• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The End of Us || Cs


Boink Bean
☾Name Here☽


Byname:: Here |
Age:: Here |
Gender:: Here |
Sexual Orientation:: Here |

Height:: Here |
Weight:: Here |
Build:: Here |
Eye color:: Here |
Hair Color:: Here |
Likes:: Here |
Dislikes:: Here |
Habits:: Here |
Living Kin:: Here |
Deceased Kin:: Here |

Personality:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs)

Biography:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs)

[bg= #735751][border= 8px solid #a78a7f][border= 8px solid #e7d7c1] ☾Name Here☽

[border= 3px dotted #ccb39b][/border]

[border=3px dotted #ccb39b][accordion=bcenter]
}Byname:: Here |
Age:: Here |
Gender:: Here |
Sexual Orientation:: Here |
}Height:: Here |
Weight:: Here |
Build:: Here |
Eye color:: Here |
Hair Color:: Here |
Likes:: Here |
Dislikes:: Here |
Habits:: Here |
Living Kin:: Here |
Deceased Kin:: Here |
}Personality:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs) {/slide}
}Biography:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs){/slide}
[/border][/border][/bg][border= 8px solid #a78a7f][border= 8px solid #e7d7c1][/border][/border]
☾Skylar Lee Marble☽


Byname:: Skyla - Sky |
Age:: Nineteen |
Gender:: Female|
Sexual Orientation:: Bi-Curious |

Height:: 5'3 |
Weight:: 105lbs |
Build:: Slender |
Eye color:: Blue |
Hair Color:: Black |
Likes:: •Animals •Nice People •Soft Blankets •Fruits •Cooking •Surviving |
Dislikes:: •Cruelty •Rude People •Blood •Death •Bugs •Strong Odors •Brutality •Conflict |
Habits:: •When nervous she will bite her nails •She puffs out her lower lip just a little if she when she is focused|
Living Kin:: N/a |
Deceased Kin:: •Her younger brother Philip •Her mother Sarah • Her Father Logan |

Personality:: Skylar, in a few words, is a very gentle person. She has never enjoyed conflict nor anger in general. She has a soft spot for animals and children, and has a natural motherly instinct. She cares about others more than herself and will put herself in danger to protect others.
She finds gore and Brutality especially disturbing, and will often take a stealthily approach to avoid unnecessary conflict. She has a big heart, and often feels bad for the undead that prowl the streets because they to were once humans. She hopes a cure will come, one that will be able to reverse the dead souls back to their human state. Yet as time passes, she slowly loses that hope. |

Biography:: Skylar was the first born to her Mother Sarah and her Father Logan. She was born in Paris, France and French was taught to her before English. When she was six her family moved to America, Washington state to be exact. She can't truly remember her kindergarten and first grade yet she knows it was difficult since she knew no English. Her younger brother was born when she was ten, her parents said that she asked to take him back.
They lived a happy life, her parents never truly learned the English language so Skylar and Philip had to translate frequently. When Skylar was eighteen she saw that a virus had broken out in high poverty countries. She did research yet nothing truly ever came up, it was like the world wasn't supposed to know. Days went by without any additional information on the virus, so she forgot about it like anyone would have.
It was Skylar's nineteenth birthday, she had woken up to her phone ringing, she checked the time and it was 4:00am. She figured it was someone wishing her a drunken belated, yet it wasn't such. It was her uncle, she was telling her to give the phone to her father, yet before she could even get out of bed the call dropped. Panicked, she got out of bed and slowly searched the house. Her family was gone, she approached the back door just in time to see a massive explosion that shook the city. Several other explosions followed, causing the power to go out and the darkness engulfed her home.
She called for her parents, yet there was nothing. She walked up stairs and she could hear a groaning of some sort. She opens the door of her parents bedroom, to find her father crouched over their dead mother, he was covered in blood and was ripping at her intestines, shoving them into his bloody mouth.
She felt as if she was going to hurel, until her eyes fell on a shadow under her parents bed. Her zombie father hadn't noticed her yet, or noticed his son who was hiding under the bed. Skylar waved for him to come to the door, yet he shook with fear a quick no.
Finally after minutes of silent begging, Philip dashed out from under the bed and towards the door, Skylar opened the door wide. Their zombie father got to his feet and sprinted towards the door as well, yet didn't make it in time. Philip rushed into the hall and Sky slammed the door hard, but she jumped when she heard the sickening thud of her dead father slam into it.
Skylar took Philip, and the pair fled their home. Taking whatever food or supplies that could gather and throw into their parents car. It was one week after the infection, Skylar and Philip had found a group and felt safe. Until one day Skylar, Philip, and a man Sky can't remember decided to talk a walk. During this walk the group was ambushed by thieves, Skylar shot quite a few, bullets sprayed heavily on the trio. Then as soon as it began, it was over. Skylar looked to her left and saw the man from earlier was gone, as if he had ran off and left Philip and Sky. When she looked to her right, she saw her brother laying on his side, squirming and whimpering. He had been shot in the chest and stomach, and was bleeding to death. Skylar held him tightly, until he went limp with death. She wasn't able to shoot her brother in the head, instead she tied him to a tree around his waist and chest during the shirts of dead thieves, before she became a loner. |

☾Jace Cloud Lo'Kale☽



Byname:: |
Age:: 19 |
Gender:: Male |
Sexual Orientation:Bi-Curious |


Height:: 5'10 |
Weight:: 147 LBS|
Build:: Slightly Feminine, Average muscle build. |
Eye color:: Dark Grey |
Hair Color:: Naturally Blonde, Dyed pink.|
Likes:: Nature, Smiles, Sunrises, meeting new people, dancing, learning, pink. |
Dislikes:: rude people, mean people, being yelled at, being afraid, failure, dying.|
Habits:: Playing with his hair, twitching his fingers. |
Living Kin:: Elise Lo'Kale {half sister}|
Deceased Kin:: Janice Lo'Kale {Step Mother}, Jaxon Lo'Kale {Father} |


Outgoing, social, open, does not like being alone. Easy to read. Warm-hearted and popular. Tends to put the needs of others over their own needs. Interested in serving others. Values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits. Group oriented, affectionate, complimentary, loving, considerate, and altruistic. Feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. Well-developed sense of space and function. Organized. Follows the rules. A planner. Regular, orderly, clean. A finisher. Consults others before acting. Dutiful. Values traditions and security. Thinks life has purpose and meaning. Need positive reinforcement to feel good about self. Content. Positive. Loves getting massages.


Jace was born not knowing his mother, who had died in giving birth to him. His father remarried when Jace was eleven, and decided to leave their home in Seoul, South Korea and travel. When Jace was three, his half sister was born. Jace immediately took role of playing with her and being a good older sibling, creating a bond they swore would never be broken.
They grew older and when Jace hit around eighteen, his sister got accepted on early college classes and moved away from the family to attended the college campus and left Jace alone, but they frequently talked and met up. Jace hit nineteen, and not long after hell broke lose.

Doing his normal routine, he came home from the studio pratice, and whistled to signal he was home. That's when he heard the screams. He ran in the direction of them to see some creature attacking his parents in the garden. His father's last words where "Ru." He slipped back inside hyperventilating, calling his sister and looking the doors. His sister groggy voice picked, she was panicked too, and he explain hastily what he witnessed as he threw water food and knives into a duffel bag of his and grabbed a hammer from the counter, sprinting for his motorcycle. His sister stayed with when she told she would stay safe and they would get through this. With or without each other.

