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Fantasy The Elementalists of Versaes (Accepting Some Again)

Rahdi Anill

Rahdi watched Enzi with a worried look on his face, she looked worried and frankly kind of sick, and even though the had only recently met he worried for her "Yeah, I can't believe it either, but at least we're safe now, and this place is pretty nice so far, we're all right now, okay?" He said as he put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her eyes. Rahdi himself was pretty worried and, to be honest, scared of the entire situation, but for the sake of those around him he wasn't going to show weakness, they needed to be strong and together for what probably was about to come, after all it was obvious they weren't summoned there just to take shelter and live their lifes peacefully and happily. That said he still had no idea about what would happen with them.

So he looked back to check how Light and Sera were doing, his arm was still throbbing from his injurie and so far no doctor had shown any interest on him, so he was waiting for the doctors to finish with them so he could call for their attention. A few seconds later he realized he couldn't see Saey anywhere and a twinge of panic extended in his chest Where is she? She was there just a moment ago he thought. Fighting not to show the fear in his voice he asked Enzi "Uhm...Enzi, did you saw where Saey went? She was over there with the others just a minute ago".


Saey Anill

"Yeah, I do mean that Elementalist crap, and judging from your answer you received it as well"
she said with an annoyed undertone in her voice. As soon as she finished saying it a pair of guys walked out of nowhere to where they were, after a few rather odd words from the fattie and the old guy which she found completely irrelevant the old man introduced them both as mentors Well, maybe I'll get to find out something interesting after all she thought. The two so called mentors couldn't look more different from each other, the young one, who was introduced as Akken, looked as if he was full of energy and reay to run a marathon, and yet the old guy, who said his name was Byron, looked as if he'd rather be anywhere else but with them.

She looked at them as she decided which of all her questions should be asked first, and thought the most important thing as for now was about their inmediate future, so she simply asked "So, if you are mentors I guess you can answer my question. What will happen with us now? I'm guessing we're not here for fun and jokes are we" Saey asked sarcastically.


"Yup, as he said I'm Akken, the metal elementalist mentor, nice to meet you all" he said while smiling, they seemed an interesting bunch of kids and it looked like Byron already knew one of them, however they didn't seem to like each other much Well, things do tend to go that way with Byron, the old guy is way too stiff he thought. As the guy that was carrying a kid fell to the floor Akken moved in to help, they seemed to be tired and worn out so they probably would accept their help, maybe not because of trusting them, but because they had no other choice "Ok kid, I'll help you to walk, if needed I'll just carry you, and we better get inside the city soon, even though it's supposedly safe you never know nowadays" he said while lending him a hand.

Then he heard one of the girls ask about what would happen now, he found quite obvious the answer to the question since the memo said they had already received a letter but he answered anyways "Well, we have orders to take you to Bardroy, he's going to explain to you all whatever you may not know yet and assign each of you to a mentor". Then he produced a metal bar from one of the metal chunks he was using as an ornament below his sweater and handed it to the kid "Here, This will help you to walk" he said.

@A Guileless Fable @Noah @kira blackthorn @TheWretchedEgg
(Ha laggggggggy server idk)

Ryuu walked around aimlessly threw the training area. It was odd. Everything seemed odd. His. Vision had changed. It was all blue and white again. The people walking around, the ground, the sky, the water. Everything did not make any sense. (Sorry 4 short post)
"I wonder what kind of elementalist I will be?" Rin pondered aloud ignoring the others. Turning his attention to them when he came up blank he questioned. "What kind are there? I mean there are probably first and water ones sure but what of other?"
Byron nodded as Akken went to help up the kid. Looking at the kid who asked the question, "There are many kinds. Bardroy can manipulate fire." Byron responded. "Right, let's head up to the training camps." Byron said gesturing in the direction they came from. So far nothing dangerous in the forest has come out. That was good. Not many of the kids seem to be in fighting condition. Byron just hoped that the Jaimie girl wouldn't be too irritating, thankfully she won't be placed as a student under Byron.
Ryuu continued wandering around the training camp. The odd coloration of his vison felt very odd. Lots of people walking around... A blue shadowy form around them. It was very odd non the less. Sadly other things he could not see... Like the fountain right in fron't of him. He literally walked right into it splashing into the water. When his head came back up every thing was normal again. It was very odd. He got out of the water and sat at the edge hoping no one would notice this soaking boy who had just mindlessly walking into a fountain of water.
Aria Anya has been keeping herself company near one of the many glistening ponds, her manicured nails were skirting across the top of the water and causing the water beneath her nails to kick back into pretty spirals. The flowered chiffon material of her top were staying miraculously dry.

