The eversoul flower a tale of time


Junior Member
Story: In the kingdom of Zazeul, today was supposed to be a day of celebration. The princess Camillia was to be coronated as the new empress. sorrounded by heads of state and her parents The retiring empress Kimani and her consort who happen's to be Camillia's father Rigo. On the balcony of the castle the ceremony had begun and in the capital all who could make the event were in attendance. However a foul plan was in the air an assasination attempt on the princess was about to unfold and the culprit was the court wizard Izrat. The princess had been crowned and gave her speech to the people and the final cermony was about to begin.

The eversoul flower is a rare magical plant grown once every 50 years on the top of mount toyu one of the flowers petals is used to make the tea for the final ceremony and when the tea is consumed the person that drinks of the tea is granted great wisdom. Instead of the evesoul tea however Izrat presented poisoned tea to the new empress and once she drank of it she turned into a stone statue.

Izrat used this oppurtunity to summon dark his dark army and assasinated the former empress and consort the heads of state. Soon Izrat was in total control and the only person to get away was Izrat's younger brother the light wizard Ozlon. Fleeing the castle Ozlon hid for months before looking across the kingdom for heroes to find the cure to save the princess and confront Izrat.

Unfortunately Ozlon knew of one poison that could turn anyone to stone and the cure for that poison was the eversoul flower. The only thing was the last petal in existance was supposed to be used for the princess coronation. Ozlon knew that he had to gather heroes and use magic to open a portal to find a time where the eversoul flower exists. Ozlon found the right time and waited on a hill outside of the town of talon. He used his magic quill and wrote a letters to those of pure heart Here is what he wrote.

"To you good and pure come meet me at the talon hill you have been chosen by fate and magic to save your empress come find me tonight at 10 for I am the wizard Ozlon and I beg for your help"

ozlon sealed the letters and enchanted them allowing the wind of magic to find his heroes.

Rules: No god moding no bullying no short posting and up to three charries per person are allowed.

charrie skeleton




Race: Whatever you want here human elf or other

job: Light mage, warrior, thief, ranger, witch, fighter, or one of your chosing if I don't like it I will ask for it to be changed


appearance/background: plz submit a picture

Here is my charrie

Name: Ozlon Oakhurst

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Race Human

Job: White Mage

Weapon: Staff of tear's


View attachment 10612

Ozlon is the younger brother of Izrat and former advisor to the royal family the brothers were graduates of the frosthome school of magic and they were part of a family that advised the royals for six generations. the oakhurst's have strangley always had two sons and each had always been magic users. The older always mastered dark magic and the younger light. Izrat Ozlons older brother had always been ambitous but the coup was just plain disgraceful. Now Ozlon has a plan to save his friend the princess Camillia and restore the Oakhurst name by defeating his evil brother
Name: Serenity Cyria

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: elf


weapon: bow with magic arrows

appearance/background: View attachment 10619

Serenity is the daughter of the palace archivist. because of this she is intelligent and loves books. she tends to be a little sour around people who act stupid or dont have any sort of good will towards the less fortunate. she beleives strongly in standing up for those who need it. she can sometimes be bit cold and sarcastic.
Name: Sanz Vulebeist

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Race: Kitsune (Can morph between a multi-tailed fox form and a mostly human form)

Job: pyromancer

Weapon: Beast form, claws/fox fire. Bipedal form: Rod of hardened bamboo/fire magic


-Beast form: View attachment 10615

-Bipedal form: View attachment 10616

Bio: Sanz was an outsider amongst his own people. While most kitsune held brown or red fur in keeping with their ancestry, he was born with a pelt of pure white. This lead him to a life of seclusion, where he passed time by studying the secrets of fire and the illusionary properties of fox-fire. Eventually, he left, unable to find a place among his own people. He didn't hate the others for not accepting him though, rather he was disappointed by their inability to look beyond his unusual appearance. Of course he didn't have much chance walking among other races either, but found a unique path of his own. He constantly wandered the world, giving his aid where it was most needed, even if it wasn't appreciated. He found satisfaction in seeing good come from his actions, even if he was watching from the shadows. The "White Fox" eventually was passed around as a rumor of some forest spirit, who would show up at unexplained times to give aid to those who needed it most. This "White fox" continues his travels even now, still doing what he believes to be right.