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☾Alexander Moore☽


Byname:: Alex |
Age:: Twenty |
Gender:: Male |
Sexual Orientation:: Straight |

Height:: 6'2'' |
Weight:: 190lbs |
Build:: Lean |
Eye color:: Gray |
Hair Color:: Black |
Likes:: Birds - Survival - Guns - Cigarettes - People - Mac & Cheese - Being Prepared - Music |
Dislikes:: Lizards - Zombies - Bandits - Social Overexposure - Foul Smells - Forgetting Things - firestations |
Habits:: Whenever he focuses he tends to leave his mouth ajar and forget to breathe - Pops bones like a maniac whenever he's able to |
Living Kin:: None |
Deceased Kin:: Grandmother Betty |

Personality:: Alex is mature, and perhaps that isn't something you understand at first glance. For being so self-conscious and easily embarrassed, he is intelligent and can even become quite abrasive if the situation calls for it. Unfortunately, he's quite a social misfit however, and has rarely been able to get along with people in the past. That aside, he really thrives together with kind, easy-going people and appreciates folks of all kinds. It's in the most chaotic of situations that he truly shows his best though, as his level-headedness is not something to take lightly. He fears neither death or pain, and would gladly lay his life on the line for someone else. Instinctually, he's always wanted to protect and care for other people, much like he has always had to do for his grandmother. |

Biography:: The first thirteen years of Alex's life is nothing to comment. That is, he doesn't even remember them. When he was thirteen he got into a car accident, had a massive concussion and permanently lost the memories leading up to that point. Whether it was for the worse could be argued though, as Alex's parents and younger sister were all killed in the crash. Sure, he never remembered them, but he also never had to mourn the enormous loss that came with that.

He was put with his only living relative, his mother's mother. She was a kind old lady by the name of Betty, only in her 50' s but already widowed since her husband died in a similar accident. The loss nearly drove the poor woman off the edge, but she kept herself together for Alex's sake, knowing that he'd never have a good life if she couldn't care for him.

Trying to adjust to social intricacies when you'd just had the last 13 years of practice wiped from your mind was a difficult task, and Alex never quite conformed like he used to. He was always the odd one out, scared of talking to people and keeping to himself. Funny thing was that he was hardly bullied or even unpopular though, seeing as he was both best in the track AND soccer team, as well as a respected member of his little town's parkour group. As if his athletic inclination didn't give him both the looks and the status to socialize, people even tended to TRY to chat to him. Nothing ever stuck though, he was far to distant or shy to connect.

By the time he was 18 years old his grandmother had a stroke, and she never quite became the same after that. The doctor said she had a massive brain-tumor, and that she was lucky to survive the comings months. Betty ended up powering through another two years though, although it meant that Alex had juggle his studies, his part-time job as well as her constant need for care. It was tough, but he never complained. She was the only person in his life as he remembered it, and he'd gladly give an arm and a leg to have her stay.

It was a cold night that he sat at the bedside, holding her hand, hearing her talk in tongues as the feeling that she was most likely going to die slowly sank in. With the last of her powers she had said "I'm proud of you, Alex" before drifting of into eternal slumber. Years and years of repressed feelings broke out of him, and he started sobbing into the sheets. It wasn't a long-lived mourn though, as soon someone started to bang on the door like the end of the world was at hand.

Not quite an inaccurate description, either.

As if the night wasn't already bad, that was when the infection had hit his town, and hard. As soon as Alex opened the door, a man fell into his home. At first he thought the short man was unconscious, and decided to carry him to the couch. He picked up his phone and attempted to dial 911, but found that he didn't even have an emergency signal. "Strange." He thought. To his momentary relief, the man on the couch started moving, only to jump at him and sink his teeth into his arm. In the confusion and shock Alex lashed out at the man hard enough to knock his jaw loose, but once his body had hit the floor he immediately scurried towards Alex again. So he ran. Out of the door, and into a town where hell had erupted.

Strangely enough, Alex didn't have a hard time coping. Maybe it was how unfit he was for society, maybe he was just deranged, but in the anarchy he found some form of peace. It didn't take long before he realized that some form of zombie apocalypse had befallen the world, that you needed to go for the brain, that if you bitten you were done for... Except for him. He was bitten on the first day, but even a month later he still hadn't displayed a single sign of turning. It seemed strange to him, but if he was immune against this disease then he should find someone to tell. Someone who could use it.

For the first 2 weeks of the attacks he stuck with a group of survivors he'd found, mostly composed of people he'd known since earlier from his town. They decided to travel north-bound to get away from the town, but when they traveled through an old car tunnel, they were beseiged by bandits. They were evenly numbered and in the end both sides collapsed, save Alex himself and a girl a year younger than himself called Sara.

Sara was also a part of the track team, and Alex soon found that they passed time quite well, just talking. Besides from the bizarre and painful reality they now lived in, the only solace they seemed to find was in each other.

Until one night, when they were entrenched together at the top of a firestation. Sara, who'd seemed off for a couple of days, finally said she wanted to tell him something and told him to come closer. She quickly stole a kiss from his lips, and then giggled as she admitted she wanted to do that for some time. Alex returned her smile, but couldn't help but to feel very uncertain about his feelings. Not that he had an opportunity to explore his emotions anyway, about a minute after she'd stolen his kiss she said that she felt strange. She collapsed, and with shaking hands Alex raised his gun towards her. That's the night that he found out that despite being immune, he still carried the virus in his blood.

Like a living zombie.

Work in progress

Christopher & Josie Walker




Byname:: | Christopher Walker |
Age:: | Eighteen |
Gender:: | Male |
Sexual Orientation:: | Bisexual |



Byname:: | Joseline "Josie" Walker |
Age:: | Seven |
Gender:: | Female |
Sexual Orientation:: | Straight |

☾In-Depth of Christopher☽


Height:: | 6'1 |
Weight:: | 152lbs. |
Build:: | Toned |
Eye color:: | Blue |
Hair Color:: | Brown |
Likes:: | •Not dying •Josie's singing •Painting •Solitude •Writing •Nature •Fire •Light Purple •Coffee |
Dislikes:: | •The Dead •Other people •Loud noises/things •Death •Reminders of past life, family, or friends |
Habits:: | •Pulling Josie behind him •Running his fingertips across smooth surfaces when nervous |
Living Kin:: | Joseline Walker |
Deceased Kin:: | Mother: Masie. Father: Adam. Little brother's: Joel (Seven), Jason (Nine), and Callum (Four). Little sister: Cassie (Twelve) |

☾In-Depth of Josie☽


Height:: |4'6 |
Weight:: | 66lbs. |
Build:: | Petite |
Eye color:: | Blue |
Hair Color:: | Blonde |
Likes:: | •Bright colors •Music •Singing •Sleeping in •Stories •Books •The color yellow •Bear-Bear |
Dislikes:: | •The dead •The color red •Blood/Gore •Mean People •Thunderstorms •Darkness •Water |
Habits:: | •Twirling when she gets bored •Twisting her hands into her or her brother's shirt |
Living Kin:: Christopher Walker |
Deceased Kin:: Mother: Masie; Father: Adam; Younger brother: Callum. Twin brother: Joel. Older brother: Jason. Older Sister: Cassie |

☾Persona of Christopher☽


Personality:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs)

☾Persona of Josie☽


Personality:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs)


Christopher and Joel


| Christopher Gene was the product of two 'love-drunk' teenager's that saw forever in one another. Through his childhood, Christopher had to follow his parents home-to-home while the teen's attempted to finish their education and obtain stable jobs. Traveling state to state, the family settled in South Florida by the time he was five years old. The family bought their first home together and gifted the boy with a little sister: Cassandra Walker. Classified as what one would describe the 'American Dream', his parents worked to give their children everything to better themselves. Christopher started Baseball at nine and Cassie started Ballet at four. Along with that, the family welcomed their third child, Jason Walker. Two year's of coo's, dancing, and sports passed and the family of five sought out a bigger home after finding out their family would be increasing by two. Picking up and moving was hard for the ten-year-old, but Washington was promising. Joseline and Joel Walker were born just two days after Christopher's eleventh birthday. Three years later, they would welcome their sixth and final child, Callum Walker. Had the dead not risen, Christopher was convinced his mother would have had more. She was thrilled with the thought of bringing life to the world.

