The End: Chapter 1 "Z-day"


Alexandra Udinov



Date of Birth:





Occupation Before Outbreak:

College Student.


Despite her parents being against her going to college, Alexandra pursued it otherwise with a full time scholarship and three other part time jobs to support herself throughout the entire semesters to come. At a young age she learned to be dependent, her parents weren't always that bad. Alexandra knew the reason why they didn't want to let her go to college was only because they wanted her to help them with the family business which Alexandra had no plan in getting involved with. The money, wealth it does something to you after a long time.

So despite of her family being well off Alexandra wanted to prove to her parents that she can get through this without any of their money and help.


Gentle, prideful, neurotic, kind, helpful, and willing to do anything it takes to prove herself worthy.


Alexandra always found it scary how her dorm roommate, a culinary major always kept her Knife collection for her cooking classes inside their dorm. Why wouldn't she just leave it in the schools culinary kitchen instead of taking them here? For all Alexandra knows... One of those just might save her life.


-Knowledge of architectural structures (College Course)


-No knowledge of self defense/ Martial arts

-No knowledge of wielding a gun

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Brianna Walsh

(Calls herself Lucky)



Date of Birth:







Height: 5'6

Weight: 120 pounds

Body modifications: A few tattoos hidden from her parents.

Occupation Before Outbreak:

Waitress at a restaurant on her campus.


Lucky grew up with two middle class parents and an identical twin. Her mother worked as an artist and her father was an accountant. As a child, she felt overshadowed by her brother's intelligence and ability to preform. Her parents had the habit of recognizing her brother's achievements over hers, which discouraged her confidence. The two did many of the same activities growing up, and there was always a competition between the two. Once Lucky grew up to be in high school, she found her passion in singing and sports. She ran on the varsity cross country and varsity track teams three out of the four years at high school. Her brother went on to attend law school and graduated a semester early. Lucky finished high school with an average GPA and found herself in a college close to home. She went into college feeling unsure of her interests and a lost passion for learning. She dated around early on in her first year at college and then made the decision to be by herself.


Lucky is impatient and gives up easily. She doesn't trust people around her easily and makes quick judgments about her surroundings. She has issues with being a leader and confronting others. She's shy and quiet. She has anxiety about situations she doesn't understand. When people do get close to her, she has the ability to be extremely loyal and understanding. She supports her close friends and loves them endlessly. She forms strong bonds to people she cares about. When she gets scared or stressed, she has the tendency to breakdown.


Whatever she has in her mess of a backpack.

Knife her grandfather left her


Speed / Agility

Quick Judgment (can be a weakness)

Has a good understanding of first aid

Team Player

Other (Theme song, notable features, etc:)



Candy Manson / Candace Roarke



Date of Birth:

August 15th




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/large.jpg.d35e09546eba287a61c45cec262fda62.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/large.jpg.d35e09546eba287a61c45cec262fda62.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/kat-graham-blonde-hair.jpg.c3cc759d436189689ceaafe721e8c444.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/kat-graham-blonde-hair.jpg.c3cc759d436189689ceaafe721e8c444.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation Before Outbreak:

Reality TV Star


'Candy Manson' arrived into the world of fame and stardom at the youthful age of five years old, adopted from a run down orphanage in Queensland by Australia's most famous sweethearts. Her tale was sold as one of heartbreak and pure luck. As she was still so young, she adapted easily into her new lifestyle and unknowingly formed a new personality to match the world of celebrities. Whilst Candy was a beautiful, rich child with the future of a wealthy upbringing and loving family, Candace Roarke was a name which was to be forgotten.

The real name behind the persona was born and raised in the city of Townsville, Queensland. Her biological parents, Reese and Jane, were the owners of a rather underwhelmed non-fiction bookstore focusing on the histories of minority races, countries and different acts of discrimination and prejudice. It was in her father's opinion that the world needed to be informed about the injustices of the past so that they would not be repeated in the future. Unfortunately, Candace's parents would never fully be given the chance to do so.

