• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Enigma Sting (Action-Drama/ Heists CS)


Old Timer
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
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Real Name:
Nickname: (You’ll be known for it)
theme song:
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Clothing Style:

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Code by [USER=1850]Beauty_Belle[/USER]

Hey y’all!! So some
notes about CS! All of the characters will be ex criminals of some sort (Except Eyes & Ears) so that mean include that in your history! If you want characters to be ex-partners please work it out with one another and let me know about it! But for the most part, no one will know anyone or anything about one another! The Brains will however, since they recruited you!







Real Name: Don Reynolds
Nickname: Judge
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Role: The Brains
theme song:


Height: 6’2
Weight: 182lbs
Hair Color: Brown that is beginning to grey at the sides. Streak of light blue hair.
Eye Color: Blue
Clothing Style: Usually wears tailored suits or sweaters, and trench’s. Wears glasses similar to Oliver Peck.


Cold-hearted, Ruthless, Lack of Empathy
Intelligent, Honest, Excellent Leader
OCD, has to have his plans perfect and concise.
Clicks his pen if listening to someone or bored. Currently addicted to pain medication for his gunshot wound
His line of work, leading or having control, scotch or coffee, organization
Psychos, disorganization, disloyalty, his past


Don was born in London to a self-made business man father, and his mother a secretary. His early life wasn’t very special, sticking to school and a normal life and routine. But at age 18, he left to move to America for college and a new life. Attending Harvard University, in hopes of being a possible attorney, Don attended both college and law school at the college. Graduating in his later twenties, he quickly moved to New York to begin his residence for a large defense firm.

After completing that was when his life began to make its gradual descent. Becoming one of the top lawyers in the firm, defending multiple high-profile cases, as well as criminal cases, he began to learn how the gears turned in society. The rich always had money to buy themselves out, the politicans always had their spies and their hitmen to kill those who wronged them, and the innocent always got locked away. It truly was a unfair cycle. Slowly Don began to build a plan... If he could ultimately plan the convictions of a few criminals, he could warrant their escape and freedom, and use them for his own ideas. And so began the process.

Sifting through years of city and state records, Don began to carefully hand-pick his team of criminals. He needed a special person for each spot on his team, and each person he chose was able to fill the niche perfectly. And so with the people in mind, he began the game. Purposely losing large cases in order to cause his chosen few their convictions, then once they were inside the prison systems he was able to preform the shadier deals. But over the course of 10 years, he was able to do it carefully to each chosen criminal.

Until the day. Don was set to met the state Senator for New York for lunch to discuss a potential partnership in becoming a judge, but all went to hell... Like before, all politicans have their hitmen to take out unwanted folk... Well Don Reynolds happened to be on that Senators list. Shot at point blank by a mysterious sniper, Don Reynolds died that day in the streets of New York, bleeding and screaming in agony...

But Judge was born. With a greater hatred for society than before, he grew colder and darker as a human being. Purchasing a small abandoned power plant in the heart of NYC, he began to prepare his new life. Sending words to his contacts in the prison systems to start the Atonment, his chosen few would began to recover letters from the man named Judge, as well as certain trinkets that hinted to their past. And with the help of his Eyes and Ears, they were able to facilitate the legal way to free the criminals.

And now here they all stand, waiting to meet this mysterious man. Judge.

Code by Beauty_Belle
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Moriah (maw-RAI-uh)
"That's nice and all, but where's my fucking coffee?"

basic data
Full Name Moriah Goldhirsch
age: 32
gender: cisgender female
height: 6'0"
build: flat-chested, lanky, muscular.
role: The Eyes and Ears
theme: Cirice by Ghost


stamina: can't run for shit
strength: above average
combat: experienced boxer and in judo. No firearms training
dependencies:cigarettes, caffeine, at certain times she'll take whatever she needs to to stay awake and get the job done. Lucky enough not to have addictive tendencies.
differently-abled physical traits: deaf in left ear and suffers chronic knee pain in her left leg due to boxing injuries. Medically, she should walk with a cane/walking stick but primarily refuses.

