The Fear principle (Accepting)

Faith Eliza Cord

Four Thousand Club
Jaguar could not remember any specific time that The Killing Times started, or when she herself became aware of what was happening all about her in the world. What she could recall, as the years blurred and faded memories until she could no longer look back and see herself as the same person as the eight-year-old child she had been, was the way that her grandparents’ faces, once soft and warm when they looked at her, the smile that had always been in their eyes, had gradually grown strained and weary, taut, despite their wrinkles, with a sadness and a slowly heightening dread that Jaguar herself could not fully understand or put into words within her thoughts. She had never known her parents, as both had died when she was very young; the details of their deaths, Jaguar was not aware of, and with the strange intuition that her gift as an empath gave her, she had not asked, knowing she would not enjoy hearing the truth they might give her, nor the lies they might be tempted to placate her with. Sometimes her gift could be helpful to her in this way, guiding her into making decisions considerably wiser and more beneficial to her than the average ungifted child; at other times, it was no less than a curse.

To have access, should she want it, to the innermost thoughts and feelings of others, to their darkest memories and most fervent hopes and dreams…it was something that Jaguar had always been unconsciously aware of within herself, even before she could control or use it with consciousness to her own benefit. She had always felt herself to be different from other children, to the extent that some children avoided her, and she had known it was not because she was more serious, more darkly inclined in her nature, and if she were to be blunt, which Jaguar often was, more intelligent than the rest of them. For an ordinary child, this would be more than enough to set her apart, but Jaguar was not just an ordinary child; Jaguar was an empath.

They were rare before The Killing Times, rarer still now, but for those who still existed, those who had not been murdered in the frenzy, as in her grandparents, or who had not grown sick, shadowed, and infected by the gift, as had others she had known, those were the ones who Jaguar now harbored an extreme interest towards. She wanted to help them, to teach them, as her grandparents had taught her. She wanted to heal their inner sickness, if they carried it, to help channel it, if they had been lucky. For those who were ungifted, she wanted to use what she had to help them see themselves, to their core, to take their knowledge of it and to better themselves and their lives.

Was she able to use this skill for herself? Sometimes Jaguar thought that she had almost managed it; sometimes she thought she was the most hypocritical person she knew. But everyone had a part of them they did not wish to face, everyone had a history that came close to fully shadowing their heart, even if they were ungifted. And she was no different.


The day that her grandparents were murdered had seemed to her any other day. The Killing Times had been occurring for nearly three years now, and were at their peak; she would not be free of the danger until two years later, when she was thirteen years old and so closed to being shadowed that thoughts of murder and suicide had begun to plague her own thoughts. But at that time, on that day, Jaguar was eleven years old, and her grandparents had tried hard to shield her from the terrible events of the world around them.

They did not turn on the TV; there was never news anymore other than the acts of extreme violence that had spread through the nation like a rash, and they saw no reason to see any more than they had to on their rare trips to town for supplies. Schools had shut down long before, and so Jaguar was taught at home, both in use of her gift and in education, as they thought best for her. She had not played with another child or spoken to a friend in months, perhaps almost a year, but she could not miss what had once been. The truth was, she hardly remembered it.

Her grandparents had been making dinner, eliciting Jaguar’s help in order to teach her too, when the man burst through their locked front door. How he had gotten in, how he had managed to subdue her grandparents, what they had done and said to try to protect her, was all a blur in her mind now, but Jaguar would never forget his face, his smile. Even over seventeen years later, she saw it in her dreams.

She could never forget her grandparents’ screams of anguish as he tormented them, deliberately drawing out their torture for as long as he could keep them alive. She would never forget the pain, searing to her soul, she had felt, that of her grandparents’ as well as her own, as she remained tethered before them, instructed by the man not to look away, not even to close her eyes, lest they receive even worse punishment. She would never forget how she had lost control of her bladder, how the pain had gone beyond tears, how for seventeen years now, she had never been able to find tears again.

Even now she still sometimes could feel the man’s hands on her as he turned his interest then towards her, how she had retreated within herself, feeling his physical touch but disconnecting herself from its pain as he used her repeatedly. When he had finally discarded her, throwing her to the ground, she had been alive, but she had felt as though every piece of her that mattered, that made her whole and human, was dead.

And what had made Jaguar hate herself was not what she had witnessed, what she had had done to her, but that for a span of thirty seconds, when the man first came into the door, she had frozen, unable to decide on a course of action that could have saved their lives. She had not run, had not went for a telephone, had not screamed…she had frozen, and even seventeen years later, she could not help but blame herself, to consider herself almost equally responsible for their fate.

Two years on the streets and three years of a children’s home had continued to shape and form her into the person she was now- Jaguar Addams, one of the Eyes of Man’s most talented teachers and empaths, with one of the most successful track records for rehabilitating the violent criminals within its walls- and beyond them. But although the Killing Times were long over, the world supposedly recovering its loss, for many, they had never really ended. And sometimes, Jaguar could count herself among those who had been lost.


To any unaware outside observer, The Eyes of Man looked rather like any other business building within the city, and it certainly blended well among them. Exactly 19 stories tall, it was dull in appearance, a silvery grey, with its one unusual aspect being that it had no windows- not one. This was practical on several levels; if no one could see outside it, from the inside, they could not be distracted, nor could they use windows as a method of escape, and if no one could see inside it, they could not be horrified. And there was a lot that could go on within the walls to horrify the average civilian.

Within the walls of The Eyes of Man, anywhere from ten to forty prisoners could be housed at one time, although the goal was to keep the number considerably closer to ten than to forty. Only the most violent, the most publically maligned, or the most incorrigible of violent offenders were referred to The Eyes of Man, a last resort, or at times an alternate to capital punishment, as even the public, who still scorned and feared empaths in turn, were willing to look the other way when it came to criminals of this type, to allow the empaths to do what they could with them.

The Eyes of Man’s prison cells and “training” rooms were each constructed entirely of steel, in order to considerably lessen the chances of escape, as well as to provide a conductor to contain any empathic contact which might occur from the inside. Training rooms changed often depending upon the lesson to be taught to a specific prisoner, but the cells were all the same, consisting of a plain cot, a toilet area, and a small slot which could be operated from the outside to open and close for a food tray. But prisoners were not inside their cells for the majority of their time; instead, time was spent either in virtual reality settings or in training rooms, as was seen fit for each person. All prison cells were in the top eight floors, all training areas on the middle eight, and the remaining three housed the more “public” areas, storage, and supplies as needed. There were even bedrooms there intended for any staff who chose to live or sleep over in the prison, and Jaguar, for one, did so more often than not. After all, she had no one to go home to, and it seemed prudent more days than not to save her time.

