The Elementals

Name: Liora

Nickname: Lia

Age: 25

Sexuality: Demisexual

Likes: The late afternoon and dusk, light, animals, open plains, the cold, warm sweaters and drinks, the moon

Dislikes: crowded places, being locked up, dark moon-less nights, the dark, fighting hand-to-hand

Rank: Above average but not advanced

Element: Light

Weapon: A small tome book which she keeps in a satchel of hers

Where you lived: Boreal Forest in Alaska, U.S.A.

Base Currently: Air base

Animal Guardian:
(Barn owl)

History: She was born and raised in the cold front of Alaska. She grew up well and had no problems with family or otherwise. They grew up close like native groups. They adapted to the cold weather and were very kind. They were peaceful and were mainly a family of light elementals, only her sister was an air elemental. In the woods she became adept at using her magic for hunting and gathering as well as befriending owls, which wasn't uncommon. She stayed with her family until one winter they were separated in a snow storm. She now wanders to try and unite with them again.

Personality: She's very self-dependent as well as generous. She does not need the aid of anyone else to help her, but does not look down on those who do. She's very motherly and has a habit of talking quietly. She's willing to help others but can get confused or slightly annoyed rather easily depending on what for. She has an overall feeling of distant-ness but can be selectively close to others.

Combat Looks:
(Just the armor)

Normal Looks:

Other: She has a rich accent and often will show tattoos on her body that include ones of lotus', white cherry blossoms, and feathers. She occasionally braids feathers in her hair and will resort to wearing white furs.



Dominique Short








Fire, cigarettes, alcohol, fighting, exercising, eating.


Authority, those who exist through highly negative means, people who tell him how to live, disrespect and those who choose not to act when the time is necessary.






His fists.

Where you lived:

New York, USA.

Base Currently:

Fire Base. Sahara Desert, Africa.

Animal Guardian:

A white tiger, named Blaze.


Dominique grew up the youngest of three children. While his siblings were either in college or graduating from the institutional lifestyle, he was in elementary school. He was not particularly popular, but he had a decent amount of friends. His parents always had money so there was not much to worry about; he went along leading a normal life for a number of years, up until he was seven years old. While using the computer, Dominique stumbled upon an image which startled him while reading a web comic. The startled emotion ensued, causing his hands to catch on fire. In turn, the entire computer became illuminated with flame and it burned down the entire room.

Elementals were frowned upon, and Dominique knew it. Even he had made fun of a few in order to fit in with his friends. To hide his shame, Dominique ran away - never to see his family again. He took to the streets, at first living under the Verrazano Bridge by night and pickpocketing for money during the day. When Dominique ran into the wrong person one faithful day, he got caught. The person who he bumped into thought that it took guts for Dominique to act as such, and he was introduced to the leader of a street gang.

Dominique, using his powers, committed many crimes. He killed men, burned down businesses and homes - basically living as a tool for the gang. Dominique continued living this lifestyle for years, making him a hardened criminal. By the time he turned thirteen, he had enough of the lifestyle; however, he couldn't possibly leave the gang without his life being taken for it. Dominique couldn't kill anymore, his conscience was too heavy to continue living in the way that he was. This was when he met a boy who also was a fire elemental, like him. Dominique grew close to his peer as time passed, who spoke of stories regarding a base where all fire elementals were welcome.

A year later, both Dominique and the boy set out for the fire base in Africa. At first, they snuck onto a boat set out for France; then, they moved down to the southern part of Spain by foot, before sneaking on another boat set for Africa. After boarding the boat, Dominique's friend became ill. With each passing day, he grew more and more ill. By the time the two got to the Sahara Desert, he was practically done for. Instead of waiting and getting help in an African hospital, the boy ultimately decided to pursue making it to the base first. Dominique buried his friend a mile away from the fire base.

When Dominique finally reached the base, he was accepted with open arms. Naturally talented by his own experience wielding fire, he was able to move up to the advanced class in only a number of years. At the age of sixteen, after winning his first martial arts tournament, he was gifted his animal guardian from his master - a white tiger pup. His ferocious nature in battle and fire-infused fighting style has earned him many awards in ensuing fighting tournaments. His reputation ensues the nickname which the populous has gifted him, 'Pyre'.


Dominique is all about respect. People who step out of line, get pushed back into line just as quickly. He gets things done; as much as he understands that some things must be planned out and executed perfectly, Dominique solves problems as soon as they are presented. At times, he could be a little bit cocky as well as careless, but he really does mean well for the most part. There is always a method to his madness, and he is completely fearless.


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Name: Ayrabelle

Nickname: Ayra

Age: 15

Sexuality: Straight


- sport

- music


- nature

- books


- attention

- disloyalty

- selfish people

Rank: Advance

Element: Air

Weapon: bow and arrow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.1b60748e31d6bfa7385b7433ad639f3c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32904" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.1b60748e31d6bfa7385b7433ad639f3c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Where you lived: New York City

Base Currently: Air base

Animal Guardian: Aeolius her wolf

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.0d8612b679537530f1becb676cbb6368.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32902" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.0d8612b679537530f1becb676cbb6368.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
History: Ayra used to be third oldest. Used to. She was born in Australia, where they lived for the next eight years. She had a happy family with both her parents alive and her older siblings being protective over her. When she was 6 years old, her father died of cancer and her mother start drinking alcohol. Her older sister and brother took care of her and later her mother died of a car accident. During those hard times she met her guardian animal and discovered her power. Her sibling and herself move to New York City to live with their grandparents.

She was practicing how to fly with Aeolius when she found Air base and she continuously going back and forth between her grandmother's place and the base.

Personality: Ayra is a very shy and quiet girl, but when you get to know her she's very friendly. She like to help others as much as she could. She's very kind and caring for others, no matter who they are, and she's also very clumsy, it's one of the reasons she don't like to cook. But of course there's another side of her. While the shy and quietness are on one side, the cruel and dangerous are on another. Most of the time, she'll be her quiet self, but when she's angry, the other side appears.

Combat Looks: she look the same, but have her weapon with her.

Normal Looks: she looked younger than her age, but it runs in the family.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.8cebc47f670e4eb34d7119d76d906d4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32903" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.8cebc47f670e4eb34d7119d76d906d4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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i'm going to drop out of this rp. i read the one paragraph thing. but that registered to me as 2 sentences, i just re read it. i cant write more then 3 sentences at a time.
I won't be on today until real late by the way. I have band practice. Sorry it's only for another 2 weeks

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