The End: Chapter 1 "Z-day"

(Also, who are the main group?)

Well, seeing as though you and one other are posting i figured that you were.
(I didn't know what to call it so I said main group I mean whatever group everyone is in but I guess I read something wrong. It's Kk I don't have a more realistic profile for Eve as usually when rp she is accepted as is. I'll just drop out is already so far into im kinda lost anyway sorry for the bother

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There isn't a main group. That's the idea of the RP, and we discussed that a lot in the PM's. We don't all start off in one place, it'd be too chaotic.
Pfft, DrTrollinski. You are the main group at the minute. Wherever you are, that's where the main group is.


Cremora "Redd" Gibbs



Date of Birth:





Occupation Before Outbreak:

Army National Guard 92a, Volunteer, Animal Shelter Front Desk Attendee


Raised in a fairly unremarkable home with both parents in fairly unremarkable fields, Cremora lived through a fairly unremarkable childhood, signing up for a rather remarkable career. Almost faceless among the people around her, she blended in seamlessly to ROTC life in high school, then jumped into the Army National Guard at 17, graduating school early with just above average scores. Enlisting in the Army National Guard did nothing for the unremarkable woman with the interesting name, only furthering her lack of self-identity. Despite this harrowing setback she ended up a Staff Sergeant due to her adherence to the code set forward by her superiors, and her quiet tenacity to remain strict with orders.

Her apt for remaining straight and narrow provided her the perfect MOS during her enlistment duration, placing her in MOS 92a, unofficially considered the likes of a Quartermaster, maintaining the supplies and wellness of the unit she was assigned to. This repeating job drilled into her mind to be prepared for a no-win scenario, to which she responded with buying year's worth of MRE equivalent foodstores to put in her basement. This, coupled with her survival knowledge from her military career leave her prepared, but vulnerable, to the events about to unfold around her.


Unremarkable. Forgettable. Compassionate. Doormat. Cremora is all of these, and then some. She spends her working hours at an animal shelter as a front desk attendee and a back-of-house inventory clerk, often staying past her required hours to ensure the tasks everyone else avoids are completed. When she is done with those, her evenings consist of volunteering at a homeless shelter, administering basic foods and general hygiene to the less fortunate. Since being put in the IRR and shipped back to the States from her deployment in Iraq, Cremora has impossibly become more bland in her persona, living the same monotonous life day after day, content to exist this way until she withers, alone with her dogs, in old age.


Cremora begins her tale in the chaos at home, on one of her days off from work. Being at home she has all of her enlistment gear available to her, albeit behind a padlocked basement door.


All the skills basic training provides she can recall verbatim, however applying them in combat is taxing. She is an unremarkable person after all, so her skills are limited. She can shoot fairly well, trained and all, but considering the realization to come- that only head trauma will do the biters in- she will have a long period of trouble while adjusting to this requirement. She has not been trained in any special rifle usage or trick shot skills, but having had to supply her stranded unit at one point in her career with food has given her a slight leg up on basic trapping and dressing knowledge. She is intuitive and inventive, but only when under pressure by others around her. Her skills are numbers and how to divide items between a set of given numbers, so she would be ideal to keep inventory over a group's stock of food and/or ammunition. Being as mundane as she is, it would be easy to trust her, as she is not stern in her values, but can be pushed to obey those in power.

Other (Theme song, notable features, etc:)

The overarching song which fits her best is a composition by Helen Jane Long called

. Something to note about her personality which I didn't think would fit under the personality area due to its obscurity is that Cremora is an introvert. Introverted in her case means that while she is drawn to people, she will not openly engage them in conversation, preferring simple company through osmosis, or in a more literal sense, observation. She could survive by herself for a long period of time in theory, but the desire to observe life would make her stir crazy, which goes against her next flaw. Cremora both loves and hates nature. As someone who deals with constant agoraphobia, it's hard for her to venture out of spaces which offer her closed walls and defining areas. This will be something which might trigger a moment of PTSD for her if prolonging her exposure to the openness of the world does occur.
(Well, I hope this was a better written explanation for my character. Let me know when it's accepted!)
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It must have been 200 people barreling straight for them, the airport security stood and leveled their weapons toward the crowd. Michael joined them in standing ground, he had to get a look at what was coming. The crowd part for them as they ran around the Officers, he looked at them as they rushed by, some cried, some wore a look of pure shock and terror. The children screamed through the chaos, some dragged by their parents who struggled to keep track of 4 separate children. The crowd passed, all that was left was Michael and two dozen airport TSA Agents. And then he saw them, hundreds of them, traveling in one bloody mass.

Flesh torn and ripped away from some, others dragged the remainder of a large intestine behind them, some blindly trudged on as their eyes were missing from the sockets. Men, Women, Children it did not discriminate. Children of all ages followed in suit, those that were small and fray had lost limbs in one manner or another. The TSA agents opened fire, bullets sliced through the torsos of the hoard, unloading a clip each into the mass, they kept coming, not phased by the recent volley of fire. As one, the hoard broke into a sloppy sprint.