On this particular morning she had done exactly this, and as she awakened, as usual, she reached out with her mind to lightly touch the outskirts of the minds of those present within the building, not to intrude upon any thoughts, but simply to get a sense of who was present and that all were safe and accounted for. Sven, Bailey, Rinji, all present…and the prisoners, Jack, the twins, Eric…all accounted for. All newly assigned, as she had recently cleaned out her old caseload and released them, felt confident that all had been satisfactorily rehabilitated, though she did occasionally check in on them mentally, just to be sure, and they would for the next two years return periodically for a “check-up”. All interesting, from the looks of it.

Jacklyn, or Jack, as she apparently wanted to be called, had been so interesting, in fact, that she had been here for quite some time, passed around between several teachers before finally being reassigned to Jaguar. Eric, Jaguar had yet to meet. And as for the twins, Sam and Amy…well, the attempts so far to work with them separately had been so unsuccessful that she had so far been forced to break a formerly strict policy, and they were currently sharing a cell and teaching sessions. Of course, the intention was to separate them eventually, but as of now, she could get nowhere with them without them being at least within sight of each other; their fears were too profound to get around this. With these new prisoners, she could have a new challenge, and with Bailey Morgan, a new staff member, to train and assist, she had this as well to keep her occupied.

And of course, Rinji Fogden, her secretary, or “assistant,” as Rinji preferred to refer to herself as, was always a challenge all on her own.

“Hi Jag!” Rinji called cheerfully as Jaguar made her way towards the data room, in which computer chips housed all information as to current and past prisoners.

Rinji was not, at course, at her desk; Jaguar could count on one hand the number of times she had actually seen her sitting at it or using it whenever she came into the area. Instead, she appeared to be doing some odd stretching exercise on the floor, but she nevertheless waved at Jaguar as if she were in a very conventional and professional pose indeed as she continued to talk to her. But then, Jaguar supposed, from a woman like Rinji, with her spiky hair and heavily tattooed appearance, and who was currently wearing a dress that was printed with a rainbow cheetah pattern with what looked like red rainboots and dinosaur barrettes, she couldn’t exactly expect conventional and professional.

“Hello, Rinji,” Jaguar responded, not commenting, as she would for any other person, on the nickname “Jag.” Rinji, she suspected, was the sole person she would not be able to intimidate into dropping it, and so after the first attempt or two, she no longer bothered to try.

“New prisoner!” Rinji announced, getting to her feet and giving a little bounce of emphasis to her words as she made her way towards the locked storage area of the chips, rummaging for keys which Jaguar noticed had had a lucky rabbit’s foot and strange pink teddy bear keychain added to them. “Mason Cooper, I think he’s showing up in like an hour. Or maybe it was later, I don’t know.”

“Those are pretty important details to know, Rinji,” Jaguar raised an eyebrow, but she was used to this sort of vagueness from the woman by now as well.

Rinji was always the same- ever cheerful, ever friendly, and if she was perfectly honest, as Jaguar so often was, perfectly ditzy as well. Rinji was one of the lucky ones. Only twenty years old, she had been so young when the Killing Times started that any tragedies she had witnessed or experienced she didn’t remember, and it seemed she had escaped entirely unscathed. She had been working for Jaguar for only about six months now, when she had tried to apply for a teacher but dismally failed the first of a series of tests required to qualify to do so. Something about the girl and her aura had struck Jaguar, however, and against her own instincts, and Rinji’s mother’s will, according to Rinji, she had hired her as a secretary instead.

If she was honest with herself, she knew that Rinji did not meet the qualifications she would ideally want in a secretary of hers. The woman didn’t look the part, act the part, talk the part, and sometimes, it was more like she was allowing a child to play the role rather than paying a woman to do the job. But on the other hand, Rinji, as irritating as she could be, could also be amusing, and she was one of the few people Jaguar knew who could genuinely at times make her laugh and smile. Those were rare qualities in these times, and that made Jaguar reluctant to release her, even if she was far from perfect at her job.

“Oh, right, I put it in your area…oh here it is,” Rinji retracted the data chip from Jaguar’s “incoming” lockspace, handing it to her with a smile that seemed more appropriate of a woman congratulating another on the birth of a child rather than for a woman announcing that another woman had another vicious killer to work with. “Have a good day, Jag!”

Only Rinji, Jaguar thought to herself with her lips quirking in faint amusement, could tell someone with her job to have a good day, and not only mean it with sincerity, but fully expect it to happen.

(there may still be some character sign ups, if that's the case I can edit to mention other people as appropriate)

@Izabella Mochizuki @Macal Cord @primal things @amdreams @Mediocritys Muse @MegaPatman
Seven had been alive and fully aware when the killing was happening, him taking part in the mass extinction of countless human lives. His brother was always at his side and at the forefront of his admiration, him often mirroring himself after his brother. More times than naught that would eventually end up with a couple people dead, Seven taking part in the death of just as many people as his brother. Sven was his real first name “Seven” being given to him by his brother when his brother first saw Sven kill.

The merriment of deaths would not last for the distance, in part of his brother’s health. His brother quickly succumbed to a debilitating illness which attacked the heart directly, the duo being ripped apart on Seven’s twelfth birthday. The impact of his idle being dealt the short hand struck Seven harshly, at that moment him vowing to live a different life. Years passed and he did just that, his life being starkly different then what it use to be during his days as Seven.

He turned his back on Seven and went by his birth name of Sven Christopher, all but turning his back on his sadistic reputation as a sociopathic child psychopath. At the moment he had been staffed at TEM for a few months, the leading staff seeing him as an asset in the consulting slant as well as an enforcer if need be. There hasn’t been an instance where he had to enforce anything so far, it being rather quite in the establishment even though it is a prison for all intensive purposes. For the most part he has been present when dealing with individual needs of the teachers, meaning help in rehabilitation of the prisoners.

Even though he has not been in the place for long he finds it to be a welcome change in location, his previous job was way more hands on and bloody. The nice side of him is far more present than any other side, the staff seeing him as a well-mannered and pleasant young man. Those types of people that lived through the killing times are hard to come by now a days, for understandable reasons of course. Unfortunately he does have an alternate side to himself, which has not been seen by the staff or prisoners in TEM. This side is the grown up psychopath inside of him, one that is knowledgeable and rather articulated in many ways.