The night before Candace's fourth birthday, a heavily fatigued driver crashed through the window of the family's bookstore and struck both of her parents. Her father died instantly, yet her mother passed away while being taken to hospital. Candace was safe due to the fact that she had been asleep, upstairs at the time. As both of her parents didn't have any extended family relations, and no godparents had been appropriately named, the young child was sent to live in a near by orphanage until she was eighteen years of age, or until she was adopted. Whichever came first. Two months after her fifth birthday, she was found and adopted by Katy and Evan Manson, a couple who had publicly and frequently announced their infertility and wish to save a child.

At the age of twenty-one, Candace was awarded with her own reality TV show called 'Candy', which would focus on her public and private life. Although the show was supposed to be a personal and honest depiction of the young woman, it was anything but. To keep audiences entertained, her actions, words and relationships were controlled by the production team behind the camera. It could be easily said that as soon as Candace Roarke changed her name, she stopped becoming a basic human being. Instead, she was more like a puppet. Although this would be without her knowledge. As dictated by her manager, Candy and her friends would be filming her new season down in Sydney at her expensive, beach side vacation mansion.


Flirty and confident, Candy knows no other life than scripts, make-up and gaining everything that she wants. Her ego is enormous, leading to their being no doubt in her mind that she is beautiful, famous and is more important than the general populace. Her naivety and sheltered life means that her grip on the world is not as down-to-earth as it should be. Third world poverty and war are given her charity but she doesn't really believe in them. Her own world is the most important thing to her, the only thing that exists in her mind. Candy has never had to do a day of hard work in her entire life and is only really aware of the basic rules to survival. When scared or frightened, she's often a screamer but she can be brave. Beneath the outward shallowness and stupidity, there is a remnant of her former self. She has been built up to believe she's the best, so she acts like she is. That doesn't mean, however, that she is solely what the public views her to be. When her world is shaken, there is a chance that Candy can become more than what she is. That her morals, willingness to save herself and general determination can keep her alive in tough situations.


1 x Kitchen Knife

1 x Glock 22 (Stolen from a dead bodyguard)


- Is able to cook well, but is no chef.

- Physically fit (for beauty purposes).

- Willing to do whatever it takes to save herself.

- Can be very determined.

- Can be brave.


- Has never used a gun before in her life.

- She screams when she's frightened, which could draw unfortunate attention.

- Has no knowledge of survival.

- She has a beautiful singing voice.

- Can be skittish.​



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Name: Waverly Hassler


Date of Birth:April 30th `



Occupation Before Outbreak: Was going into highschool

History/Background/Bio: Waverly lived with her parents and siblings her whole life in the suburbs of Memphis, Tennessee. She grew up as a middle child , and also grew up with the endless love and support of her parents. As a child she began to bottle herself up, resulting in her not fitting in very well, so she didn't have many friends, but she stole the hearts of most adults. When she entered middle school her personality began to blossom, and she became a bit more open, and allowed more people to come into her life.

Personality: Waverly is a bubbly person who can go from being too quiet, to being overly talkative. She can be very depressing by herself, but tries not to show it to others.

Equipment/Weapons: Other than fists, Waverly has a butter knife that came from her parents kitchen.

Skills: On survival skills, she can build fires, and fish, she learned both of these skills during a stay when camping in a state park. Can also play guitar, this she learned from her father.

Other (Theme song, notable features, etc:) [media][/media]

burn marks on the back of thighs from sitting on a heater accidently as a child.



Name: Haynes Hassler

Age: 26

Date of Birth: May 14

Gender: Male


Occupation Before Outbreak: A cook

History/Background/Bio: Haynes grew up the eldest of 4 children. His parents often pushed him harder than his other siblings, so he's the toughest. When he graduated school, he had tons of scholarships, but turned them all down so he could be "free". He got a small job as a mechanic when he turned 20, and used the payment to buy alcohol. He moved out of his parents home and began crashing at friends house every night.After 2 years of alcoholism, he woke up to his mother calling him at 6 am announcing that he had a new baby sister. Haynes went to see his new sibling at the hospital, and seeing his family woke him up instantly. After the wake up he moved back into his parents and got a new job as a cook. He began helping his parents take care of all his siblings.

