The Eversoul Flower A Tale Of Time.


Junior Member
Ozlon gathered his things inside his room at the well mannered mare inn. He was ready to try his desperate gambit tonight. He paid his rent to the inn keeper and left walking outside of the village of Koj and made his way to nearby Talon hill. The night cold was biting and in the distance he could see where Zazueal's capital once shimmering lights would have decorated the night. But now the land was under the power of Izrat the great or that was the name Izrat called himself these days.

Climbing the sloop of talon hill Ozlon found the great stone table an object that had been on top of the hill since the ancients. Few living anymore knew what it was for but Ozlon needed it in order to make this desperate ploy work. Ozlon opened up his satchel and placed the rare ice stone, fire stone and vine stone on the table. Ozlon made sure to hide whenever a passing patrol of Dark Knights might patrol soon. The Dark Knights as far as Ozlon could tell were not even human even though he never ccould see under their armor or helms. Ever since Izrat took power these legions have been the tools of his dark ambitions. Executions were common trials were for show and it seemed that everyday the country plunged further into darkness the stronger these Knights seemed to become.

Ozlon emerged again from his hiding spot and finshed his letter's to the pure of heart that remained in the region He looked at the letter chanting the spell of pure wind as he held the paper that read.

"To you good and pure come meet me at the talon hill you have been chosen by fate and magic to save your empress come find me tonight at 10 for I am the wizard Ozlon and I beg for your help"

After he finished the chant Ozlon threw the letters letting the magic wind take them by seeing them fly away Ozlon smiled a sad smile pushing back the hood that hid his face. "My Empress soon we will come and save you and the entire land of Zazuel" Sitting on the crest of the hill Ozlon looked up at the stars and reminiced about the last time he spoke to his friend Camillia The Princess and new Empress of Zazuel. "Ozlon I am scared that I might be changed by this new station in life. I am no longer a girl having fun with friends and reading books and studying but now I have a chance to fix the problems that reign in this ancient land and I hope together my advisor's and I can help this land usher in a time of peace and happiness." Ozlon smiled not saying anything he really did not have to he admired Camillia for the person she had become and Ozlon was proud to have grown up with her.

Ozlon opened his blue eyes and came back to reality. Now that friend was a stone statue on a balcony overlooking her now suffering people. off in the distance the distance the town clock chimed 9 pm and in one meore hour his heroes should arrive bringing with them the hope of the Fang Kingdom Zazuel.
"O-o-okay, calm down doggie, we were just--"

Three wolves, made entirely out of blue and black flames interrupted the burly man with several growls that were most definitely not of this world. In their midst, sat a proud white beast. A fox whose several tails shimmered with blue and white flame.

"Gah! We'll leave! We'll leave!"

The wolves advanced slowly, the dozen men fleeing back to whence they came. Some of them dropped their weapons in their haste. The flames faded, leaving only the multi-tailed beast in the clearing. Behind him, two sisters lay, staring in awe.

"White Fox . . ."

It was all they had time to say before the beast dashed into the forest, bounding along roots and stones like breeze.


For what?

Those two girls likely had no future ahead of them in this world. Sanz cursed himself for not being able to do more. Before the coronation, he had felt his small acts were making a difference. Just adding a little bit of hope and light into the people who needed it most. But now . . . now the entire world was being enveloped in darkness. One man did not hold the power to stem the tide. And he knew . . . for every person he saved there were hundreds more he could not. Damn that wizard. The pits of hell would be too lenient a punishment for him!

Sanz then stiffened as the wind picked up around him. It smelled of magic, and it only gusted around his person. Wait . . . what was that? A strip of cloth? No, a letter. The tails folded into a single, as the fox started to come up on two legs, taking the form of a human with fox ears and tail. He plucked the parchment from the air, looking for a signature of some kind (and finding none) before he began to read.



This was it.

A small chance.