The first time he heard of the outbreak, Christopher was eighteen-years-old. There had been strange reports over the media, but he didn't think much of it until he heard his parent's discussing evacuation plans. They had initially planned to take a vacation to his grandparent's home in Georgia until the CDC could contain the virus. They believed being in a smaller town would be safer than a large city. Of course, the day before their designated flight, Joel falls ill to the flu and the flight is canceled. The family continues on with their everyday life, taking their children to school and extra curriculums. His parents, along with Jason and Callum, were out at Cassie's dance recital the day the disease struck where he lived. Having stayed home with a recovering Joel and Josie, who refused to leave her twin, Christopher was making the two lunch when the power blinked, before completely going out. Despite it being only five in the afternoon and still particularly light out, Josie began to cry over the darkness that manifested in the home. Figuring the power would come back on in a bit, Christopher lit a candle in the den to soothe his sibling and handed the two their supper, before retrieving his cell phone. Christopher attempted to call his parents, but could only reach their voicemail.

The world took an ill silence and Christopher dedicated his time to crafts with his siblings to avoid the paranoia. It wasn't until two hours later that he got a call from his mother. He could barely hear her over the scream's in the background, but he got the central message from keywords. "Disease.. hit here.. Not safe.. Joel and Josie.. Meet at Grandmas.. Love you." The service cut out and anxiety swelled through Christopher. Since it was dark, he decided to wait until morning to leave, in hopes that his family would return if given the chance. With no communication from the rest of his family, Christopher recovered their still packed suitcases and gathered non-perishables for the road. Herding his siblings into the car, Christopher made the last minute decision to take his father's Colt from the closet. Driving through the town, Christopher met the first of the Dead. They rushed the car, smashing themselves against the frame, frantically trying to get to them. Swerving into reverse, Christopher fled the inner cities and converted to back roads.

Day's of off and on driving, Christopher came across a group and heard the ill news of the world. His family was probably dead. His own survival attributed to the luck of staying home. He was told trying to get to Georgia would be a suicide mission for him and his siblings. He wouldn't give up completely on the idea but knew it was dumb to separate. After all, there was safety in numbers. Christopher, Joel, and Josie had been with the group for three weeks when the infected broke in just before dawn. He had little time to grab his siblings and their items before they were upon them. Rushing into the tree's, one came barreling into him, snapping its jaws at his throat. Christopher pushed his forearm into the dead man's throat, keeping it distanced while he quickly grasped for his blade. Swinging into the skull of the zombie on top of him, Christopher had just enough time to watch one grab onto Joel's arm. Josie held her brother's other arm and tried to pull him away, screaming. Scrambling to his sibling's aid, Christopher stabbed the walker a second too late. The creature had sunk its teeth into his brother's throat and there was nothing he could do. The older teen carried his bleeding brother away from their overrun camp, dragging his sister by her arm.

It wasn't long before he had to stop. Before his brother's pulse had ceased and his bright blue eye's had dimmed. He did what he had too, forcing his back on Josie so she wouldn't have to witness more tragedy. But the damage was done and the life had faded from his grip. Christopher laid his brother in a bed of tulips, kissed his forehead, and carried a screaming Josie on. From then on, the two have avoided others and worked on heading south. |

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Work in progress

Christopher & Josie Walker




Byname:: | Christopher Walker |
Age:: | Eighteen |
Gender:: | Male |
Sexual Orientation:: | Bisexual |



Byname:: | Joseline "Josie" Walker |
Age:: | Seven |
Gender:: | Female |
Sexual Orientation:: | Straight |

☾In-Depth of Christopher☽


Height:: | 6'1 |
Weight:: | 152lbs. |
Build:: | Toned |
Eye color:: | Blue |
Hair Color:: | Brown |
Likes:: | •Not dying •Josie's singing •Painting •Solitude •Writing •Nature •Fire •Light Purple •Coffee |
Dislikes:: | •The Dead •Other people •Loud noises/things •Death •Reminders of past life, family, or friends |
Habits:: | •Pulling Josie behind him •Running his fingertips across smooth surfaces when nervous |
Living Kin:: | Joseline Walker |
Deceased Kin:: | Mother: Masie. Father: Adam. Little brother's: Joel (Seven), Jason (Nine), and Callum (Four). Little sister: Cassie (Twelve) |

☾In-Depth of Josie☽


Height:: |4'6 |
Weight:: | 66lbs. |
Build:: | Petite |
Eye color:: | Blue |
Hair Color:: | Blonde |
Likes:: | •Bright colors •Music •Singing •Sleeping in •Stories •Books •The color yellow •Bear-Bear |
Dislikes:: | •The dead •The color red •Blood/Gore •Mean People •Thunderstorms •Darkness •Water |
Habits:: | •Twirling when she gets bored •Twisting her hands into her or her brother's shirt |
Living Kin:: Christopher Walker |
Deceased Kin:: Mother: Masie; Father: Adam; Younger brother: Callum. Twin brother: Joel. Older brother: Jason. Older Sister: Cassie |

☾Persona of Christopher☽


Personality:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs)

☾Persona of Josie☽


Personality:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs)


Christopher and Joel


| Christopher Gene was the product of two 'love-drunk' teenager's that saw forever in one another. Through his childhood, Christopher had to follow his parents home-to-home while the teen's attempted to finish their education and obtain stable jobs. Traveling state to state, the family settled in South Florida by the time he was five years old. The family bought their first home together and gifted the boy with a little sister: Cassandra Walker. Classified as what one would describe the 'American Dream', his parents worked to give their children everything to better themselves. Christopher started Baseball at nine and Cassie started Ballet at four. Along with that, the family welcomed their third child, Jason Walker. Two year's of coo's, dancing, and sports passed and the family of five sought out a bigger home after finding out their family would be increasing by two. Picking up and moving was hard for the ten-year-old, but Washington was promising. Joseline and Joel Walker were born just two days after Christopher's eleventh birthday. Three years later, they would welcome their sixth and final child, Callum Walker. Had the dead not risen, Christopher was convinced his mother would have had more. She was thrilled with the thought of bringing life to the world.

The first time he heard of the outbreak, Christopher was eighteen-years-old. There had been strange reports over the media, but he didn't think much of it until he heard his parent's discussing evacuation plans. They had initially planned to take a vacation to his grandparent's home in Georgia until the CDC could contain the virus. They believed being in a smaller town would be safer than a large city. Of course, the day before their designated flight, Joel falls ill to the flu and the flight is canceled. The family continues on with their everyday life, taking their children to school and extra curriculums. His parents, along with Jason and Callum, were out at Cassie's dance recital the day the disease struck where he lived. Having stayed home with a recovering Joel and Josie, who refused to leave her twin, Christopher was making the two lunch when the power blinked, before completely going out. Despite it being only five in the afternoon and still particularly light out, Josie began to cry over the darkness that manifested in the home. Figuring the power would come back on in a bit, Christopher lit a candle in the den to soothe his sibling and handed the two their supper, before retrieving his cell phone. Christopher attempted to call his parents, but could only reach their voicemail.

The world took an ill silence and Christopher dedicated his time to crafts with his siblings to avoid the paranoia. It wasn't until two hours later that he got a call from his mother. He could barely hear her over the scream's in the background, but he got the central message from keywords. "Disease.. hit here.. Not safe.. Joel and Josie.. Meet at Grandmas.. Love you." The service cut out and anxiety swelled through Christopher. Since it was dark, he decided to wait until morning to leave, in hopes that his family would return if given the chance. With no communication from the rest of his family, Christopher recovered their still packed suitcases and gathered non-perishables for the road. Herding his siblings into the car, Christopher made the last minute decision to take his father's Colt from the closet. Driving through the town, Christopher met the first of the Dead. They rushed the car, smashing themselves against the frame, frantically trying to get to them. Swerving into reverse, Christopher fled the inner cities and converted to back roads.

Day's of off and on driving, Christopher came across a group and heard the ill news of the world. His family was probably dead. His own survival attributed to the luck of staying home. He was told trying to get to Georgia would be a suicide mission for him and his siblings. He wouldn't give up completely on the idea but knew it was dumb to separate. After all, there was safety in numbers. Christopher, Joel, and Josie had been with the group for three weeks when the infected broke in just before dawn. He had little time to grab his siblings and their items before they were upon them. Rushing into the tree's, one came barreling into him, snapping its jaws at his throat. Christopher pushed his forearm into the dead man's throat, keeping it distanced while he quickly grasped for his blade. Swinging into the skull of the zombie on top of him, Christopher had just enough time to watch one grab onto Joel's arm. Josie held her brother's other arm and tried to pull him away, screaming. Scrambling to his sibling's aid, Christopher stabbed the walker a second too late. The creature had sunk its teeth into his brother's throat and there was nothing he could do. The older teen carried his bleeding brother away from their overrun camp, dragging his sister by her arm.