There has been no reason for this side to rear it’s head at the moment so no one knows about it, his mind being two side of the same coin. No one would know about this side of him unless it were to come to the surface, and if it does there is no telling what he would do. When he was a child he did many things that even an adult killer would not do, that side being something that would be better hidden than unmasked.


Seven smiled lightly as he walked into the lobby of the place he now calls his workplace, his pleasant smile mirroring his inner thoughts as he made his way across the lobby. The people that were present in the place were good people, the killers and prisoners even nice people to the core. He had meet horrid people in the past and comparatively these people were nice, even if they have killed others. Regrettably he had to be watchful just in case one of them were to get out of hand, an he had the duty to take them down if need be. Luckily he has not needed to do such a thing yet, his demeanor would have been utterly different if he had to do such a thing and the reactions of those that he calls co-workers just might change a bit.

After he did all of the necessary security checks and so on he made his way up a floor to the sleeping quarters and storage to see what he needed to attend to today from Jaguar, each day being a little different in structure. He knew some of the staff here but not them all, two of them he had spoken to many times in the past few months. The first was Jaguar, her being one of the people that he sort of connected with…it being mostly because they remembered the killing times, even if their experiences were vastly different. The second was Rinji, the more carefree of the two was one that often spoke to Sven about utterly different topics just to be a conversationalist.

His eyes were closed as the elevator made it’s way up one floor, dinging as the doors opened. As they did he noticed that Rinji was on her usual stint away from her desk, which was pretty much a ritualistic necessity it seemed. He stepped out of the elevator and made his way over to where she was situated, it seemed that she was with Jaguar at the moment. As he approached them he made his approach known with a pleasant greeting, his demeanor always pleasing each morning, “Hello Jaguar, Rinji, how are you two today?”
((wasn't sure how to start this out, hope this is alright))

Most of Jack's life before landing in The Eyes of Man was a blur, just a faded past of a pristene childhood, followed by death and flames. A life she rarely ever chose to talk about, which was probably why she was stuck in this hell-hole for all these years. She refused to talk, refused to give in to rehabilitation. All she had done, all she had been through had shaped her into the woman she was today, and nothing and noone was going to rip that away from her...she had lost too much already.

The empath lounged out on the floor, in one of the training cells, once again ignoring the whole point of being in the room to begin with. She knew that she was going to be reassigned later that day to another teacher, another empath they had told her. "To help you Jacklyn..." had been the excuse. Help? She didn't need anyone's help...

If she kept her eyes closed long enough, and concentrated hard, she swore she could hear her own internal soundtrack...

The thought of having someone else in her head bothered Jack more then she wanted to admit. In the past few years here in The Eyes of Man, all of her teachers had been humans. Some, she had liked in the begining, until questions of her childhood and parents were brought up. Jack tried to behave, she really did...but the second she didn't feel safe, or threatened, she used her powers and sent those teachers away, screaming in terror. At one point, she was locked in her cell for a few weeks, having no human contact because everyone who came within a few feet of her, was instantly under her control, made to do things, things that would only push her sentence even further along in the months or years to come. Jack had lost track how many times she had been that close to probabtion, only to blow it just a fast.

Rolling her body upwards, into a sitting position, Jack pulled her knees to her chest and waited. It wouldn't be long now until she was taken back to her cell. She hated that room, it was so bland and depressing, the only hint of color was the small mural she had started behind her bed in secret with some paints she had stolen a while back during on of her many 'lessons'. Picking at the hem of her pants, Jack brushed some of her dark hair which had fallen in her face and sighed loudly. This Jaguar chick, she had heard a lot about her. Mostly from other inmates, no one really had a bad thing to say. It'd be Jack's first time alone in a room with another empath. It could be interesting, it could really suck...either way, she was determined to keep all the personal crap talk to a minimum. The last thing Jack wanted was someone else in this place to pretend to be her friend.
Bailey always felt a curious sense of comfort when she stepped through the doors of the Eyes of Man. There was something about the anonymity of working there that appealed to her, and the freedom from all of the outside noise. It wasn't that she wanted a quiet life, no. She wanted to go out and have fun just like most others her age, but that just wasn't the case for her. For as long as she had figured, it just wasn't meant to happen. But inside the Eyes... it was just different.

Letting out a small breath through her nose, Bailey checked her schedule and noticed that she had a free spot. The corners of her lips turned upward lightly and she rubbed her fingers against her forehead as she made her way toward the door.

In the kitchen was a half-empty pot of coffee, she snatched a mug from the strainer and filled it up, the smell comforting her. She could feel the others in the building as she paused, fingers tightening around her mug briefly in an attempt to reign things back in and heaved another breath. Eyes falling closed, Bailey stood there for a moment and just focused on collecting herself, on muting everything else around her. When that finally happened, she added the appropriate amount of cream and sugar and managed a small, timid sip.

She walked out toward the reception area and smiled at the girl sitting behind the desk. Bailey had always found Jaguar's secretary to be a positive presence in the building. Not only for her optimism, of course, but because she simply brought something a little different to the building. She was a constant break from the monotony, and that, too, was a comfort to Bailey.

“Morning, Rin.” She said as she took another drink of coffee, “How's your day been shaping up so far?”


As he climbed off of the bus, Mason took the time to glance up at the Eyes of Man, the prison he'd been sentenced to for rehabilitation. The shackles around his wrists were too tight, and the uncomfortable tug the chain created every time he moved his feet caused the metal to bite into his skin just enough to be irritating. Of course, there would be marks later, but nothing that required more than a simple rub. There was a rhythmic sliding and clanking sound with each step as his feet moved across the yard and into the building, his jumpsuit from county making him stand out like a sore thumb.

Mason looked around the building as the officer leading him through it droned on. Once he was inside his cell, the shackles were removed and he was told to remain standing. The guard informed him of the basic rules of his floor, typical schedules and the like, but he barely listened, deeming it unimportant.

He would be very well acquainted with it soon enough.

~Since the day I opened my eyes and saw you for the very first time, I knew you were the only one.~

"Saaammmmmy, whatcha doing? Lemme seee!" Amy tried her best to peek over Sam's shoulder but the dark haired boy just fidgets and moves so that she cannot see. "Amy, go away. It's a seeeeecret~!"

The seven year old girl, unable to get past her twin brother's defenses, gives up. Crossing her arms and pouting, she turns away from Sam. "That's not fair! You're not allowed to have secrets from me." Still sulking, she doesn't notice as her brother surprises her from behind, placing a crown of various common flowers on her head. "There. All done." Amy, cheeks puffed out and face red, couldn't stay mad at Sam when he smiled brightly like that. She jumped her brother with a big hug, smile on her face as well. "Thank you ~<3 I wuv it."

