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Fantasy The End of Vahlana (Lore Content) (WIP)

How the Game Is Played (Rules)
  • Truce has always been a hard thing to come by, but that was what was necessary to build Vahlana. Huge constructs were built by dwarves that protected the city from any predators. The wall and towers were made of rock and tree; mossy grass its only invader. Beyond the wall was the forest city itself. Huge trees canopied the bottom letting in just the perfect amount of sunlight. Wooden bridges in stairways spiraled to different cabin buildings. The center was a large fountain big enough to be Vahlana’s main water source. The further in you went and the further away from the square were housing in trees and in grassy hills. At night the lanterns lit up like dancing fireflies but no candle or oil was ever used. No one knew the mysterious source used to power the city at night.

    (outside of Vahlana)

    (center area of Vahlana)

    Guards line the top of the wall of the four towers that surround the city. There are four elite magic users, one for each tower. Many believe the towers to be hollow and no one but guards and council members have been inside. The center of the city is like a market with many shops that are build into the trees. The high council is in the center tree in the market place up a winding staircase about 25 ft above the market.