(Sorry about taking a few liberties with the race but I loved the concept way to much to let it go)
Hey, would there be good use for a White mage type character with healing abilities and holy type spells for fighting off the undead...? if there is i have another character to add :)
derp. sorry. i didnt read properly. i thought he was just an all-around type of mage. DX thats fine anyway.
(Finally finished ;P)

Name: Shomi Ameterasu

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Half Spirit Wolf race known as the Lucani

Job/Magical abilities: Shaman

  • Shifting into spirit form, traveling unseen to the eye of non-spirits.

  • Numbing bite that sends you in a hazy trip into the spirit world. It's intoxicating and addicting, as well as making you immobile for a period of time.

  • Drawing on spirit energy from the spirit world to have the strength and presence of her spirit form--in the living realm. She doesn't transform, but if you look closely you can see the aura of a giant wolf surrounding her. Parts of her body are also surrounded by spirit flames in this form, flames ten times hotter than those of the living realm. She can't ignite other substances with it, but it is best not to get too close.

Okami’s Gift:

  • A small, green, razor-sharp shield that can be used like a chakram. It is inscribed with runes and gifted long ago to the first chieftain of the Inu-lucani tribe, by the ancestral spirit wolf Okami.


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Bio: Since birth, Shomi had shown exceptional spiritual presence. Chief Komu had never been prouder in his life, even with losing his wife during the delivery. It was rare for a Lucani mother to survive the birthing process, even in the best of circumstances. You see, a Lucani fetus draws on its host’s life energy in order to grow a physical body. The Lucani infant spirit is a blessing from the spirit realm to a strong Lucani couple. The greater the spiritual essence of the child means more energy and stamina that is drawn from the host.

Shomi grew up well loved by her people and her father for her drive and perseverance. She would never say no to a challenge and was always willing to go out of the way to help the people of her tribe. She was most definitely favored to be the one to succeed the chief, her father. When the empress was frozen in time and the evil mage Izrat took power, the Inu-lucani people suffered greatly. Izrat craved more and more power, leading him to enslave many of the lucani and drain them of their natural magic. The Inu-lucani tribe was one of the closest to the kingdom of Zazuel, they even established trade during the reign of princess Camillia and her predecessor. Now because of this proximity they have suffered.

Chief Komu was the first to be drained, in an attempt to fight back and protect his people. They drained his very life force until he was nothing but a passing spirit in the wind. Shomi was instantly challenged for alpha chief by another young lucani with exceptional spiritual presence named Rook. After being put in his place, he swore allegiance to Shomi, the new young chieftan whose biggest plague is finding a way to protect her tribe from the evil of Izrat.

Name: Hiroko "Hiro" Thorimir

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Race: Werewolf

Job: Knight

Weapon: Hiro uses many weapons, typically anything he can get his paws on, but carries a long iron sword and a bow on him. He knows very few elemental / white magic as well, but typically sticks to bow and sword.

Background: Hiro was born to human parents who had no idea they were participants of the werewolf gene, so being that, they were shocked to see their small baby boy was a small baby wolf. Nonetheless, they loved him no matter what, but the young wolf boy suffered much abuse from the people in his village, and the leader, often threatened to kick Hiro's parents out and into the wild for having such an atrocity in a village full of humans. "One day that thing will eat every one of us, and you will be a victim of it too." he would usually say, so Hiro and his parents were forced into hiding and seclusion for quite some time. They moved onto the edge of town into the mountains and trained their young son to be good, and managed to get him to understand the qualities behind it. They taught him archery, swordsmanship and the needs for survival. They bought him books and taught him spells, taught him to cook, to clean, and most of all, taught him to take care and protect his loved ones. The trio were poor, and often did not see the light of day to sit around and relax due to the constant working they were subject to. But, they had each other and that was all the mattered to him. When the word came out about Izrat and his dark army, the assassination and the fall of the Kingdom of Zazuel due to the deaths, Hiro stepped up and was one of the many to protect his village. He knew that the army would make their way to the village, and despite being looked down upon growing up, Hiro stood his ground for him, and his people. His parents, and many others, were killed in the process, although Hiro and a few managed to escape, to this day only wishing to get revenge. Large and built to be mean on the outside, Hiro is very much the opposite on the inside. In most cases you will see the man placing a thick-skinned mask to cover his soft qualities, but that is just for safety sake.


Name: Akara Sythini

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Race: Dragonkin

Job: Thief

Weapon: Other than her family Katana, Akara is able to transform into a Eastern dragon, and use fire / dark magic.

