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Miraculous Ladybug


Dreaming of a Fairytale
It was suppose to be a romantic Valentine's Day like any other for Marinette. Finally getting the courage to send her crush a valentine in the mail with her best friend Alya. But suddenly a boy had appeared in the sky who resembled a dark cupid. Suddenly arrows were shot and her cheerful, supportive friend had changed claiming that they never were friends and as she made fun of her poem and ran off laughing.

Something was wrong and Marinette needed to know what it was. Glancing back up at the boy that had shot the arrow at her best friend she knew right away that an akuma had taken over him while a jewel was on his chest glistening in the sunlight. "Wait, I've seen this jewel before..." The girl said softly to herself as it took her a moment to remember. "Wait! That was Kim's present!" She said as Kim had already flown off to find more targets. "Ah! This is a disaster! We must find him!" Marinette exclaimed as she ran behind a park bench and transformed into Ladybug before heading off to find him.

After jumping from roof to roof it didn't take her long to find Kim who was aiming his arrow at his next target, Chloe Bourgeois, a classmate that she piratically despised. As much as she would deserve a little punishment for her actions Ladybug didn't hesitate to use her yoyo like weapon to mess up his shot and he turned to her obviously angered by her.

"Ladybug" He spatted as he glared to her. "Stop this Kim!" Ladybug replied back still swinging her yoyo. "I'm not Kim." He spatted. "I'm Heart Breaker now and nothing can stop me! If I'm not allowed to love then no one else can either!" He exclaimed as Ladybug kind of understood how he felt. "Ok, Heart Breaker. I understand Chloe's actions really weren't cool, but this is not a reason for all of Paris to suffer from your rage." She explained calmly hoping he may calm down as well. "Yes it is! And I'll stop when I've broken all the hearts!" He said as he look right at her. "Say goodbye to whomever you love, Ladybug, because you'll now hate them!" He said sternly as he aimed a arrow at her and shot, but she managed to block the arrow with her weapon. They two continued at it with him firing arrows and her dodging or breaking his arrows but eventually the girl had lost her footing and slipped sliding off the roof and had caught herself from falling with her yoyo. Apparently from the angle he was at Kim could not see her and flew away.
Today was the day. The day Cat Noir was going to tell Lady bug how he felt about her. During that day at school he was barely paying attention to the English lesson about fairy tales. Would he romance her with a poem or just tell her out right. He did manage to get called on but of course he handle that well. The bell rang for classes to be dismissed for the day. He decided before leaving the classroom he would just let him and be up front about it.

He had no idea what was occurring with the Heart breaker at the time but he did see that Lady bug was running from something. He transformed into Cat Noir. Then he climbed but the building and planning his staff right on the side of the building then like fate was on his side Lady bug hovered right beside him. " Nice to see you Lady bug." he grabbed her hand and pulled him close. He covered her lips with his finger. " I need to tell you something..... I .... lov.." then suddenly he saw the cupid has spotted them. There was arrow heading straight for his beloved. He got into from of the arrow and took the impact of it. Then suddenly he felt different. Like his feels of love had been swiftly turned to hate. " I hate you Lady bug! I will get you." he wrapped his arms around her trying to keep her from getting away.
Ladybug didn't even have a chance to sigh before she heard a familiar voice call to her. She turned to see Cat Noir standing on his staff that was planted on the side of the building right next to her. Had he planned this or something? She held his hand as he pulled her close to him allowing her to stand on his staff as well as he began to speak. Was this really the right time to tell her something? "Now is not the time, the Heart-" She said before she was cut off as he covered her lips with his finger. She just stared at him unsure what he was going to say but he was suddenly cut off by the Heart Breaker reappearing. He wasted no time in moving in front of the arrow taking the impact of it while Ladybug was caught off guard and looked at him worryingly. "C-Cat Noir?" She asked as she noticed a suddenly change in him. He suddenly said he hated her as he wrapped his arms around her tightly as he wanted to keep her from running. Ladybug struggled for a moment before she stepped on his foot and took that chance to jump and escape and ended up rolling into Chloe's mansion where her and her friend were hiding.

