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Fantasy The Elementalists of Versaes

Florence Lore / Korina Vale

Florence knew her patience was brittle, prone to flaying at the edges and then bursting in a barrage of claws and fists. She'd gotten a lot better since her days in juvenile detention. It wasn't there that she'd gotten her first bruise or her first beating. Those cherries had long been popped by her mother. It was there, however, that she'd had her first stitches and her first broken bones and her first trip to the emergency room. As much as she hated to admit it, those experiences still haunted her, ghosting her steps whenever she saw hands raised and fingers splayed. The wildfire within her soul had been forcefully quelled to embers. Presently, Florence liked to think she had a much better grasp on her temper, however, she'd be lying outright if she said that the snarky redhead didn't piss her off. One sentence from her pretty little mouth and already, it seemed like they would be butting heads with every sentence that followed.

"Oh darling," she cooed mockingly, lips pouted and eyes hard. "Did someone shove a cactus up your ass this morning? Is that why you're so prickly?" As soon as the words left her lips, she almost regretted it. Almost. She knew her words were harsh and her personality brash, but she also knew she wasn't crude without provocation. She was a beast and she would not cage herself, would not pretend to be civil and pleasant to jailers like this redheaded girl. No. She was wild, and they would know it sooner rather than later.

She stared down the young woman with bullheaded determination, grey eyes stormy. However, before things could escalate further, the appearance of a group of middle-aged men and women interrupted their childish dispute. A single man led the group, exuding command and control. His eyes, appearance and tone were solemn - the complete opposite of her late father - and the words he spoke sent the world spinning on its axis. Was she really supposed to believe he was a "Fire Elementalist Mentor" simply because he said he was? Hell, if only people believed she was the princess of Monaco just because she uttered the words. Florence had just opened her mouth to say as much when another spectacle occurred before her disbelieving eyes.

A blinding flash of light. A second to blink. A greying man with a kindly grin.

As much as she enjoyed these little tricks, the young woman found her mind a riot of emotions. She wanted to believe this was real. She wanted so desperately to believe these people and their little magic tricks. If they were real, if they were who they claimed to be, then she might have a chance to understand what had happened back at the school. She might have someone to teach her how not to get herself killed by flying knives. Gods, please. I'm a fucking hazard to myself. These people could mean the difference between being called a psychopath and being revered as an Elementalist of legend. But Florence couldn't suspend her disbelief that easily. She couldn't just discard a lifetime of myths and legends and jump onto their merry wagon of Mentors and Mentees. She had to be sure.

"That's real impressive," she said, all hard edges and lines, watching the group of people with wary eyes and crossed arms. "But I've seen that parlor trick before. How do I know you people are who you say you are? For all I know, you people could be psychopaths waiting to skin me alive."

A blonde woman, posture stern and rigid, stepped forward from the group, eyes hard enough to match her own. For a moment, she simply stared at the group, scouring them from head to toe, like she was performing a formal assessment. Florence frowned. Whatever this test was, she wasn't sure she wanted to pass. Not until she knew what it was she'd gotten herself into by coming to this hauntingly beautiful place. It was only after a several seconds that the woman spoke, voice pitched low, lips stretched into a cheeky smile.

"You guys sure are a ragtag bunch," she said, nodding her head for emphasis before turning back to Florence. She locked eyes with the young woman, fighting fire with fire. "And you've asked the right question." Without another second's hesitation, so fast the grey-haired girl took a step back, the blonde woman threw both fists forward to punch the open air. In front of her clenched hands, hovering on invisible strings, two blades took form, shimmering into existence from thin air. They were translucent, almost surreal in their intricate designs and gleaming edges. Florence gasped, eyes alight with wonder and fear. If this was a parlor trick, it was like nothing she'd ever seen.

The blonde woman grinned. "Korina Vale. Creation Elementalist Mentor."

Korr knew she was being flashy - unnecessarily flashy - but what better way to convince disbelievers of their identity? She'd learned from her time in the military that it was better to go overboard and then ease up than to go easy and have them pick up the slack. Carefully, she studied the expressions on the kids' faces. They're so young. It's almost cruel to have them here, fighting a war they don't even know about.

@TheWretchedEgg @ShadyAce
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Levi McKnight

Levi sighed heavily as he walked along with the group leaning against his staff for support, his blue eyes watched his surroundings in awe at the natural beauty of it amazed him. 'So either I've died and gone to heaven or this place is actually real and I just got into a fight with a beast from hell and became some sort if elemental.' He sighed and banged his head against the bear carving on his staff "Well that's probably gonna be as sane as it gets, especially since nothing seems to add up right now..might as well embrace the crazy."

He watched as a few of the otherstragglers began arguing with each other but didn't bother getting involved since it was a female dispute and the other males seemed to keep their distance as well, their yelling seemed to disrupt the area around them but he slowly tuned them out just like he had done with his siblings many times. Speaking of which his mind slowly drifted off to what may have happened to them and soon the feeling of emptiness filled his heart which caused him to stop and turn looking down the path they came, he could turn back and go make sure they were safe..even protect them from the beast but at the same time getting his element to respond seemed like pure luck but at the same time haunting images of the beast devouring his family filled his head, even his dad was apart of his worries. 'Damn where do I go from here?'

