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Fantasy The Family


1,2, Buckle my shoe. 3,4, Let's RP some more~
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"We're all a family. Even if we don't share blood, we're all the same. Different from the rest of the world, running for our lives. For our safety." Destin looks out at all the other people, hoping they'd accept him, understand him. "My father spent his life helping us to stay hidden, but not making us pretend to be who we're not. We can be true to ourselves, to each other. The rest of the world... They just wouldn't understand."

He takes in a breath, looking into as many eyes as he can. "He died for that same reason. As our Chief, he allowed us to stay strong. We were never discovered, never put in danger. Not until one person decided he wasn't contented, decided to go out and kill innocent people. My father died to make sure we were not all prosecuted, to make sure only the guilty party was punished. And in turn, that same person killed him, just before his own death."

Tears well up in his eyes at the memory of his father falling to his knees, blood pouring from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. No one would've guessed Thomas would've cursed him...

"A-All of us..." He stops to clear his throat, then stands straight as he continues once more. "Now, all of us are safe. My father died so none of us had to. I can only hope I'd inherited even half of his bravery, strength, and honor. Together we grieve the loss of a great man, a grand leader. We are a family... And as such, I hope you can all accept me into my father's past role, as your Chief. I will spend each and every day doing my best to protect all of you.

Most of you have seen me grow up... From a troublemaker kid, to the one before you now. I know all of you by name, we've helped each other through school, or with cooking. Borrowed sugar or a book. We've had movie nights and bonfires... You all know that I will do everything in my power to someday be worthy of the position my birth says I'm to fill. So... If anyone has a problem with me inheriting the role of Chief in this family, please speak now."

He looks over everyone once more, and when none object, he smiles faintly. Tears still in his eyes as he nods over to the men holding torches. Not even a moment later they're thrown onto the pile of sticks and logs, atop which is a body lays still and wrapped in a white cloth. Destin watches as his father's body burns.

He listens to the sobs occasionally heard through the crowd, but otherwise it's silent. A tradition after a life is lost. The entire family sits a silent vigil for the night, surrounding the body of their departed loved one. One last official sign of respect.

And to make official his place in his father's forcibly vacated position, Destin pulls the knife from the tree stump 50 feet away from the flames. Then makes a slit across his palm and allows the blood to well up, before walking to the fire and allowing it to drip in. He then drops to his knees, the tears finally falling when he sits and watches his father's body burn. While most would likely be falling asleep within the next couple of hours, he would go by tradition, staying awake the entire night to bid a silent goodbye to the man who raised him.

((You'll find the description and rules of this roleplay in the Overview tab.))
Yin and Yang woke up. It was almost the anniversary of the year they were adopted. They both liked the Smith's and knew they loved them.

Yin was heading downstairs early to get some food since she was hungry.

Yang hung out in the bedroom and waited for everyone else to wake up.
Kurai wondered into the forest, it was cloudy out so they quite enjoyed the atmosphere and the darkness it shined. They suck on a strawberry candy there sharp teeth breaking it into two, they thought of the funeral that had happened only awhile ago. They never knew the chief to well or the son destin, they never tried to talk with them, but it'd be a lie to say they hadn't talked before. Kurai never joined any events, or sticked around to long.