Sam, now happy, spun around and fell back onto the soft grass of their backyard. "Now you're the prettiest in allll da land. Just like a real princess." Amy sat down by her brother, unable to stop the slight blush on her cheeks. "Really?" "Uh huh! You're da fairest of dem all~" The dark haired girl placed her hands over her mouth to hide the large smile on her face. "Now if only I could find a prince charming." Sam shot up completely flustered. "That's my job, Amy!"

Amy giggled and started to brush the dirt and leaves out of her brother's hair.
"I know dat." After realizing that he had been tricked, Sam looked down at the grass, still a bit red in the face. "Oh. Good."

A moment of silence broke out between the two of them. Not that they really needed words to communicate effectively. Perhaps it was that twin connection that people were always talking about. Maybe not. Either way, it was something that made them even closer. After a while, Amy came closer to her brother, pressing their foreheads together, a ritual the two believed strengthened their "magic" to make all the bad things go away. "Hey Sammy." "Yeah Amy?" "Will we be togetha foreva?" "Yups! And eva and eva!"


Samson Talbot opened his eyes slowly to see the image of his sister, Amarissa Talbot, above him. Amy welcomed his awakening with a delicate smile. "Did you sleep well?" He closed his eyes again. With his head comfortably on his sister's lap and her fingers softly stroking his head, he wanted to sleep some more. There was no place he felt safer or at peace than here. "Yeah. I had a dream." "Was it a nice dream?" Sam opened his eyes again and smiled at her. "Yeah . . . It was."

Sam let his eyes, a sky blue identical to Amy's, wander around the room. The rather dim and dreary surroundings only served to remind him of where he was, the Eyes of Man. If only time had stopped at the moment in his dream. If only they could've stayed the same naive little kids they had been then. If only the Killing Times had never started. Then maybe . . . Maybe they wouldn't have had to experience the things they had. Maybe they could've grown like normal siblings. Go to school, sneak out past curfew and such. Maybe they wouldn't have become "Hansel and Gretel," serial killers bent on getting rid of any person they saw as a threat to their union.

But time didn't stop. The Killing Times did happen and because of it, Sam and Amy Talbot became Hansel and Gretel. Not that either of them regretted any minute of it. They were together now and together they were strong. It didn't matter if the building were to explode or if the world ended right there because together they could brave through anything. Sam sat up and placed his head on Amy's shoulder, lacing his fingers into hers.

There was only one downside though: getting caught. A while ago, as the two were fleeing their latest kill, Amy had tripped and fallen. And because Sam refused to let go of her hand, much less run without her, both had been caught and arrested. It's been a month since they were sentenced to this place and Sam hated every inch of the Eyes of Man. This place was trying to separate the two, as evidenced by the first couple of training sessions. This place was trying to put them back in the dark place where the demons had played with the twins however they wished. This place was evil.

Noticing the strained look on her brother's face, Amy pressed her forehead against his, a ritual the two have failed to grow out of, and began chanting. "Pain. Pain. Go away." The sensation of head to his head brought Sam back from his thoughts. His sister was now staring at him with a questioning look as if asking if he was better now. Sam smiled, reassuring her that he was all better now. And he did. Because he knew that as long as Amy was right beside him, they could defeat the evil demons of this place.
Hearing Sven approach, Jaguar slightly inclined her head in greeting, acknowledging him, though not speaking aloud. She is already considering her workload for the day, tossing about possibilities. Jacklyn, or Jack, as she apparently prefers to be called, will need to be met with today, an introductory situation if not an actual session, just for her to get a sense of the woman before plunging forward in working with her. She also needs to work with the twins, but it seems prudent to keep them separated from Jack until she has a better understanding of who Jack is and how their interactions together might turn out. And with this Mason Cooper coming in, it will be a very busy day for her.

It would make the most sense, she decided, for her to meet with Jack alone, and then to take Bailey, the newest addition to the staff, in with her to work with the twins. Perhaps Mason Cooper would be admitted in between the two, and if he came beforehand, she could have Alex or Sven admit him and settle him into his cell until further notice.

Rinji returns Sven's greeting with a cheerful smile and wave, running her hand through her short blonde hair. "I"m doing great Sven! Today I remembered that I had chocolate sauce in my fridge and it wasn't too old, which I was kind of worried about because I had forgotten it was there for like six months, so I remembered it and I thought, wouldn't it be neat to add it to my coffee, it would be like a homemade latte! So I added it and it was really good, you should try it some time. Oh and I thought I lost my favorite triceratops barrette but it was in the cup where I keep my toothbrush. So it's been a good morning!"

As an afterthought, she adds with a wave of her hand, "That new guy is there. Mason or Jason or whatever. Jag has his chip. I guess you should go bring him in though."

Bailey enters the room then as well, and Rinji directs her smile her way, shortening her story slightly but detracting no pep from it. "Hi Bay! I added chocolate to my coffee for totally free, and I found my barrette. I made it myself out of a button, a bobby pin, and glue, see?" she gestured to the said barrette. "I could make you some if you wanted. But I think you're more of a star button kind of girl. If I could find jaguar ones for Jag I totally would, but I don't think she's really the barrette wearing type, you know?"

Jaguar partially re-enters the room then, her head and shoulders alone sticking out through the door as she says to Bailey, "Bailey, I will be meeting with Jacklyn Correlli shortly, but after I will work with Amarissa and Samson Talbot. Would you like to join me with the twins?"
Jaguar was her usual self, just as every other day he had said hello to her. More times than naught she wouldn’t have even nodded in his direction, her more interested in getting her job done for the day. Rinji of course was the polar opposite of Jaguar, she found the need to update Sven on everything she had done recently. Sven didn’t mind that she spoke so often about nonsense, he found her company oddly relaxing. The same extent was extended to Jaguar as well, the company of people with their own quarks was inviting.

He replied to Rinji’s story with a pleasant smile and nod, “It’s always good to start the day off with a good latte.” Just as he finished his sentence Bailey walked into the room, her offering her own greetings toward Rinji. In the time he had been here he hasn’t gotten to know Bailey that much, other than the few times they spoke whilst getting a cup of coffee. She seemed like a nice enough person to Sven, which most of the staff here were pleasant in his mind.

