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Fantasy The Dungeon of Ornesse


An Immaterial Phantasm Adrift Amidst Annihilation
It just appeared one day.

Without any warning, it crept out of a cave on the edge of the town of Ornesse. It spread like a poison, blighting the land and filling it with death and destruction. The gods from far and wide came together to stop it, and it was handily shoved back into the cave from whence it came, restricted from ever spreading any further.

Simply known as the dungeon, it produced monsters in its depths endlessly. If one were to fall, it would just spawn again hours later. So deep as to seem unending, it was a curious place, and naturally, expedition was in order. Unfortunately, the dungeon harbored great ill will against the gods that sealed it. Monsters of absurdly higher strength than usual would appear from nowhere the moment their power was revealed. Practically unstoppable, it would force even them out of the dungeon. It was up to the servants of those gods to explore the dungeon’s depths. The problem with that was that an ordinary human wouldn’t last long in the dungeon. To aid them on their quest, gods granted them a blessing; the power to fight these monsters. Applied in the form of the god’s insignia, it allows their capabilities to tangibly grow with use. Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, Magic. By updating the status on their insignia, practicing something enough allows them to strengthen beyond normal human limits. With it, they were able to brave the dungeon, and found two mysterious details:

Every time a monster is slain, the body disintegrates, leaving behind only a magic stone and, occasionally, drop items. Magic stones are the cores of monsters, and possess a magical power within them that can be used for things such as lighting, water purification, cooking stoves, refrigerators, and other things. Should a magic stone break while in a monster, the monster immediately dies. Drop Items are items that can sometimes remain along with the Magic Stone after a monster dies. They are parts of the dead monster that are often useful for the creation of weapons, armor and items.

The second detail is that every so often, parties would come across a human in the middle of the dungeon, usually unconscious, and almost always wearing strange clothing. Every time, without exception, they never remember how they got there. A fair amount of them don’t even remember their past, but every last one of them claim that the world they came from was unlike this one.

It didn’t take long for magic stones to bring about an industrial revolution. As with any sudden advancement in technology, there was a great deal of money to be made, and it all hinged on the gods. The gods could have just remained in their shrines and temples, gathering faith and hoping for donations to keep the place running. This was not the popular choice. The devastated town of Ornesse was all at once the center of the world. A guild system was established and just about every god wanted to create one of their own. Anyone who wanted to become an adventurer would join a guild, become blessed by their god, and explore the dungeon in their name. As they slayed monsters they would bring back the magic stones and hand it to over to the guild association in exchange for gold. (G) A portion of this gold would go towards the god, who would use it to house its members and/or provide other benefits, and they would keep the rest. The adventurers would get their statistics updated by the god they serve that they may travel deeper and get larger magic stones, making more money. Through the entire process the gods would be actively gaining faith and worship, and the economy world-wide blossoms as a result.

As for those mysterious humans dropped into this world, one thing is clear: Answers won’t be found outside of the dungeon.

You wake to the sounds of arguing, a male and a female, and you initially mistake it for a lover's dispute. As the noise shoves away the hazy fog of dysania, you come to realize you have no idea where you are or how you got here. You start worrying that you did something reckless last night, but judging by how your head doesn't hurt like shit, it couldn't have been from getting hit upside the head, nor excessive alcohol.

You're lying down on an ugly gray couch with a repeating crescent moon pattern. The room itself looks incredibly Japanese, shōji dividing the part you're in and another unseen. The only thing stopping you from thinking you're in Japan right now is the impracticality of being smuggled there overnight. Sitting up and looking around, you find the source of the two voices, a girl with red hair and a man (?) in what you think is called a kimono. You're not exactly familiar with the jargon for Japanese clothing, but between the dress, the long hair and their youthful face, only the voice and flat chest imply that they aren't female. They're arguing in the doorway, the girl outside sounding disgruntled over one thing or another. She spares a glance at you mid tangent, and when the kimono-wearer follows her gaze, they immediately shut the door in the girl's face before walking over to you.