Levi sighed and gripped tightly onto his staff and decided to leave it up to fate as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver coin and rested it on his thumb. "Heads I go.Tails I stay" He took a deep breath before releasing it up into the air and watched it spin, but before it could even hit the ground a black bird came and picked it from.mid air and flew off in the direction in which the others were walking and to make things worse the other birds around began cawing and chirping in a laughing manor.

"Damn birds." Levi cursed under his breath and sighed heavily before looking up at the sky 'Gramps look out for them...please, I'll do my best to be strong and go back for them I promise.' Life had taken a whole different turn for them all it was no longer worrying about failing exams or who you'd take to prom, now it was all about living or dying in this battle against a foreign enemy to them all "In a land where fantasy becomes reality." He turned back and walked ahead of the group nearing some large steps where several adults were gathering one by one and introducing themselves, one older gentleman appeared in a flash of light while another woman seemed to be showing off her abilities to one of the others but even through it all he never saw one of them show any signs of controlling water.

"So what exactly do you all want from us and what the hell is going on?" It was a bit rude and might have been a bad first impression but he needed answers and regardless of how he asked or who was insulted he intended on getting them.

Alexandra Blaire/Charma Knightley

Alex's Beginning
"What the hell..." Alexandra's voice was weak as it traveled through the art studio. Those hazel-green eyes of hers stared at the large puddle of blood that lay on the floor near a line of canvases. There was no need to look around in order to try and see who it was that was possibly dead. Nope. Because right beside it were a pair of heels that led into long legs which would soon run up to the bloody body of Alexandra's art teacher. Don't look. Don't look. Don't look. Chanting the words in her head didn't help Alex because looking was the next thing she did. Ms. Anderson's skin was growing pale as her honey colored eyes were wide in terror. That always slender body of hers sagged on the floor in an awkward position with her left tattooed arm was practically ripped off from the socket. Funny how things got extremely serious during such a simple task as checking to see if Ms. Anderson was alright. Okay... so nothing was funny. Convenient, perhaps? Looking for a new teacher was going to be hell since she was so close to graduating from this art school.

Before she could even think about taking in even more details of the gruesome body of Alexandra's teacher, a gurgled growl caught her attention. Whoever or whatever it was that did that to Ms. Anderson was still here. With the nasty way her arm had been ripped it was nothing human... right? A loose dog perhaps? Would a dog do something so gruesome? Whatever the hell was happening, Alex sure as hell wasn't about to go down without a fight. Reaching into her purse, Alex's fingers wrapped around the little silver knife she bought 5 months ago. Definitely wasn't something she would regret. Bending down with a narrow of her now determined eyes Alexandra slowly backed away toward the same place she came from. The damn front entrance of the building... on the 6th floor.

The studio was a complete mess with large canvases, chairs, desks and a new shelf filled with paint for a new project. Red prints the shape of a... whatever it was had some claws on it and drooled. A closer look at the claw shape and it reminded Alexandra of the little dinosaur shows she watched as a kid, the paw prints they always made replicas of. Clear wet spots lay ahead of each bloody foot print and now Alexandra had a new worry. Rabies. Anticipation to see what it was kept Alexandra in position, ready to bolt out the door, with her attention on the smooth marble wall where the prints had disappeared behind. Lifting a shaky hand to push back silky strawberry blonde hair behind her ear at the sight of pink flesh that rode above the wall meant for a beautiful creation. Well... now it was something she didn't want to even be around. When an a giant half robot mole rat with no eyes moved around the future mural base and all Alexandra could do was spin around and run, even closing the door in hopes of... something. That extra few seconds was just what she needed, especially when she was already racing down the hallway. Thank goodness Alex started jogging in the mornings once again since last year. Though... it was only when she stepped out of the front door to the studio building that the entire way down those 6 flights of stairs, a blaze of fire trailed behind her.

Alexandra snapped out of her thoughts to come back to her mentors finally arriving, causing the bickering from the others to stop. Not that arguing is something she's never done before but now didn't quite seem like the time to be doing that. Especially when Alex was sitting in the back from everyone trying to calm her nerves. Now everything was truly over, her dreams as a painter thrown out the window when she actually thought there was a chance! Ha! The thought of trying so many times and not being able to actually finish with it made Alexandra's nerves shake with irritation. A small red flame flickered around Alex's fingers, catching her attention and making her hazel-green eyes narrow. Its all because of this damn fire.

“Well, my friends…it is great to see all of you here safe and nearly unharmed. I take it all of you have questions that need answering but before we get to that, I would like to bring you to your dining hall. And before that, I am Bardroy…I am the Fire Elementalist Mentor. Now, if all my friends would be so kind as to introduce themselves.”

A handsome but hard looking man spoke and when he announced who he was, Alexandra was already dreading her time here. Please, let him not be as bad as he seems. Right now Alex's emotions were a bit hectic and all she could think about was how she went from on her way to heaven... to plopping farther down into a snug place called hell. Dealing with more pressure wasn't what Alex wanted to deal with right now. A warm bath seemed more appropriate.

“I’d be more than pleased to start the introduction train! My name is Clorence and I am the Light Elementalist Mentor.”

