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Fandom The Elite of Moga Village


Life happens
Moga Village, a little community built right on and over the water through a series of well-made piers. It gets everything from the ocean: food, housing items, clothing, and sometimes rare objects and people also land with the boats that come and go each day, including the Argosy, a large trade ship. Monster attacks are somewhat common in the woods nearby and in the ocean while standing on the deck of a sturdy fishing boat, but everyone manages.

However, recently the attacks have gotten worse, and the villagers can't rely on just normal hunters to do the job right. These monsters are bigger, stronger, and far more aggressive. All mediocre hunters have left to find easier work, leaving the villagers helpless.

An urgent request has been sent to the Guild to try and gather the most hardened of hunters to help and find the cause of the sudden outbreak.

Will you join and form a superior group, or will you back down?
Looking over the railing of a ship bearing the Mezeporta Insignia, Alexander looks at the approaching village that he was instructed by the guild to seek out this problem. According to his request, he was sent by the guild to check out an outbreak that supposedly effecting the town. He's recalled talk among hunters at the Square about an outbreak, but he can't be sure if its this same one.

As he's yelled to prepare for arrival, "Moga Village, rather small and primarily focuses on fishing and small monster hunting." Thinking to himself as the docks approach the side of the ship, seeing one ship already docked nearby. He runs down to the lower cabins to grab his things that he brought with him, stuffs it all in a mosswine bag and runs back to the top deck to see the plank lowered, slinging the bag over his shoulder.

Waving to the crew as he walks down the plank, he steps off onto the dock and starts looking for the place of residence mentioned in the Guild Request.
Luna was looking at the sun. She despised the celestial body in the sky as she prefers the moon. With a low sigh Luna looked straight ahead as that she was nearing her destination. A place known as Moga Village. She was here because the monsters around the area were attacking more frequently and that the monsters had also gotten stronger. What made Luna upset about of this was the previous hunters. She had heard that the hunters who had been here taking on the guild quests, left to find easier work. What cowards they were!

Luna growled in frustration at her own thoughts but was quickly shaken out of them when someone tapped his shoulder. It was her Caravans very own Guildmarm. "Ah...uh, Miss Luna. We've docked already." Were her only words. Luna was confused but she looked around and saw that they had already landed in Moga Village.

Luna smiled at the Guildmarm who then helped her get her things off the airship she had arrived in. When she was finally on the docks of Moga Village, she waved good-bye to her companions as they flew away. She sighed once more and looked at the village that was Moga. "Well...Let's get started shall we?" She uttered to herself.
Xena was incredibly excited to be heading to a new location. After being stuck going back and forth between villages to take care of their monster problems, this was like an entirely fresh start.

The only thing stopping her from jumping right on the opportunity was the distance. She lived so far inland, that the people where she was from had to take flying monsters like Hypnocatrice to even get to the port city, and that still took a few days.

However, once she was there she hopped right on the Guild ship and was finally on her way to Moga. The trip was boring and long, and by the time she reached the village the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. "Oh..well can't do anything today anyway. I wonder if any other hunters showed up? If I'm the only one...well that's fine. I can take down anything!"

The boat docked and she grabbed her bags full of equipment, running and jumping right off the edge of the boat onto the pier below, hitting it hard on the landing and almost falling on her face. She waved goodbye to everyone, since a few of her friends had come along to see her off, then turned her back on the ship to face her new temporary home and hunting grounds: Moga Village.
Luna noticed someone out of the corner of her eye, wearing armor she had never seen before. Perhaps some unknown monster native to where the mysterious girl had come from. The girl was obviously a hunter and no doubt they would end up working together. Luna made mental note to introduce herself to the huntress when she got all her stuff settled in as doing it now would only delay all her unpacking later. Not that she brought a lot of stuff, just some other armor and her collection of weapons and items.

With a low grunt, she grabbed her things and quickly took her things to the place of residence she was assigned her prior to taking off. Upon getting inside she saw that there were a plenty of room that could house a handful of hunters. That would explain the girl from earlier. She also made mental note to check these other rooms later for other hunters.