relationship: single
crush/interest: has several 'booty calls' and friends with benefits but isn't officially polyamorous/committed to anyone.
vices: extreme focus, callousness, disinterest in niceties, blunt, critical, limited interpersonal skills, autism sometimes hinders understanding of others, selfish, self-interested, gets 'hooked' pretty easily on everything but chemical drugs, obsessive
virtues: intelligence, high-functioning, able to focus on multiple tasks at once, unwavering work ethic, extremely organised and efficient, practical, pragmatic, very attached to those she cares for, when she's comfortable around you she's a lot gentler
differently-abled mental traits: autism, (about: source - source )possible Asperger's syndrome
quirks: obsessed with serial killers and cults; devours conspiracy theories and is equally obsessed with disproving them; collects flavors of coffee; spends most of her money on clothes.
habits: preferred methods of stimming are drumming her fingers on surfaces, listening to music whenever working, is a very tactile person and has a lot of fidget toys. Only ever drinks red wine when it comes to alcohol choice.
likes: coffee, documentaries, her work, stuffed animals, true crime novels, gambling, counting cards, cheating at games, chess, technical problem-solving
dislikes: doors being left open, being surprised, being told she's going to be surprised, real animals, fiction, inconsistency, undefined rules, too many people in one place, riddles

Kiddy Moriah: Moriah grew up in a dirt poor background - her mother served as a small time dealer for one of the bigger guns in the neighbourhood whilst her father was a mechanic and a member of the local biker gang. From birth, she spent most evenings at the group's clubhouse along with her five older brothers and parents. The regulars here served as her extended family, and though it was a notoriously rough area the community was tight-knit and protective against outsiders. It was here she picked up boxing and judo along with her elder brothers, and spent most of her time scrapping with boys both in and outside of school. She was put in detention most days and had behavioural issues in regular school, largely due to her then undiagnosed autism and also boredom. She had god awful grades and failed to engage in the schooling systems teaching and learning methods, with most teachers saying it'd be lucky if she could even end up working in a shop.

From her father, she picked up her love for the technical and helped out around his chop shop whenever she wasn't down at the club house or in school (which she was suspended from for large periods of time again due to behavioural issues). She was not particularly close to her mother, but enjoyed the rules side of her work, and helped with measuring out batches, doses.

Terrible Teens: from about eleven upwards, Moriah snuck out on her eldest two brother's frequent car thefts - they taught her how to drive here - and her father took up modding and fencing the vehicles. She dropped out of school around thirteen and instead spent her days fucking about on the dirt tracks with other teenagers racing (or crashing) whatever they could get their hands on. When at fifteen she and her brothers were caught stealing a vehicle, her elder brothers were incarcerated whilst she was sent off to a correctional facility schooling system - here she was diagnosed with autism and was later transferred to a special needs school where, for the first time in her life, she flourished. They allowed her to drop all the subjects she struggled with and instead she took a mathematics and computer sciences course which she graduated by the time she was seventeen.

During this time, her father had been jailed for his involvement in fencing stolen cars and her mother shacked up with some other guy. Her other brothers had skipped town, and when she received a full scholarship for university in another state, she didn't have much holding her back from taking it.

First Taste of Freedom: University (Harvard) was good for Moriah. Really good. The self-study focus of her course allowed her to flourish. Once she got out of having a roommate - hers moved in with her boyfriend - she was able to live however she pleased. Though she was ill-suited to the sloppier side of the party lifestyle, Moriah was no opponent of the sex and drugs aspect - she developed a new appreciation for other people, and learned how to tailor her interactions with them to suit her. She found similar friends, and amongst the drinking and partying, someone introduced her to the possibilities of hacking.
This proved to be her most passionate love affair. Amongst some of the smartest folks of her generation, she learned the cutting edge techniques and skills, and then joined in in innovating them. Doing just enough uni work to stay on her course and do well, she focused most of her time in seeing what she was capable with when it came down to tech. Think Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network (the movie, probably not real life).
A Lifetime of Crime: Wip - in short, met Judge through a court case where she was on trial for the stealing and spread of classified information.
Moriah made on great choice young: entering into a business partnership with one of her politics and business course student friends. She handled the tech side of it, they handled the rest, and they were both own large shares in one of the western world's biggest social media companies. Moriah no longer contributes in any fashion, and was squeezed out by more business savvy individuals - still, it gave her the finances to set herself up in New York and make the investments and connections she needed.