A barely conceivable plan. But what better option was there? Sanz re-donned the form of the beast, dashing towards his destination. The wind itself seemed to guide his paws as he went through the forest.
"Come on, come on!" Mio shouted, thumping his staff against the furry back of the wolf who lay still in the bed of leaves. Snores erupted from the wolf's built frame, which rattled the very little pieces of armor that covered the few patches of his strong muscles. The small cat circled the body which lay in the middle of the cave and thumped his staff again, but this time against the top of his head. As small as his staff was, he made sure not to do it in a gentle manner either. "Come on you lazy ass, we haven't got all day!" Hiro, as for being clunked in the head with a not-so-very-soft stick, rolled onto stomach and hissed, gums flaring with anger which flashed the rows of canine teeth he had. "You stupid little rat, go away!" he growled, waving a paw in the direction of the little feline who backed away and giggled at such a scene. Hiro knew it wasn't the best idea to pick up this little guy as a companion. "Just give me ten more minutes to sleep.."

Mio rolled his eyes and waddled to the doorway of the cave, gazing up at the night sky which was fluttering with brilliant, glowing stars. Man, how he missed sitting on the tops of the highest trees and getting a closer look at them, even being on the ground made him seem so small. But wait, he narrowed his beady eyes at the waving of something in the distance, making him hop outside of the cave even more and raise his staff, casting light on the object drawing near to him. An envelope, floating with the wind gradually fluttered their way down to the paws of the young Kalmoro. "Oh?" he raised his furry brows, and turned it over, finding it completely blank on the outside. "I wonder what this is." he muttered, squeaky voice chiming as he used his claws to rip it open and examine the letter issued to him and his companion:

"To you, good and pure, come meet me at the Talon Hill. You have been chosen by fate and magic to save your Empress. Come find me tonight at ten, for I am the wizard Ozlon, and I beg for your help."

"Ozlon.." Mio whispered, gazing down at the writing before him. "Hiro!" he called, immediately turning around and rushing back inside their temporary home. He cracked his staff back down onto the head of wolf, hoping this time that the pain would officially wake him up. "We don't have any time, read this, get your things, and let's go!" Mio shouted, raising his staff and using a spell which gathered his own things into his bag. The wolf howled, sitting up and holding his paws to the area on his head. "You stupid cat!" he growled, picking up the letters and reading them. "Oh no."

A set of paws were beating down the dirt path, making their way to the destination they needed to head which was in less than a hour. Hiro, being the built one, used most of his energy to carry the small cat on his shoulders. "Are we almost there?" the wolf said, raising his eyes up to look at the cat waving his staff to create a small light for the road ahead. "We're halfway there."


"You listen here, bud." A firm voice fluttered through the cool air, a sharp, glistening sword held against the thin skin of a man who didn't appear to be very pleased. "You give me the small bag of gold without any complaining, and I won't slice your little head off." The voice belonged to Akara, who held that very katana to the wandering merchant, literally shivering in his skin. The man obliged, barely moving while he dug the bag of gold from his back pocket and handing it over. The woman, grinning like a madman, took it and slid it in the little bag at her hip. "All in a days work.." she cooed, lowering her sword. "You make one peep, and I will find you faster than you can ever believe." she threatened, giving him a slight kick for him to continue on his way. Right before she was going to sheath her sword, a small letter fluttered to her palms, addressing her by her full name on the front. "What's this?" she questioned, turning it a few times before opening it and reading the black text.

"To you, good and pure, come meet me at the Talon Hill. You have been chosen by fate and magic to save your Empress. Come find me tonight at ten, for I am the wizard Ozlon, and I beg for your help."

"Ozlon?" Akara wondered aloud, raising her eyes for a moment to remember what that name was. "Oh! The brother of that bastard Izrat." she muttered, gritting her teeth for even saying his name. She turned to look behind her, making sure that rat of a merchant was gone before sliding that letter into the same satchel. With a few words whispered under her breath, she immediately took form, her soft, pale skin being replaced with silver scales. Her body extended forward and her lush white hair fluttered to match the rest of her body. The creature lunged forward, taking flight into the night skies towards the Talon Hill, to finally get her revenge she's been setting out for.