Personality: Protective over siblings, but overall laid back. Very humourous, and arrogant.

Equipment/Weapons: Pocket knife and taser , he got the pocket knife as a small graduation present from his grandparents, and he won the taser at a auction when he was 22.

Skills:As for survival running, he was on the track team for two years in highschool, and same as Waverly. Other skills involve the ability to charm.

Other (Theme song, notable features, etc:)

Due to his once addiction, he has a hard time limiting how much he drinks



Name: Winter Hassler


Date of Birth: December 12

Gender: Female


Occupation Before Outbreak: Not yet in pre-k

History/Background/Bio: Youngest of all siblings, was spoiled by both siblings and parents.

Personality: Sweet , bubbly and shy

Equipment/Weapons: N/A

Skills: Charm

Other (Theme song, notable features, etc:)
Often slows down her siblings, they have to ensure her safety. Picky eater.


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Damon Moris




January 19th, 1981






Born to a small family in upstate New York he grew up in the woods away from the big cities, learning at a young age how to hunt and survive in the wilderness with the help of his father, an ex Infantry corporal who had seen combat in Vietnam. He grew up close to his father never knowing his mother as she had passed away one year after Damon's birth, a misfortune that his father could never forget or let go. His father never seemed to shake the ghost of Damon's mother, never dating or marrying again, believing that it was wrong to disrespect her memory by seeing other women, and he held onto that belief up until his death shortly after Damon had entered the armed forces as an enlisted man. Once in the military, Damon quickly proved his worth as a soldier and a leader among the men. He quickly shot up through the ranks as he was exceptional as an infantryman on and off the battlefield and throughout his career in the army he earned several accolades for bravery, courtesy of a little dumb luck and ballsiness . Damon reached his career peak of Sargent First Class by his twenty ninth birthday, and after twelve years of military service, and seeing combat in several places around the globe, Damon finally moved on from the armed forces, deciding against reenlistment he retired and was honorably discharged at age thirty.

Coming back to the real world was hard for him to get accustomed to after so long in the military, civilian life was hard for him acclimate to and most people couldn't relate to him as they had never experienced life as a soldier. Although he couldn't find understanding among people the one thing that Damon could take solace in was the simple life. Seeking a quieter life he moved from his childhood home in upstate New York to a backwoods part of Virginia. Once there he took his savings and opened a gun and hunting supplies store, using his experience with the field of hunting and weaponry he attracted customers who respected his knowledge on the topics at hand, and the fact that he was a small time entrepreneur got him an influx of business from those who believed that it was important to support the local economy instead of Walmart or another big nation wide store. After two years of building a loyal customer base he was, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a moderately successful small business owner. As he became more and more successful and as his revenue streams increased in amount and in number, he began to invest elsewhere, and he bought and renovated two other small businesses in the area with his earnings. By age thirty three he had become relatively affluent, although his lifestyle didn't quite reflect the state of his bank account, truthfully he didn't know what to do with the money aside from reinvesting. He was, and is to this day a simple man who is easy to please, he never needed flashy clothes or a new car, preferring cheap and reliable to expensive and shiny.

All in all, by this point, life was good for Damon, he had money, businesses, and opportunities for expansion, he was living what some would call a dream come true, but all was destined to change. The apocalypse came, and over the course of a couple of weeks he, along with everyone else, lost everything, but he was a soldier at heart and for the first time in many years he felt at home, the world was now a combat zone and combat zones were where he belonged.

During the opening stages of the outbreak he survived with a group of roughly thirty people that traveled in a convoy through the southeast. They were good people and Damon grew to love them as if they were family. Within the group he met a women named Emma who he had begun to fall for by the time they were overrun by the undead. Damon was, as far as he knows, the lone survivor, and after the death of his group he roamed alone for another month or so before joining another group that he stumbled across while scavenging through a gas station mini mart.