Meanwhile Kim waited on the roof where he knew Cat Noir would be climbing up. And once he did he smirked to him. "I can help you destroy Ladybug. But you'll have to give me her miraculous in exchange."

Ladybug was still in Chloe's mansion as Chloe and her friend refused to run. "You guys are in danger you need to get out of here!" She explained trying to get them out of the door. "Why would Kim be upset with me? I'm perfect." Chloe assured as Ladybug just rolled her eyes in response. Then Chloe just went on about how he may be jealous of Adrien and how he now madly in love with her which Ladybug knew it was obviously a lie. Eventually Kim had shown up again and Ladybug was able to wrap her yoyo around Chloe and pulled her out of the mansion and onto the side walk and told her to run in which she finally listened. But Kim started to go after her as well.
Ladybug got away! Once he regained his composure he removed his staff from the side of the building and climbed up to the roof. Heartbreaker had a proposal. Destroying Ladybug would be easier with help. Cat Noir offered his hand. " No problem." Then he was helped off on to the roof. She shouldn't be far. While Heartbreaker was dealing with Chole he went in search of Ladybug. He saw Ladybug run out of the building below he then cornered her on the street.

" Not fast Lady bug." he said. With his staff in hand. "This kindness is really unbearable... I'm glad we are not friends." using his staff he launched himself in the air to attack from above. The chase was on. Damn he missed her. The chase moved on to the roof.
Ladybug was just about to chase after Heart Breaker but Cat Noir had hopped in front of her blocking her way. "I don't want to fight against you Cat Noir." She said as she really just wanted to get past him and stop Kim but she knew he wasn't going to let her pass easily. She was a little confuse by his comment by how they weren't friends but was quick on her feet to dodge his attack from the air and the chase continued to the roof.

After hopping from roof to roof Ladybug eventually ran out of places to go so she turned back and threw her yoyo and wrapped it around Cat Noir's staff to stop him from running to her. "Why do you have so much hate in you, Cat Noir?"
He thought he was about to catch then suddenly her yoyo grabbed hold of his staff and he started to pull it back to break free from her grip. " Because hate always triumphs." Cat noir was growing tired of the chase. Let's just get this over with he though. He had better things to attend too. "Come on enough chatting. Fight me!" he broke free from her yoyo and broke his staff into two pieces. What was she going to do next? Whatever it was he was ready for it.
It was nice to see that Cat Noir seemed a little off guard by her stopping him with her yoyo. "I'm sorry to say, but it is not hate that always triumphs." She explained. "It's love!" She said before she suddenly realized something. Her mind flashed back to her teacher from her class earlier today. The topic was fairy tales and her teacher was explaining how the prince breaks a spell by kissing the princess. Then her friend was talking about how love can only defeat hate. She suddenly had an idea as she gave a small smile while Cat Noir was done talking and wanted to fight. She happily placed her yoyo back at her side. "I'll do more than that." She said confidently as she started walking over to Cat Noir. "Aw, don't be shy, kitty cat. Come here and give me a little kiss." She said as she puckered her lips.
He noticed her tactics changed. What did she mean. She would do more than that. She started walking towards him and wasn't sure what do but he started to back up because he didn't know what she had in mind. A kiss? What! " Huh?" he started back up he was almost to the edge of the roof. He managed to get out the way before she planted one on him " Where are your manners?" he got on all fours and started to run away he was sure Lady bug was following him. He jumped off the edge of the roof and hopped onto a few statues near by.
Ladybug had followed him to the edge of the roof with him obviously surprised by her sudden tatics. She was so close in placing her lips on his but he had suddenly got out of the way. "Rats, so close." She said to herself as she watched him run away on all fours just like a cat. She started chasing after him as he jumped on a few statues. She followed him and it took her a while before she managed to wrap her yoyo around Cat Noir's leg and pulled him against a lamp post wrapping him tightly against it while she hung down from the post facing him. "Don't worry kitty, I don't want to do it more than you do." She said reassuringly hoping he would just calm down. She managed to kiss his cheeks but then had to hold his face from moving. "Uh, I can't believe I'm doing this..." She said before she closed her eyes and leaned in to kiss him.