This time a man with white/gray hair with a light gray color for eyes appeared when the light was slowly dimming but not quite gone. Alex didn't like his power already. It was way to fast for her and the light was so damn bright she was already getting a headache. Calm down, stop complaining so much. Still, it felt good to complain about something.

Charma grinned at the words as a slim brown-blonde haired boy with clear blue eyes spoke, these kids most definitely had some kick in them. The trip since the beginning of the quakes landed their asses right in front of her and Charma knew these kids would have a lot of potential.

"Despite the enemies being outside of this magnificent place, how about we speak calmly like the adults we are or could be? My name is Charma, I'll be here as the water mentor," Charma gave them a warm smile and continued "I hope we can all get along because honestly, it would be horrible to lose good potential because people were to stubborn or hot headed and wanted to fight their allies instead of pointing that aggression towards what got you here in the first place. Please be patient, wait until introductions are over and allow us to continue with what needs to be said."

With that introduction Charma backed off, preferring to leave the important information to Bardroy. Charma stood a bit behind Bardroy and let her eyes travel among the new elementalists that landed before her today. Luck. Did they know how lucky they were to make it out of something like that with no training? No... maybe it wasn't luck but fate instead. Of course Charma wasn't one who believed in fate but in this moment, with the dirty appearance of the students told her that they had all lost their past and were though they were forced, continued to move forward. If they hadn't moved forward, none of them would be here still questioning what they had been summoned for. If Charma was in their situation, she'd be just as frazzled and continuously rubbing off wrong with others.
Leviathan Milton

Leviathan watched as the other mentors introduce themselves to the kids. . Badroy looked and sounded as grim as ever. If Leviathan had been one of these kids, he would have assumed Badroy had all the personality of a paper cup. He would have to have a talk with Bard about his presentation later – the fire trainee already looked like she was dreading her training – and how to deal with kids. Clorence was flashy as always – the man had a serious thing for flair – and Korina’s words were as sharp as her blades. He almost let out a laugh when the water trainee bluntly asked what the hell was going on. While he supported Charma’s attempts to diffuse the situation, Levi didn’t think that the trainees having a little fight in them was a bad thing. He could understand the tenseness in all of them. None of them knew what was going on, who the elementalists were, or even who they themselves really were. When he had learned about his powers as an elementalist, he had been fearful of his new powers but at least he had discovered them in a peaceful time. This new generation didn’t have that luxury. No, their skills would have to be honed in the fire of conflict. Their bonds would be formed as brothers and sisters on the battlefield. Until then, conflict between students would be unavoidable.

Deciding it was time to introduce himself, Levi stepped up in front of the students.

“I suggest we all do as the nice lady says, you don’t want to see her when she’s angry,” Levi winked at Charma. “Don’t worry, you’ll all get to hit each other as much as you want during training. Anyways, my name is Leviathan Milton but you can call me Levi. I am the Earth mentor.” He looked around at all the students and gave them his warmest smile. “I know all of you are scared, I would be too if I were in your shoes. You’ve been attacked by monsters, gained powers you never knew were in you, and had your whole life uprooted in only a matter of days. You don’t know where any of your loved ones are or if they’re even alive. Even I have to admit this situation is all sorts of screwed up. But you’re all still alive and you’ve chosen to come here.”

At this point Levi made sure to look each and every student in the eye. “I know each and every one of you has great strength within, for if you didn’t, you would not be here today. I assure you all your questions will be answered in due time, I just ask that you trust us for now. We mean you no harm, I promise you.” Levi stepped back and let his words sink in.
Blake Steffensen

Blake’s jaw nearly dropped when he heard silver hair’s response to red. He hadn’t expected such a . . . profane response from the small girl. It no longer looked as if the boy would be able to handle things. Luckily they were interrupted before the fight could escalate by the arrival of a group Blake assumed were these “mentors.” The leader introduced himself, but said nothing that answered the questions Blake had. Then the light mentor appeared in a flash of light and Blake stopped paying attention.

That was a cool trick how he appeared out of nowhere, that’s something I’ll have to learn. Blake had to admit the man had style, although he wasn’t a fan of scarves himself, but he wasn’t sure what to think of the mentor yet. The grey haired man seemed to be a bit more jovial than Blake preferred not to mention the man hadn’t stopped glowing the entire time. That was certainly one trick Blake didn’t care for.

After the earth mentor, Leviathan, had introduced himself, Blake returned to the conversation. He hadn’t caught what the athletic, blonde woman had said but he got the gist. Whatever these mentors thought of the other students, Blake was not going to be treated like the rest of the juvenile teenagers.