My carriage came to a stop in front of a stone cold inn. Lanterns in front of this building glowed, and warmed the atmosphere. The door opened, a hand waiting to help me down.

I hesitated.

Why have I come back here, to this town of Koj, when all I've known here is failure? I was called, directly, by its people. They begged me to fix their queen in secret. But they didn't understand... I couldn't reanimate something which once had a life... At least, not without killing me. Then their queen would be without emotion. She would be cold. Hard. She would have a life, but no soul. There was no way to explain that.

I shook my head, taking the hand before me. As I stepped onto the cobblestone road, I pulled the hood of my white cloak over my face, leaving it in shadow. "Thank you." I remarked, and received a nod.

I wasn't here to remember my failure to these people. Then again, maybe I was. All I knew was something was calling me. Something I knew was too big for me, alone.

I walked along the walls of this inn, quietly chanting a travelers spell; a spell used for wrapping around a new area, protecting it only slightly against harm. It would also alert when a hostile figure walked into the area. Every ten steps I would stop and gently touch the stone wall, a white pulse of magic illuminating from my fingers and traveling along the wall before I continued on.

When I was finished and returned to the front door, the man from before now motioned that my bag was now at the doorstep. I nodded. "Thank you again. I wont need yo for a while." He bowed slightly, and I added a quiet "Goodbye." As I turned toward the door.

It was then that I noticed the wind pick up speed, and felt another's presence. I looked around as the carriage left, only to see no one. I frowned slightly, only seeing a paper floating in the wind, coming straight towards me.

How odd.

My small hand reached out and plucked the paper from the air, continuing to look around for a source to this parchment. No one.

My eyes then moved to the paper. Only then did my eyebrows raise, and the meaning to my arrival was clear.


"What is that man doing, Abihu?" I asked as I watched the man before the princess' statue speak to himself quickly and quietly. I was leaning around the corner, Abihu poking his head around level to my foot, sniffing the air. He tried to move around the corner, closer in to catch the man's scent; but I stopped him with the closer one of my dainty bare feet, disapproving. He looked up at me, a questioning look in his eye, but I just shook my head and held a finger to my lips. "Shhh." It was normal to find quiet subject visiting the queen, but this man was different. I hadn't seen him before, here. Not recently, at least. And he seemed more suspicious than others....

I looked back to the man, who was now throwing a paper into the air.

I raised an eyebrow as it headed in my direction with a sudden wind, disappear, then reappeared instantly in arms reach of me. I grabbed for the paper, blinking multiple times. Was my eyes playing tricks on me?

I glanced down at Abihu, who nodded, as if to say 'I saw it too.'

I frowned. Magic. Magic means trouble.

I hide once more from behind the corner, careful not to let one of my may sets of jewelry adorning my body to jingle. My eyes quickly skimmed the paper as Abihu kept an eye on the stranger not too far away.

Once completing the passage, yet without taking my eyes off of it, I slowly slid down the wall into a sitting position beside my companion. My curiosity halved, yet somehow tripled in finishing it. His body coiled around me, as if to keep me warm, as his eyes darted to me quickly without losing sight of the cloaked man. He was questioning my reaction.

My lips puckered in thought,and I replied, "He wants our help." I whispered."But not just us. A whole lot of hero's help." Finally looking at Abihu, I added "To save her."

He looked at the statue, then to the man, and back to me.

And I swear, I saw him give me a smile.
The white haired chieftain stepped to the base of the hill. It really did look like a talon the way the top stretched past the base and the grass from the cliff hung down. She knelt down, her mane-like hair dancing to the ground, and silently prayed to her goddess that her decision in coming be the right path. A breeze passed through and her ears twitched at the movement, but her eyes remained closed with long dark lashes pointing down in ratification of this truth.