Finding the room of mention from the earlier request, mentioning that he was to be commissioned a room, he drops his mosswine bag in the center of the room and falls onto the bed. Hoping that if he was to be assigned to a specific task that it'd be tomorrow that he'd be sent. He wasn't wanting to start hunting after the long trip down to a small village, along with taking a method that he greatly disliked. He thought to himself that the others should be in the area, but he never really processed others, especially other hunters as he was used to large numbers of them at one place.

(*note* I will make references to Frontier, but I will elaborate if explanation is needed. He's from Mezeporta Square, which is the hub town from it.)
Xena hefted her bags over her shoulder, carrying them right into where she was staying and dumping them on the floor with a loud crash. Some of her armor and weapons spilled out and she nudged them back into the bags before flopping down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. "This place is nicer than where I lived, even for a little fishing village.."

She had hoped to get to know the other hunters, but she was sure that they were just as tired as she was from the trip, and the one she had walked by looked a little green around the gills, probably from seasickness. She was glad being on the high seas didn't make her sick.

After a few more minutes of laying there, Xena rolled over and dragged one of her bags up onto her bed, pulling out her pride and joy, Nargacuga Dual Blades. She had worked hard to make them, and they were good to her. Monsters were a breeze to take down when you had a living shadow's claws for a weapon.
Though it had taken her a while, Luna had finally finished unpacking her things. With a small smile she stated proudly at her work. She remained still for a moment before walking out of her room and past the other hunters rooms. While she indeed wanted to meet the other hunters, she decided it would be better if she met the residents of the village first.

The moment she stepped out of the building however she was nearly run over by some nearby children. This caught the attention of a young lady who giggled at the sight. Given her style of clothing, Luna was pretty sure she worked for the guild. She would be the one who would give her assignments to carry out. Luna walked over to her and was greeted with a small wave and a very excited "HI!"

Luna stared at the young woman for a moment before waving back with an even smaller wave. "
I take it that you're wi-" Luna began but was caught off immediately by the small woman in red and white. "That's right! I'm with the hunters guild alright. You can just call me the Guild Sweetheart. Aaaannnywaaayyyy~ Unlike some of the hunters I've seen come and go, you and those new ones actually look pretty tough. I really hope you're as tough as you look, I'd really, REALLY hate to this place left behind by even more hunters. Not only will I be out of a job if hunters keep leaving because they can't handle it, the people will be in danger and well..." The guild sweethearts voice began to trail off and Luna placed a hand on her shoulder.

She wasn't one to console people so this was the best she could do. "
Don't worry, I'll stick around until the village doesn't need me anymore or if some more hunters come by. The other hunters and I will protect this village for as long as we can, I promise."
Xena sat up on her bed, staring at her bags, then began putting stuff away and organizing it. She didn't really feel like unpacking yet, but if she got some of it done tonight, there would be less to do tomorrow. Really all she needed to do was get everything out of the way for now and she'd deal with the rest later.

After putting stuff away, which was more shoving everything into a corner for the time being, she left her room and wandered out past the other hunter's rooms, hearing shuffles of noise. Xena was sure she'd get acquainted with them tomorrow, hopefully before they were sent to take down some ferocious monster.

She came outside and glanced around the small village, noticing a girl at the Quest Counter. She was wearing some pretty cool armor that Xena hadn't ever seen before, probably of some rare monster. The girl didn't seem to have a friendly air around her, even though it looked as though she were consoling the woman at the counter. Xena slowly backed off so she wouldn't be noticed and instead went down one of the piers to stare at one of the fishing boats.

@NetherLightGod @Jaeger BLU @Cap
Xena stared up at the boats quietly, impressed by how well they were made. Despite the place being remote and more...uncivilized, they're equipment seemed just as good as anyone else's. The gentle waves rocked the boats slightly and for a moment she felt a little off-kilter at seeing them move and knowing she wasn't moving with them.

Xena took a small step back to balance herself and shook her head. It was late, and she knew she needed to sleep soon, otherwise she'd fall asleep on a quest tomorrow. And that would be very bad.