“You ask us to trust you, but you haven’t given us a reason to. I don’t know about the rest of these kids but I, for one, am not going anywhere until I get some answers. I want to know you’re not wasting my time before I follow you anywhere. The least you can do is answer frosted tip’s question. If you can’t, I’m out of here.” Blake crossed his arms and settled his stance.
Sona Govoni

Sona crossed his arms, gripping his elbows tight as he listened intently on the conversations around him. It was bothersome to hear the two girls start to bicker and for no reason but from the result of inflamed estrogen and weariness. Then a few of the others seemed to threaten leaving or near insulting these mentors, in their own home. He understood their frustration but Sona preferred to just let them all finish rather than barrage them with angry questions. He couldn’t help but want to silence them all, so thus he spoke up as well:

“And if you left, where the hell would you go? If any of us left this place because you saw that shit and thought it crazy, where would you go? Back to what home? We have nothing left there...” he sighed and shook his head, “As much as I want to go back too, I realize there is nothing remaining of my past life. All we will find are piles upon piles of carcasses. My ‘element’ sparked upon these attacks. Now I want to know what I can do next and why this is happening.” His tone was sharp at first; fierce and deep, but it softened and slowed as his words went on. He was exasperated by the journey and shared all their heightened emotions but he didn’t think leaving was anywhere close to a wise choice.

They are Elementalists. Clearly they are…what more of proof do you need when the bright guy came in a flash of light and the blonde chick had just sprang swords out of thin air? His thoughts swirled around and ached his head, one hand going up to rub between his eyes and slowly down his nose.

Thinking of returning, he pursed his lips at the fact his brother was probably dead. Oh Asher, despite being such a klutz, you were too young to suffer by those filthy beasts. And his mind grasped onto the fact he had failed his only sibling, along with his entire family. Unless…unless his brother was one of the lucky ones to be an Elementalist like the rest here. It was ever so possible, more likely than not, that Asher too carried the blood of an element. Wouldn’t that be something? To fight beside my weakling little brother. I wonder if he would have lasted long?

I wonder if he would have outlived me?

@Imperator Penguin

Amara Redwood

Amara shot a deathly glare to the silver-haired girl, that could shatter the kindest souls, ready to say in a disdainful, yet sarcastic tone 'Who ate your bowl of sunshine to make you so sour, honey?', or even 'I'd make fun of you, but I doubt you'd understand, sweetie.' But quickly pulled back on the remark and in a roll of her eyes diverted her full attention to the arrival of these 'mentors' who were clearly here to greet the group she was a part of. Only because she didn't want to pick a fight - Amara just wasn't bothered after the rush of the past couple days.​

One by one, they showed off their special tricks, or just introduced themselves blatantly. But it was the woman - Korina Vale - as she called herself who stood out to Amara the most. She pretty much did what Amara had done on accident. A grin crept onto her face, knowing she wanted to be able to do stuff like that on command, but with a quick shake of the thought, the grin fell away, and the conversation chugged along. Nodding with pure concern and sympathy, Amara took in and acknowledged everyone's input. It was all correct. Their lives wouldn't be the same if they returned. Amara had already lost her family already... so it's not like much would change for her. Unless, her Aunt, Mia, was gone too...

Why is it, that everywhere I go, everywhere I belong, everywhere I am, death follows? Soon after I move to Chronia, these attacks happen, but why? What did I do?

"Besides, straight answers would be nice." Amara put in with a clearly cool tone, "After all, I don't want to go off to la-dee-da land with freaks that aren't telling me shit." soon after she polished off her rude comment, Amara leaned on her back leg, arms crossed tightly in front of her, as well as her deathly glare affixed on the mentors. Hopefully, she was giving off the vibe of 'I'm not dealing with this shit.' and holding her stance nicely, proving herself to be strong and capable. Because she needed to be, to avenge those she loves... correction, loved, whom had passed.​
Bardroy Bortz

Bardroy looked at all of the young adults as they spoke and spat out comments he’d burn to crisps if they were visible. His eyes narrowed, his mouth upturned a little to the right as he grunted. At this point now, he was done allowing them to insult his fellow mentors and their cause – for if it weren’t for the Elementalists in the first place, life would not be as it is now…or was before the Beast infiltration. Peace was all they lived for, commanding armies and cities to best serve the people, as well as fight any horrifying enemies that thought themselves above other humans and law. He took in a deep breath and went to stand in front of Amara, staring into her eyes as he smiled a little more than usual.

“The ‘freaks’ that stand before you have protected your homes for centuries; their ancestors before yours, and those before them. Without us ‘freaks’ you’d be expendable slaves to the enemy. You came here because you are curious…all of you did,” he glanced around at the others as he walked to stand before Blake, “Now that you are here, in a foreign place, it would be in your best interest to cease the offenses and spatting of your putrid words. If I wanted to, and my friends allowed, I’d showcase what I can do and burn every last one of you near your mouths, just a gentle warning.

You can easily turn around and forget us…go back to the wasteland of death and destruction. We can seek out different mentees but that wouldn’t be wise. You all came here from the message we sent out, and now my friends and I will honor your time taken in travel to Mapulo to discuss with you what is going on. But in order to do that, you best keep your mouths shut until I ask you for your opinions and questions. So for those of you that will show respect and drop the ‘tough’ act, best follow us to your dining hall.”
He finished with a shake of his head then walked back to his fellow mentors, “Come…” he said then walked past towards the mentees’ dining hall location.

Although he’d rather not be so harsh on the first day, he found no other path to get the idea across to these “kids.” He didn’t want to hold their hands and protect them all his life – he wanted them to learn to fight in this new world. He wanted them to learn what they were and who they could become. It had to take that turn: a firm and brutal one, besides, that’s who Bardroy is as a person. He hated seeing these kids already berate each other, and yes, the travel and experiences days before caused such hostility but it was no excuse to come to the training grounds, a place of peace and tranquility, with that same harm towards the caretakers and mentors.

