The Duval Twins

Emmett Duval

Age: 17



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Emmett is the epitome of good, he is never rude and he is always polite, even when he parties. He is also the paragon of high school jocks, he plays three sports. He can be very hot headed and act before he has a chance to think his actions through. Which is said to be his fatal flaw.


Emmett and Emerson have grown up in the best way possible they have anything they could ever ask for, nice house, nice car, nice clothes. The one thing though that they have never been able to have is parents that are thier for them. For their parent to be able to afford the things they do they have to travel all over the world, kissing the asses of their clients. So the twins were raised by house keepers and butlers.

Crush; Hudson Adams (I know he straight just thought it might be interesting)



Emerson Duval

Age: 17



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Emerson, like his brother is a human peacock. He flaunts what he has and has no worries about what the consequences are anymore. he unlike his brother is not hot headed, everything action is well thought out and executed as to not make a fool of himself.


Emmett and Emerson have grown up in the best way possible they have anything they could ever ask for, nice house, nice car, nice clothes. The one thing though that they have never been able to have is parents that are thier for them. For their parent to be able to afford the things they do they have to travel all over the world, kissing the asses of their clients. So the twins were raised by house keepers and butlers.

Crush: none yet


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