He walked over to where Jaguar was and asked with a slight tilt to his head, “So there is a new member to the Eyes of Man?” He paused briefly and asked as Bailey and Rinji were conversing, “Would you have me do anything other than patrolling this morning?” His question was rather redundant because he often had nothing at all to do during the morning hours, it usually being patrol until noon hours when he attends to consulting duties. Nevertheless he still harbored a tranquil smile upon his face, the perfect mask for the other side beneath his current mindset. For deeper inside him life a mind of a calculating and sadistic mind, one that would send shivers down the spines of the coldest killers.
"Not a staff member, if that's what you meant, a prisoner," Jaguar said in response to Sven, her eyes shifting to his direction as she remained half in, half out of the doorway. She eased it open a bit more to be able to address him more directly. "His name is Mason- not Jason- Cooper," she added for Rinji's benefit as well, though she knew that the woman would forget the name likely within the next few moments. It seemed difficult enough for her to remember that Jaguar's name had three rather than one syllables.

"Sven, if Alex doesn't come by or answer his telebadge within the next few minutes, would you mind bringing this Mason Cooper in?" she asked him. "You know the protocol. Take him to the examination room for the health check and strip search, provide him with his clothing, and escort him to his cell. Should be cell number 293. I'll be in to check in with him shortly after I finish with the Talbots, and I may bring Bailey with me as well, if she's available and interested. If you aren't comfortable, find Alex and have him do it instead, or ask him or one of the others who usually handle this to accompany you."

Looking back at Bailey, she says to her again, "The meeting with Correlli shouldn't be more than an hour, and then we can work with the twins."

"So do they ever kiss and stuff right in front of you?" Rinji asks with bright-eyed interest, actually leaning forward at her desk as though to hear Jaguar that much more closely. When Jaguar raises an eyebrow at her, her lips quirking ever so slightly, Rinji giggles. "I know I know, privacy and whatever...but everyone knows they do that kind of thing, they like sleep together literally, they have the same CELL! And the hand holding stuff, everyone had that in the paper and everything, didn't the paper say it's a total twincest thing?"

"Rinji, I highly doubt any headlines about them were entitled "It's a total twincest thing," Jaguar said dryly, but Rinji was hardly stifled by this.

"I'll look it up!"

She is typing away at her computer as Jaguar eases her way out the doorway, no doubt doing exactly that.
Bailey smiled fondly at Rinji as she listened to her recount her morning and took a small sip of her coffee. The secretary's energy came off of her in waves, as always, and made it easier for Bailey to feel optimistic about her own job, despite the anxieties that often crept up on her. “I'd love a barrette, Rin. I'm sure whatever you think suits me would be fine, and who knows, maybe you could find a charm or something to make a jaguar bracelet for her.”

She turned her head when Jaguar calls her name, eyes fixated on the woman as she mentions the possibility of Bailey sitting in on a session with her. She was still on a light probationary period, so, while she did have some of her own clients, most of her work was spent running meetings alongside Jaguar. Bailey didn't mind, though, Jaguar was great at what she did and didn't really seem to mind having Bailey around that much either. It was good training for her, and just knowing that she was around other empaths, especially ones as well-adjusted as Jaguar, made it easier to convince herself that one day she might not have to struggle so hard for the control she wanted.

Stifling a small chuckle behind her hand as she watched Rinji badger Jaguar about the twins, Bailey cleared her throat and nodded, “That's completely fine with me. If I'm not in my office or out here, just ping me and I'll come right up.”
"No, there aren't any headlines like that...but there are a lot of cybernet shows about things just like that!" Rinji announces for everyone's continued education as Jaguar is easing out of the door. "Twincest seems to be a very popular topic. Almost as much as the ones about virtual reality prostitution service triangles. You know, I had a friend once who-"

Jaguar left before she could hear the rest of the sentence, not because she would have been disgusted by or shocked by the rest of it, but because it was quite possible that she would have been more interested or amused than she would have wanted Rinji to know. As she walked down the hallway, high heels clip-clapping down its length on the tile floor, she entered the elevator and pressed the appropriate button up to Jacklyn Correlli's prison floor.

The inside of the hallway was made of steel, the walls and ceilings around it all the same, scuffed from frequent touch of hands on the walls and feet across the floor. As Jaguar came to Jack's room, she stood back at a distance, allowing the machine attached to the doorway to scan her eyes and register her voice command before it opened, first putting forth a thick plastic wall, sliding down from a slot in the ceiling, between the area of the room where Jack currently was and the doorway in order to allow Jaguar to enter safely, without Jack being capable of rushing her to exit. It wasn't until the cell door closed safely behind her that the plastic lifted, and Jaguar addressed Jack with a slight inclination of her head.

"Jacklyn Correlli. My name is Jaguar Addams, but you've probably already heard who I am. Perhaps even attempted to probe the thoughts of your last few teachers to see a glimpse of me. Am I more than expected, or something of a disappointment?"


(to make it where more can post, I'm doing two scenes at once, this takes place AFTER the scene with Jack)

After her meeting with Jack has come to a conclusion, Jaguar takes a few moments to ready herself for her next encounter with the Talbot twins. Calling for Bailey to meet in the hallway of the appropriate floor harboring their cell, she waits for her, only briefly filling her in on her intentions for the session.

"I think today we'll push again with them how much they can handle small degrees of separation, perhaps push them in their thoughts towards times of separation before their trauma, when they were very young. If you can distract one of them from the other, in any way at all, no matter how small, enough to focus their attention solely on you, that would be something of a victory for today. I know some people would tell you to be careful, and there's some validity to that, perhaps...but you know me," she said with a slightly dark smile. "When do I go for that when I can go for getting what I'm after? There are two of them, but there's two of us too."

As she activated the door's opening, then waited for it to close behind her and the plastic panel to rise again, she nodded slightly for Bailey to step towards her, shackles in hand to transfer them to the training room as she addressed the twins.

"Hello Sam, Amy. The faster you let us get you moved along, the faster you can return here to peace, right?"
Sven simply nodded in response to Jaguar, figuring he could go ahead and do some jailer work today. At the very least it would mix things up today, which was always a good thing for the most part in any job centric location. Absentmindedly Sven continued to think on several different things as the elevator took him down to the admittance and processing floor, things being starkly different in comparison to his other jobs of the past. That was not a bad thing for him though, in truth it was greatly accepted.