It wasn't long before he had to stop. Before his brother's pulse had ceased and his bright blue eye's had dimmed. He did what he had too, forcing his back on Josie so she wouldn't have to witness more tragedy. But the damage was done and the life had faded from his grip. Christopher laid his brother in a bed of tulips, kissed his forehead, and carried a screaming Josie on. From then on, the two have avoided others and worked on heading south. |

Accepted, you may begin your intro post.
Major Work In Progress
☾Tristan Harper☽


Byname:: | Tristan Harper |
Age:: | 7 |
Gender:: | Male |
Sexual Orientation:: | Too young to tell |

Height:: | 3'3" (he's quite small for someone his age) |
Weight:: | 36 lbs (he's a bit underweight, as he doesn't have an appetite) |
Build:: | Thin & Small |
Eye color:: | Brown |
Hair Color:: | Black |
Likes:: | His sister - Nice people - Being carried - Sweets - Movies - The stars - The dark - Animals - Being told stories (Fairy tales) - Hot chocolate - Sunrise/Sunset |
Dislikes:: | Mean people - When people think he's dumb because he's young - Long words - Bright lights - Things he considers scary - Loud noises - Secrets being kept from him - Zombies - Bugs - Blood - |
Habits:: | Wiggling his loose teeth - Biting his nails - Biting his lip |
Living Kin:: | Melody (Oldest child) |
Deceased Kin:: | Marissa (Mother) Phillip (Father) Lyric (Middle child) |

Personality:: | Tristan is a boy who is quite lively and energetic, yet also quite mature for his age at the same time. He can usually understand the situation that is happening around him, and knows when to be quiet. He loves being with his sister and being with her friends as well, and usually hangs with his sister's friends more than the ones he has (which are really just stuffed animals). Just like every child his age, he has a very vivid imagination, and usually tries to see the best in the worst of things. He gets scared easily by things, and has a love for sweets. He fully expresses his emotions and is very easy to read. He cries quite easily for someone his age, and can be considered a crybaby at times as well, causing him to be teased by people around his age.

He's very compassionate and kind, often putting others before himself, even though he's too young to fully understand what he's doing. He knows his manners and attempts to hold the door open for other people, even though he ends up being too small to hold it open. He's quite sensitive and his feelings get hurt easily, causing him to run to the protection and comfort of his sister, or one of her close friends. He likes playing with things, and is quite the curious child, sometimes asking personal questions that he doesn't realize are personal. When there's something he wants he doesn't ask for it right away like most children, he'll question the worth of it and asks himself if he really wants it, only asking for it if he thinks that it is worth it. He loves playing games like hide and seek, and tag, often asking people to play with him as he claims it gets boring when he plays by himself. Overall, he's a very lovable and fun child to be with. | (2+ Paragraphs)

Biography:: | Melody was the first product of her mother and father, who had her during their first year of college. They did their best to raise their young daughter, and stay in college to complete their education at the same time. It was quite difficult for the two of them, and they had to ask their parents for quite a bit of money before they got their education and could focus on raising Melody. Marissa and Phillip lived quite the successful lives, and paid their parents back all they money they borrowed in no time, getting quite a spacious house so that their precious daughter had plenty of room to grow. When she was six they had another daughter, and named her Lyric. They hadn't been expecting a girl, as the doctor had said it was a boy, however they weren't affected by it in the slightest and quickly made some room changes.They loved both of their daughters, and were a very privileged family, having just about everything they could want and need. They didn't have to worry about managing bills and everything was easily taken care of. Lyric proved to be quite a tomboy, and while most girls her age were worried about getting their nails done and messing up their hair, she was worried about not being able to make her football game. She hated anything to do with skirts or dresses and refused to wear them, wearing some shorts and a boy's shirt most of the time.

When Melody was eleven and Lyric was five, Marissa and Phillip had another child. This time it was a boy, and they named him Tristan. Melody and Tristan bonded quickly, although Lyric and Tristan had a bit of a harder time. Lyric would always try to prank Tris, by putting bugs in his bed while he slept and other devious things such as that. She expected him to laugh and try to prank her back, like most boys would, however he would get scared and begin crying. This caused Lyric to be confused, as she was unsure of what to do and would often times just ignore him entirely to avoid hurting his feelings and making him cry. As a bit of time went by, and Lyric became more mature, her and Tristan developed quite a close bond as well, though not as close as Melody's and Tristan's.

When Melody was eighteen, Lyric was twelve, and Tristan was seven, Melody had gotten an alert about an outbreak, though she ignored it like many others, thinking that it was a prank to scare her. Tristan and Lyric went outside to play like they always did, roaming around the block and coming home when it got dark like they had planned the night before. Their parents had gone out with some of their co-workers hours before, having a mini vacation and putting Melody in charge until they got back. Tristan and Lyric had been playing outside like they always did, throwing a ball back and forth, playing tag and hide and seek. It wasn't until Lyric thought she heard a groan that things began to go wrong. A zombie came from out of nowhere and attacked the two of them, causing Tristan to scream loudly, alerting everyone near the area.

Lyric protected her baby brother until the end. She got on top of him as the zombie attacked her, hiding him from sight. Tristan screamed loudly, barely being able to understand the situation. All he knew was that his older sister was being attacked and that he was being drenched in her blood. When he finally saw Melody he cried for her to come help, and she kicked the zombie away, if even for a moment, grabbed her brother, and ran back to the house.

They made their way quickly back to the house, and Melody made sure to lock every door in the house. While Tristan was trying to stop crying Melody cleaned the blood off of him and quickly packed their bags, putting them all into the car and getting Tristan inside as well. She brought their biggest kitchen knives and their gun with her, as well as quite a bit of money, knowing that they would be useful for self defense and purchasing things that they needed. She was so desperate that she had even considered giving a knife to Tristan, though she decided against it in the end. She simply continued driving, having no idea where they were going or when she was going to stop. Often times they hid behind buildings for the night, and she hid Tristan in the trunk of the car, hiding him underneath blankets so that he wouldn't be seen in case they were attacked. She knew that most, if not all of her friends were dead, and after trying to call her parents hundreds of times, she knew that they were dead as well.

She knew she hadn't been prepared for anything that was happening, and wished desperately that she could have someone to help her, and understand what she was going through, besides her seven year old brother. Eventually she decided that their best option would be to wander around until they found a safe haven or something of the sort, or at least a place she knew her brother would be safe.| (2+ Paragraphs)[/COLOR]

☾Melody Harper☽

Byname:: | Melody Harper |
Age:: | 19 |
Gender:: | Male |
Sexual Orientation:: | Heterosexual |

Height:: | 5'6 |
Weight:: | 129 lbs |
Build:: | Petite & Slim |
Eye color:: | Dark Brown |
Hair Color:: | Black |
Likes:: | When people treat her brother kindly - Nice people - Things going smoothly - The color pink - Reading - Her brother |
Dislikes:: | When people pick on her brother - Being away from her brother for too long - Not knowing what's going on around her - Rude people - Not being able to see - Secrets being kept from her |
Habits:: | Playing with her hair - Fidgeting - Twirling thumbs - Holding onto Tristan |
Living Kin:: | Tristan (Youngest child) |
Deceased Kin:: | Marissa (Mother) Phillip (Father) Lyric (Middle child) |

Personality:: | Here | (2+ Paragraphs)

Biography:: | Melody was the first product of her mother and father, who had her during their first year of college. They did their best to raise their young daughter, and stay in college to complete their education at the same time. It was quite difficult for the two of them, and they had to ask their parents for quite a bit of money before they got their education and could focus on raising Melody. Marissa and Phillip lived quite the successful lives, and paid their parents back all they money they borrowed in no time, getting quite a spacious house so that their precious daughter had plenty of room to grow. When she was six they had another daughter, and named her Lyric. They hadn't been expecting a girl, as the doctor had said it was a boy, however they weren't affected by it in the slightest and quickly made some room changes.They loved both of their daughters, and were a very privileged family, having just about everything they could want and need. They didn't have to worry about managing bills and everything was easily taken care of. Lyric proved to be quite a tomboy, and while most girls her age were worried about getting their nails done and messing up their hair, she was worried about not being able to make her football game. She hated anything to do with skirts or dresses and refused to wear them, wearing some shorts and a boy's shirt most of the time.