‘Freaks’…That’s what they call thieves, liars, murderers, and demon worshipers. They will soon see what ‘shit’ and ‘hell’ they have become a part of now.

Edward Mire

Edward was running through the forest, it was dense, he couldn't see where he was going, nor the sunlight. He looks back, no sign of it. But that didn't encourage him to stop running. He was driven by pure adrenaline. He was barefoot, the forest floor scratching the bottom of his feet, not that it mattered right now. He heard the smashing and snapping of tree trunks not far behind him, followed by heavy foot steps. There was a roar of anger, which made Edward ruin faster. He saw light; a good sign. He makes it out of the first to the light - just a field. Not good. He saw the foxes playing, he felt like he could feel the exact temperature of good surroundings, and a lot more, you know. The little things you notice when you know you're about to die. Edward lies down in the grass, not minding the little pokes and stabs of the tall grass. Edward flinched, seeing a large, uprooted tree soar over him, he felt footsteps, comparable to an elephant stampede, though probably heavier. He sees a large, green figure, it's face was terrible looking, it was warped and deformed. An eye was a bit higher than the other, teeth sticking out from his bottom lip, which was sticking out as of he were about to cry. It was hunch backed. You could feel it's spine if you were close enough. It also seemed to have slight scoliosis, he could tell by it leaning to the side. It was naked, making the sight even worse. You could tell it was male. It wielded a tree.

(Anyone feel like NPCing the ogre? [also not knowing if I wrote enough sentences and if I was detailed enough since it was a rush job. But I'm not 100% detailed])
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Aveline 'Evelyn' Cardozo
Aveline's Prologue
Aveline was perched atop the school's rooftop, the stairway beside her wedged open with her battered slippers kissing the door frame. She was listening to music, her portable radio resting between her slender fingers as her long lashes brushed the high cheekbones that assisted in shaping her visage immensely. Checking the time she noted that her government class would be over soon, thus introducing her favorite: English. Standing, she tucked her PR into the front pocket of her jeans and stretched, sliding her back pack on; she had to be careful since she snuck Lav in, her English teacher having said she wanted to see him. Angling her head heavenward, she stared at the sky for a moment before she felt something. A tremor maybe? She wasn't quite sure, and as she turned toward the door to pluck her slippers another tremor followed, stronger than the first as her slippers slid and trapped her outside. She paused, her fingers resting by the concrete ground before she stood up straighter and ran her dainty hands through her wavy black hair, painted with natural highlights, as her, now blue, hazel eyes calculated how she was to get out of this mess. She walked towards the railing, the song she was listening to leaving the climaxed chorus and slowly ending with a soft outro.

It was when the song met its ending did Aveline actually hear the most questionable sound: screaming. The faint smell of smoke drifting upward as she looked around. Squinting, as if the sight was incredulous, she took five tentative steps closer to the railing; and as she gripped the metal bars she inhaled sharply. Her voice was caught in her throat as she processed the image down below. Right beneath her were bodies, scattered, damaged, horrifically vivid, with the most obvious notions of blood painting the walls in the most unnatural way; and almost too much time has passed as she watched mutated creatures stumble across the courtyard with death caught between their rotten teeth. As her almond eyes roamed the imagery she took off her buds and tucked them inside the pocket of her hoodie, zipping it shut with the PR inside. High pitched screams, inhuman gargles and growls. Glass was shattering, fire was crawling up the walls of the school, and worst of all, the roof door was broken open.

Aveline didn't turn around, she didn't want to, she didn't have to. All she knew was that everything was happening way too fast for her liking, for she had Baby Eve, her big brother Ray, and her loving parents to go home to later on. With her heart racing faster than her morning laps, Aveline glanced to the left, trying to be brave as she looked at the creature through her peripheral vision. It roared, sniffing and grunting so loud she felt as though it was directly behind her. She was scared.
I'm scared, and it knew it too. Lav whimpered and she hushed him with a soft murmur of reassuring whispers. Head snapping towards her direction, Aveline held her breath and quietly lifted her leg over the railing, and then the next. There was a small space, enough space for her to walk carefully and quietly. Aveline knew that she would have to jump, and as crazy as it sounded, she needed to move quickly to the other side of the building. Power walking around the perimeter of the rooftop, the creature ran toward the railing and breathed heavily in her face, waiting for her to decide which fate she will take. Calculating her fear as it trailed so close to her and still managed to keep up although she was power walking almost as if she was running. Once she made it to the back of the school, she looked down. Nothing was touched yet, those who managed to escape were fleeing, and as Aveline refused to look behind her, for the creature sniffed her with its warm breath fanning her person, she made the decision. She decided to jump, and although the creature snapped at her, it was too late. She fell to the bottom, landing not so gracefully into the oak tree below. It nearly met the rooftop of the school, its large branch was what she clung to as she hugged it, using its leaves to hide her from whatever terrors might come her way as she closed her eyes tightly. As crazy as it may have seemed, Aveline hadn't realized how well the tree itself responded to her as it shielded her with its leaves.

The last thing she heard was a frustrated roar and the loud steps of the creatures of death.