Her network of 'eyes and ears' are as much machines as they are people, but that's not to say you should underestimate the tightly-knit circle of hackers and techy folk she's involved in, with a mindset reminiscent of her father's biker gang.

♤ Anti-Establishment, but fantastic at working the system and manipulating the rules. Despises the law, cops, anyone who thinks they have a right to exploit others just because they're powerful. Has played vigilante more than once through her skillset.
♧ Focuses on the job and gets the job done. She works well under others but does on occasion function independently.
♡ Loves money, but has a strong sense of what she will and won't do for it which often has little to do with if it is a crime.
♢ She's something of a daredevil and loves getting away with impossible shit just to prove she can
♤ Comes off as 'punk-bitch' but is actually extremely focused, efficient, organised, and self-contained
♧ Not confrontational, tends to let others do the talking and arguing - unless she's pissed or struggling, then she gets pretty scrappy
♡ Protective of those she cares for - still in touch with all of her brothers and father, though she doesn't know (nor care) where her mother is
♢ Picky
♤ Straight-forward and reliable
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Name: Donovan Merlyn Wood
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: The Driver
Nickname/s: Lightning, Donny Danger, Donny
Theme Song: Heat by Brockhampton


Height: 6'1
Weight: 175lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Clothing Style: Casual. Often wears t-shirts, flannels, and jeans. Occassionally wears his leather jacket, given to him by his father. Whenever he drives he always wears his driving gloves.


Vices: Immature, Reckless, Too Trustworthy, Hard for him to concentrate for a long time

Virtues: Loyal, Smooth Talker, Quick Thinker

Quirks: Keeps a cigarette in his mouth despite not being a smoker

Habits: Taps foot often, Random outbursts (laughing, yelping, etc.)

Likes: Cars, Driving fast, Rap/Rock music

Dislikes: Police (or any type of authority), Rich people, Cocky people

Donovan grew up in Detroit, Michigan, famed for its background in the automobile industry. Because of this, it wasn't a surprise to anyone when little Donny grew obsessed with vehicles of any kid. Rather than playing with action figures like the boys, he worked on engines with his father, who was the owner of a mechanics shop in the city. His mother was a teacher at the local high school. However, the two of them barely brought in enough money for them to stay afloat.

As Donovan grew older, he began experiencing attention issues and obursts in school. He found himself spending most of his time in detention, as his teachers assumed he was just a disruptive kid with discipline issues. Eventually, he was diagnosed with ADHD, which his own parents had suspected he had since a child.

During his high school days, when he wasn't playing a sport or working in his father's autoshop, he raced on the backstreets of his city as a way to make some extra cash. He kept it under wraps from his parents, who he knew would disapprove, and built a name for himself within the underground racing community. Due to his quick reflexes, fast car, and the bolt of electricity he had painted onto his car, he earned the name Lightning. At the age of sixteen, he had already became one of the best racers in the state; along with that, he had received multiple offers to play soccer in college. Life was looking good for Donny. That is, until he got hurt.

While racing on a rainy night, he lost control of his car and crashed into a tree. He totaled his car, broke his leg, and spent a few nights in jail for illegal racing. As a result, he lost all his offers and wasn't able to play sports anymore. Currently, he works at his father's autoshop in hopes to run it someday. As a way to pick up some extra cash, he drives for the organized crime syndicate in his city; making drug runs or even serving as a getaway driver. He became very good at his job, bringing in a very steady income of cash. His skills behind the wheel were as sharp as ever; every turn he made was exact, he could switch lanes and weave between cars at the drop of a dime, and, most importantly?

He never gets caught.

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HQ “The Hold”

The Hold is a a abandoned power cell station, built in the early 1900s. Over the years it’s seen it’s fair wear and tear, evident by the missing panels and walls of graffiti. But it’s home for the crew, and with Judges help has been able to be converted into a proper living space. The main room as seen below is the table room as well as the garage, where most meetings take place and the storage of cars is.