She was faintly paying attention to her surroundings, finally drawing notice to a boy who literally falls into the water. This sight causes her to break out in a peal of bubbly laughter. She quickly stands up and crosses to the boy, her face bright with a smile."That was quite a tumble," she says simply, holding out a hand.

Meanwhile, at the gates, the twins finally moved forward through the gates and the two clung tighter out of habit. This was such a new and slightly frightening environment that their pains and extreme hunger were forgotten for the time being. They were still in their filthy school uniforms that had been maltreated from the earthquake and expedition through the woods. What were these weary teenagers supposed to do now, not knowing where to go or what to do.

Ryuu looked up at the girl holding out her hand now knowing he had failed to let his... Accident go unnoticed. He reluctantly took her hand saying. "Well at least some one found his comical." With his free hand he rubbed his eyes. His vison seemed to be flickering between the two forms. It was attually quite annoying seeing everything the two ways at once. It felt very disorienting. His eyes were also changing with the color, going from its natural shade of brown to blue... Nether eye wanted to choose, it just kept swapping around at random.

Aria sweeps the ends of her strawberry blonde ponytail off of her shoulder. Her grip had surprising strength, and she pulled him up practically without his help. The moment her hand made contact with his, she smiles."I can't deny it was funny," she admits, a tiny snort of a giggle escaping her mouth."I can tell you're an elemantalist. My name is Aria, the water mentor here," the water elementalist says and brushes her hands across the flowered chiffon material of her blouse. Aria's own blue eyes observe this strange boy-more importantly, his ever changing eyes- "Are you okay? Your eyes are-" she makes a little wavy motion with her fingertips to describe the constant changing of his eyes.

"Y-yeah... I am fine... I think... It's just... Hard to see right now... Like... It just keeps... Idk... It's hard to exsplain" Ryuu rubbed his eyes but sadly it did not do anything to help the mater. "So your one of the mentors here... How dose that work exactly... I mean don't fun of me or anything but I haven't exactly gone threw the education system." He looked at her blankly as if he was not quite sure where she was... Just a large general area. In eyes she was just a outline surrounded by blue shadowy stuff.

Light Ethereal and Andric Bestet

Light was still struggling to breathe despite having received some medical attention. No one seemed to be able to tell him what was wrong and it frustrated him to no end which wasn’t really a good thing since that only made him breathe even harder and expounded the problem that no one seemed to understand. He had a few people come up to him as he sat there on the bench, contemplating his newfound distress although he merely glanced at them and shook his head. He hadn’t quite built up the energy reserve to feel confident in an exploring venture as of yet. So, the elementalists you say? Supposedly I am one of them and now I can’t breathe. It was an interesting conundrum although Light’s lack of oxygen was leading him to a dead end.

In his distracted, meandering thoughts, Light’s head had been looking down absentmindedly and he noticed a shadow approaching followed closely by a pair of dark brown shoes that appeared to be made of leather. He looked up to see an older man – not one of the people he had made the journey with which meant this man must be an elemental. He was average height and he still stood tall suggesting that he wasn’t quite as old as his grey beard and head would lead someone to believe. Light also felt something odd about the way this man looked at him. It was like he knew something, something that no one else did. “Hello?” Light inquired of this new man.

“Hello, Light,” the man replied and although his beard hid his mouth, Light could tell he was smiling. Then this man did the oddest thing – he leaned in really close to Light, very nearly kissing his shoulder, in fact, and he took a deep breath. Quickly, the man pulled away and began coughing into his elbow. When the fit subsided, he said, “I thought that might be the case. I haven’t seen wind manifest itself in such a way since I was a young lad.”

“Wind elementalist?” Light raised his eyebrows. I guess wind elementalists can’t breathe, then. Odd…

“Not quite wind – I would describe you as more of an air elementalist although you will learn wind in time. Your body will adapt to your newfound breathing dilemma, but for now I can relieve the problem for you.” The older man brought his hands close to his center as though he were meditating almost and Light didn’t want to believe half of what he was hearing, but he waited patiently as he continued his shallow rapid breaths that somehow managed to keep the cough at bay. Then the man opened his eyes and he looked directly into Light’s. “Breathe!” he commanded.