Before she could leave, she heard footsteps behind her and a quiet, " 'Ello,". Xena turned to face a young man wearing Rathalos armor. "Hi to you too. Are you one of the hunters that came to deal with the outbreak?" There was no point in beating around the bush. The situation they all were in was fairly serious, and the faster she got acquainted with everyone, the easier it would be.

@Jaeger BLU
"Xena. Nice to meet you, Douglas. Looks like we'll be working together because I got a similar message." She grinned and shook his hand firmly as she introduced herself. The guy seemed nice enough; she was sure they'd get along just fine. Hopefully it would be that way with the other hunters too.
Luna was soon shooed away by the Guild Sweetheart, who told her something about making friends and playing nice with the other hunters. While Luna wasn't happy about having to work with others, she knew she'd have to meet them one day. She ended up closing in on the closest pair of hunters, that girl from before along with the Rathalos armor wearing male who had his hand out for the girl to shake. Luna decided to take this moment and intervened, shaking his hand when she got close enough.

"Luna. Luna Davairakkam. Pleased to make your acquaintance." She spoke, her voice low and monotone. She offered a rather vacant smile at the male before turning to the female and offering her the same smile. "Pleased to meet you as well, Xena"
Stepping out of the housing, looking around at the fishing town for where those who were assigned here were. Assuming that they arrived in the time he took to assess his equipment that he brought with him, he starts wandering around in search of the others. Readjusting his latest treasure, his rukodoria longsword, as he approaches a group of individuals wearing armor he has only seen a couple of times, assured they are hunters.

Stepping up to the group, starts questioning how he should address himself. "Alex...no.... Alexander? What if I started with a joke about mosswine, no... a question where the guildkeeper is? No, I.... I guess I could just ask them if their hunters." Thinking to himself as he steps up to the group, "Are you all hunters?" Starting to question if his choice of approaching was the best option.
Xena firmly shook Luna's hand, smiling back softly. "Nice to meet you too. Seems like you both are damn good hunters compared to some that I've been paired with in the past, if I may say so myself," she said and laughed. She was feeling very comfortable now, and both seemed to be pretty friendly.

She turned as another male walked up, and she had the feeling he wasn't too sure about something. But he seemed pretty nice, sheepish at most. "Yup, we're hunters."
Luna shook her head. "No, Nothing like that. All it said was there there an increase in monsters and monster attacks. It also stated that many of the hunters that were assigned here have abandoned their posts for easier monsters to hunt in other areas." Luna sighed lowly and crossed her arms. "Useless hunters..." She muttered.
Alexander, hoping that his question didn't give the wrong impression, kept his attention to the new group as they started talking about the long-term quest assigned. Responding to one of the hunters who belittled those that left their posts, "What if they left their posts due to they weren't equipped enough for the situation." He says, realizing that he may have come off sounding aggressive to the woman. Alexander starts to look around the village to remove his own anxiety, looking for places he would need to go. Not recognizing anything as there is a severe lack of signs that can direct him to specific places, he can only assume where things vaguely are.
Alexander nods to the Hunter, who he notices burn marks on. He can only assume that a wrong move during a hunt was the cause and that he seemingly has made improvements since then, seeing that his armor is made of the monster that would definitely cause that. He realizes that he nodded without seeing if the others were capable, or even knowing what the problem directly was. He started to wonder what directly the contract implied as he got little notice about what was the direct problem.
"There was nothing in the note about any of the monsters that had shown up. They must've been nasty though..." Xena frowned and scratched the back of her head, stretching. "But I agree, maybe they just didn't have the supplies or the experience to take on these monsters. They had their reasons I'm sure. We can't assume they took of just because they didn't want to do the work."
Alexander looks to the hunter who agrees, "Exactly, but the guild wouldn't send four competent hunters if there was a problem that one can solve single-highhandedly." He says, though still not entirely sure on the specific. "So... what now, has anyone contacted the elder? Most villages have those, right?" He says quietly, hoping for no comments at his expense.

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