Background: As a byproduct of a private liaison, Akara was raised in a large Dragonkin section on the outskirts close to the Kingdom of Zazuel, segregated from the humans or any other species by towering bricks walls and castles holding armed men. Bigotry and racism were common occurrences wherever the dragonkin folk lived, for they believed they were superior to anyone else because of their dragon in their blood. Akara grew up listening to folklore songs and stories of her free people, and they glorious battles they fought for it. She was surrounded by music from an early age on, and found solace in the rhythms when there was so much sorrow encompassing their deprecated race. But, for a small period of her youth – she felt happiness and love. Born into an increasingly hostile environment, Akara was welcomed into the world with laughter, song and smiling faces. Her mother oft sung ancient Dragonkin lullabies while she pretended to sleep just so she could hear the rest of her tales. Accomplished with such a beautiful, resounding voice, the young girl often wondered why she didn't share her gift with the other children. She'd only chide her, saying, “These stories are best left tucked in the palm of your hands, Akara. And there, they'll remain. Everlasting.” To this, she immediately developed a deep-seated love for the history and magic of times long since passed, though she was sworn to secrecy. Those were stories that were meant only for her ears, and so she would respect her mother's wishes. Even as a young child, she would often retell stories of grandiose knights and fair maidens, of the Dragonkin variety, to the smaller children with rich animation and movement, her eyes shining a brilliant burnt sienna. Akara, was the oldest of the Sythinis. Her younger brother dutifully shadowed her; begging her for lessons, following her whilst he scrambled across shingled rooftops, and bumbling into her whenever she was recounting wondrous tales. Completely guileless and innocent of the cities terrors, Akara watched him closely and warned him that he'd better get his head on straight before the humans' decided to lop it off. Kindness and honesty were two different things, and she'd rather have a tearful brother on his hands than a dead one. Although, she wished she didn't speak so fast. When Izrat and his army came, the Dragonkin village was the first to be wiped clean. Families, split apart, killed while few managed to escape, a once powerful and growing society is now in the ruins. Akara, being the only one of her family, survived and is doing whatever she can to fix her village and get revenge for those who died. The girl used to be free, loving and caring, but is now only a dark soulless wide-mouthed woman who doesn't get down on one knee for anyone.

Appearance: [/color]

Name: Mio Vorim

Gender: Male

Age: 134

Race: Kalmoro, a race that ages slower, typically small, animalistic, and study magic.

Job: Mage

Weapon: Staff of Azurath; or what he named it, just the staff he typically uses for his elemental / healing spells.

Background: Very much is unknown about Mio and his whereabouts, but usually he will ramble on about living in the trees of the forest close to the Kingdom of Zazuel in a small village of his people. High in the trees, lamps and bridges would be made venturing from tree to tree, shops and homes being made inside of those very same trees as well. The people of this village were often named "Forest Spirits" due to their magical abilities, slow aging and animal qualities, but as well as their "mysterious" quality too. No one knows where this village raised from, how it was made, or where these creatures came from, all they know is that they live within the trees and study the magical qualities of the Earth in a spiritual sense. Mio, as he usually goes on about, would sit on a branch and stare at the Kingdom of Zazuel from afar, wishing he too himself could be apart of it, although a creature so small would easily be looked down upon in it. The day Izrat and his dark army attacked, the Kalmoro were the first to know from the fires created within the kingdom. You could say, they saw everything and were the very first to offer help. Mio, hier to throne of the Kalmoro, was sent out with others to save the Princess and fulfill the Kingdom of Zazuel again.

Appearance: [/color]
[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION],lxidor92,MsTeaTime,Liztopher are accepted I am going to start the thread soon remember to include in your first posts the magic letter's Ozlon sent on the wind this is what they read

"To you good and pure come meet me at the talon hill you have been chosen by fate and magic to save your empress come find me tonight at 10 for I am the wizard Ozlon and I beg for your help"
Name: Kaede Ira

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Race: Elf

Job: Ranger

Weapon: Bow and arrow along with some basic magic.