Suddenly an arrow was shot in between to two which caused Ladybug jump away from Cat Noir allowing him to run as she dodged more of the arrows coming to her. She managed to hide behind a tree while Kim just flew and landed in front of the fountain.
Cat noir broke free from the light pole and meet The Heartbreaker in front of the fountain. That was too close. His partner came just in time. How revoulting a kiss from Lady bug would be.What Ladybug didn't know is they were working together. "And how are you going to right both of us now?" Cat Noir then powered up his Cataclysm. This is how hey would destroy her Miraculous. Or Destroy her first. If it came to that. " I have alway wondered what would happen if I used my Cataclysm on a person..." What was she going to do next with The Heartbreaker helping this would surely make it easier. As soon as Ladybug came out from hiding.
Ladybug was listening quietly behind the tree while she figured out that Cat Noir and Kim were actually working together. Was was their real goal here? What were the two of them trying to do. She was surprised as Cat Noir suddenly powered up his Cataclysm. Her eyes widen slightly as he pondered what would happen if he used this on a person. He couldn't possibly be thinking of using that on her right? What was she suppose to do to defend herself. "Lucky Charm!" She called out as a love apple appeared in her hand. "Huh? A love apple? What am I suppose to do with this?" She pondered to herself as she thought while using her ladybug vision to help her. She quickly figured it out and jumped out of hiding.

"I have a Valentine's gift for you." She said while spinning her yoyo around looking at the two of them.
Cat Noir and Heartbreaker charged for Ladybug. Heartbreaker took to the sky. He shot a few arrows which were no match for her. Cat Noir reached for her but missed her. So close yet so far. He made it passed her. Then suddenly he was caught on something and pulled back. He wasn't sure what it was but he end up falling over on the ground.
Ladybug watched as the two charged at her. She managed to block the arrows with her yoyo while Cat Noir charged at her. She had to bend back barely missing his attack as he went past her. She turned and grabbed his belt which she assumed was suppose to be a cat tail and pulled him to the ground as she jumped up and threw the love apple at Kim which stuck to his head. He tried pulling it off but then it was stuck to his hand unable to shoot any more arrows at the moment. Ladybug landed on the top of the fountain. "Well, looks like you're having a bad day." She called out as Kim finally was able to get rid of the apple and aimed a arrow at her but his fingers were stuck to the string so he couldn't shoot at her.