The hallways and stairways are rough and needing repair, however the main funds were not put in this aspect.

However every individual has their own room, which is as modern as can get. Accommodations have been made in order to suit every persons wishes, and all have their own privacy.

(Please PM me a pic of the style you wish you room to be so i can put it here for later reference)

Judge’s Room-

Sofia’s Room-

Donovan’s Room-

Ghost’s Room-

Butch’s Room-
Kitchen, bathrooms, and other various needs are also modernized.
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Real name: Bryce Park
Nickname: Sofia
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Role: The Darling
Theme song: 365 Fresh by Triple H

- - - -

- - - -
Ethnicity: Half Korean and Half Chinese.
Height: 5’8
Weight: 125lbs
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown (occasionally wear multicoloured clip ins)
Spoken languages: English (Fluent) Korean (Advanced) Mandarin Chinese (Advanced)
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Vices: Greed, Vanity, Doubt.
Virtues: Beauty, Confidence, Honesty, Passionate.
~Walks in the middle of walkways making people pass around her.
~Walks into any building like she owns the place.
~Extremely loud sneezes
~Has a large collection of designer lighters.

~Honest People
~Make up
~Designer Labels
~Expensive looking knives
~Classic Literature

~Messy People
~People Who Don’t take pride in their Apperance.
~Loud Chewers
~The colour green
~Buisness men
~The Police

- - - -

In recent years there have been several cases of big time CEO’s and buisnessmen suddenly going bankrupt. These big Buisness men couldn’t imagine that their 22 year old sugar baby was slowly draining their bank accounts and using it to invest in her own Buisness endeavours. Well that’s exactly what was happening.

At age 16 Bryce was recruited by a modelling agency to model for their up and coming teen magazine. They promised Bryce the stars as they filled her head with delusions of what her life was going to be like after this magazine launched it immediately fell through and Bryce ended up with only a couple of dollars to her name.

Disheartened and angry Bryce began to resent any type of Buisness men and so she began to plot her revenge.

At the age of 18 was when she conducted her first crime. Bryce was a sugar baby for the man who employed her to be a model but throughout the 2 years she’d been his sugar baby she had been slowly draining all his accounts. The stupid fucker barely even checked them so it was like taking candy from a baby. After she’d drained every single penny she ran and up until now she’s been going around the country under different identities stealing millions of dollars from CEO’s from right under their noses.

- - - -

/coded by allure/





Real Name: Cynthia Raven Ash
Nickname: Butch
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: The Butcher
theme song: Mean Demeanor - RTJ



Height: 5'8"
Weight: 139 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Chestnut Brown
Clothing Style: Trendy-Athletic, Casual



  • Naive
  • Sensitive
  • Jealous
  • Restless
  • Forceful
  • Easy-going
  • Nurturing
  • Compassionate
  • Cheerful
  • Resourceful
Quirks & Habits: Bites her lip when in deep contemplation | Jitters her legs up and down when nervous | Pets her guns,gadgets, and weapons like a teddy bear. |

Likes: Guns, Gadgets, Knives, Trinkets, Random Information, Reading and Research, Acquiring new things, Field Operations.

Dislikes: Arrogance, Stupidity, Weak/Oversensitive Men or Women, Repeating Herself, Invasion of Privacy.



Cynthia was born in the small yet popular city of Portland, Oregon to a father whom was enlisted in the Marines and a mother who quit her career of being an governmental acquisitions officer of domestic and foreign resources in order to properly raise Cynthia. Cynthia would hardly ever see her father, leaning on her mother to give her both the nurturing tendency of a mother and the direct discipline of a father, while her dad Bellamy was serving tour. Her mother Clara gave Cynthia the most comfortable life she could, as she never went without and had material things, but inside she knew she was missing her father and a proper guidance. She was often bullied at school coming up, either for being a tomboy and liking guy stuff like sports and trading cards, or for her parents, specifically her dad with kids saying he's never coming back. And sure enough, Clara one day received a phone call that Bellamy had contact with an IED in his convoy. And that was that. Clara had broken down, and it rubbed off on Cynthia. The girl going back to school and beating the life out of anyone who teased her from that point on. Teachers who were sympathetic didn't suspend her, instead focused her attention elsewhere: creating. However, Cynthia didn't choose to create drawings or paintings, she started to take apart electronics, watches, anything with mechanical function. She wanted to understand what made them work. Thus started her nag for trinkets.

