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Realistic or Modern The Fab Five (Cont.)



I couldn't hate you more if I tried.

Jarrod McAllister

The New Kid

Age: 18

Sexuality: Homosexual

Usual Attire


Jarrod real likes to keep it causal and loose. He throws a sweater on for a more formal look, usually just throws on a flannel, some jeans, and his lucky black converse sneakers for a day of...stuff.



There isn't much to say about his family life. Jarrod is an only child, born to his mother and her alone. It wasn't like he didn't have a father figure at all. His mom was both, being whatever he needed whenever he needed her. They had been moved around plenty and his mom wore her uniform with pride. Jarrod had his own reservations about the military but he respected his mother's profession. The only drawback was that he never really had a true friend.

They'd moved 6 times in his life. Apparently, he was a lucky one. In those moves, the guy managed to become self-sufficient to a certain degree. It wasn't because his mom wasn't always around. He didn't want to be something she had to worry about. The woman had enough on her plate as it was. Jarrod figured he could be compliant enough so she could be less stressed.

That kinda skipped a beat when he came out. He knew about his sexuality for a while, and it wasn't something he wanted to push under the rug. His mom did. She wanted nothing to do with that part of his life. But, Jarrod though it was the kind of thing that sharply defined who he was. Sure, it didn't change him on the outside. But it made him proud to declare a part of who he was. The result? The retired army-woman made one final move as a last ditch effort to get him to see reason. She honestly told him that a new scene would probably make him see reason. Jarrod knows better. But, he still followed her. Because he loved his mother, he thoroughly believed that this was something they can work past, and he was used to being the new guy. Just another red pin to push in the map of his life.

Unique Talents/Hobbies:

"The things you learn when you don't have friends."

Jarrod writes magnificent stories. He keeps them in his journal, and trust me they are worth the read. But that isn't where his excellence is. He has the skills necessary to con the pants off someone. He lies so well, he could convince you of almost anything. That and he has the quickest fingers on this side of the planet.


Bites his lip when he is impressed, cracks his knuckles when he is planning his next move.

Distinct Personality Traits:

















(subject to change)

Alfred and Jillian Olsen


He's seen them all summer and really has no intention of ever saying anything to the daughter. From what he's seen and heard, she seems like a total bitch. He stares at the brother more than should be necessary.

The Rest of the Cast

-No Clue...yet-


Jarrod has not only never had sex, but he has never dated a person.


He hates the color pink. So much.

He once punched a girl in the face. She was the bulkier type, and totally deserved it. He still doesn't feel bad about it.

He also had a kleptomaniac period. Some things were learned.

Plans for the Future/After High School:

"I want to go to Julliard. Call me crazy, but I know I could be a great actor..."

Jarrod wants to grace the silver screen.

10 Miscellaneous facts:

  1. Has a pet kitten named Jezebelle. She is a blue-eyed Siamese that he recently got from his grandma. She's in Boca Raton, with her boyfriend.
  2. This is Ms. McAllister's home town. It's also the town where Jarrod was conceived. Who knows what secrets are unknown to him about this place and his Mom.
  3. Jarrod has no filter when he gets pissed off. He will rip you to shreds and that is a fact.
  4. Jarrod loves Steven Universe and catches every episode.
  5. Currently standing at 5'8.5, Jarrod is rather feisty.
  6. There are old Marky Mark posters in his bedroom. Yes, the ones with the underwear.
  7. Just a tad bit untidy...
  8. Loves the color orange above all others.
  9. Still has his childhood Bear Bear. His mom gave it to him before she went off for her first tour.
  10. Once there is grudge, there is no going back. That's a Capricorn for you.

Theme Song:

"The Neighborhood and Other Atrocities"

"Jay, it looks like we have neighbors across the way. The Olsen's, I think." The light that flooded the room almost seared his eyes out. Jarrod sprung forward, trying to shield himself from the ungodly view of the sun. "Geez, why is the morning so loud today?" he groaned, pushing his comforter off and revealing his nighttime attire of boxer shorts and an open button down. Both were unbearably plaid and did not match at all.

"Mom, why? I know you are used to being up at the crack of God's ass A.M., but I like to get a decent eight hours." he hissed, rubbing his eyes with he backs of his hands. "Well, if you wouldn't be up all night." Ms. McAllister chimed in. "I get to bed at 11pm. Not because I'm a prude, but because I have no one to talk to but grandma. And she's in Boca, with the swim instructor. Remember?" He pulled his jeans on, hopping a bit to get the snug-ish material up. "Well, this is a golden opportunity for you to make friends." Ms. McAllister sneered, folding her arms. The light made her regulation bun hairstyle look like a heavenly doughnut.

"Hard pass." he said, taking a look outside. There were four people outside, the two younger ones looking as different as day and night. "Yeah, definitely not." he remarked, starting to button his shirt. "And why not? She looks rather pretty." his mom said, earning a sharp flash of grey in her direction. "Mom! NO! I mean, look at her." he gestured to the girl who looked a typical tiny, fit, and tan. "She's picking up a cigarette butt with a tissue. If that doesn't scream snob, you need hearing aids." Ms. McAllister chuckled, turning her back to her son. "She looks practical to me." she quipped with a sigh.

"Well, why don't you see about dating her...and I'll check out her brother." Jarrod shot back at her, closing the door to the bathroom behind him as he went to perform his morning rituals.



coding is being a bitch, please be patient while everyone's favorite lesbian is upgraded


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