As the elevator opened to show the oddly different admitting floor he made his way through the appropriate doors and security checks, it being rather tedious. The need for such things was apparent but it did not alleviate the tedium of it all, however all jobs had their annoyances so this one was not bad in comparison. When he finally got to where the new person was Sven quickly recognized his stance and posture, his eyes also apparent. This man was a killer but he was not the same as the other killers that were admitted here, it seeming that he was not at all willing to be rehabilitated.

((I will simply skip the checking in procedure, it seeming that Primal Things had already done the gist of it…it also would quicken his interactions with others.))

The arduous process was uneventful for the most part, it apparent that the guy known as Mason did not have any predetermined reason to converse with Sven in any way. The latter was not a big deal to Sven, his time with Mason being largely one-sided as he explained all of the procedures and rules. Nevertheless Sven would rather be somewhere else-this guy being newly inducted in the Eyes of Man from a correctional facility-because he had dealt with his type on may occasions in the present and in the distant past. Mason’s thought process most likely revolving around one singular topic for which he does all his killings and other crimes, Sven’s reason being of idealization toward his brother.

Sven spoke as Mason was now in his cell, which was pretty much identical to any other cell in the building. “Someone will be by shortly to get you started on whatever is slotted for today, have a nice day.” Sven was rather nice to Mason-even though he was admitted for crimes which could pertain to murder and numerous other charges-but he was nice to everyone that came in here, regardless of their past. He walked away from the cell as the outer door closed, the lock being heard as he made his way back to the elevator.
Jack could sense that someone was coming long before the door even opened. An amused smirk played at her lips at the faint hint of perfume, and at the sound of someone entering her room, she rolled over onto her stomach to face them.

"Well," she said, giving Jaguar the obvious look over. "You sure are a hell of a lot cuter then I thought you'd be..." she winked and sat up, tucking her legs under her and ran a hand through her dark hair. "So, you must be the good doctor, the one everyone seems to be so convinced is gonna 'cure' me and all that bull..." Jack snorted and shook her head. "I'm not so sure about that honey...but I'm sure you and I can have a lil fun..."

Standing up, Jack continued to eye her new teacher, keeping a safe enough distance. She wasn't sure yet about this woman, didn't know how soon she was planning to start poking around in her head, something Jack was really not looking forward to. Crossing her arms over her chest she arched an eyebrow and coughed softly, she was a little nervous, not to mention slightly uncomfortable, she couldn't explain why.

"Well, see anything ya like?" she drawled sarcastically.
Jaguar continued to observe the woman in silence for a few moments, allowing a slight smile to curve her lips. Jacklyn, or Jack, as Jaguar had been informed she liked to be called, was one of those people who gave obvious hints as to her thoughts and feelings even without Jaguar having to penetrate them mentally. She could tell from the woman's stretch and her aggressive stance, her feet spread wide apart, that she was one used to using her sexuality as power and control over others. She intended to attempt,through bold eye contact, provocative body language, and her obvious look at Jaguar's form, as well as her calling her honey and calling her "cute," to make Jaguar uncomfortable or self-conscious.Likely this was a strategy that had worked for her in the past, particularly with male teachers or with others from her childhood.

Unfortunately for her, Jaguar was rather comfortable with her own sexuality, and was very much aware of herself as an attractive woman. She was not afraid to use either aspects of herself when it benefited her, even with prisoners, and so she stared back at Jack, smirking in equal measures.

"I like that you have two legs, two arms, and both seem to be in decent working order. You can talk, and the sentences make some sense even if they could stand for some grammar correction. All that already gives you a leg up over some of the prisoners I've had."

She said all this mildly, despite the smirk, and drew slightly closer, shrugging her shoulders as she continued, continuing to lock eyes with Jack. The woman appeared to be using the sexuality as a way of asserting alpha status, and so this was something Jaguar knew she would have to match from the start.

"I'm sure you've heard plenty about me. Probably a lot of it something along the lines about being being a hardass ***** who mindf***s you until you're a good little girl again, right? Here's the deal for now, you tell me what you know about me from just looking at me, no mental penetration, and I'll tell you what I know about you from the same. See what you've got."

She stands in loose, relaxed posture, her arms down at her side, her expression smooth. "I'll go first. You move around a lot, you made nonverbal sounds, this tells me you're nervous, that you don't want me digging around inside your thoughts and feelings, that maybe you're afraid of what I'll see, and of what you'll have to remember or feel in return. That I'll see you as weak. So you're establishing from the start that you are not weak, that you're a badass woman who's managed to defeat every other teacher in here, and you'll defeat me too. That's the defensive arm crossing,the wide stance, the sarcasm, the flirting. You're hoping to catch me off guard."

She paused. "Although when you looked me over, there was a certain look about your eyes that makes me think you did genuinely find me attractive, but chose to use it in an attempt to catch me off guard. I would say you are bisexual, at least."

She smiled then, continuing to stand still. "And you? What can you see?"
This woman...was good...

"Is that what the kids call it nowadays? Bisexual? Right now I'd call it sexually frustrated, pretty sure the cafeteria lady with the mole on her lip would get some if she made a pass my way..." Of course she was bisexual, everyone here knew that. It wasn't something Jack really hid. It didn't seem to matter in a place like this anyways.

Shrugging, Jack stretched, allowing her already short top to rise up slightly above her hips, playing along her rib cage exposing a pierced navel and a few tattoos along with some faded burn scars. Doing a tiny twirl, she tapped at her chin playfully, looking Jaguar over again as she circled her slowly.

"So you did ya homework on me, color me impressed Doc'..." she shrugged and stopped directly in front of her. "Yeah, so're kinda on the good lookin' side..." her eyes narrowed slightly. "Anyone with eyes and a sex drive could tell ya that, hell I'm pretty sure you're aware of it yourself..." she went to cross her arms over her chest again, but stopped, remembering it was one of the things that she had pointed out about her. Clicking her teeth, her tongue snaked out for a second, wetting her dry lips and she resumed her circling, not caring if Jaguar decided to bring it up against her later on. She wanted her to tell her what she thought of her. Fine. That would be easy.

"No powers? Afraid I might make you do something you'll enjoy?" Jack smirked and winked at her again, then sighed and ran a hand again through her hair.

"Alright, you're uptight. You let your job consume you...this place is your life. You feed off of the respect from others, live for the secrets, the stories freak shows like myself bring in. You have to be the one to rip apart others before they can do it to you because you're afraid to let the wrong person in and realize that deep down you have a past as shaky and f***** up as mine, maybe're afraid of letting people see the real you..."

Her smile never wavered as she stopped, one eyebrow arching. "So was I on the money Doc?" Her eyes narrowed again, her earlier playfulness gone. "Did I pass your first f****** lesson? Anymore mindf**** you wanna deal out before our times up here?"