Her mother would soon begin to work for the government again, Cyn's curiosity about functioning systems driving her to at times poke and prod in her mothers work and files. She would come to discover the processes and procedures to be on alert for people trying to smuggle and port things in in secrecy. She was known at school as the weird one that no one messed with, people noticing her introvertedness but none daring to challenge or tease her after her reputation. She took to Soccer to vent frustrations out and engage in a physical sport as well. One day after coming home from school, her mom had the most confused look on her face greeting Cyn, as her father appeared from behind Clara smiling at Cyn with flowers. He explained that he in fact had not died and 'decided to leave the Marines', a young Cynthia not knowing the underlying truth of what that really meant at the time. Tensions were apparent, but for the sake of Cyn they kept things amicable. It was only when Cyn became a young woman that Bellamy took his girl to go shooting, and for the first time in her life, she felt true, total, power. The power of firing a gun, she experienced euphoria. And then looking at her father's collection they'd make a habit of going target shooting regularly. He then taught her about CQB, the differences of ordinance, the will and smarts of when and when not to use such things. Cynthia became more and more fascinated. She began to go to school happy and social again. She felt passionate about something. She could start to notice tension between her parents as she got older and wiser. Constant fights and arguing. She wanted to be a happy family, her naive nature not seeing the inevitable. Her parents split, and he wanted custody of Cyn, but Clara threatened to use his AWOL status against him in court if he ever tried anything. So, he left. He remained in touch with Cyn, but he left.

She essentially became a hidden brain in engineering, her smarts and athletic splendor granting her a scholarship to a few Ivy League schools, but she wanted the big one, MIT. She applied, and despite her advancements, she would never get the chance to find out if she was accepted. This was when she committed her first crime, at the age of 17. Walking back from school, one of the more asshole of classmates followed her and teased her, her not knowing the social ques of him being that way is because he likes her, he toys with her and in an unintentional scuffle he accidentally breaks her project for MIT, a self-propagating hydrogen to oxygen tank. She loses her cool and starts to fight him, to which he accidentally pushes her into a tree, gashing her face. He would never get the chance to apologize, as Cynthia pulled a gun she secretly kept from her father's stash and pulled the trigger. She was petrified at what she'd done, but in her mind, she believed she was defending her life. She pushed his body along an embankment near a creek, and used her resourcefulness to mix the hydrogen from her tank with the creek water which had ammonia levels to effectively create a cleansing agent for the blood. She removed his wallet and stripped his money and cards to lead to belief of random robbery.

Cynthia was shaken to have done such a thing, but following that, she moved in with her father after much to her mom's heartbreak. But, neither of them knew that Cynthia had picked up both their skillsets growing up, her knowledge of arms and ordinance mixed with domestic and foreign imprinting techniques, and her love for devices and how they work..she would soon come to forge her own destiny, quite literally, changing her name to Cynthia Raven Ash, meaning her previous name and life would be redacted. In her new identity, she attended Stanford University with a degree in Engineering her reward. During those years, Cynthia covertly ran false ID making and acquisitions of any literal item or resource students would want, from drugs, to exotic items, etc. She stood as an independent 'acquisition broker', using her own money and knowledge to build and successfully raise her own wage. She became infamous among students, so long as they kept it a secret. Soon other parties began to come to her. Students' uncles or cousins who needed a gun, or a certain weapon. Given her dad's background and current lifestyle, it was easy. Upon many of her clients asking her how she gets all her stuff, she created a lie and simply said her "Uncle Butch" worked for a very important figure. Not only was she good at this, she was the best. She fell in love, looking at smuggling and weapons, supplies, items, etc as if they were her own little kids. Not only did she love it, she was obsessed with it. Her biggest deal to date, was supplying a small PMC group with enough wiped weaponry to infiltrate the Pentagon, her reputation being spread even through deep channels of the web. It was her biggest payout of $543,325. She only imagined how much more she could make. But she realized she had to keep the fun student fake ID side of business and the weapon/resource supply real shit side separate. So, Cynthia was a Stanford student who could make you some ID's and get some cool drugs and stuff, but Butch... Butch was what the monster goes to for mince meat. Anything needed without a trace, past, or history could be orchestrated. She graduated Stanford Magna Cum Laude, and now has her own place in Santa Barbara, Cali among the beaches and hills. To the world she's Cynthia, no one ever knowing of the past she carries with her, but to the dark sector of the world, many people have come to know Butch. Not what he looks like, not how tall, how fat, what race. Not knowing Butch is more cunning than they'll ever know.