It was only earlier this same day that her path had taken such a direction. She was gathering herbs to fashion a salve for the younger children of the tribe. They had been burned badly by a number of Izrat’s men, while out playing on the skirts of Inu-Lucani territory. If any elders or adults had been around, there would have been a full on rebellion—but the men embodied cowardice in the action they took against the mysterious Lucani species by targeting the youth behind the backs of the tribe. Her people were bristling with anger and the desire for revenge, but the health of the children had to come first.

It fell under Shomi’s duty to at least do something about the event, but the best she could do for the time being was use her medicinal knowledge to tend to the wounded. She knew that if she declared rebellion against Izrat right away that what had happened to her father would happen to the whole tribe—for his people far outnumbered hers. Even with the aid of their spiritual powers, they could not hold their ground against a battalion of dark wizards and cowardice knights that would follow whoever held the crown of the kingdom.

It was when Shomi was cursing herself for not having the power to protect her people from this evil that it fell from the sky, a white message from the clouds above. It said the following in elegant human-style lettering:

“To you good and pure come meet me at the talon hill you have been chosen by fate and magic to save your empress come find me tonight at 10 for I am the wizard Ozlon and I beg for your help”

Shomi inspected the letter for a very long time; Talon hill was not that far from her land but no one of her tribe had a hand-writing like this. If it was truly a message from Ozlon, sent by magic and received by fate, than perhaps her Gods were coming to her aid after all. This looked to be the opportunity she’d been praying for. So she left her tribe with Rook who had since become her right-hand, in charge of the kin—with a message to her people that she was on a journey to bring them the peace they once had.

Shomi stood from her kneel, a bit of grass clinging to her tender knee, and watched the top of the cliff. It was almost ten.
Ozlon laid witness to the first person to come. He had no fear and he smelled the magic this person had brought with her. Seeing her rise up he could tell the white hair and unnatural magical trace that she was an Inu-Lucani woman. Ozlon hidden under his cloak and hood spoke out to her. "Lucani why have you come to this hill so late in the evening and so far from your lands? I must ask thee if you have the resolve to join me to be a beacon unto the darkness."

Standing in front of the greatstone table Ozlon wondered if only this one woman was of pure heart left in this entire country and if so what hope did they have? Ozlon perished the thought and looked to the Koj clocktower in the distance 9:45 was the time and the winter wind was beginning to pick up. Ozlon truly hoped that this woman was here to help him unlock the secret of talon hill for only it's power could send them on this journey.

Ozlon stamped his staff of tears twice on the ground and instantly he felt the threads of magic as he sensed his other letters. A few were moving back and quite fast. Ozlon smiled as know he was sure that other's filled with hope and righteousness have come to join the cause of liberating the Empress from her stone shackles.

I walked into the Inn, my graceful footsteps feeling out of place compared to the human men and women. They always seemed more... grounded. I moved o the desk which held what looked like the owner, saying; "Vienna Liliti. I asked for a room through mail." He replied with a nod, motioning for me to follow him as he walked from behind the desk, up the stairs, and to the right wing. I followed quietly, only to exchange words, a key for money, and I was off. After placing my things in the room given to me, I took out the paper once more. This hill... I had crossed it before coming here.

I quickly changed into a dress which gave me much more mobility, wrapped my hair into a pony tail, and gathered myself for a moment. The message... It was laced with magic. I knew this magic. it was only seen by the pure of heart. The message was for the heros who wished to free the queen...

I rolled up the paper, holding it with both hands to my chest, and closed my eyes. With a small chant, and a glowing white light lifted the air around me, lifting strands of my hair and blowing my dress slightly upwards. In an instant, I was gone.

When the white magic dissipated, I was before a white mage speaking to a creature, a worry setting over his brow. My lethargic yet graceful presence once again, felt unwanted. My low eyes gazed between the two as I whispered, "Blessed be."