She got into Jaguar's face, her voice cold. "I don't need anyone in this s***hole here telling me who I am...I know who the f*** I am, and I aint here to start telling you who I think you are. I don't care. Not about you. Not about anyone here but's always been me..."
Jaguar was not surprised by the level of detail in Jack's description of her, as well as its accuracy. From the level of trouble the other teachers had had with the girl, when considering the relatively mild level of her crimes compared to some of the other criminals, she had known before meeting her that Jack must be smart, observant, and able to assess rapidly how others "ticked." And as the girl continued to circle her, obviously intending to convey a predatory vibe, Jaguar remained still, calm, continuing to watch her. She had a feeling that the less she reacted, the more unsettled the girl would be, even if she did attempt to hide it. And it was within this lack of ease that the first showings of fears could often emerge.

"I left out that you are shrewd, observant, and likely self-aware," she replied. "But self-awareness, knowing who you are, and being able to look at who you are, to see every part of yourself and not flinch away or attempt to shove it back inside yourself where others will never see...they are two very different things. Which category applies to you, Jack?"

She smiles at her slightly, then moves closer, close enough now to touch her if she wants.

"It's always been one else. That is what you've said. Always, Jack? Have you always been alone, or felt that you were alone...that no one was ever enough for you, or present enough for you to be satisfied? Was that the reality of the situation, that you were abandoned and alone, or was it that you could not fill yourself with acceptance of yourself and needed constant reinforcements from others to feel they cared for you or existed in your life at all?"

She paused, taking one small step closer, watching.

"If I were to touch you now, I would guess that your reaction would be to jerk back from me, to lash out at me, or to turn this into something sexual. But you would never stand still, would you, and let me see inside you. Not when you don't even want to look at yourself."

She did not touch her, not yet, nor did she penetrate the outermost shields of Jack's thoughts. It was not her intention to, not yet. But she did reach out with her mind, stroking the outermost layer as she whispered with her thoughts, moving her lips as well.

"Jacklyn Correlli, see who you are. Be what you see."
Shrewd? This b**** thought that she was shrewd? Before Jack could even think of a witty comeback to throw back at her, Jaguar was closer to her and she could feel the other woman toying with her, poking about the surface of her mind. It caused Jack to see red.

For a second, she was a child again, alone and scared. Her parents had gone out...her nanny, asleep...and little Jacklyn was at the top of the stairs, staring down, a teddy bear clutched in one hadn, blood dripping from her lip. She had fallen out of bed. A nightmare had woken her up, only it hadn't been was some kid across the street...she had gotten sucked into it somehow, she didn't understand it...and her lip hurt. So, so much...the blood scared her, and she was alone...

So alone...

"F*** off!" she shouted, backing away quickly, wanting as much distance between her and this woman as possible. Her whole body was shaking, and it took her a moment to realize that it wasn't from rage, but from fear. "D-don't even think about getting inside my head on the first date..." she snarled softly. "That aint really polite..." Her arms were covered in goosebumps and she rubbed at them vigorously, avoiding any eye contact with the other woman. Swallowing hard, she tried taking in a few deep breaths, but the fear remained, cutting her to her core. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this way and then it hit her...the night of the fire, her parents death...the night she had made them pay for ignoring her...well looks like she wasn't being ignored anymore...

Looking up finally, Jack ignored the few strands of hair that had fell in front of her face and looked at Jaguar blankly. "What did you expect...that I'd put my walls down for you lady? You don't even know me...that s*** you blurted out before? textbook have no idea who I really am...what I've felt...the things I put myself have no idea..."
The woman is terrified, to the point that she cannot hide it. Jaguar can see her shaking, the goosebumps on her arms, the way she backed off and would not look her in the eye. Jaguar had shaken her, which was the intention. Jack, she suspected, would need to constantly be shook up, to not be allowed an inch to get comfortable, or she would take several miles, or try to.

Jaguar had seen the glimpses of memories, of the young child Jack, of her bleeding lip, of her fear, of her feeling of being alone. This loneliness of the memory, the unintended reflection of solitude, of its pattern in her life, in Jack's earlier statement aloud appears to be significant, and so Jaguar stows it away in her mind to pursue.

"No, I didn't expect that," she said in response to Jack's sarcastic question. "Those aren't walls around you, those are chains. But they aren't keeping others out, so much as they are locking you in."

She ignored Jack's jab about "textbook garbage," instead addressing her last remark, not yet moving closer towards her again as she brushed a strand of hair back from her face, her eyes on Jack's. "You're right. I don't know who you are. But I will. I know ABOUT you now, and I will KNOW you in time. Not today. But eventually. Soon. And eventually, that won't matter to you nearly as much as it does might even enjoy it. Because then someone will have an idea...someone will understand. Whatever is going on inside, someone else will have experienced it with you, and wherever you go, that knowledge will remain in them. You will never be alone."

She stepped back then, giving Jack space to consider this as she lightened her tone. "So how is it you managed to get the piercings past security? Usually they take those out right away."
Jack held her arms tightly against her until the shaking ceased and then gave her body a tiny shake. Rolling her eyes, her earlier cockieness creeped back in and she leaned back against the wall. "I don't need you to try and be my friend, or whatever...I don't need another so called friend coming in to my life, shaking s*** up and leaving..."

She looks down at her feet, rubbing at one sneaker with the other. The other Empath's question about her piercings causes Jack to smirk and she looks back up at Jaguar, her smile reaching her eyes. It was the first time anyone had ever asked her that. She had always wondered when someone would.