Aveline was quietly watching everyone talk, their confusion, frustration, and stress, evident as they stared at the adults that summoned them. She heard that they were supposed to be training them, preparing them, for the danger that awaited them. The teenager, more like young adult, was sitting cross legged on the floor, distracted by the worry of never seeing or hearing the laughter of her family that she had nearly missed the words being said by the firm voice of a man that addressed them first.

“The ‘freaks’ that stand before you have protected your homes for centuries; their ancestors before yours, and those before them. Without us ‘freaks’ you’d be expendable slaves to the enemy. You came here because you are curious. . . all of you did,” he glanced around at the others as he walked to stand before Blake, was it, “Now that you are here, in a foreign place, it would be in your best interest to cease the offenses and spatting of your putrid words. If I wanted to, and my friends allowed, I’d showcase what I can do and burn every last one of you near your mouths, just a gentle warning.

You can easily turn around and forget us. . . go back to the wasteland of death and destruction. We can seek out different mentees but that wouldn’t be wise. You all came here from the message we sent out, and now my friends and I will honor your time taken in travel to Mapulo to discuss with you what is going on. But in order to do that, you best keep your mouths shut until I ask you for your opinions and questions. So for those of you that will show respect and drop the ‘tough’ act, best follow us to your dining hall.” Aveline sat up straighter before she decided to pull herself up off the ground. Having sprained her wrist, it took her moment to get to her feet, however she managed the trial, and soon followed after everybody else had gone ahead in front of her. Her hazel, blue, eyes downcast as she chewed on the inside of her cheek. At least I still have Lav, she thought. She wondered where he was, for she still hadn't seen him yet. She knew he was a live though, his whereabouts were questionable.

Andric Bestet
The middle aged male was already at the dining hall, waiting as his salt colored hair, peppered brown from his past youth, glistened beneath the light. He was currently leaning against the wall, beside the large, heavy wooden doors, painted white, as he thoughtfully entertained himself by toying with his bo staff made of rattan wood. Watching as the wood flexed and bent before he looked up expectantly. What he had hoped to be his group of friends and their mentees was not. Instead, a passers by acknowledged him while heading towards the opposite side of the hall. Frowning, the gentle man stood up straighter, approached a neighboring window and stared at the world outside the glass. He was too busy staring at flora and fauna, distracting himself, for normally he would be else where working on a patient or tending to his responsibilities. "Ahh, why am I s'anxious," the male murmured; his gentle voice echoing through the empty hallway, thus causing a pleasant smile to kiss his visage as he waited patiently. Well, still attempting to as he held his bo staff, occasionally toying with its flexibility as he continued to admire the life outside. To summarize how he was feeling at the moment, he was delighted. He felt like one of his children, anxious for a present, a toy, sweets, goodness -- anything. Adjusting the spectacles a top his nose, he exhaled softly, repeating his words softly once more as his tongue danced with the naturalness of his 'Icelandic' accent.
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Blake Steffensen

Blake wasn’t normally one to back down from a challenge but something about the head mentor said that he could easily follow through with his threat. The inner animal of Blake’s instinct was telling him to submit or run, that this Bardroy was a dangerous predator not to be fucked with. Despite being taller than the man, it felt as if the mentor towered over him. All the skills Blake had honed to perfection now seemed insufficient in front of this power. This man could burn him to ashes with no more than a blink of his eye. It took all his will not to take a step back when Bardroy confronted him. It was clear that he was in charge, that he was the alpha.

It had been a long time since Blake hadn’t felt like the one in control. It hadn’t mattered whether it was his bedroom, the classroom, or a boardroom – he had dominated every room he entered. When bullies had turned their attention towards him, he made sure no one ever bothered him again, even if it meant getting bloody and bruised. He had had his way with every business he bought and made sure everything went exactly as he planned. He had always been in control. But now this elementalist was making him feel as if he was a leaf in a storm, powerless before the gale. The last time he had felt like this had been when he was trapped in that dark room all those years ago.




He hated it.

At that moment – as Blake willed himself to hold the stare of those harsh brown eyes despite every cell in his body screaming at him to look away – he decided that he would stay. He would learn all that these mentors knew, use them to become more powerful, make them another stepping stone towards his goals. Then, when he could look Bardroy in the eye and feel no fear, he would be back in control and never again feel as he had in that dark room.

Despite his new resolve, when Bardroy turned away, Blake let out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding. He grimaced and adjusted his holsters to ease his mind. Reluctantly he followed the mentors down the road. To take his mind off the dark feelings inside him, Blake turned his attention towards the kid who had challenged him before Bardroy stepped in. Something about Muscles irked Blake. Perhaps it was his stupid scoop neck shirt – Blake had never been a fan of those. More likely it was the kid’s attitude. Blake couldn’t get a read on the boy. One moment he was fire and fierceness, the next a stream content to follow the river’s path. What Blake did know was that they wouldn’t get along.

A large stone building loomed in front of them and Blake returned his attention to the mentors – he would deal with Muscles later.