When Melody was eleven and Lyric was five, Marissa and Phillip had another child. This time it was a boy, and they named him Tristan. Melody and Tristan bonded quickly, although Lyric and Tristan had a bit of a harder time. Lyric would always try to prank Tris, by putting bugs in his bed while he slept and other devious things such as that. She expected him to laugh and try to prank her back, like most boys would, however he would get scared and begin crying. This caused Lyric to be confused, as she was unsure of what to do and would often times just ignore him entirely to avoid hurting his feelings and making him cry. As a bit of time went by, and Lyric became more mature, her and Tristan developed quite a close bond as well, though not as close as Melody's and Tristan's.

When Melody was eighteen, Lyric was twelve, and Tristan was seven, Melody had gotten an alert about an outbreak, though she ignored it like many others, thinking that it was a prank to scare her. Tristan and Lyric went outside to play like they always did, roaming around the block and coming home when it got dark like they had planned the night before. Their parents had gone out with some of their co-workers hours before, having a mini vacation and putting Melody in charge until they got back. Melody had been sitting on the couch in the living room, watching tv, when a blood curdling scream made her shoot to her feet. She quickly ran outside when she recognized the scream, and heard a loud crying that she recognized. There she saw her little brother with a bloody and lifeless Lyric over top of him, a zombie eating whatever it could of their sister. Melody wanted to run at the sight, but her brother was still alive and she literally kicked the zombie as hard as she could (All those soccer lessons came in handy) and grabbed her brother and ran.

They made their way quickly back to the house, and Melody made sure to lock every door in the house. While Tristan was trying to stop crying Melody cleaned the blood off of him and quickly packed their bags, putting them all into the car and getting Tristan inside as well. She brought their biggest kitchen knives and their gun with her, as well as quite a bit of money, knowing that they would be useful for self defense and purchasing things that they needed. She was so desperate that she had even considered giving a knife to Tristan, though she decided against it in the end. She simply continued driving, having no idea where they were going or when she was going to stop. Often times they hid behind buildings for the night, and she hid Tristan in the trunk of the car, hiding him underneath blankets so that he wouldn't be seen in case they were attacked. She knew that most, if not all of her friends were dead, and after trying to call her parents hundreds of times, she knew that they were dead as well.

She knew she hadn't been prepared for anything that was happening, and wished desperately that she could have someone to help her, and understand what she was going through, besides her seven year old brother. Eventually she decided that their best option would be to wander around until they found a safe haven or something of the sort, or at least a place she knew her brother would be safe.| (2+ Paragraphs)

I know you haven't finished the Persona for Melody yet, but I don't care. This pair is accepted and you may begin your intro post.
☾Jace Cloud Lo'Kale☽



Byname:: |
Age:: 19 |
Gender:: Male |
Sexual Orientation:Bi-Curious |


Height:: 5'10 |
Weight:: 147 LBS|
Build:: Slightly Feminine, Average muscle build. |
Eye color:: Dark Grey |
Hair Color:: Naturally Blonde, Dyed pink.|
Likes:: Nature, Smiles, Sunrises, meeting new people, dancing, learning, pink. |
Dislikes:: rude people, mean people, being yelled at, being afraid, failure, dying.|
Habits:: Playing with his hair, twitching his fingers. |
Living Kin:: Elise Lo'Kale {half sister}|
Deceased Kin:: Janice Lo'Kale {Step Mother}, Jaxon Lo'Kale {Father} |


Outgoing, social, open, does not like being alone. Easy to read. Warm-hearted and popular. Tends to put the needs of others over their own needs. Interested in serving others. Values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits. Group oriented, affectionate, complimentary, loving, considerate, and altruistic. Feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. Well-developed sense of space and function. Organized. Follows the rules. A planner. Regular, orderly, clean. A finisher. Consults others before acting. Dutiful. Values traditions and security. Thinks life has purpose and meaning. Need positive reinforcement to feel good about self. Content. Positive. Loves getting massages.


Jace was born not knowing his mother, who had died in giving birth to him. His father remarried when Jace was eleven, and decided to leave their home in Seoul, South Korea and travel.

He is accepted, don't worry about the bio. You may begin posting.
☾Gabriel Grey Everett☽


Byname:: Gabe |
Age:: Twenty |
Gender:: Male |
Sexual Orientation:: Heterosexual |

Height:: 6'2 |
Weight:: 170lbs |
Build:: Muscular |
Eye color:: Brown |
Hair Color:: Black |
Likes:: •Animals •Gore •Guns •Kids •There color black •Cars •Working out •Being in Control |
Dislikes:: •Most people •Recklessness •Death •Repetitive questions/sounds •Being denied •Being Dominated •Being embarassed |
Habits:: •When he is mad, he has a look in his eyes |
Living Kin:: N/a |
Deceased Kin:: N/a |

Personality:: Gabriel is very reserved, often keeping to himself about his history and his family. He is silent yet incredibly powerful. He is a natural leader and has no issue leading others. He can think of solutions quickly, often choosing a safer path if other lives are involved.
Gabe enjoys killing the undead, and has no problem killing anyone who is infected if it means saving his life and others. He sees suicide as Noble if one is bitten, but if the person cannot kill themselves, he will gladly do it for them.

Biography:: To be revealed within the Rp.|

The code broke really badly so I just started over to save me the trouble
☾Tristan Harper☽


Byname:: Tristan Harper |
Age:: 7 |
Gender:: Male |
Sexual Orientation:: Too young to tell |

Height:: 3'3" (He's pretty short for someone his age) |
Weight:: 36 lbs |
Build:: Thin & Small |
Eye color:: Brown |
Hair Color:: Black |
Likes:: His sister - Being told fairytales - Nice people - Being carried - Sweets - Movies - The stars - Sunrise/Sunset - Hot chocolate - Penguins |
Dislikes:: Mean people - Not being with his sister - Blood - The zombies - Bugs - Things he considers scary - Bright lights - Complete darkness - Loud noises |
Habits:: Wiggling his loose teeth - Clinging to Melody |
Living Kin:: Melody Harper (Older sister) |
Deceased Kin:: Marissa Harper (Mother) Phillip Harper (Father) Lyric Harper (Older sister) |

Personality:: Tristan is a boy who is quite lively and energetic, yet also quite mature for his age at the same time. He can usually understand the situation that is happening around him, and knows when to be quiet. He loves being with his sister and being with her friends as well, and usually hangs with his sister's friends more than the ones he has (which are really just stuffed animals). Just like every child his age, he has a very vivid imagination, and usually tries to see the best in the worst of things. He gets scared easily by things, and has a love for sweets. He fully expresses his emotions and is very easy to read. He cries quite easily for someone his age, and can be considered a crybaby at times as well, causing him to be teased by people around his age.

He's very compassionate and kind, often putting others before himself, even though he's too young to fully understand what he's doing. He knows his manners and attempts to hold the door open for other people, even though he ends up being too small to hold it open. He's quite sensitive and his feelings get hurt easily, causing him to run to the protection and comfort of his sister, or one of her close friends. He likes playing with things, and is quite the curious child, sometimes asking personal questions that he doesn't realize are personal. When there's something he wants he doesn't ask for it right away like most children, he'll question the worth of it and asks himself if he really wants it, only asking for it if he thinks that it is worth it. He loves playing games like hide and seek, and tag, often asking people to play with him as he claims it gets boring when he plays by himself. Overall, he's a very lovable and fun child to be with. | (2+ Paragraphs)

Biography:: Melody was the first product of her mother and father, who had her during their first year of college. They did their best to raise their young daughter, and stay in college to complete their education at the same time. It was quite difficult for the two of them, and they had to ask their parents for quite a bit of money before they got their education and could focus on raising Melody. Marissa and Phillip lived quite the successful lives, and paid their parents back all they money they borrowed in no time, getting quite a spacious house so that their precious daughter had plenty of room to grow. When she was six they had another daughter, and named her Lyric. They hadn't been expecting a girl, as the doctor had said it was a boy, however they weren't affected by it in the slightest and quickly made some room changes.They loved both of their daughters, and were a very privileged family, having just about everything they could want and need. They didn't have to worry about managing bills and everything was easily taken care of. Lyric proved to be quite a tomboy, and while most girls her age were worried about getting their nails done and messing up their hair, she was worried about not being able to make her football game. She hated anything to do with skirts or dresses and refused to wear them, wearing some shorts and a boy's shirt most of the time.