The second group was more rough and tumble to say the least, many were bordering on bandits and within the group were the kind of men who Damon despised, criminals and killers, robbers and plain sociopaths disguised by fake smiles. Some of the members of the group were good people, the mechanics and wives and sons and daughters, the cook and the old people were all relatively normal, but the men who went on the scavenging missions were animals, and they hadn't picked up Damon for his cooking abilities. He was there to help them fight enemies, kill zombies and rip people off, and as a result he was forced to come with them as they robbed and looted. At first it was little more than ripping people off, sometimes things got out of hand and some innocent got a nose broken or a rib cracked, but no one died, no one was scarred, but with every day the atrocities committed by some of the men in the group increased, and after witnessing one of the more depraved members of the group rape a women they found along the side of the road, Damon decided he would ditch them even if it meant he was at risk of being killed for desertion. As he packed his bags and prepared to sneak out to his truck an internal conflict erupted within the group that killed most on both sides, leaving only the dead weight alive, and Damon had no interest in looking out for a flock of useless sheep, he was better off alone. Once more, he was alone to roam the wasteland, and since the ending of the second group he has been alone and has stayed away from groups of people, he is unsure of himself or what he wants from life, drinking the days away as he waits in solitude for a fate he can't yet describe.


Damon is a man with military experience and combat experience, as a result he is quite good at maintaining his cool under pressure and has a tactically astute mind capable of working on the fly. He has an above average level of intelligence which can sometimes surprise people who think he's just some ex military goon, and he actually enjoys this fact that some people take him for a dullard. He is an observant person with a good eye for dishonesty and weakness and he has an extremely good memory in regards to the words and actions of people. He can be a holder of grudges and he remembers slights and dishonesty far after the fact.

His mindset post apocalypse is one that he learned while in combat, the weak slow you down. In a world where survival is everything he doesn't enjoy dead weight or over emotional people. Also, he is the kind of man who does what is needed even if it isn't a palatable option, this quality tends to alienate those with a more emotional and sympathetic approach to the world. Due to these facts he has become a loner, as he is one of the few survivors of the two previous groups he was in, he no longer sees groups as an essential part to survival as he has done better on his own than he ever did with the groups he was with. In his perception, one died due to infighting and greed and the other died because of the overabundance of dead weight and so he has learned not to rely on other people to survive, instead he roams the wasteland alone, acting as if he doesn't mind the solitude while subconsciously craving the presence of others. As a result of his experiences with people in the world of today he can be extremely suspicious of people,, and he generally tries to keep to himself instead of opening himself up to the possibility of betrayal, dead weight, or the general faults of humanity that he sees in other people.

He drinks too much by a good margin and spends his free time drinking when he isn't driving from safe spot to safe spot. During his bouts of alcoholism he leans towards depression and a feeling of loss and anger in regards to what has happened to the world. When he isn't intoxicated he can come off as rather apathetic and cold in his attitude to the world and this can alienate others who seemingly care more for the fall of humanity, but this cold exterior is merely an outer shell that is revealed during darker or drunker times.

At heart he is a good man, but he has done things to survive that have made him question if he is a good person or not and he has slowly lost pieces of his old self, pieces that he seeks out in his quiet moments, pieces that he fears to regain when the hordes of the dead come for him, or when a group of bandits force his hand and make him kill in the name of self defense. As a result of his slipping humanity he sometimes commits acts of dubious morality which may make people question him as a person, but as I said before, at heart, he is a good man with misunderstood tendencies and a now two sided personality. One personality is his old self, a quiet and decent man with love in his heart and a smile on his face, and the other is a survivor and a scrapper who has killed to live. It is this conflict that drives him further into the dark recesses of his mind. Even with the darkness that clouds his soul he holds hope in his heart, a small burning and undying ember of hope that reminds him that one day, he might be there to see humanity find itself once more.


