[The End is Nigh] Wolf with Iron Teeth, A.K.A. The Curator


The old ghost poster
  • Name: Wolf with Iron Teeth, A.K.A. The Curator

    Age: 25

    Caste: Changing Moon

    Gender: Male

    Posting Color: Navy blue-grey #5478ab

    Theme Song:





    'The Curator'​
FoeHammer said:
Alot of placeholder stuff, rp-wise as I think of them.
  • Name: Wolf with Iron Teeth

    Age: 25

    Caste: Changing Moon

    Gender: Male

    Posting Color:

    Theme Song: TBD

    Appearance: TBD
I kind of need you to fill out your appearance and the other things, it is important for the start, nothing is stopping them from changing however as your character evolves.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I kind of need you to fill out your appearance and the other things, it is important for the start, nothing is stopping them from changing however as your character evolves.

Ill have it done today.
Ok, finished him. Put in personal and artifact histories. The only thing missing is a pic of him normally.
FoeHammer said:
Ok, finished him. Put in personal and artifact histories. The only thing missing is a pic of him normally.

Pick a group that is not the solars to post in, I figure maybe the Sidereals? They only have 2 :( .

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