When Melody was eleven and Lyric was five, Marissa and Phillip had another child. This time it was a boy, and they named him Tristan. Melody and Tristan bonded quickly, although Lyric and Tristan had a bit of a harder time. Lyric would always try to prank Tris, by putting bugs in his bed while he slept and other devious things such as that. She expected him to laugh and try to prank her back, like most boys would, however he would get scared and begin crying. This caused Lyric to be confused, as she was unsure of what to do and would often times just ignore him entirely to avoid hurting his feelings and making him cry. As a bit of time went by, and Lyric became more mature, her and Tristan developed quite a close bond as well, though not as close as Melody's and Tristan's.

When Melody was eighteen, Lyric was twelve, and Tristan was seven, Melody had gotten an alert about an outbreak, though she ignored it like many others, thinking that it was a prank to scare her. Tristan and Lyric went outside to play like they always did, roaming around the block and coming home when it got dark like they had planned the night before. Their parents had gone out with some of their co-workers hours before, having a mini vacation and putting Melody in charge until they got back. Tristan and Lyric had been playing outside like they always did, throwing a ball back and forth, playing tag and hide and seek. It wasn't until Lyric thought she heard a groan that things began to go wrong. A zombie came from out of nowhere and attacked the two of them, causing Tristan to scream loudly, alerting everyone near the area.

Lyric protected her baby brother until the end. She got on top of him as the zombie attacked her, hiding him from sight. Tristan screamed loudly, barely being able to understand the situation. All he knew was that his older sister was being attacked and that he was being drenched in her blood. When he finally saw Melody he cried for her to come help, and she kicked the zombie away, if even for a moment, grabbed her brother, and ran back to the house.

They made their way quickly back to the house, and Melody made sure to lock every door in the house. While Tristan was trying to stop crying Melody cleaned the blood off of him and quickly packed their bags, putting them all into the car and getting Tristan inside as well. She brought their biggest kitchen knives and their gun with her, as well as quite a bit of money, knowing that they would be useful for self defense and purchasing things that they needed. She was so desperate that she had even considered giving a knife to Tristan, though she decided against it in the end. She simply continued driving, having no idea where they were going or when she was going to stop. Often times they hid behind buildings for the night, and she hid Tristan in the trunk of the car, hiding him underneath blankets so that he wouldn't be seen in case they were attacked. She knew that most, if not all of her friends were dead, and after trying to call her parents hundreds of times, she knew that they were dead as well.

She knew she hadn't been prepared for anything that was happening, and wished desperately that she could have someone to help her, and understand what she was going through, besides her seven year old brother. Eventually she decided that their best option would be to wander around until they found a safe haven or something of the sort, or at least a place she knew her brother would be safe. | (2+ Paragraphs)

☾Melody Harper☽


Byname:: Melody Harper |
Age:: 18 |
Gender:: Female |
Sexual Orientation:: Heterosexual |

Height:: 5'6" |
Weight:: 129 lbs |
Build:: Petite |
Eye color:: Brown |
Hair Color:: Black |
Likes:: Being with her brother - Her brother being safe - Nice people - Things going smoothly - The color pink - Surviving |
Dislikes:: Zombies - When people pick on her brother - Rude people - Not being able to see - Being weaponless - Not being able to protect her brother |
Habits:: Playing with hair - Holding/Carrying Tristan |
Living Kin:: Tristan Harper (Younger brother) |
Deceased Kin:: Marissa Harper (Mother) Phillip Harper (Father) Lyric Harper (Sister) |

Personality:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs)

Biography:: Melody was the first product of her mother and father, who had her during their first year of college. They did their best to raise their young daughter, and stay in college to complete their education at the same time. It was quite difficult for the two of them, and they had to ask their parents for quite a bit of money before they got their education and could focus on raising Melody. Marissa and Phillip lived quite the successful lives, and paid their parents back all they money they borrowed in no time, getting quite a spacious house so that their precious daughter had plenty of room to grow. When she was six they had another daughter, and named her Lyric. They hadn't been expecting a girl, as the doctor had said it was a boy, however they weren't affected by it in the slightest and quickly made some room changes.They loved both of their daughters, and were a very privileged family, having just about everything they could want and need. They didn't have to worry about managing bills and everything was easily taken care of. Lyric proved to be quite a tomboy, and while most girls her age were worried about getting their nails done and messing up their hair, she was worried about not being able to make her football game. She hated anything to do with skirts or dresses and refused to wear them, wearing some shorts and a boy's shirt most of the time.

When Melody was eleven and Lyric was five, Marissa and Phillip had another child. This time it was a boy, and they named him Tristan. Melody and Tristan bonded quickly, although Lyric and Tristan had a bit of a harder time. Lyric would always try to prank Tris, by putting bugs in his bed while he slept and other devious things such as that. She expected him to laugh and try to prank her back, like most boys would, however he would get scared and begin crying. This caused Lyric to be confused, as she was unsure of what to do and would often times just ignore him entirely to avoid hurting his feelings and making him cry. As a bit of time went by, and Lyric became more mature, her and Tristan developed quite a close bond as well, though not as close as Melody's and Tristan's.

When Melody was eighteen, Lyric was twelve, and Tristan was seven, Melody had gotten an alert about an outbreak, though she ignored it like many others, thinking that it was a prank to scare her. Tristan and Lyric went outside to play like they always did, roaming around the block and coming home when it got dark like they had planned the night before. Their parents had gone out with some of their co-workers hours before, having a mini vacation and putting Melody in charge until they got back. Melody had been sitting on the couch in the living room, watching tv, when a blood curdling scream made her shoot to her feet. She quickly ran outside when she recognized the scream, and heard a loud crying that she recognized. There she saw her little brother with a bloody and lifeless Lyric over top of him, a zombie eating whatever it could of their sister. Melody wanted to run at the sight, but her brother was still alive and she literally kicked the zombie as hard as she could (All those soccer lessons came in handy) and grabbed her brother and ran.

They made their way quickly back to the house, and Melody made sure to lock every door in the house. While Tristan was trying to stop crying Melody cleaned the blood off of him and quickly packed their bags, putting them all into the car and getting Tristan inside as well. She brought their biggest kitchen knives and their gun with her, as well as quite a bit of money, knowing that they would be useful for self defense and purchasing things that they needed. She was so desperate that she had even considered giving a knife to Tristan, though she decided against it in the end. She simply continued driving, having no idea where they were going or when she was going to stop. Often times they hid behind buildings for the night, and she hid Tristan in the trunk of the car, hiding him underneath blankets so that he wouldn't be seen in case they were attacked. She knew that most, if not all of her friends were dead, and after trying to call her parents hundreds of times, she knew that they were dead as well.

She knew she hadn't been prepared for anything that was happening, and wished desperately that she could have someone to help her, and understand what she was going through, besides her seven year old brother. Eventually she decided that their best option would be to wander around until they found a safe haven or something of the sort, or at least a place she knew her brother would be safe. | (2+ Paragraphs)

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Just do your best.