I kneeled and peaked around the corner once more, my own smile planted on my face, only to quickly disappear. A small elf and creature had joined the man. "Alright, we better ask some questions fast before too many joined up..." My eyes moved to Abihu. "Go to them. See if they're friendly or not. I've got your back." I pet his head and scratched under his chin, and he closed his eyes in pleasure. "Make sure it's not a trap." I cooed, and poked his nose playfully. "Afterwards, I've got a big juicy rat with your name on it." I patted my leather satchel that hung on my hip, my bangles jingling slightly.

He nodded and slithered towards the group, his head held high, at waist height.
The white blur briefly flew by the wizard of light. A soft impact on the grass revealing its true form. Sanz sat in his fox form, the letter held by its corner from his maw. He eyed the mage up and down slowly, trying to estimate the man's prowess.
Serenity took in a deep breath as she drew her bow. the arrow glowed with an icy blue aura, and and once she released it upon a distant tree, the lower part of the trunk froze. she breathed out, slowely lowering her bow. she grimaced, it still took her quite a bit of effort to use the ice based magic. it took her a great amount of focus, which she was becoming frustrated with. she drew her bow again, a quick flash of aggravation crossed her face. she release the arrow in a storm of electricity, shattering the ice from the bottom of the tree. after that she threw her bow over her shoulder and began her trek towards town.

The forest on the outskirts of town had always been her practice grounds.every so often she would to a different clearing so that she would not permanently devastate one part of the woods. even though she tried not to, her greatest strength was her thunder arrows. she wished that she would not have to make use of such a dangerous skill, and that is why she constantly practiced with her ice magic.

As she reached town and made her way to the palace a strong gust blew past her.she felt a tap on the shoulder and a small letter fluttered to the ground. she picked it up and opened it, wondering if someone may have dropped it. she looked around, and saw no one seeming to notice. when she read the letter, she knew that it was no accident.

"To you good and pure come meet me at the talon hill you have been chosen by fate and magic to save your empress come find me tonight at 10 for I am the wizard Ozlon and I beg for your help"

Serenity folded up the letter and looked at the stars. it was at least 9:15. she had to hurry. she ran the rest of the way to the palace, down the hall and to the archives room. she found her father, quickly giving him the news.

"Father, i pray you take a safe trip home tonight. please be careful of your health while im gone." she said quietly.

"Seri, please be careful in your travels. our Empress needs you as do I. i shall prepare a great dinner upon your return." he kissed her on the forehead before she ran home.

Serenity grabbed her traveling bag and packed only what she could comfortably carry before taking her leave. she made hast as she crossed the dark landscape towards the mountain. she wheezed slightly as she hurried up the mountain, inwardly cursing her respiratory impediments. she was in no way sick, merely weak of lungs after a near fatal case of pneumonia as a child. as she neared the top of the mountain she couldnt help but be thankful that the range was close to her home. she couldn't imagine being late due to a few hours trek. she could hear voices and see a few figures and she neared her destination.
Those same large paws trudged along the dirtied path, supplies at their sides jingling quite loudly with each bound the wolf took. On top of that wolf still sat the small feline, a brilliant ball of light emanating from the staff in it's right paw, which lit up the area surrounding them quite well. Mio turned his head and squinted his glowering emerald eyes, grinning widely at the small group forming at their destination, the Talon Hill. "Look there!" he shouted to his companion below, who had difficulty in looking at the direction he was pointing at, fuzzy eyebrows furrowed. Not too far ahead stood the group of the pure heart, something soon they would be apart of to release the empress from her stone chasm and return the life to the Kingdom of Zazuel. Hiro, locking his yellow eyes onto those distant shadows, picked up his speed and pushed forward with great effort. It wasn't long until the two were before the White Mage, Ozlon and the others.

"Hello, all!" Mio greeted rather loudly, waving his staff to put out his temporary light.