Fleur Summers:

Fleur had risen to the morning sun a little later then her fellow mentors, and on her own accord decided it was best to just head straight towards the dining hall. Just before she exited the room, it struck her, and Fleur turned on her heels, going to grab a book from the groaning side table, and held it between her body and arm, as she began to walk through the tranquil halls. The halls were often empty, but every here and there were groups of people chattering among themselves and her stormy eyes would look at them, wondering what it must be like to be able to chat so easily.

Fleur slumped her shoulders a bit, and only realized before it was too late that she walked into the towering door in which to enter for the dining hall. She rubbed her head slightly and fixed her posture before pushing open those white looming doors that taunted her. As she walked inside, her head spun towards Andric, and her natural waves settled themselves on her shoulders, and she made a soundless sigh. At least she wouldn't be that one awkward mentor already waiting for the mentees in their dining hall - thus, she offered him a smile as closed the croaking doors, and sat on the hard floor beside them, opening her book and flicking through the pages with delicate fingers, to preserve the book.

I wonder what the new Elementalists will be like... surely tattered, after all they did survive the attacks in Chronia. Maybe there might even be someone like me? ... No, that's doubtful.

With a slight shake of her head, Fleur diverted her attention to her book, as she wait for the mentors and new Elementalists to arrive within their dining hall. Currently, Fleur was reading up about the human body, for about the fourth time over - just to brush up on her knowledge, and polish her skills involving the human body. Specifically, she was reading a book which outlined the main organs of the body - heart, lungs, liver, stomach, brain and so on - then next, she would be reading the second edition, which instead of talking about the main organs, it would talk about minor organs. Once she'd revised her knowledge, Fleur would probably read something that was fiction related. After all, that's kind of her pattern with books.

Amara Redwood

Amara never liked being told off. She tried to match the harsh stare of Bardroy's eyes, yet no matter how hard she tried her body forced her to pull down to her feet. But what Bardroy said was true. In all the stories she could salvage through her life of love of research on the 'legends' of the Elementalists, they always talked about how they were heroes; saved and protected people. But, people always told her they were old folks's tales, and that she should stop wasting her time.

What would they say now?

'Oh, you were right, whoops.'

Yeah, sure. Something like that.

With a quick yet silent sigh, Amara took off behind the mentors and other people who'd most likely experienced what she had. Despite it seeming like ages ago, and clearly a real event, Amara couldn't believe it. Her puny little mind just couldn't understand that she had been gifted with powers that resided in legends. With a quick glance over her shoulder and into the dense forest behind herself - almost as if she was looking at her past life and saying goodbye - she somehow felt she'd no longer be a part of that 'normal' life.

Amara then looked back forward, as she walked towards the tall castle-like buildings. This was her first priority - figuring out what exactly was going on - then she could deal with all the people she did and didn't like, and of course, master these powers she had. And this, entering this looming stone building was the first step towards her goals.​
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Sona Govoni

He may have been one of the tallest within the group but Sona had felt like he was crushed and beaten like a punching bag by this Bardroy. The fire element, the most aggressive of them all, and the most dominating – probably – was of course the head mentor, and hosted by an equally aggressive and brooding male. As the man started walking away, along with the other mentors-to-be, Sona’s hazel eyes trailed along with him. I can already tell whoever has fire is going to suffer a shit load. A long but low sigh escaped through his lips before he uncrossed his arms – they felt like makeshift protection from any fire attack, or maybe it was to keep his cool – and started to walk. The tranquil space here made it easy to forget the mayhem back in Chronia or it could have helped the city was a few days travel from Mapulo. Right now, he couldn’t tell if it was distance or the full effect of the trickling water, tickling breeze, and twittering swallows and sparrows that soothed his anxiety. Damnit, he never felt like this before, especially since he was always in high demand and chaotic situations but being in a completely quiet area, mixed within a diversity of people created too much change. His mind swirled too much and he couldn’t grasp it all.

A breath of this fresh air helped my wounds but I’m mentally unstable from all this – crazy to admit that shit. We all are, I guess. Then that one red-headed chick said it first. She called them freaks…what does that make us?

His attention briefly went towards Leviathan, the Earth Mentor. Another equally large dude to match his immense strength. Even the female mentors made Sona feel lesser of a man and more like dirt. He was glad to see that these “legends” had survived all the war and all the peace. He had never heard about what happened to them; sure, the stories were told and everyone always shrugged the Elementalists off but little was mentioned about how they left. There’s a good question…As for now, he was content just taking time to walk amongst the group, staying close with them as to not straggle behind. He zipped his jacket up nearly all the way and fixed his collar down, brushing off extra dust that piled up along his shoulders. Sona coughed and waved away the dust, squinting a bit then stopped with the group, in front of the large white doors engraved with beautiful vine artistry. Each curve of the vines weaved gracefully within or around the others and they were raised just enough to look like the real thing, even the color was a dark green to match true ivy but thicker. The doors slowly, and quietly, opened revealing two other mentors inside. Bardory had spoken first, again.