Code by Beauty_Belle
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Terrence Barnaby Worcester
“Barns” | The Psycho
33 | Male | Bisexual | Highway - Bleeker


Height: 5’6”
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Colour: Blond
Eye Colour: Blue
Clothing Style: Black coat/blazer,
white dress shirt,
slacks, leather shoes;
proper work attire, you know?

Impulsive / Impatient / Lacks Empathy / Self-serving

Gets the job done / Almost perpetually calm

Likes to take polaroid pictures of his victims just before they die
Has a notebook noting their times/cause of death (calls this his CV)

Mental Condition/s:
(Primary/Type 1) Psychopath
Antisocial Personality Disorder

Spins a small pocket knife between his fingers

Cigarettes / Caffeine / Cocaine
Alcohol / Adrenaline
Guns / Knives and other “shinies” / Botany (Poison)
Old Films / Jazz Music / Chess

Children / Noise / Clutter / Small talk
Early mornings / Video games (he sucks)
Anyone who makes fun of his height

Oi. What the fuck kind of name is Judge? Please don’t tell me I offed me ex-cellmate just to meet some posh-sounding wanker. This was all he was trying to be secretive about? Whatever. He deserved it for being a muppet. Plus, he was being a show-off at that soldier game. I fucking hate show-offs, Judge.

Anyway, the name’s Barns. If you’re half as smart as you think you are, you already know who I am. Just like I know who you are. Almost took the offer on your head, mate. Too bad someone beat me to it.

Heh. Wouldn’t you like to know who they are?

But enough about that. Let’s talk about me. I like talking about that -- me.

Glaswegian -- born and raised. Well, I use the term ‘raised’ very loosely. Me folks were stupid enough to raze our house/meth lab to the ground right around New Year’s. At least it made for a nice fireworks display. I’m technically dead, do you know that, Judge?

Nearly teared up from happiness that night, I did. At twelve, I was already a man. That meant I didn’t need to go to school anymore, didn’t it? The streets were the nearest thing I had to school, except it actually taught me life skills I could use. Seriously, Judge. Pick a stranger, give me half a minute, and I’ll get you their phone or their corpse or both -- whatever you want.

Made me some friends along the way. Other street rats. Men in suits trying to bury cold bodies. Men in suits with a list of names. It’ll surprise you how much goodwill you can earn by stabbing someone.

At 23, eventually found meself a right good forger. Got me all the papers I needed to travel wherever I wanted. Ten years later, been around all the continents except Antartica. Still hopeful I’ll get there eventually. Maybe one of these days, a Republican will finally send me off to take care of a climate scientist, you know?

Be a tough job, that one, because I like to think of meself as a man of science, you know. See, I don’t kill for fun. I don’t even kill for business. I kill for science. I’m testing a theory here, see: I want to know if everyone bleeds in the end. Even you, Judge.

I’ll be straight with you, mate. Couldn’t care less about the pay. If this was about the money, I could just shoot you right now and finish the job I almost took, couldn’t I? Only reason I’m still standing here’s because you’re not the same man I remember a long time ago. You’re a ticking time bomb aren’t you, Judge? I’ve got a good feeling for these things, you know. I’d like to see it. I’d like to see you break. Evolutions are fascinating, and as a man of science, I’d like to study it. Study you.