CZ 75 SP-01


Remington R-15 VTR


Gladius Escort 20 Gauge Shotgun






Metal Bat


Ford F250



He can keep a cool demeanor during combat

He is good at shooting accurately and the art of messing people, and zombies, up

He can make repairs on vehicles, he's no mechanic but he can repair some things

He is good at perceiving lies and weaknesses

He can fix and clean weapons

He can hunt and track

He's a good driver

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@HunterJJ - It takes twenty years to become a Sergeant Major, so unless your character joined the forces at 13, you're going to need to change that. Secondly, I'm not going to allow the 'shoots with high accuracy' on anyone's account. Decent shooting is fine, but from what I know, infantry are trained to hit the body area, and not the head - You can keep that he's accurate with hitting the torso region, but I expect you to RP what I've told you accordingly. He's going to struggle to hit the head, in other words.

I also want you to RP fear - Anyone will be scared if the dead start walking around.

Once you've made that change, you're accepted.

@Lonelytaco, @Rise of Albion - you're both accepted.

We have started, everyone.
Name: David Powrie


Date of Birth:
7th of August1979


6ft tall, lean but not too skinny with undefined muscles that possess strength even though he doesn’t regularly work out. White skin, slightly pale from working indoors, short dark brown hair with a small beard of the same colour. Hazel/green eyes.


(Think kinda like this for facial structure but older and with a beard.)

Occupation Before Outbreak: History teacher at a University.

David had a rather simple but happy childhood. Born in Portland USA he grew up in Oregon city. His family owned a café which his mother and father dedicated their time to when not raising David and his older brother. They had hoped that the two would join the family business together when they came of age and for a time they did, working in the kitchen, serving customers and helping their parents however they could. David however didn’t want to work in the café for the rest of his life and with the money he had saved up he travelled to Chicago and went to university getting a degree in teaching and history, much to his parent’s disappointment. The fact that David didn’t want to stay in the family business was always a sore point in his relationship with his family and drove a wedge between them. David loved his new career path spending around five years in university studying, before being hired as a lecturer for seven years and running. The tension between him and his family the main reason that David moved to Greenville in North Carolina to teach instead of back to Oregon city.

David has never been a sporty guy but has played multiple sports throughout his childhood that his brother did, none of them sticking, and goes to the gym occasionally with friends.

An amicable enough person David is passionate about his job and enjoys intelligent conversation. He has strong political and morale views which are quite left, but is tolerant of others and tries to get along with people even if they might be his polar opposite. Has a good sense of humor (before everything happens anyway) and is curious, a trait which has seen him read about all sorts of topics. All this he is not very “chatty” person, preferring to listen and consider what is being said before rashly speaking.



Knowledgeable on a number of potentially useful things due to his readings.

Is surprisingly strong for his untrained physique.

Decent cook due to having worked in a cafe


An “Average Joe” in terms of survival abilities and combat skill.

Owns an old antique pocket watch which he keeps on him at all times.


Name: Lilibeth, Lily for short.


Date of Birth:


Tanned skin from her Native American heritage coming from her mother’s side. Black shoulder length hair. Dark green/brown eyes. Around a metre and a half tall. Since the apocalypse is nearly always seen with an adjustable pink bag given to her by her father, even though she hated it before.


(Think kinda like this except with what I have described and with normal teeth and perhaps looking a bit younger.)

Occupation Before Outbreak:
Primary school.

Born in North Carolina Lilibeth grew up in Spartanburg with her parents, living the life of a normal young girl until the day everything fell apart. Up until then she had enjoyed school, though she often found it quite easy, and life. Her parents were returning from a trip to Washington when the outbreak occurred, Lilibeth with a baby sitter.

Strong willed and quite intelligent for her age. Even though she is perceptive of adult things she is still innocent of many things and can at times be shy.

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Catalina Santiago

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_inline_nbex3sNoHI1s9jtpg.gif.b5d544eb4b70ece1f76dbca29f7118a0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37315" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_inline_nbex3sNoHI1s9jtpg.gif.b5d544eb4b70ece1f76dbca29f7118a0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Date of Birth:

July 7th




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_inline_nbg4r8Ksvd1szaa83.gif.76715abe1d8019f3cb52258af2652f46.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37317" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_inline_nbg4r8Ksvd1szaa83.gif.76715abe1d8019f3cb52258af2652f46.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation Before Outbreak:

College student/Clerk at clothing store 'Garage'


Catalina was born in Colombia, but moved to San Diego when she was twelve. She was raised by an upper middle class family, with her sister Isabella. Her high school years were average. She was a little bit of a trouble maker here and there, but made up for it with decent grades. A's and B's.


