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Fantasy The End Is Here -[[ Zombie RP Reboot. Simple/Casual ]]-


That Lovable Killer.
One like means you're accepted

Appearance (Anime, Real is fine.):









Past (Optional):

Other (Optional):
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He has black hair, so imagine the blonde hair, but black.

Name: "My name is Hunter.. I am a Special Infected.."

Age: "I am around the age of 18 - 25. You'll just have to guess.."

Sexuality: "I am bisexual.."

Personality: "I'll just say that if you get onto my bad side then I will not help you in any shape or form of trouble that you get into. If you really piss more off I will rip you to shreds within a matter of seconds.. But if you are on my good side then I won't do anything to harm you and are generally a pretty cool guy once you get to know me. I can be serious at times but like I said that could all break away depending on your personality and how you act towards me."

Strengths: "Well. I have great resistance to pain.. Plus I have mastered the art of free running.."

Weaknesses: "If I am hungry I can become deadly towards someone.. So I need a great deal of food."

Weapon: "Well.. I have very sharp claws.. But I also carry around a hatchet with me where ever I go just to look more normal and not stand out as a Special Infected"


Good/Evil/Neutral: "Neutral.."

Past (Optional): "I prefer not to talk about it.. It's very personal to me, so sorry but I can't say anything about my past."

Other (Optional): "Since I am a Special Infected I have some powers that surpasses any humans.. I can jump very high upwards, depending on how far I want to jump.. I have a good sense of smell, like a wolf, only twice the strength.. I also have immense strength, that I can control. For example I can restrict the amount of strength I use.. And the final thing is I can switch between normal sight and hawk vision which allows me to see infected from non infected.

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Name: Toni Miller

Age: 25

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Blunt, sarcastic, hard to get along with. The only person she can deal with is her brother.

Strengths: Swordfighting, shooting, free-running, her brother, he has skills. Both her brother and her were born with a special gene that makes them immune to the zombie virus, but a bite could still kill them by bleeding out.

Weaknesses: Being hungry, not having shelter, her brother, she'd never leave him.

Weapon(s): Machete and two pistols.

Morality: Neutral, will do whatever it takes for her and Ryder to survive.

Past: Rather not talk about it.

Other: Not much.



Name: Ryder Miller

Age: 25

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Kind, gentle, understanding. Unlike his sister, he cares about people on a deeper level. Because of that, he normally depends on her for killing. Don't get him wrong, he'll put a bullet in your head. He'd just rather not.

Strengths: Negotiating, lying, hand-to-hand combat, talking, making friends, and immune like his sister.

Weaknesses: Guns, losing his sister, free-running.

Weapon(s): Has a few daggers, but prefers to talk things out. Doesn't even kill zombies without need.

Morality: Good

Past: Same as sister.

Other: Nada.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.5aa80ae24e08a97539b42cb55b407236.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130481" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.5aa80ae24e08a97539b42cb55b407236.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.abdd6fe9c18f8bed082b4dc0d4fe738e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.abdd6fe9c18f8bed082b4dc0d4fe738e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • Name:

    Lilly Ann Doyle


    19 but some people mistake her for 14




    Chaotic neutral

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/zombie.jpg.0a20c36d60ab5050271e2a11f2e3b39b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130574" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/zombie.jpg.0a20c36d60ab5050271e2a11f2e3b39b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


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Wears that outfit except the skirt is black.


Alli Canell






Strong, sarcastic, kinda laid back in the whole situation. Gets by life by just.. "Floating along" (there's more, just can't think any of it up. xD )


Marksmanship(great shot), can play piano, great heart and mind, great at making plans


Leading, close-up combat, seeing hurt people, endurance(breathing issues)


A double barrel shotgun



Past (Optional):


Other (Optional):
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Emotional, easily embarrassed, a bit of an idiot.

He's that guy that everyone liked but wasn't seen as 'boyfriend material'.


He has stamina, can hold his breath for long times, and can climb/jump different terrains.


Girls; more so if you are young. He also acts from emotion more often than rationality. Lacks ground speed.


Currently a Bow, and a pistol with only one shot left.

Good/Evil/Neutral: Good?


Past (Optional):

Mazura was on a professional swim team before 'The End' happened.

He dabbled in parkour with his sister.

Only good with a bow because he would go Elk hunting with his father.

Father is dead, mother is dead.

His sister, Annalisa, is currently missing. (He's not sure.)

Other (Optional):

The picture to the right is the only picture he has of him and his sister currently.
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  • M5GrDfr.jpg

    Known as the Checkerboard Syndicate, it was a rather well-known branch from a growing mafia group (criminal organization) with underground garrisons scattered in a few cities. The Checkerboard Syndicate contained a variety of methods to "divide and conquer" in comparison to other competing organizations. It was broken into 4 divisons, all maintained by a few head members.

    "CHESSMASTERS" were what these head members were called. They didn't hold a specific role, but rather had a proficiency or general experience in each. Their weren't a lot, and they typically served to be the order-givers and strategizers. Other times, it was where most hitmans and assassins were present. People admitted as a Chessmaster usually graduate from one of the other 3 divisions.

    "KINGS" focused more on influence and typically creative connections with a variety of people. It was primarily through these secretive social networks where bribes took place, black market auctions, and anything involving a large amount of people and associating oneself. It also focused on covering up any noticed crimes, known as "framing". Able to use the concept of blackmailing to push blame onto someone else, fabricated friendships was what they were best at.

    "KNIGHTS" had the least amount of people, next to Chessmasters. They focused on spying and gaining intel, ironical to their title. Next to gaining information on a variety of people, a few typically dabbled along the medical field, serving to be some of the few important doctors of the syndicate. While it started off as purely intel, it also became the branch involving the Red Market, where illegal surgeries and organ trade took place.

    "ROOKS" were the most popular group. They, don't particularly have a role, other than to be thugs, goons, and crudely follow orders. It was a rather large and carefree group of people, considered delinquents by the general public. While serving under the Checkerboard Syndicate, Rooks carried their own social system. There were regularly scheduled matches, tournaments, and games among the Rooks. They held there own rankings, where winning matches grants you "Thoroughfare Credits", allowing you to save them to rise in rankings, or spend them on things within the Rooks such as illegal weapons.

    And these, right here, are a group of lead-roles who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, playing Chinese Checkers with each other on Friday nights.

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