The Epic Quest: [Inactive]

Itasko Envious

Green Cannibal
Itasko Envious submitted a new role play:

The Great Quest: - Old school. Epic-Fantasy where a group of heros go on an important quest.

The Epic Quest

(Project under serious construction)

Let's face it, what happened to the story where the unsuspecting group of heroes are forced to journey on an epic quest to save the world?

Will they make it? Will they stop butting heads? Is everyone who they claims to be? Why are they joining in on this cause? What does each individual...
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Itasko Envious updated The Epic Quest: with a new update entry:

Everyone Ready to Launch?

Alright. With the core group at 8 people, I think we're ready to launch. If you check the sign-up tab, you should see yourself in the core group or antagonist. Aside from two folks.
I'll start working on the opener today and when I finish my post I'll pick someone for the second post. After they finish their post, they pick someone for the third post until all 8 of the group have posted. Then we start over with me and choose the order again as we go. That way we can choose the person to post...
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