Catalina is 5'3, and weighs about 109 lbs. She has a small, but toned frame, and slight curves. Her eyes are bright blue and her hair is a long golden brown.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/-1.jpg.b2bfa1d134d90877f2bb65eb6e34e5de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/-1.jpg.b2bfa1d134d90877f2bb65eb6e34e5de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Catalina is very stubborn, and be a bit hard to handle in relationships or friendships as she frequently misleads people, but in the long run it's worth it as she's exciting to have around, and is refreshingly diligent in awkward situations. She can seemingly be very ignorant, and it is unlikely she will listen to you unless she looks at you as an authority.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/military_weapons.jpg.c8291f7fd93a141479248abf1d206f1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/military_weapons.jpg.c8291f7fd93a141479248abf1d206f1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Fast runner

Quick witted








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Leah (Julia) Marie Heist


26 years.

Date of Birth:

Feb. 29th, 1988.





Occupation Before Outbreak:



Leah was born in southern Texas, but her family moved on to Atlanta, Georgia to a venison farm before she was even a year old. Her mother left after she turned two, due to verbal abuse and disrespect from their father. Leah and her brothers were left to stay with their father, who wasn't really too hard on them, except for Lucas and Kyle. Especially Kyle. She had six older brothers, them all being very active in sports and cars. Harrison, her brother who was the youngest before her, was into archery, hunting and nearly anything pertaining to the wilderness, which is where she picked her crossbow lessons and interest in hunting up from.

By the time Leah was 17, she had just dropped out of school. Her father was unemployed and was failing to help hold up the family financially. Her brothers and her were forced to take up jobs and pitch in for the bills and other needs. Leah got a job at a garage in mid-city. It was not a bad place, and over the years, she learned to love it. Fixing vehicles felt like in a way, she was fixing the wrongs she'd done in her own life. Her place of employment had actually usually only hired ex-cons as somewhat of a second chance program. This got the young woman entangled with crime.

It wasn't long before she'd found herself and the other employees hiding drugs and weapons in the garage for the Russian mob. It'd be a halfway point where the mobsters would pick it up when needed during a trade. On the 5th of May last year, they were busted. Driving pass work in the morning, the woman had seen the police pulled up and drove on, not stopping until just outside the city. Her first reaction was to keep driving, but second was to call a good friend who should have been in work at the time and get a scoop on what was happening.

He explained they had been ratted out, and arrests were being made left right and centre. The friend was absolutely set on making sure Leah had drove as far as she could and he'd make sure her name was nowhere to be seen in the investigation. Since then, she's been working in another garage elsewhere, under the alias of Julia, awaiting for the phone call from her friend saying it's safe to return home.


Leah is not like any stereotypical women. She does not taste like vanilla and smell like honey. Her thoughts are not fields of tulips and bright skies. Leah is coffee, vodka and cigarettes. She dreams of junk yards, of being elbow deep under the hood of a broken tuck. She enjoys the feeling of fixing vehicles, it's most likely because on a subconscious level, it feels like it is the only thing that she can fix. She hates the taste of the self pity and guilt she's constantly drowning in, and tries to wash it out with alcohol and king sized cigarettes. There is this chip in her shoulder, but she even refuses to see it, pretending that her faults are somehow everyone else's. She tends to be quiet most of the time, lost in thought, with the occasional sudden up-roar set off by her piping hot temper and remarkably low tolerance for anyone else's shenanigans. Leah isn't always hard to get along with though. This doesn't mean she can be nice, but underneath her rough shell, she attempts to let small gestures of kindness out. It takes a keen eye to notice them. These gestures can be anywhere from reminding someone to wear their seat belt, to sharing a bag of chips, to picking up for a friend in an argument and making half-ass attempts to cheer someone up. It's not that she's afraid to be friendly, or doesn't know how, it's just that she's constantly mentally exhausted and it takes too much effort.