The cool winter winds ruffled the fluffy white hair of the long dragon, dancing within the sky as she flew across buildings and trees, something that appeared very ant-like to her from way up. Her tail whipped, flapping with each sudden movement her lucid body made. On the ground below, her broad eyes scanned the tiny landscape, making sure she didn't miss her destination ; the clock nearly struck ten, it would be very rude to be late for something so important. Extending her claws, she spotted the area and the very distinguishing group gathering around, immediately making her swirl around and prepare to land. The silver dragon whipped her slender body in a complete circle before diving down, clashing her feet onto the ground with ease distances away from the group ( thus making sure she didn't land on top of them ). Akara, as smooth as she was, landed gracefully onto the soft grass with her long tail following afterwards, huffing warm vapor from her nostrils. She approached the group with pride, staying within form for safety sake.
Ozlon realized only in a matter of moments that he was surrounded by all manner of person and creature. Ozlon was a bit surprised by all the magic that surrounded him at this moment. "Well I see you have all arived." Ozlon removed the cloak and hood that covered him and there he was in his white mage garb. Ozlon Oakhurst stood tall with sad blue eyes and blonde hair that flowed with the wind. With all of the others looking on at him he addressed them "Thank you for answering my plea. But just think if you all are all that is left pure and good in this land then we have little time to waste."

Ozlon looked to each one of them as he continued to speak. "Come join me at the great stone table." Once everyone was sitting around the round stone tableon the grass Ozlon continued his introduction "For those who recognize me It is a pleasure to meet you and for those who know not of me I am Ozlon Oakhurst and I am the only person left alive from the true empire and I wil not rest untill Izrat Oakhurst is ousted from power and removed from this world. Yes I am the brother of the evil wizard Izrat but that does not mean I am on his side quite the opposite I was a close friend to the Empress and she did not deserve what happened to her and her country."

Ozlon breathed heavily as the magic grew around them looking at the clocktower he saw the time 10:23 and turned back to his guests returning to the conversation "Empress Camillia can only be restored by the eversoul flower but it takes fifty years to grow the flower and the last petal of the flower on this world has been harvested." Ozlon stood adn rested the staff of tears on top of the magic stones before going on.

"So I guess you are wondering how can we get a flower that does not exist." Ozlon sat back down and looked each one of them in the eyes before telling them the most important part of his plan. "We go through time." Ozlon looked dead serious as he said the words and continued on uneffected by his ludacris statement "Talon hill holds the secret to time travel by channeling the chronos magic from from these sage stones and with a catylist like my staff we can produce enough time magic to attract the legendary time eagle to transport us to a time where the eversoul flower exists."

Ozlon put his hands on the table and asked each one of his new friends "Are you ready to leave this time?"
Sanz's paws unfurled into hands as he donned his bipedal form. Time travel? Such a notion seemed ludicrous . . . Of course to be blatantly honest, what other chance was there? If the world could be relit, then he would try.

"I'm in."

I smiled gently, and spoke; "I'll always help when Koj needs it. I shall join with what powers I can be of use to." I paused, then added, "I'd like to prepare everyone before this journey though. Just a couple of spells should be practical." I folded my hands over my lap, glancing at everyone before me.


Abihu coiled around my body gently, squeezing slightly, protective. After he tole me it was okay to be around these people, he's only been slightly defensive But this put him on edge. "What's the catch?" I questioned. "It can't be that simple. Nothing is." I pet Abihu, pulling the dead rat from my pouch and letting him swallow it whole, almost nicking my fingernails. I hadn't been able to feed him in a while, since hero and dance performing funds were low... "IT's not like we'll all be completely up to it. We're leaving our homes, families here. and what happens if we die?" the words hung in the air like lead weights. Yeah, I said it. I don't think these brave idiots would have.
Serenity gave a hoarse cough. "while i cant say i was particularly close to the Empress, i will help. im prepared." she knew that the Empress was important to the welfare of her kingdom and would gladly take any sort of journey to insure her return to the way she was. Serenity was not the strongest, but she was smart. she was always willing to go the extra mile to educate herself on the basics of many important things, and even those that were not important but merely piqued her interest. her bag had basic first aid supplies and a few apples. what space she had left was occupied by a book. she never went anywhere without one.
Shomi spotted the white spec of a mage calling to her from the crown of the hill. She climbed cautiously and then all at once, beings from every nature arrived. Her tribal heritage was obvious in comparison with her red tattooed markings and painted eyelids. Joining the others at the table it was hard to believe that each one was good and pure.