☾Gabriel Grey Everett☽

Byname:: Gabe |
Age:: Twenty |
Gender:: Male |
Sexual Orientation:: Heterosexual |

Height:: 6'2 |
Weight:: 170lbs |
Build:: Muscular |
Eye color:: Brown |
Hair Color:: Black |
Likes:: •Animals •Gore •Guns •Kids •There color black •Cars •Working out •Being in Control |
Dislikes:: •Most people •Recklessness •Death •Repetitive questions/sounds •Being denied •Being Dominated •Being embarassed |
Habits:: •When he is mad, he has a look in his eyes |
Living Kin:: N/a |
Deceased Kin:: N/a |

Personality:: Gabriel is very reserved, often keeping to himself about his history and his family. He is silent yet incredibly powerful. He is a natural leader and has no issue leading others. He can think of solutions quickly, often choosing a safer path if other lives are involved.
Gabe enjoys killing the undead, and has no problem killing anyone who is infected if it means saving his life and others. He sees suicide as Noble if one is bitten, but if the person cannot kill themselves, he will gladly do it for them.

Biography:: To be revealed within the Rp.|

Well there's our Rick.

Kaiden Finch



View attachment 288774
Byname:: Kaiden Finch |
Age:: 12 |
Gender:: Male |
Sexual Orientation:: Questioning... |


View attachment 288776
Height:: 4'8" |
Weight:: 85lb |
Build:: Short, and slightly below average weight, but fairly unremarkable in most regards. |
Eye color:: Blue |
Hair Color:: Dark blonde |
Likes:: Stealing, climbing trees, running, snow, dogs, starting fires|
Dislikes:: Deep water, getting yelled at, sudden or high-pitched noises, bright lights, pity, reading, sleeping, being alone |
Habits:: Biting his knuckles, fidgeting with his hair, swearing |
Living Kin:: None that he knows of |
Deceased Kin:: Robert Finch (father), Darlene Finch (mother) |


View attachment 288777
Personality:: Kaiden is a loud, excitable kid with a knack for causing trouble. He's rather argumentative at times, and seems to have difficulty backing out of conflicts. Once he's started a disagreement, he feels obligated to see it through, no matter what the odds of him actually winning are.He feels lonely a lot of the time, which often leads to him acting out. Despite this aggressive streak (and his persistent kleptomania) , he does in fact have a conscience. He's fiercely loyal to those who have gained his trust, and always tries to help out when he can.
Kaiden hates being pitied and talked down to, so he ends up hiding his problems almost all the time. Really, he'd only ever admit to needing help if he were afraid he was dying. He realizes that this could become dangerous, his fear of being seen as a liability keeps him from admitting to his own pain.In this regard, he struggles with honesty, but in other situations he's on the complete other end of the scale and is a massive oversharer. However, despite his inconsistent and often hotheaded behavior, he does his best to be liked. |


View attachment 288778
Biography:: Kaiden was born and raised in the state of Minnesota, as the only child of Rob and Darlene Finch. They never really had enough money, often failing to scrape up enough to heat their house for the Winter. Nevertheless, Kaiden was pretty satisfied with his life. His parents loved him, and he even had a few friends. He never got good marks in school, but managed to get through a few grades without flunking more than a few classes. English was by far his worst subject, to the point where he can barely spell and has a lot of trouble writing. But for the most part, school wasn't a horrible experience for him. He only really got picked on by a couple of kids, and his friends would stick up for him.
Ever since he was little, he had a bit of a problem with compulsive stealing. Most of the time he'd just take things for the thrill of it, but other times he'd steal to help support his mother, who was diagnosed with cancer around his 7th birthday. Naturally, his parents didn't appreciate this little habit, but it would end up saving his life later on.
However, all that fell to pieces when the zombies came. His mother was killed very early on in the outbreak, but Kaiden and his father managed to escape into the woods, trying to get as far away from the state as possible. For a while, they were able to survive by hunting deer and filching items from the walkers that roamed through the woods. After a few months, however, his father died of infection. Kaiden was forced to shoot him with his own rifle so he wouldn't reanimated. Naturally, this event scarred Kaiden permanently, but he continued to try and survive.
He never stayed in one place for long, mostly functioning by raiding other people's camps, or scavenging things from the zombies. His thieving skills really paid off in this regard, as he was sneaky enough to avoid getting caught and killed. That is, up until now. As it stands, the future is very uncertain. |

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Damien R. WeiseA Lost Soul

Age - 19

Gender - Male

Orientation - Pan-sexual

Alignment - Neutral Good

Height: 6'1

Weight: 190 Ib

Build: Strong, Sleek, Masculine

Eye Color: Sea green

Hair Color: Jet Black

Likes: People, friends

Dislikes: Cruelty, Hate

Habits: Biting his nails

Living Kin: None

Dead Kin: Mom, dad, little sister

Personality: Damien is, in a Laymens terms, a very secluded person. He
was homeschooled his entire life, and never had any friends. He learned
to love himself, know himself, and trust himself. He is not an introvert
however, as he still wants to make friends, and have a normal, or close to normal
life. But he is a very honest person, and due to this, he has close to little to no friends at all.
But he is also slightly cold hearted, as he only cares for those who he knows.




Damien R. WeiseA Lost Soul

Age - 19

Gender - Male

Orientation - Pan-sexual

Alignment - Neutral Good

Height: 6'1

Weight: 190 Ib

Build: Strong, Sleek, Masculine

Eye Color: Sea green

Hair Color: Jet Black

Likes: People, friends

Dislikes: Cruelty, Hate

Habits: Biting his nails

Living Kin: None

Dead Kin: Mom, dad, little sister

Personality: Damien is, in a Laymens terms, a very secluded person. He
was homeschooled his entire life, and never had any friends. He learned
to love himself, know himself, and trust himself. He is not an introvert
however, as he still wants to make friends, and have a normal, or close to normal
life. But he is a very honest person, and due to this, he has close to little to no friends at all.
But he is also slightly cold hearted, as he only cares for those who he knows.




Kaiden Finch

View attachment 288741


View attachment 288774
Byname:: Kaiden Finch |
Age:: 12 |
Gender:: Male |
Sexual Orientation:: Questioning... |


View attachment 288776
Height:: 4'8" |
Weight:: 85lb |
Build:: Short, and slightly below average weight, but fairly unremarkable in most regards. |
Eye color:: Blue |
Hair Color:: Dark blonde |
Likes:: Stealing, climbing trees, running, snow, dogs, starting fires|
Dislikes:: Deep water, getting yelled at, sudden or high-pitched noises, bright lights, pity, reading, sleeping, being alone |
Habits:: Biting his knuckles, fidgeting with his hair, swearing |
Living Kin:: None that he knows of |
Deceased Kin:: Robert Finch (father), Darlene Finch (mother) |


View attachment 288777
Personality:: Kaiden is a loud, excitable kid with a knack for causing trouble. He's rather argumentative at times, and seems to have difficulty backing out of conflicts. Once he's started a disagreement, he feels obligated to
see it through, no matter what the odds of him actually winning are.He feels lonely a lot of the time, which often leads to him acting out. Despite this aggressive streak (and his persistent kleptomania) , he does in fact have a conscience. He's fiercely loyal to those who have gained his trust, and always tries to help out when he can.
Kaiden hates being pitied and talked down to, so he ends up hiding his problems almost all the time. Really, he'd only ever admit to needing help if he were afraid he was dying. He realizes that this could become dangerous, his fear of being seen as a liability keeps him from admitting to his own pain.In this regard, he struggles with honesty, but in other situations he's on the complete other end of the scale and is a massive oversharer. However, despite his inconsistent and often hotheaded behavior, he does his best to be liked. |