-Automotive Repair

-Problem Solving



-Will probably stick to the outskirts of municipalities due to her knowledge of survival is more fitted for country sided.
DrTrollinski said:
@HunterJJ - It takes twenty years to become a Sergeant Major, so unless your character joined the forces at 13, you're going to need to change that. Secondly, I'm not going to allow the 'shoots with high accuracy' on anyone's account. Decent shooting is fine, but from what I know, infantry are trained to hit the body area, and not the head - You can keep that he's accurate with hitting the torso region, but I expect you to RP what I've told you accordingly. He's going to struggle to hit the head, in other words.
I also want you to RP fear - Anyone will be scared if the dead start walking around.

Once you've made that change, you're accepted.

@Lonelytaco, @Rise of Albion - you're both accepted.

We have started, everyone.
I feel like after a life time of being in the military as a combat soldier combined with a childhood where hunting was a hobby combined with the fact that my character's dad was an ex marine and gun enthusiast combined with the fact that he owns a gun shop would make it so that "shoots with high accuracy" isn't out of the question. Furthermore it's not "shooting with high accuracy" as in some movie bs where my character can shoot the wings off a fly, more like, if there is a moving target he wont have to spray half his clip to put it down, with a clean look he can put a target down effectively and efficiently.

In terms of the rank, average promotion times include combat stations and the POGUE (support) stations. It takes a lot longer to be promoted in support stations than a combat MOS. It's not unheard of for a combat MOS NCO to become a SGT Major after 13 years of service, but as this RP is trying to eliminate prodigies I dropped it down to SGT first class
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Name: Genevieve Siorcanna aka Eve

Age: 20

Date of Birth: August 9th 1994

Gender: female

Appearance: long red hair and bright green eyes. She usually has her hair down. She wears a teal tank top, trench coat, fedora, and black Tripp bondage pants with combat boots.


Occupation Before Outbreak: she lived with her mother and father as she was the only child. She never wanted for anything tho she was not spoiled. She had no need for a job so instead focused on training and gaining skill sets.

History/Background/Bio: she lived with her parents never needing a job and instead focused on gaining skill sets. She trained under the best teachers her father could find as she learned the art of the swords and daggers.

After the break out she lost her family to all the walkers that had invested her town.

She has been traveling by herself for a while until she bumped into the main group. Now she travels with them.

Personality: no emotion she is pretty stoic and doesn't show emotion infront of ppl. She is a little crazy when it comes to slaying zombies as she enjoys it too much. Very observant and watches rather then speaks.

Equipment/Weapons: twin swords on her hips with a belt of six daggers and a small pistol.

Skills: she has mastered the art of the sword and is general good with any kind of weaponry.

Other (Theme song, notable features, etc:)

Theme song is

Eyes on fire by blue mountain

Her eyes are brighter then normal green

That is all :3

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"no emotion"

"good with any kind of weaponry"

"She is a little crazy when it comes to slaying zombies as she enjoys it too much"

There's a few issues:

- We're starting on Day One (April 14th) so, she hasn't met any main group yet. (Also, who are the main group?)

- The character's too 'badass' - I've made it clear in the rules. We need to RP Fear, emotion, trauma, devastation - So far, the character does not fit any of those.

- She may be trained in swords, and may be an only child, but that doesn't make her a psycho who enjoys killing.

- 'Enjoying the zombies' is not something that's allowed. This is supposed to be a realistic RP.

- You need to have a real image for your character, or a detailed description.

- She can't be 'good with all weaponry' - No one's that immensely trained.

- There's also grammatical/spelling errors in your CS.

I can't accept this until the above issues have been addressed. (@SeikEveRhavrkenFex)
Ok well then nevermind I have no other characters to join

I work hard on mine and I didn't make her that bad ass

But okies I'll respect you wishes and drop out

You all have fun with your rp :3

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