Light didn’t want to listen. He was scared. The last time he had tried to breathe deeply he had very nearly fainted from the effort. Nonetheless, something in this man’s eyes caught his attention and made him want to believe it could be true. Light inhaled sharply through his nose – no resistance! He blew it out slowly through his mouth – no cough! “Wow!” He remarked as the shock that he could speak normally hit him.

“I will teach you how to do it in time, but eventually you won’t need to.” The man then held out his hand to the now standing Light. “I am Andric The Tutor. I will be training you now that you are here. Would you come walk with me? Perhaps we can gather up more of my future students.”

Light did not hesitate. He shook Andric’s hand and the two of them walked, immersed in conversation about what was to come.
Marth sat in his room, he had arrived at the training area the night before, and was still not entirely sure what he was meant to do. He had been shown a room, but not spoken with anyone since. Deciding that he had hidden away in the room for long enough that day, he pulled on a tight printed shirt and a pair of fairly fitted jeans. He wandered around the grounds, and was unsure who to speak with, or what he was supposed to be doing here. Brushing his blueish hair out of his eyes, he looked around what seemed to be a large garden.
Luka Evans and Aiden

Aiden watched from the back of the room as Mavis gave his little dramatic speech, not quite listening enough to really understand what was really going on. He didn’t have to understand. They would tell him who to attack and he would laugh as he watched them burn. It didn’t even upset him that he wasn’t deemed important enough to warrant a seat at the table. That wasn’t who he was and it never would be. After Mavis ended his little talk, Aiden picked up the child standing next to him – she’d been fairly quiet throughout the event which rather surprised him; however, the moment he touched her, she squealed and Aiden smiled allowing the squealing to continue as he carried her up to Master Mavis. Then, very abruptly, he dropped her right in front of him and she whimpered as she hit the ground.

“Morning, Mavis,” He greeted without a smile. Then he looked down at the child who was trying to get back to her feet. With a wicked grin, he swept his foot in and swept her feet out from under her so that she fell again. She squealed and he laughed. “You don’t get to stand!” he yelled cruelly. “Tell him your name.”

Luka was crying now. This man had done nothing but torment her since they had saved her from the monster. “I just want to go home!” she cried out as tears began to visibly splash down her cheeks.

Aiden bent down and slapped her. “You don’t get to go home. Now, tell Master Mavis your name!”

Luka’s hand rubbed her cheek where Aiden had slapped her and then she looked up to the other man, still crying although her sobs had quieted a bit. “I’m Luka… Luka Evans.”

Aiden smiled and brought himself back to full height in front of Mavis. “What should we do with this one?” he inquired.

Marth looked around and saw a boy and a girl chatting. They looked fairly injured, but Marth wasn't sure why. He figured he could use some new friends in this place, and as he didn't know where else to go, he headed over to introduce himself. He listened to Rahadi reassure the girl, and nodded in agreement with his assessment of this place.

"Yeah, It's very nice here. And pretty." He said. His voice was as ambiguous as his figure, and one could hardly tell if Marth was a very feminine guy or a very masculine girl. This was one trait Marth had always hated about himself. He was clothed in dark jeans and a soft blue t-shirt that seemed to advertise some sort of rock band on the front. His hair was shaggy, but not messy, and his eyes were a very light blue, almost piercing.

"What's it doing? Yup," she says brightly, giving her head a little shake to get her ponytail back in place against her back."Well mentors essentially help teach whatever it is you're learning. Don't worry about it, I've mentored and plenty of others have taught people who've never gone to school. Not being able to read doesn't affect your ability to manipulate you element unless there's some new element I've never heard of before!"

(crappy keyboard post... please prepare for major crappy mess ups that I may have ti edit later)

Ryuu rubbed his eyes again... "they keep shifting... these blue shadowy figures keep showing up...its just a bit odd." He continued rubbing his eyes trying to get it to stop. It was actually beginning to become disorienting. "Okay that make sense... though reading should not be to much of a problem. I learned to read by my self... along with some basic math... Libraries are rather helpful...." Ryuu said after deciding that rubbing his eyes was not helping."But its nice to know that anything else i covered"

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