"They're plastic..." she tapped at the hoop in her nose and grinned. "No sharp points or anything...found that loophole my first week here..."
*Eric spent his days in his cell conditioning his body and mind, he was intent on resisting this so called reprogramming with all that he's worth, after all in his mind there is absolutely nothing wrong with him, he was cleansing the world of the corrupt and all their useless victims, in his mind being a victim should be punished by death just as those that prey on them. Of course that doesn't apply to him, in his mind he's a hero, or even better and Anti-Hero, like in the old comic books his father used to buy when he was kid, the Punisher, Yeah that's who he was he punished them both equally, mug a guy you should die, get mugged by a guy you should die. Some call him a fanatic but he's a hero. Time after time they'd pull him from his cell and go through their little sessions but he's knows to his core that he's in the right and given the chance he'll kill anyone that tries to convince him other wise.*

(Ok worst starter ever.)
Alex Simpson walked through the doors of the "behavioral facility" of which he worked. It was actually a prison made to detain specially gifted people. To help them cope with he outside world as well as cope with themselves. Alex didn't like to think of these people as criminals though. Thinking that made them seem worse than they actually were. And that was sick. These "Empaths" were spectacularly gifted. But some Empaths thought they were above the law. Thats where Alex came into the picture. Many years ago, during the killing times, Alex's heart and soul had been taken from him when his best friend and lover was killed. Thats why Alex decided to become a psychiatrist; to help these people become better than they made themselves to currently be. And thats as convicted felons. Or Patients. Alex walked by some people of whom he didnt pay any attention to so he could just get to his office and begin the days work. Alex Simpson walked through the doors of the "behavioral facility" of which he worked. His work was his life and he loved it. And he'll continue to do it until the day he dies. After finishin his prep work, Alex leaves his office room and walks out into the hall to look for his colleagues and see what the plan for the day was.
Sven took the elevator to the staffs floor, him being done with what he was supposed to do for the moment. His allotted duties wouldn’t start until noon so he had some time to do as he wished, the morning hours being filler for him for the most part. As the doors of the elevator opened he noticed the other staff member that worked here, his name being Alex. It appeared that he had found his way here at last or he could have been in his office the whole time unknown to the rest of them, either was probable.

“Well hello there Alex,” Sven said as he exited the elevator, a light smile present on his face as he did so. He took a few strides over to him rather nonchalantly, “A new individual has joined the rest today, I believe his name was Mason.” Sven paused for a brief moment as he thought back to what his papers had said and then added with a slight nod, “A transfer from county if I remember right.” he figured Alex would need to know about the newbie in the complex, considering Jaguar wanted him to book Mason. She was going to ask him to do it but at the moment he was unreachable, so Sven went ahead and did all of the necessary procedures.

He pursed his lips for a brief moment and rubbed his stomach subconsciously, a light gurgle coming from his supposedly empty stomach. “I could use a bite,” Sven said with a thoughtful expression as if he was announcing something profound. He took a step toward the staff kitchen and looked back at Alex, “You’re welcome to join me if you want, I haven’t gotten to know you that much now that I think about it.”
"Did I say I was your friend?" Jaguar's eyebrows rose, and she laughed, shaking her head, before stepping closer to Jack again, her voice no louder in tone, even playful, but the manner in which her eyes held Jack's was intense, not playful or amused anymore at all. "For all your observation, you have that part wrong, Jack. I'm not your friend. I don't want to be your friend. I'm your teacher, and I'll teach you, more about yourself than you ever wanted to know. You know it all already, but you will come to know it in a way that will make it inevitable for you to ever hide it from yourself again. I'm your TEACHER, but I'm also your JAILER."

She draws one step closer, her voice dropping slightly, losing the playful tone now as she regards her. "Shaking shit don't like change, do you? You think if you shake shit up before it gets shaken up on you, you'll be the one in control. You'll be the one who can always decide what happens when and how, and watch other people flounder instead of yourself. If you lose that control...if I shake YOU up instead...what would happen, if I left you to fall?"

She waits, watching her face, before concluding thoughtfully. "You don't want me here, but you're already talking about me leaving in a negative light. Abandonment all over again. Has there ever been anyone, Jack, who chose to be with you? Perhaps someone who wanted to be with you, but was removed from you against their will? Or is this only what you wish could have occurred- a more acceptable alternative to every person entering your life to choose to leave you?"

She let this sink in for a few beats before speaking again, with sincerity. "I can promise you this, Jack. Even when I leave you, I will never be gone from you. The touch of my thoughts against yours, what you fear so deeply now, can be a comfort in time. An assurance that wherever you go, you will never be alone. And you never will be. You don't have to be. If you choose to open yourself to face that fear, it will become something you will never need fear again."
For a moment that memory of her at the top of the stairs resurfaced and she flinched visably. Biting down on the inside of her cheek, her thoughts quickly raced as she thought about how many people she had gone and pushed away over the years the second they had gotten too close.

Shrugging, Jack pulled at the tie in her pants. 'Whatever..." she mummbled, not wanting to admit how the idea of all this sounded just a little bit too good to be true to her. She'd never admit, even to herself how much she wanted it in a way, how badly she craved for the smallest taste of freedom.

"Look, are we done here...I heard we got a new guy here and I've been just dying to check him out...heard from a few of the staff that he's, and I quote, 'yummy'..." Her dismissive tone was nothing short of sarcastic. She could care less how good looking the new inmate was as long as she could get away from this chick and all of her empty promises.
Alex looked at Sven when he heard him talking to him. He didn't know Sven or anybody else besides Jaguar knew his name. Alex tried to compose himself and mot make an ass out of himself. His expression brightened when Sven asked him to join him. "Sure, I'll join. I'd enjoy getting to know the people I work with." He began to walk in step with Sven as they went to the cafeteria to get a bite to eat. Alex tried making small talk as they made their way down the halls of the building. But he couldn't get the thought of Mason out of his head. He cleared his throat and asked, "So... How bad is this Mason guy? Did he go on a killing spree or something?" Alex was fairly curious about the people that stayed at the Eyes of Man.
Jaguar observes Jack's flinch, the cheek biting, her downward gaze and her fidgeting, and inwardly smiles. She knows that at least a small portion of what she is saying has impacted Jack, resonated with her, though she will doubtless deny it if such a thing were ever said to her. She knows that when she comes to see Jack for their first real session, the woman will undoubtedly behave more aggressively than before, will try even harder to get under Jaguar's skin, to put up her shields both mentally and emotionally to keep Jaguar away. Jaguar knows, and looks forward to it. The challenge is a rush that few other things in her life have ever given her, as few things can; she has extended so much energy already in her life simply to survive that there is little now that makes her feel not quite steady on her feet.

"I'm done for today, yes," she said, not reacting to Jack's comment about the new guy, though she does wonder how the woman knows about his arrival or what anyone would have said about him. Reading thoughts, probing minds? She makes a mental note to remind the other empaths in the building to take better care to shield themselves when in any contact at all with prisoners.

Before she leaves the room, she first stops, smiles, and then gives an identical once-over as Jack had her when she first arrived, more for her own amusement than any genuine attraction, and allowed herself to smirk back at her. "By the way, Jack, you're pretty "cute" yourself...HONEY."

As she enacted all appropriate security measures to allow herself out, she called for Bailey over her telecom badge to meet her directly outside the twins' room. This one might be a bit more of a challenge.

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