sighing, she put a hand on her necklace, fiddling with it, as she reminded herself to avoid those hard working for what they needed in life, as it would make them rather testy.
Colton stood in front of the portal,wind blowing gently in his face," we go Dante.." he sighed as Dante was on Colton's shoulder sitting. Colton stepped through the portal and ended up in an alley way in a city. He walked out of the Ally slowly and looked to his left,then to his right. He saw a girl playing with her necklace but stayed quiet. Like the outgoing dog Dante is,he jumped off Colton's shoulder and ran towards her barking. "Dante! Wait,no! Bad Dante! BAD!" he ran after him as the little fox circled the girls feet. Once Colton walked up to the girl and picked up Dante,he looked at her "Terribly sorry miss." Colton panted as the little fox shivered with excitement.
When Tristan heard a bang on the wall, he knew something was wrong with the door and that someone was inside the house. He wasn't going to let anyone steal so he grabbed a sword about as long as his legs and a half, as well as a dagger about the size of his forearm. Hiding the dagger behind him, hanging it in between the pants and belt and outright holding the sword, he waited at the door for a second.

Seeing it was getting late, Kimberly got up and started to walk, trying to find Tristan's house. Little did she know, but she was walking the wrong way. "BEEP BEEP!!!!" A car drove up next to her and the window rolled down to reveal Cory. "Need a lift?" He smiled gently and Kimberly smiled at him. "Sure!" She jumped into the car and Cory started to drive away. "Say... Aren't you a little young to be walking on the streets alone?" THe girl shrugged. "Don't have anyone to walk with." The car went to a complete stop and Cory looked at Kimberly. "You're an orphan?" "I guess." Replied Kimberly and the car started to drive again.

Soon afterThe car stopped at a building and Cory got out, followed by Kimberly. "Come with me." "Okay." She said and took his hand. The two walked up the steps of the building and knocked on the door. "What is this place?" Asked Kimberly. "an Orphanage." Replied Cory.
As she stood there in thought, she heard someone saying something to what sounded like an animal. Ignoring it as just the sounds of life, she didn't realize she was being circled by an animal till she had almost tripped over it. As the man came and picked up the, was that a fox?

Blinking, Rhys looked at the man, before smiling softly. "It's fine. He was just playing, after harm done."
Smiling more, she accepted his hand, shaking it firmly but softly. "Rhys Lindell." Looking up at him, she smiled a little more, before looking back at the fox. "He's terribly pretty."
Dante barked at her comment and licked her arm "Hey Dante!" Colton looked at the trembling Fennec Fox and chuckled "He loves new people." he looked at the young girl,noticing she was human.
Giggling a little, she rubbed where she had been licked. "That's good, show's he's got a good judge in character. People say animals are like that too, so if he's friendly a lot, it means you've met a lot of good people." Nodding her head, she glanced up at him again, before tilting her head to the side. "Your not from around here." Not a question, growing up here, and bouncing around from the various 'parts' of the town, she did have a familiarity of faces, and his was completely new. Besides, who had a fox around here as a pet?
The room looked a lot different with the walls back in their places, seemingly smaller than it had been. Hope soon found out why, as the room Tristan was positioned in wasn’t there anymore, a wall remained in its place. The bag she had been looking for sat by the same wall, wide open and her strap was caught…in the wall?

Approaching it quietly, she grabbed the edge of the opening and tugged it a little; definitely caught in the wall. Not only was Tristan sitting in a weapon covered room, it was a room behind a wall…

With a frown, she pulled harder, hoping to get her bag out.
" I'm not..I'm from...Alll.." He looked past her looking at a sign that were an ad about Alaska vacations. "...Alllaska! I'm from Alaska." he looked at Rys "Grew up there. Just moved here..iiinnn...." He got a look saying he didn't know exactly where he was in the Human world.

(I'm going to be gone Friday-Saturday. And probably Sunday,I'm not sure. =) )
Cory looked odd as no one answered the door to the orphanage. "Helloooooo? Anyone there?" Kimberly crossed her arms, the wound was just a scar now. "I guess nobody's home. I don't have to go to an orphanage now." She smiled and started to walk away, but Cory put his hand on her shoulder, stopping her. "Lets go around the back." He tried. "No." Argued Kimberly. "Can't people just listen to me for once. Stop making decisions for me?" Cory scruntched his eyebrows together and lifter the girl up. "Put me down you freak! I don't even know you! Help! Somebody help me! I"m being attacked!" Cory put his hand over the girls mouth and walked to his car. Once in the car, he tied the girl up and brought her to the Voodoo place. "Excuse me?" He asked once he got into the shop, carrying the girl.
"Must be awfully hot for you here then." Rhys mused, getting the feeling he was hiding something, but she didn't care. Everyone had reasons to hide things, and she wasn't going to pry. Looking up, she shivered a little, "Getting pretty late...aren't your parents going to worry?"
"Oh my parent's died...I live on my own." He nodded "But I was just about to go to my..home.." He looked around a little. 'where ever that is..' he thought to himself and cleared his throat.
"Oh." Shaking her head, she smiled softly, a bit of understanding in her eyes. "Your a bit young to be on your own, but I can respect that, your ability to go through something like that and be on your own, it's...commendable really. And I shouldn't keep you any longer then, and I apologize for wasting your time with idle chatter." Giving him a wider smile, Rhys nodded her head before gently rubbing the foxes ear, and starting to walk down the side walk again.
Foster examined the clock on the wall. 9:50. Ten minutes,then he's off shift. He stacked the Tarrot decks,arranged the dolls,and,amusingly,made the shrunken heads look like an opera ensemble. That last one he chuckled at. Then,he started counting the money in the till,writing down how much money they had,in what denominations. Boring,but,it kills time.
Cory knocked on the wooden desk in front of him. "Anyone there?" He sees Foster and walks over to him. "Excuse me sir, but do you know if the orphanage is open? No one answered the door."
Foster looked up. He saw a man his age at the desk. After a quick scry of his heart,he saw it was purple. Prideful lout... Foster feigned cheerfulness,and,checked the clock again. 9:58. "It should be open until eleven...But try not to be too loud right now;the younger ones are probably asleep by now." The skull mask he wore,which was the forehead to upper jaw of a human skull,shone mysteriously bright in the gloom of the voodoo shop. "You can use the phone,if you want. Do you need the phone book?" I need to get this tool out of here...Lydia will be here soon!
He nodded softly as Rhys petted Dante,who was nuzzling up against her hand. After Cole said a faint "Bye" Him and Dante trotted down the side walk and looked around. He saw a Voodoo shop and smirked "I wonder if they have Tarrot Cards!" He walked in and saw the people inside "This joint closed?" he had a smirk on his face.
"Hmm... Thats odd." He also looked at the clock, then yawned. As the man looked at him, he jumped. THe mask scared him, but he was alright after he realized it was a mask. "I will probably need the phone book. Say.... Do you know of anyplace I can sleep." He yawned again, and then remembered the girl on his shoulder. "And also a place for her to sleep." As he talked, he didn't even notice the guy doing movements near his heart.

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