Background: Kaede Ira was born away from any populous areas. She grew up, knowing the woods as her only home. She learned to hunt, fish, and identify plants. Kaede was proficient with a bow and arrow from a young age, always choosing that as her weapon. Her parents were well-known in society, though they chose to live in solitude. They taught their daughter al they knew and, as a result, she is highly intelligent. She has a basic command of magic and a deep knowledge of the world. Kaede enjoys the company of animals more than she does most people. She has almost become one with the forest and she has a connection with the animals and woods that surround her home. Kaede is quiet and analyzes situations before acting. She values loyalty and intelligence above all else. She isn't easy to get to know, keeping information about her life to herself most of the time. She is caring and compassionate, though, and loves to help others. She doesn't like arguing with people as it just serves to annoy her. She feels the need to protect those who can't protect themselves. One thing she will not tolerate is disrespect for nature. She is good at heart though she may seem cold when you first meet her. She opens up slowly but, for those she considers friends, she would do anything. She is sensitive to criticism. She can be stubborn and, when she thinks she is right, it's impossible to change her mind. She absolutely despises having to ask for help. She would rather fail on her own than succeed with the help of others.

Appearance: here

[MENTION=3723]Autumn[/MENTION] accepted

the thread is up and the first post made I have a good feeling about this one.
View attachment 10646

Name: Vienna Liliti

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Race: Elf

Job: Enchantress

Weapon: None

Appearance/background: Vienna, a strange elf of 5'2, is a highly skilled enchantress with a specialty of animation. This power can be quite draining, but gives life to an otherwise lifeless object. This happens by taking a portion of her own life and placing inside the object. The object than followers her command until she chooses to take back her portion of life.

Vienna is a hero of many. But for her, it doesn't matter. She has always tried to help every creature, and not just the important ones. Her heroism isn't very well known. She works best with a companion who works close combat, since she is practically defenseless when animating something.

View attachment 10655Name: Valencia Xion

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Race: Human

Job: Thief

Weapon: Wind and fire wheels

Appearance/background: Valencia is probably one of the most flamboyant hero's out there. Though she doesn't like to be called as so. Why is she so well known? She has a duo that isn't so... human. Abihu, an abnormally huge and smart ball python is her greatest companion.The Duo fight side by side in a strange, rhythmic, deadly dance.

Without evil to fight until now, they have been performing on he streets again, as they use to before.

These two are so famous, other hero's don't find them as threatening or as serious. Yet, they may be right. After such a long time of just performing, they might have lost their edge.
Name: Tyrann Streiter and his fairy Navi

Gender: male(Tyrann), female (Navi)

Age: 22

Race: human, or at least thought to be

job: knight and fairy

weapon: goodness-blessed two-handed warhammer


standing at a staggering height of seven feet, when one dares standing near him, one may catch the stench of burned flesh apparently emanating from within the knight's goodness-blessed armor, though he himself is entirely loath to removing even his helmet, let alone the rest of his armor.

Born he was as the normal son of a blacksmith, not much known is about his mother, only that she was a valiant knight, who soon vanished while serving, only a few years after giving birth to her child.

While one may have thought that his father would have wanted him to become a blacksmith himself, his father rather saved all the money he could gather to send Tyrann onto the academy of the order of the Templars, where he followed in the footsteps of his mother, of sorts.

Or so his father thought, at least.

Not much is known about what follows after, due to the fact that the order was highly secretive, except that he absolved his training, but always exhibited signs of mental instability, he complained about hearing voices in his head, speaking to him of untold destruction and never-ending bloodshed, as well as an instinctive fear before

It was also during this time that h
e was found by the fairy, Navi, whom he befriended and, due to the xenophobia of his order regarding non-humans, hid and protected, while she in return safe-guarded his sanity and eased the pain he constantly suffered and still suffers from wielding his hammer and wearing his armor.

How these items manage to cause h
im such pain is unknown, as the man himself is quite strong and can easily carry them without a problem.

The man is quite skilled in m
elee, capable of great feats of pure strength while moving with speed belying his bulky figure, he can be quite an opponent in a struggle of physical abilities. He also appears to have a strange innate resistance against direct magical attacks.

Tyrann him
self is quite honest and likes to befriend new people, though his voice sounds strangely strained at times. He is educated, though he is also quite naive and is easily fooled at times, he is immensely loyal to his friends and wishes for nothing more than to help the helpless, representing the values he was taught not just by his Order, but also by his father and through him, his mother, making him a knight that serves not a kingdom, nor a land, but only the people of the world and the ideal of goodness.

He is also quite prone to stu
ttering if he talks to a woman.


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