For a moment you share a casual stare-down with them, as if they expect you to say something. You're pretty sure you're the one owed an explanation here, but if it's what it takes to cut this awkward shit out... "What are you?"

They seemingly brighten, their neutral expression shifting to a self-important smile. Their voice isn't particularly manly, but the booming grandeur of their words reaffirms that, yes, it is a masculine one. "Fear not mortal. I am Tsukuyomi, god of the moon, and it is I who have saved you."

Clearly this man has misunderstood the purpose of your question. "So you're a guy then?"

'Tsukuyomi' sputters, smug smirk replaced with an indignation that strikes you as comical. "Impudent swine! Doth thine eyes not see?"

You can't help but smirk yourself. She's rather prissy, isn't she? And that speech... She could call you the scum of the Earth and you're sure it would come out sounding hilarious. "You could've just said you're a girl."

"Imbecile!" She puts a hand on her face and mutters something to herself you're not sure was English or not. "I am male you buffoon! Don't you have greater concerns than my gender right now?"

Now she he gets to the point. You should have focused on the important questions, but this guy is ridiculously imperious, in his tone if not his choice of words. You cut to the chase. "Where the fuck am I?"

He smiles in that same smug manner he did before stretching out an arm as if to point to everything at once. "You are sitting in the Tsukuyomi guild, a monument to my-"

You cut him off for brevity's sake. "By the way, how did I get here?"

He gets visibly pissed. "If you'd stop interrupting me, you-" he seems to cut himself off, taking a deep breath. "Those under my command brought you back, and as it just so happens, I'm in need of-"

He avoided a crucial detail. His reward? Getting interrupted again. "Brought me back from where?"

He grits his teeth for a moment. You suppose you should be nicer given the circumstances. "Where else!? shouldn't you recognize when you're not in your own world anymore?"

You cross your arms and lean back on the couch. "What do you mean by that?"

Tsukuyomi pinches the bridge of his nose before moving to the doorway and violently pushing it open. He doesn't have much patience, does he? He sticks his hand out the door and you humor him by getting up and looking out at what he gestures at. You're not sure what you were expecting to see, but what you do was surely not what you expected. Brick roads and buildings, and stray magicians literally playing with fire in the palms of their hands without even drawing any attention. The architecture looks old-fashioned, but it could just as easily just be Italian. You don't know. In fact, looking up at the building you were just in, you find that this guild of his is large and Japanese in style. It kind of sticks out actually. Either way, what you do know is that you sure as hell aren't in America anymore. You turn back to face him, and he mercifully provides an explanation. "You, like many others, were found in a random place in the dungeon on the edge of town. You were rescued by an adventurer serving under me, and-"

You cut him off again. "Where is this dungeon?"

He looks annoyed at first before narrowing his eyes suspiciously. "Surely you don't intend to go back in the dungeon as soon as you got out?"

You look him in the eye. You want it known you mean business here. You enunciate each word, a demand in a question. "Where is this dungeon?"

He retains his suspicious look but relents anyway. "The dungeon is on the edge of town, to the West. If you intend to go back into the dungeon, you'll need to join a guild. Otherwise death is inevitable. As it so happens, I'm in need of more adventurers to replace that uncouth... urchin you saw earlier."

You cross your arms again. "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Not when kindly old women aren't involved.

He then gives you a smile distinct from the other one. You would describe it as devious. "All you have to do is pick up the magic stones monsters in the dungeon drop. When you return, bring them back to me, and I'll even pay you for them."

He doesn't seem finished but it's not like you give a shit about cutting him off. "Monsters?"

He doesn't miss a beat, his smile still plastered on his face like a possessed doll. "Yes, they spawn endlessly within the dungeon. No one has been able to survive them all and reach the end." He tilts his head in a manner that somehow manages to seem condescending. "You join a guild when you receive the god's blessing. Would you like to receive mine?"