View attachment 288778
Biography:: Kaiden was born and raised in the state of Minnesota, as the only child of Rob and Darlene Finch. They never really had enough money, often failing to scrape up enough to heat their house for the Winter. Nevertheless, Kaiden was pretty satisfied with his life. His parents loved him, and he even had a few friends. He never got good marks in school, but managed to get through a few grades without flunking more than a few classes. English was by far his worst subject, to the point where he can barely spell and has a lot of trouble writing. But for the most part, school wasn't a horrible experience for him. He only really got picked on by a couple of kids, and his friends would stick up for him.
Ever since he was little, he had a bit of a problem with compulsive stealing. Most of the time he'd just take things for the thrill of it, but other times he'd steal to help support his mother, who was diagnosed with cancer around his 7th birthday. Naturally, his parents didn't appreciate this little habit, but it would end up saving his life later on.
However, all that fell to pieces when the zombies came. His mother was killed very early on in the outbreak, but Kaiden and his father managed to escape into the woods, trying to get as far away from the state as possible. For a while, they were able to survive by hunting deer and filching items from the walkers that roamed through the woods. After a few months, however, his father died of infection. Kaiden was forced to shoot him with his own rifle so he wouldn't reanimated. Naturally, this event scarred Kaiden permanently, but he continued to try and survive.
He never stayed in one place for long, mostly functioning by raiding other people's camps, or scavenging things from the zombies. His thieving skills really paid off in this regard, as he was sneaky enough to avoid getting caught and killed. That is, up until now. As it stands, the future is very uncertain. |

Both are accepted! Great characters you two! You both may begin posting.
Momochi Yuu


Byname:: Here |
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Sexual Orientation:: Here |

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Hair Color:: Here |
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Habits:: Here |
Living Kin:: Here |
Deceased Kin:: Here |

Personality:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs)

Biography:: Here | (2+ Paragraphs)



Byname:: Seven (Alfonso Santiago) |
Age:: 29 |
Gender:: Male |
Sexual Orientation:: Heterosexual |

Height:: 5'8" |
Weight:: 156 |
Build:: Average Height, incredibly fit, lean yet muscular. he has the body of a well trained soldier. |
Eye color:: Black |
Hair Color:: Black |
Likes:: Airplanes - His Stuffed Toy - Super Heroes - Killing Zombos - Stopping the Baddies |
Dislikes:: Bullies - Zombos - Needles - Villains - Math - Revealing his secret identity, as a result he always wears his gas mask and military uniform|
Habits:: Singing - Talking in Riddles and Rhymes |
Living Kin:: unknown |
Deceased Kin:: unknown |

Personality:: There's no other way of explaining this but Alfonso is insane. Not a Evil psycho edge lord murderous insane, but Alfonso is insane none the less. Alfonso literally makes no sense half of the time, he has child like tendencies and he thoroughly believes he's a superhero named Seven. Despite this insanity Alfonso is kind and gentle especially around kids, he has a abnormal amount of positive despite being in an apocalypse. Surprisingly enough Alfonso isn't as ignorant as some people would think, for some odd reason he has a killer sense for danger and can generally sense if a person has bad intentions. When it comes to survival and combat Alfonso is a force to be reckoned with. If there was one thing Alfonso is good at is killing zombies and "bad" people, hence he's always in the front lines in battle and is always the last to leave until all of his comrades are safe. Due to his mental state Alfonso has no fear for everything around him is like a game, he believes that he is a hero and the zombies are merely bad guys he has to defeat in order to save the citizens. Despite his child like tendencies Alfonso still has shards of his sanity, that in random times appears when he talks. One moment he's a crazy man off his rocker, the next moment he speaks with wisdom much like a older brother or fatherly figure.

During Alfonso's moments of sanity, he becomes a charismatic leader someone who people can't help but trust. These moments of sanity often catch people off guard due to his maturity and calm demeanor. Alfonso surprisingly offers sound advice to almost any topic, it could about survival, first aid, crafting combat, and even things like life and love. There are times when Alfonso seems to be able to read minds to how much in tune he is with his surroundings, this is due to his immense capability of empathy for another person he trusts and deems as a comrade. Keep in mind the sane Alfonso randomly appears and oftentimes his sanity doesn't stay for too long, in a matter of seconds he goes back to being his old crazy self. One thing is for sure, bot the insane and the sane Alfonso are good both share a kind gentle personality that is willing to help good people in need.|

Biography:: Alfonso was a young man who was happily married to a beautiful woman named Christine. He was orphaned at an early age but was adopted by a kind elderly couple. Alfonso was a terrible student from elementary all the way to his college years. He eventually joined the armed forces so that he would be able to pay for his tuition for college. After serving the military for a few years Alfonso went back to school where he met his wife. Christine and Alfonso got to know each other in a biochemistry class that they both had together. Originally Alfonso planned to become a biochemist like Christine but fate had other plans. Alfonso's adoptive mother and father had grown ill and as a result he needed to quit school and go work, Alfonso decided to go back to the military and make it his profession for good. Due to harsh training and many armed missions Alfonso climbed his way up the ranks and eventually joined the special ops. Despite this Alfonso kept in touch with Christine the two slowly fell for each other, and while Alfonso was on break of his duties he proposed and married Christine. Alfonso's adoptive parent's where able to see their son get married but soon after they both passed away due to old age. Though this grieved Alfonso Christine was there to comfort him along the way. The two had a happy marriage even though Alfonso was often away from home fulfilling his duties in the armed forces, it was difficult but they worked it out.

Life would have been happy but the world had other plans....The apocalypse began and the dead began to infest the world. The VRV had become a threat and in order to contain the biological threat the government mobilized their forces. Alfonso was drafted into a special task force of elite soldiers who's goal was to protect a group of scientist while they attempt to find the cure in amidst the chaos. The job was simple protect the scientist as they gathered samples in the field and then take them back to the home base where the laboratory was located. This laboratory was also the place where Christine was stationed to work at along side other doctors and biochemists. This base was called the ARK, this base had maximum security and state of the art equipment. The Ark was not the only base like this, there were other bases in different parts of the country all working together to find the cure. Though a cure was not made the scientist in the Arch were able to develop some sort of serum that gave the user temporary immunity against the VRV, however this serum only protected the user from the VRV for 12 hours, if the user is infected before or after the serum, then the serum had no effect. Another side effect was that it enabled the users to push their bodies to their limits much like a zombie. Though it increased the users stamina and greatly dulled the users pain the user was still in fact human, a gun shot or a nasty horde of zombies would still be more than enough able to down someone who took the serum. The serum also had a terrible side effect that large doses of the serum would affect a persons mental state and deteriorate it in some cases it even led to death. In short the serum was a fluke, but it didn't stop the military from using it. The serum was packaged in vials and needles that were distributed to the elite soldiers of the ARK, this was to give them an extra edge in combat against the undead infestation. Alfonso was also one of these soldiers who where given doses of the serum. Though Alfonso used the serum multiple times it was only in small controlled doses.

While this chaos happened Alfonso and Christine would try to see each other when they can, though those moments were brief it meant a lot to the couple. Sadly just when the Ark was beginning to make a breakthrough a breach in the security occurred... The VRV had spread its infection inside the ARK. In order to protect the scientist and their research the remaining soldiers used the serum to make a final stand. Alfonso and his unit held the gate against hordes of zombies desperately buying time for the scientist and other civilians of the ARK to evacuate. Each of the soldiers fell one by one, the serum only gave so much power in the end they were only human... Alfonso and a few remaining soldiers of the elite unit of the Ark retreated on the last helicopter. Unfortunately one of the soldiers had become infected for the effects of the serum had worn out, the infected soldier killed the pilot causing the helicopter to spiral out of control. Just before the helicopter crashed Alfonso killed his infected comrade, gaining enough control just in time to crash land the helicopter away from the infested ARK. The landing was rough but Alfonso and a a few other soldiers survived with minimal injuries. However....due to the large dose of the Serum the some of the soldiers died.....others grew violent and where shot to end their misery.....this happened until Alfonso was left.... His body had immune to the VRV yet he was not infectious, his sense of pain was numbed, he was slightly stronger and a bit more stamina, these where the side effects of the serum....... though Alfonso gained immunity and strength, he was still more or less a normal human....but as a price to pay for his new found immunity and strength, the serum began deteriorating his mind....and eventually Alfonso lost his sanity....Alfonso collapsed from fatigue and when he woke up his mind was not the same....He could not remember his name....He noticed the number 7 on his military uniform so he began calling himself Seven. He wandered about the waste land killing zombies, surviving, despite his mental state he remembered his training as if it was instinct. A few days later Seven came across a gas station, and in this gas station was rack full of comics. Seven's child like mind was enthralled at the acts of heroism as a result he became a self proclaimed hero. Now he wanders around saving civilians from zombies and violent, greedy people. |


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