She ran her tongue over her fangs while she listened patiently to the Mage’s speech. Could the spirits really approve of such a use of her magic? To spite the flow of nature by reversing space, so many things could go wrong. But it was hope, and it was a chance to save her people when she currently had no options. There were doubts in her mind, but her body was calm as she responded to the question.

“If you are in truth whom you say, and your intentions hold their ground in the events to come—than you have my loyalty wizard.” Shomi concluded, bowing her lush mane of hair as she declared her allegiance. This was the only opportunity to expel an evil plague from the lives of her tribe and honor her father's memory. Seeing an image of him in her mind, she wondered if he'd still be alive in this complex instance they'd be traveling to.

The two listened to the White Mage carefully as he could climbed down from the large wolf and waved his staff, grinning widely, which flashed a pair of feline fangs. "I'm certainly in, no doubt!" he chimed, such cheer in his high voice. Hiro, who stood behind him, crossed his built arms and narrowed his yellow eyes, flashbacks of the death of his people flickering in his clouded mind. He grumbled, turning to face the moon that rest in the starry sky to fully make his final decision. "I wish to help, because that's what my people would have wanted me to do."

The tall dragon listened while in form, towering over her peers as the White Mage went on with his wonderful speech, voice overcoming her loud, but calm breathing. When the question arose on whether she was joining or not, her body shrunk, scales flicking off and her brilliant white hair returning to the top of her head. Akara, now normal, sauntered over and held her hands on her thin hips, raising her chin in superiority as if she wasn't arrogant enough. "I have no family to go to." she spat, "No home, no family- nothing. I'm with the wolf on this one. My family, and my people would have wanted me to, so that'll be it."
Ozlon was moved by the plight of these people and the fact they were ready to sacrifice everything on the risk of time travel. "Well if you all are ready please sit around the stone table and join hands." Ozlon paused before speaking again "However once we start the time travel it is impossible to determine when or where exactly we will arrive the only thing I can guarantee is I can get us back to this time and place. So I will give you the chance to leave untill we actually summon the time eagle so when you all are seated and hands are joined channel your magic into the staff of tears that lay on the agic stones in the midle of the table."

Ozlon himself sat down and joined hands wih the two closest to him and channeled is white magic t he center of the table. Almost instantly Runes appeared and started to glow a deep blue hue on the stone table. Ozlon could feel the magic flow and he could sense something stir far away as if he could reach ut in his mind and touch another, Was this the time eagle stirring? was it waking to answer our hopes and prayers? Ozlon pushed more magic and the stirring became a full on awakening and he felt as if eyes had set sight upon his very soul. "Quickly soon the beast will be here when it comes don't act hostile and it will help us."

Ozlon also felt a darkness much closer and he knew at once the dark knights would come soon to investigate the unnautral occurance.
"What is it, Navi?" the massive knight asked the suddenly-excited fairy, who spontaneousely kept flying up and down in front of him, cooing and pointing eastwards all the while, his voice a deep tone.

"You heard something, I suppose?"

A wide-eyed nod was the answer the little winged humanoid gave her friend, before grinning, and writing something into... mid-air with her fingers, after which she smiled again, snapped her fingers and made the letters appear in different colors within the knight's helmeted vision:

"To you good and pure come meet me at the talon hill you have been chosen by fate and magic to save your empress come find me tonight at 10 for I am the wizard Ozlon and I beg for your help"

Giving a laugh, the fairy turned her back on the knight and began to flutter into the direction where the message called them, knowing that Tyrann would follow without hesitation, after all, there was goodness to be done, needy to be helped!

