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Fantasy The Experiment


New Member
(-This will be a rp based on a story that I began. So if you want to join in tell me what your character's mutations would be and a description of your character.-)

"Test subject 29; we are now injecting the subject with new serum, affects of this serum will be noted once they take hold, for now, subject's vitals are normal, no spikes unlike subject 28, who's heart rate increased by 20% after 2 minutes of injection. With hopes this serum will be successful, we want to create humans with higher brain capacity, and with greater neural response." The video showed a person laying on top of a gurney in a large room, the person had an IV drip attached to their right arm, and had a heart monitor attached to them also. There was a computer in the corner of the video, it showed a image of the subject's brain. There were also several people in the room looking through a large glass window that allowed the viewing of the subject, they all appeared to be writing on clipboards. They all looked up suddenly as the heart monitor suddenly flat-lined and the image of the brain suddenly went dark. They all shook their heads and scribbled out what they had written. One of the researchers, or a doctor went into the room that held the patient, he was moving to remove the IV from the dead subject.

"Subject 29 failed, ten minutes after serum was injected, failure to create a sustained subject again, with only one success on a lab rat, we are still in search of creating a replica of that serum," a doctor came around in front of the camera and walked away, the camera was still recording as the man inside with the subject took the IV out, when the image of brain suddenly burst back to life, this time, it appeared to have more activity than it had before.

The man suddenly screamed as his nose beginning to bleed from his nose profusely. The subject's heart began to set the heart monitor off again, the subject had sat up and stared intently at the man who took the IV out, who was The ones who were watching kept staring at the sight in front of them. The doctor who had been commentating suddenly came back, "get him out of there. Now!"

"Sir, we can't risk losing more, we have to seal the test chamber, and start to feed the subject, find out the extent of what he can do."

"I don't care, we need to get our man out of there, tell him to get to the door." One person nodded and pressed an intercom button and repeated what the doctor had said. The man with the bleeding nose started to walk to walk towards the door, but collapsed close to it, and wasn't moving. "Subject 29 success........ end of recording......." The screen went black and a man stood up, his hair was shaved, he wore black jeans and a jean jacket of his black shirt. His boots crunched over broken glass and a few bones, he slowly put the camera, which miraculously survived a building being imploded, into a satchel he was carrying.

Wolfe Parish had picked through the building that had to been ground zero of the First, he had found the camera, he watched the video through until it ended, when it did, he had put it into his satchel and walked from the rubble of the building that had once been a famous research building. Most of the building had been annihilated by one of the mutants that had been created by the doctors. Wolfe was one of the few original test subjects to make it out of the building before one of the subjects, as the doctors kept referring to them, developed some kind telekinesis powers. That was how they all escaped, some of them took the serum to create a cure. However those who had stole the serum ended up either injecting themselves again and dying, or they injected someone else, whatever the case was there were more and more cases of 'mutants' appearing. Wolfe believed that the government started to produce the serum and test it themselves before the trails had been finished.

Wolfe stood up straight and rolled his shoulders, his mutation had unfortunately had been a bit more painful than others. This was because of two appendages that grew from his shoulder blades, he had grown wings. He felt a bit special due to being one of the only few that had grown any extra appendages, or bodily anomalies.
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[as I walked into the town having been completely covering my scales wings and weapons I would have stumbled across a kid who started to follow me. now as I looked at the kid my hood being hung low over my head to cover my face the best it could I had said to "walk away im only here for business" but the kid decided to get persistent I was also running out of things to say for other reasons why I might be here then he mentioned something about how the "mutants" kids come up with funny names sometimes had it so lucky then I started to snap I had picked up the kid and threw him away then my eyes turned red and I don't remember much other than slight shouts of orders and hearing gunshots] but that isn't what makes me wonder today the thing that makes me wonder is why I seem to have seen that happen before my eyes and why where we never told what to do if that started and it wasn't in the list of mutations they handed me and said here that's what you have now try staying hidden till needed so why it decided to start I don't know all I do know is that something isn't going to end well...

(most of that was just a small glimpse in the future about how things would start he also saw that as he was camping outside of town so all he can do is that it was just a dream)

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