"Now it's your turn kitty cat." Ladybug said hoping to the bottom of the fountain.
Cat Noir growled and hopped on the heads of the fountain before managing to get her pinned to ground. He heard Heartbreaker reminded him of getting her Miraculous. " I'm busy!" he called out. With his free hand he looked at her Miraculous which were Ladybug's earrings. She looked scared. " I finally I find out your true identity. Say goodbye to your secret Identity." His Catalysm hand was inches away from touching her earring.
Ladybug was caught off guard by him jumping and managed to pin her to the ground. Her eyes widen as he was on top of her as Kim reminded him to get her miraculous. She struggled for a moment as he looked at her earrings which were her miraculous. She noticed his Cataclysm hand was only inches away from her earrings which would revealed her identity. She needed to do something fast before he knew who she really was. She grabbed his face and pulled him closer to her as she placed his lips on kissing him while she kept her eyes closed.
Cat Noir was taken a back so much by the kiss. Then a change overcame him. His feelings of hate melted away. Cat Noir kissed her back and closed his eyes. Then his hand inadvertently touched her earring. Then he snapped out of it. " What? What happen?" he said as if he didn't remember the chain of events the go them there. Then he saw her. His eyes widened. He could feel Heartbreaker right behind him.
Ladybug was taken back by him suddenly kissing her back while he was still on top of her. But what she hadn't noticed was that Cat Noir's hand has already touched her earring causing her to transform back to Marinette. She hesitantly opened her eyes as the kiss seemed to brought him back to normal but as she as he saw her his eyes had widened. What was wrong? Suddenly she figured it out because she saw Tikki flying above the two of them. Her eyes widened in response as he now knew her true identity. Before she even had a chance to do anything Heartbreaker had grabbed Tikki out of the air and already took off with her miraculous. "No Kim!" She shouted as she couldn't do anything as he flew away with Tikki.
Then he realized the girl he had been in love with this whole time was Marinette. It took a him a moment. Why hadn't he seen is all along. Before he realized it. Kim had gotten away with Tiki. " Marinette, I should have know....." he smiled. Would she then realize who he was. He would have to help get her Mirculous back. He was the reason. Kim got away.
Marinette turned back to Cat Noir who was smiling saying he should have known that she was Ladybug. "Hm? What do you mean?" She asked as she looked curiously at him. She has met him as Marinette before so it's not like he didn't already know her name. Could it be she would know him as his true identity? As she met him before without her knowing it? She couldn't help but wonder that as she looked down at his ring. "Aren't you going to change back soon since you used Cataclysm?"
Cat Noir gulped. Maybe she didn't know who he was. Well, she was soon going to find out. Heard the beep and looked down at his ring. The last pad was about to disappear. " Before I change back I want to tell you what I was going to tell you ealier.... It's not because it is Valentine's day. Ladybug or should I say Marinette. I love you." as soon as the last words passed his lips. He changed back into Adrien.
Marinette looked back at him as his ringed beeped signaling the last pad in his ring was going to disappear. Was he really going to show her his true identity? Would she actually know who was behind the mask. She was quiet as he just explained what he wanted to tell her earlier. She blushed as he told her he loved her just before he change back. When she saw him again her eyes widen as she just found out that her highschool crush was Cat Noir who had a crush on her. "A-Adrien..." She said as she felt her heart racing as she didn't know how to react. Her crush had just confessed to her that he loved her. "I-I love you too, Adrien."
Adrien realized he still was on top of her. He got up and offered and hand to help her up. "Are you in love with Cat Noir? Or me?" he felt like he had to ask. Because at first he was in love with Ladybug but now he know that Ladybug and Marinette are the same person. "Why didn't you say something earlier?" he asked curiously. She really was cute when she got flustered.
Marinette watched as he finally got off of her and offered her a hand to help her up. She smiled slightly as she took it and got up off the ground. "I've always had a crush on you, Adrien." She said with her cheeks still slightly red. She never thought about having a crush on Cat Noir since she always focused on Adrien. "Eh...I guess you could say that I am really shy about my feelings..." She said hesitantly with a small laugh. "Chloe doesn't help either."
" I guess I never noticed. You must have hide it well." he ran he hands through his hair. He should have pulled his head out of the clouds and taken notice. Then she mentioned Chloe. " I don't really have feelings for Chole. I am I don't know what gave her any idea I did. I just try to be polite." he admitted. " Where do we go from here? Or where would you like to go from here?"
Marinette was surprised that Adrien hadn't noticed. She would have thought he would have been suspicious of her trying to get close to him any way she could and how awkward and flustered she got whenever she tried to talk to him. "R-really? I thought it was obvious..." She said hesitantly. She already knew that he didn't like Chloe and was only being nice to her, but Chloe acted like she owned him and would always get in the way of the two of them. "I kind of figured you were only being nice." She said with a small smile as she wasn't sure how to answer the next question. "Hm..I'm not sure really....where would you like to go from here?"

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