Quite indeed, the knight followed, his long steps easily catching up to the small flying humanoid, who promptly seated herself onto his right shoulder, excitedly pointing towards their aim, while using her other small hand to use the behemoth's helmet as hold, on the horizon, the Talon Hill.

It took indeed some time for his arrive, though, considering the constellation's position, he arrived just in time to witness a rather colorful assembly of different humanoids, even a dragon, as well as the heartfelt speech of the one, Ozlon, who waved them to a table of stone and asked for their help.

"My assistance you have in this quest of yours, milord." the knight decreed, courtly bowing his helmeted head, though his serious tone was somewhat turned absurd as the fairy still seated upon his shoulder gave an excited applaud, while clapping her little hands at the other gathered attendants.

However, it did take some mental effort to offer his hands to his neighbours at the stonetable as per the need for the ritual, noting that he himself quite had no magical ability, yes even had some spite for magic of quite all kind.
Sanz took in one hand on either side and closed his eyes. The gift of flame practically leapt from his form and channeled into the table. His form began to glow with a blue light, not dissimilar to the fox fire he summoned in his beast form.
Shomi wasn’t particularly interested in the others at the gathering, but when the dragon came forward to reveal her womanly form, she couldn’t help but watch the scales deflate out of the corner of her eye. She offered up her palms to the beings on either side of her and closed her painted eyelids. When the connection was closed around the table, she could feel the pull of her essence ripple out through her body and inhaled by the runes on the table- that deposited its bountiful spirit into the staff. She tilted her head back while focusing on the steady flow that swam through her soul, feeling as if thousands of fiery spiders were crawling along the webs of her nerves.

As Ozlon channeled more power, her spirit form excited and embodied her physique. Her eyes opened and glazed over. Shomi’s jaw creaked open as she exhaled a curling white mist, the horned white hound of the nether now watching over her and the procession. It unfurled its massive translucent body while Shomi drew from her spirit energy. The hound blinked its luminescent eyes, recognizing the presence of an ancient spirit draw near. Shomi, although looking to be in a trance like state, was now fastening her attention on sealing her spirit flames against erupting from her fingertips. The whole transition was particularly silent except for the moaning Shomi could hear from the spirits since she was now partially present in both realms.

The feeling inside Ozlon stopped and for a moment he thought the magic did not work but instead off in the distance of the night sky appeared a light. It was so small it was almost mistaken for a star. But the light slowly grew and took a form as a bird of golden fire. Ozlon was pleased to see that the summoning worked but he then grew a bit frightened as the Time Eagle flew closer it grew bigger and bigger untill the huge bird landed nearby.

Ozlon stood up from the circle and walked to the bird. The time eagle sent a meesage to their minds "Get on my back and I will help you fly to where you need to go." Ozlon looked to his companions and called out "Get on the bird is friendly" The time eagle stooped low and Ozlon climbed aboard and waited for his friends to get on

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Looking with some wariness at the gargantuan creature making its landing, its elegant movements belying its sheer size. Navi, still positioned upon his shoulder, was silent for once, staring in awe at the radiant bird.

Hearing sir Ozlon's words, the knight stood up from the table, making sure to fulfill the movement slowly enough as for his fairy not to experience discomfort, warhammer clasped onto his back, he carefully stepped towards the bird. Coming to a halt in front of it, the massive knight, who yet before this creature was easily rendered less than a dwarf, knelt in reverence before this legendary creature "You have my and, as I am certain, the thanks of all those present here, noble beast, for assisting us in this quest for goodness. If you have the sentience to understand this, then know that I, Tyrann the knight, will always stand ready in case you yourself require a service to be rendered."

Rising again, giving another bow, the knight followed the instructions of sir Ozlon and joined him on the bird's back "Quite the companion you managed to summon, sir, have you ever done something of similiar matter, perhaps?" he adressed the one who had issued forth the quest.

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