Until then, you can count on me to get the job done.
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Real Name: Jessica Shin
Nicknames: Jess
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Thrill Seeker
Theme song: The Boys by Girl's Generation


Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 101 lbs
Hair Color: Brown w/ Occasional Blond Highlights
Eye Color: Brown
Clothing Style: Often seen in Cargo Shorts, Hiking Boots and Sleeveless Shirts so she can show off her Tattoos. Also likes Flashy Jewelry and Accessories, so she is commonly seen wearing Chains, Rings, Watches and Bracelets that are either Gold or Silver. On Cold Days, she will be seen in Jeans and a Leather Jacket.
-Three Xs on the back of her Neck
-Gothic Cross with Black Angel Wings (Cross has her Father's Name, Birthday & Death Date) - Back
-Rose on Left Side of her Neck
-Wolf on Right Side of her Neck
-Ghost Rider Tattoo Sleeve - Left Arm
-Flaming Pistons - Left Hand
-Yin Yang Symbol - Right Hand
-Family Tattoo (Sister & Mother's Birthstones, Names and Zodiac Signs in the form of Ribbons) - Upper Right Arm
-Punisher Skull with M16 Rifles - Chest (Right Side)
-Taekwondo Black Belt with South Korean Flag - Chest (Left Side)
-Roses with Thorns & Vines - Stomach
-Sports Car Suspension - Right Calf


Vices: Impulsive, Cold Hearted, Hot-Tempered, Loud
Virtues: Cheerful, Upbeat, Protective, Team Player, Fast Learner
Quirks: Smirks When She Sees The Opportunity For An Insane Stunt | Squeals "KITTY" When She Sees A Cat | Taunts Her Enemies In Her Native Language | Before Doing Anything Most Would Consider Insane, She Will Ask Herself "What would Vin Diesel do?"
Habits: Examines Equipment Thoroughly Before Each Job | Mutters in Korean When She's Unhappy | Carries Around A Pocket Planner (Participating In Multiple Sports Made Her Learn Time Management)
Likes: Extreme Sports, Combat Sports, Sports In General (Really), Fast Cars, Making Children Smile, Kpop, Adrenaline Rushes, Videogames, Hip Hop, Cats, Pawn Stars, Singing, Dancing, Karaoke, Martial Arts, Street Racing, Vin Diesel, Floyd Mayweather
Dislikes: Valentine's Day, Soccer, Divas, High Maintenance Women, Mumble Rap, People Who Don't Like Kpop, The Toyota Prius, Steroid Users, People Who Sag Their Pants, Politicians


Early Life: Jessica was born and raised in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, California as a Second Generation Korean-American. She has a Younger Sister named Krystal, who is seven years younger then her. While her Mother was a Salon Stylist, her Father was enlisted into the Army on Active Duty. Growing up, her Father was consistently on deployment, leaving her at home with her Mother and Krystal. So from late Elementary School all the way through Middle School, she would always come home from school, with the news channel on and she would keep up with the war in Iraq, where her Father served four combat tours. To fill in the void whenever her Father was away, Jessica ended up resorting to Sports and Martial Arts aside from watching her Younger Sister, one of few people she is known to treat with love and care.

Birth of an Athlete:
Starting at age eight, Jessica decided to take up Basketball. Aside from watching it on TV, she decided to sign up for the Girl's Basketball Team for a Winter Sport at school. The Basketball Coach quickly noted her Athletic Prowess, with her Best Position being Small Forward. During the Off-Season, aside from consistently practicing with the Basketball Hoop in her Front Yard, she would end up having to take up other Sports and Martial Arts. In the Fall, she would consider downtime from other Sports, since most of them were Male-Dominant and she 'didn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of big sweaty boys'. She ended up starting in Taekwondo , a Martial Art that originated in her home Country of Korea, at the age of ten. Around the age of twelve, she decided to take up Boxing after watching several fights, namely for Floyd Mayweather, whom she was inspired by. In addition to Boxing and Taekwondo, she eventually added Jujitsu into the mix later that year.