Michael turned "Run!" He ordered, they all followed suit. A TSA agent led the way, he turned down a security access door and swung it open, he ushered them in, closing the access point was useless, the hoard was already on them. Their numbers had fallen, two dozen TSA agents was now 14. One tripped in the narrow corridor and was swallowed by the hoard. They reached the end, the lead agent punched in an access code and ushered them through, then forcing the door shut behind them, they stood back, waiting to see if the security door emplacement would handle the collective impact of the hoard, they hit, the door groaned, but held.. for now.
Name: Wendy Dawson

Age: 8

Date of Birth: June 8

Gender: Female



Occupation Before Outbreak:

None, child


Wendy was born in a small family formed by her mother and her father. Her mother left her husband and her daughter when she got another boyfriend and decided to start a new family with them. Since her father was a police officer, Wendy was left alone most of the time or with a baby sitter but she was always able to look at the bright side of things of her father´s job. She was always a really happy kid.


Wendy is usually really sweet and full of joy but when really bad things happen that smile in her face will face away and take a really long time to return. Wendy is easily impressed and trusts strangers very easily.


A small backpack


- She is good at manipulating people to do what she wants them to do but only for small things

Other (Theme song, notable features, etc:)


  • Scott_Summers2.jpg

    FC: James Marsden





  • tumblr_n7gklmpYdn1t30ncpo1_500.jpg

    FC: Sophie Tuner






  • tumblr_m8krhpzVlT1rbw50xo1_500.jpg

    FC: Chloe Grace Moretz





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Robert Moore



Date of Birth:






Occupation Before Outbreak:



When he was younger, Robert was a lonely kid. He was severely bullied, not just by the kids at school, but by his own family, too. When he was about thirteen, he found solace from the rest of the world, with two, seemingly opposite sources. The bible, and horror films. Robert had never made a connection with another person, at least, not the kind he wanted, so the bible provided the fuel to keep him going. Meanwhile, his violent tendencies were at least partially satiated by the blood and gore from the movies he watched. The movies he tended to like the most were movies involving zombies, and the portions of the bible he connected with the most were the parts containing prophecy. This led to a strange personality within Robert. He both abhorred injustice, and loved violence.

When he reached the eighth grade, Robert started playing sports (football, wrestling, baseball, etc.) which sped up his metabolism, and helped him to lose the weight that had caused most of the bullying from before. Because of football, Robert had begun, also, to accumulate friends (not to say that these friends were always good friends. He began to socialize, and meet other people like him.

By the time he reached high school, the other people around him had matured, and no longer made fun of him at all... mostly because they just didn't care, anymore. He met a new friend, by the name of Diego Avalos. Yes... Diego could be an ass, but he was still a good friend. They were both highly intelligent, yet herded into a school setting that could not teach them that which they didn't already know.

Soon, Diego introduced Robert to a new friend, Pete Buirch. Pete was nonchalant, and very arrogant, but like Diego and Robert, very intelligent. They began to plan with one another, and eventually, they had a good plan for their lives. In base, they knew they would embark on a business venture together, but they didn't know which, yet.

Then, enter Joey Perez. Joey was basically a Jack-of-all-trades, who knew things about programming, about agriculture, about hardware, just about anything you could need. That year (Robert's Junior year of high school) was a golden age for him. They settled down and decided to make a video game company. They had plans, figures, even short storyboards. Sadly, it was not meant to be. Diego and Pete lost interest, and Joey fell into a very long depression. These all effected Robert. He tried to get it all started again, but alone, he couldn't do it. Instead, he began planning for a scenario which would actually benefit him and his friends. A zombie apocalypse survival plan....



Strong willed

quick to anger

quick to forgive

very loving to those who deserve it


A Louisville slugger baseball bat (wooden)


Because of his time playing sports, he knows how to handle his body. Also, because of his friend, Joey, he has a VERY limited knowledge of close quarters combat

Other (Theme song, notable features, etc:)


@cooljavis007 - I'm honestly in no mood to deal with this right now.

- Extremely intelligent. No.

- Great with gun. No.

- Mind-blowing aiming. NO.

In the PM discussion, we went over EVERY SINGLE RULE. So far, your character has gone against half of them. Like I said, I'm in a bad mood, and if I seem blunt, that's just the way things are - You either fix what I've put down, fix the spelling/grammar errors in your post, and then we'll see from there. If you don't, well... That's self-explanatory.
I probably should have asked if it was alright to make characters, but is it alright for me to still finish mine and join in?

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@DrTrollinski ~ Thanks, I'm glad I didn't step on any toes.

Just so you know, Lewis (the first of my three characters) is finished. If you want to look over him so I can make changes. The girls are almost done as well but it'll be a bit because I have to write out their histories...

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