They remembered his words "a big family" though why was it they never felt like they were apart of anything. Kurai had few friends, though no one that'd talk to them day and night, share food with, but that was solely there fault, for rarely leaving there room. ((i hope im aloud to post, sorry if i did it to soon ^^')
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Yin went outside despite hating the day or morning. "Ugh..." She growled and used her paw to shield herself from the sun.
Destin managed to stay awake the whole night through, sitting alone on his knees by the raging then dying fire. It was tradition, and one he wasn't going to break. He respected the man whose body now lay mixed with the black ashes of the wooden support too much to break it. But now that the sun was up his vigil was over, the rest of his Family were starting to wake up, and it was time for him to go on with his day. Being the new Chief he couldn't go home and sleep for a few hours, thankfully he is still young, and has had several late nights of unintentional practice for going through a day of duties without sleep.
Esmie Smith awoke to the sun shining through the window of her three story treehouse. When someone describes a house as three stories you expect it to be fairly large, but this treehouse wasn't. Each floor only had two rooms on it; the first floor contained a kitchen and living space, the second floor held a washroom and Esmie's bedroom, and the third floor housed Yin and Yang, who Esmie adopted. Esmie threw the covers of her cot back and hopped out of bed. Then she remembered the ceremony her Family had held the night before. The ceremony to honor their deceased chief. Esmie felt sad, as she had liked the old chief. She only hoped his son, the new chief, would be as good of a leader. Esmie straightened the blankets on her cot and went to her wardrobe to get her traveling robe. She threw the black cloak over her shoulders and went downstairs. Yin and Yang appeared to have already awakened. Esmie stepped out of the treehouse and down the spiraling staircase to the floor of the forest. She grabbed a water pail from a branch on the tree and headed towards the river.
kurai spotted a tree house within the trees, it was rather large. They stared at the mass of wood, until they noticed the the nine tail and the young girl who carried a pail, most likely to fill it with water. They had forgotten others lived separately on the property, but kurai could faintly remember there smell and appearance, they wanted to say hello, like any other advanced would do, but there mouth remained closed, and popped a candy into there mouth.
Kyoshi stumbles weakly into a forest. He had recently shifted because of a fight a little while ago. He stayed shifted for too long, and now feels extremely weak. He stumbles through the forest, looking for help. After a while, he stumbles across Destin. He starts to cough and stagger a little. His coughing attracts Destin's attention. @Firetail606
Destin's eyes go wide as he turns and sees Kyoshi, rushing over to put his arms around the younger male in hopes of helping to support his weight. "K-Kyoshi? What's wrong?!" He kneels down, frowning a bit. "Shift back, okay?" He didn't use any sort of a demanding tone, but one that would hopefully show the severity of the situation incase the boy didn't. Which.. In Destin's eyes, he probably doesn't, considering he's still shifted. As the newly named Chief, Destin knows all about Kyoshi's gradual weakness when he's shifted too long, as well as most everyone else's... It's that way to insure he'd always be aware to help his Family if ever they needed it.
Kyoshi obliges, and shifts back. He is panting and it takes him a few seconds to realize that Destin is holding him. "D-Destin?" He mutters weakly. @Firetail606
Destin smiles faintly, trying to reassure the boy that he's safe now. "Yeah, it's me." He runs a hand through Kyoshi's hair, looking at him in concern. "What happened? Are you hurt? How long were you shifted?" He knew it may not be quite fair to fire all these questions at the boy right away, but he needed to know... If he wasn't wounded then he could easily just take him back home and let him rest, but otherwise, it'd probably be wise to go see the Medic...
"N-no, I-I'm n-not h-hurt, a-at l-least, I-I d-don't t-think s-so. A-And I-I d-don't k-know h-how l-long I-I w-was s-shifted." Kyoshi says, still breathing heavily. @Firetail606
Destin nods, "Okay, let's get you back to my house, okay?" He gives another small smile. At least in his own home he'd know the way around in case the boy needs anything... "Is that okay with you? We can get you something to eat and drink, you can lay down in my room or on the couch or something and take a rest?"
Destin smiles faintly, "Can you walk? I can carry you, if not." The last thing he wants is for Kyoshi to overexert himself now, putting him in an even weaker state than he already is...
Destin is immediately by Kyoshi's side, giving him a sympathetic smile as he catches him before falling totally to the ground. "It'll make me feel a lot better if I could carry you.. Is that alright?" He knew that while people in this Family do respect him, many are rather unhappy with his sexual orientation. Not that they'd make it obvious, mostly because his father was a force to be reckoned with when it came to his family... But still, he would never intentionally do anything to make anyone uncomfortable, so before really even touching anyone he's unsure of how they'd feel, he always asks.
Hunter closed his eyes slowly walking back into the safty of the walls he had a small cut on his arm and his sleave was ripped he was running now trying to find some one but he fell and jest layed thare makeing a iphone pop up into his hand jest hurting more he was cut my a cross and then got hit by holy water he coughed and then passed out
Destin picks him up easily, only needing to take slight advantage of his vampiric strength to hold him. "If anything starts to hurt, you tell me right away. Alright?" He starts walking, going a bit faster than just a normal walk, but not horribly so to possibly jostle the boy too much.
Esmie walked quietly through the forest, having learned how to mask her footsteps when traveling through the woods a long time ago. She heard something coming closer to her and paused, listening. She turned around and saw someone there. "Hello?" Esmie called. Someone in this territory was probably part of their Family, so Esmie wasn't very worried. Since she didn't live as close to everyone else she didn't know everyone in the Family very well, but she still knew most of their names. Esmie waited in silence for the person to answer. @RedRosesrp
Kurai blinked as they halted, they didn't think would notice them. they always thought of there existence more then a shadow, ignored by the world. They slowly walked towards them coming out behind the tree, to the girl, there face slightly flustered, Though they were antisocial, they did love to be noticed.

they raised there hand and waved at her, the girls face was slightly blury do to the sunlight that shown through the grey clouds. Kurai didn't speak though, they were to timid to yet.

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