Evolution to Extreme Athlete: Around the age of thirteen, Jessica took an interest in Skateboarding after playing a couple Tony Hawk games, which lead to her doing some research on Tony Hawk himself. After having her first board assembled at Zumiez, she started watching videos to learn some tricks and the basics with the help of a few friends. Within a year, she would master most of the intermediate tricks, but didn't go into any of what she considered to be 'Super Advanced', not wanting to jeopardize her Basketball Career with injuries that she could easily avoid. During the Summer between Eighth Grade and Freshman Year of High School, Jessica ended up looking into other Extreme Sports, particularly ones that required the use of a Board, such as Longboarding, Mountainboarding, Snowboarding and Wakeboarding. Other Extreme Sports that peaked her interest includes Parkour, Surfing, BMX Biking and Motocross. Sadly, Motocross was put into the Back Burner as her Mother didn't exactly approve because she was still too young.

As soon as High School started, her Father would see an honorable discharge, after six combat tours, four in Iraq and two in Afghanistan. While he had missed out on Jessica and Krystal growing up, Jessica herself was happy to see that her Father was back in her life. During the Fall, prior to Basketball tryouts, Jessica worked to keep her health up, from attending Jujitsu, Boxing and Taekwondo and hitting the gym, particularly the weight room at least three times a week. Her schedule soon became hectic, so she had to plan out ahead of time and schedule everything out (i.e Basketball Practice Daily Except for Sunday from 2:45PM to 5:00PM unless told otherwise during Basketball Season; Gym on Monday (Weightlifting), Wednesday (Leg Day) & Friday (Cardio & Swimming) 6:45PM to 8PM; Taekwondo on Tuesday 6:30PM to 8:30PM; Boxing on Saturday 2:30PM to 5:30PM; Jujisu on Thursdays from 6:45PM to 9:45PM, then Sunday Rest Day | Bed Time on School Nights, 11PM latest so there is a chance to do Homework). After learning to schedule things out and plan ahead, life became a little easier for her.

She would maintain her scheduling around her sports until her Junior Year, where her life took a bad turn.

Descend Into Darkness: During her Junior Year, while she was at Boxing Class, she would receive among the worst news of her life; her Father was in the Hospital following a Drive-By Shooting that also resulted in her Sister getting seriously injured. Two weeks following the incident, her Father succumbed to his injuries while her Sister was paralyzed and confined to a Wheel Chair. After the Funeral, it didn't take long for her Performance to drop in Basketball, while her performance in Martial Arts and Boxing went from Outstanding to Fine. During a Game with a Rival School, Jessica found herself being taunted by a Cheerleader from the Rival Team. Despite her attempts to ignore it, Jessica eventually snapped and attacked the Cheerleader during half-time, throwing her to the ground before proceeding to give her a brutal beating. While it got to where blood was drawn, no bones were broken. This would result in her getting ejected from the game which would lead to her team losing, ending a Three Year Undefeated Streak which she was key to maintaining. That loss would mean no going to the State Championship. Because the incident made local news, Jessica would be kicked off the Basketball Team. When the case of Assault went to court, she was acquitted by a Sympathetic Judge, to which both her and the victim apologized to one another for their actions.

No longer on the Basketball Team, Jessica was free to do other sports, so she chose to invest more into her Extreme Sports and Martial Arts while also having more free time. During the Summer of that year, her Mother signed her up for Driving School, where she worked hard to get her Driver's License, wanting to be able to take Krystal to her Chiropractor and Physical Therapist to help her recover from paralysis, which was thankfully not permanent, but it would take a few years to full walk again.

Jack Of All Trades: By Senior Year, Jessica had gotten her own car with her Mother's Help. Thanks to her Father's Will, she would receive a fifty-thousand dollars from his Life Insurance Policy, with One-Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars being split between her, Krystal and their Mother. While Krystal saved up for College, Jessica only spent half, the other half went into a Savings Account. The money she spent would not be on lavish items, like purses or jewelry, but on Sports Gear, since she was looking to become a full-fledged Extreme Athlete and decided to invest time into Extreme Sports that she had looked into in her earlier years, starting with Mountainboarding and slowly progressing to Motocross. Free time would be well spent after a couple of months. Of course, she didn't lose sight of her Academics. Jessica would go on to graduate from High School. Following Graduation, she decided to take some time off school to have some fun and unwind a little. Little did she know, this break would end up being permanent.

Code by Beauty_Belle
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