Bardroy Bortz

“Fleur…Andric, nice of you two to join here with us.” He said then walked over to the head seat at the furthest end of the large meeting table. Bardroy had said this was the mentees’ dining hall area, specifically theirs but it was preferred for use so that he could familiarize them with their new home. “Everyone take a seat. As Levi said, we will answer your questions and explain ourselves, but I can’t go through a whole damn list from each of you. As you experienced yourselves, creatures demolished Chronia but retreated at the site of you. We don’t have much time to chat. I’d rather focus on training you all so that you are comfortable with fighting.” He paused and stood between his large wooden chair and the table end. His eyes scanned over their faces as they walked in. He had a special game he always did with himself: he would guess mentees’ elements just by analyzing their verbal cues and personalities from their speech. The hardest elements to differentiate were Anatomy and Creation, but that was just for Bard. He never saw much difference in those two elements’ hosts. Every group brought its share of uniqueness, however, so he would just have to wait and see what each of them said.

“We’re going to make this rather fast for introductions. The mentors will say their names and elements again after you folk. Once you take your seats, one of you can start us off, and we’ll go in a circle. Say your name and tell us what your element is. If you don’t know, just tell us quickly what you had done during the beast attacks.” He said before taking a seat and scooting in close to the table.

I have this aching feeling one of the broad mouths is my student.

@Leviersa @Windows98 @Imperator Penguin @ThePricklyPear @ShadyAce @clarinetti

As everyone began to follow after the mentors Alex made sure to keep up, keeping her hazel eyes fixed on the elementalists up ahead. The chirping of birds and light breeze made Alex begin to wonder what would happen if she lost control. The moment she thought that Alex stopped walking and looked over at the nature that surrounded Mapulo; images of the beautiful place burning bombarded her view. Nothing but destruction, again. Just the thought of being the one who caused a place like this to burn made Alex spin around on her feet and moved after the group when she realized how far away they'd gotten. Since gaining the element of fire Alexandra had to keep herself in the back and away from everyone, if she didn't interact with anyone it would be easier to keep herself in check.

When they finally reached a room with a large table and several seats but before she could take a look around the dining hall, Bardroy spoke to the two mentors who had been inside.

“Fleur…Andric, nice of you two to join here with us.” Alex kept her eyes on him even as he took a seat at the top of the table and continued talking “Everyone take a seat. As Levi said, we will answer your questions and explain ourselves, but I can’t go through a whole damn list from each of you. As you experienced yourselves, creatures demolished Chronia but retreated at the site of you. We don’t have much time to chat. I’d rather focus on training you all so that you are comfortable with fighting.”

“We’re going to make this rather fast for introductions. The mentors will say their names and elements again after you folk. Once you take your seats, one of you can start us off, and we’ll go in a circle. Say your name and tell us what your element is. If you don’t know, just tell us quickly what you had done during the beast attacks.” When Bardroy spoke Alexandra once again turned her attention on the other mentors.


Charma had zoned out on the way over to the dining hall and instead began to think of when there had a been a time that she had actually been afraid of water. It was because at the age of 11 years old Charma had gotten into a fight with a group of girls and in the process of it all, was almost drowned in the lake. Charma snapped out of her thoughts when Bardroy began to speak.

“Fleur…Andric, nice of you two to join here with us.” When Bardroy took his seat Charma took the one on his right side, plopping down and leaning back in her chair a bit. “Everyone take a seat. As Levi said, we will answer your questions and explain ourselves, but I can’t go through a whole damn list from each of you. As you experienced yourselves, creatures demolished Chronia but retreated at the site of you. We don’t have much time to chat. I’d rather focus on training you all so that you are comfortable with fighting.”

“We’re going to make this rather fast for introductions. The mentors will say their names and elements again after you folk. Once you take your seats, one of you can start us off, and we’ll go in a circle. Say your name and tell us what your element is. If you don’t know, just tell us quickly what you had done during the beast attacks.” After Bardroy finished speaking Charma waited a second before taking a small look around. Perhaps it would be better to actually show them her element? Showing off was never her thing but an example never hurt.

Taking a quick look around Charma tilted her head to the side and slowly breathed in and out. Closing her eyes for a moment she imagined mentally forcing water out of the air and when her blue eyes opened, about 15 little drops of water began to swirl out of thin air and into little liquid balls.

"Again, welcome to Mapulo. My name is Charma, mentor to element of water. Truly, I can't wait to see what sort of warriors we can make from this group of survivors," Charma's lips pulled up into a smirk while a dangerous look of curiosity crawled in the depths of her eyes that swirled with grays and blues. As Charma gazed at the new mentees she tilted her head to the side a bit. Survival has never been a joke to Charma because she herself had been forced to go through it. Even now Charma remembers the first time her element appeared and blood had been spilled. It had taken everything in Charma to not wallow in self-pity and instead strengthen herself so that the next time blood is spilled, its on purpose.

With a slight shake of her head and returning her attention to the water, Charma twirled a finger in the air. All 15 drops of water pulled together before making a small strip of water that began to spin itself into a circle. Figuring everyone got the gist of it Charma dispersed the water within seconds until each drop of water were separated and invisible to the naked eye. Charma's finger twitched a bit and the drops gracefully flew toward the potted plant in the back of the dining room only for it to falter and plop onto the petals of one of the flowers. Despite being able to pull water from thin air, Charma has yet to learn how to put it back but she didn't mind that. Just because she's a mentor didn't mean knowing how to do everything was necessary. With her introduction over Charma leaned further into her seat until it was practically standing one leg, her attention moved away from the students and went to her fellow mentor to see who would go next.

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