You scoff a bit. The ridiculousness of this whole thing is starting to get to you, but you don't have time to sit around getting confused over things. It wouldn't give you answers, and in the end it doesn't really matter whether this guy is a god or not. "Just what is this blessing exactly?"

"A blessing is a god's insignia applied onto the body of an adventurer. It gives them the ability to fight monsters. Perhaps not at first, but with every action, every hardship and display of talent, the blessed become stronger. It allows them reach and surpass the limits of human capability, and in theory their potential is limitless."

"Give it to me."

He laughs a bit before asking you to turn around. You comply and only have a few moments to regret it as he tugs down the back of your shirt and slams his open palm into where your shoulders meet your neck. You naturally pull away and he lets you, a dull tingling sensation radiating from the area he touched. You rub it, but feel nothing in its place but skin. "With that, you are now a member of my guild. Go forth and bring me glory!"

"Fuck that, I'm going home." You leave. You have what you need to get home. Tsukuyomi goes on about 'certain doom' or something but you ignore him, blissfully unaware that he was trying to warn you about going in unarmed.

You navigate through town, getting lost no less than three times. You can't mind all that much though with all the activity going on everywhere. A fair portion of passersby are carrying a bladed weapon, and you can only describe this town as one straight out of an MMORPG. From the vendors to the clothing people wear, all of it seems like it came from another time and place. Fitting, since that's where you supposedly are, but...

Seriously, how did you get here? How does this place exist? You're left to ponder these questions, to consume your thoughts as you wander the town, only finding the plaza surrounding the dungeon entrance an hour or so later. The plaza consists of a circle of merchants lining the edges in every direction. An assortment of benches are strewn about everywhere, and in the very center a gorgeous fountain of impressive stature. 'adventurers' as it were, litter the area, loitering all over the place, decked out in varying equipment and armed with various weapons. The dungeon, as it were, seems to have some large underground stairway with a big round door rolled out of the way, presumably for closing it off.

'Leave your doubts and have no fear. The righteous path is clear' that's how the song goes. You head straight for the dungeon, showing the guards your new insignia, whatever it is, when they stop you. Descending ever deeper, you find that either side of the stairway is lit by torches holstered in the wall... and shiny gems. Right...

Eventually the staircase devolves into a sloping path, and soon after that it comes to a large room with many branching paths. You start to hesitate, unsure of what you were hoping to accomplish by running in here, but hey, you need to get back to your mother and your world, and you need to do it now. What would she think if you never show up to visit her in the hospital? What if the stress of her son abandoning her just makes her condition worse? You owe it to her to try.

That being said, determination doesn't equate to guidance, so you pick a random path. About half a minute later you come across a room filled with piles of... slime of varying sizes. Also, every single one of them is bouncing towards you abnormally. This is just fucking great.

All of them already encroaching on you, you kick a small one, the top half of which goes flying across the room and splatters on the wall. Not interested in finding out if it's still alive or dealing with any of the medium or large ones, you walk through the room briskly, their odd, slow bouncing motions preventing them from collapsing in on you. Finding the pathway on the other end of the room, you look down it only to see what appears to be a four eyed komodo dragon lounging in the middle of the path.

This is just fucking great.

You turn back to find the slimes have blocked off the way back in all directions, leaving no room for fast walking. Their erratic jumping patterns discourage you from trying to jump over the small ones, and the large ones seem to be growing larger.

Welp. You think you'd rather fight the overgrown lizard than go through the slimes to find a different path. Turning back, you run down the path as fast as you can. Alarmed by your sudden movement it assumes a much more threatening stance with its head raised and mouth open, showing off tons of razor teeth. Dangerous? Absolutely. Is it worth respecting that danger? This is a point that makes you never understand why people can be afraid of dogs, or even the grudge. You are much bigger than them. Four-eyed komodo dragons are big, sure, but not nearly as big as a human, which is why you confidently run up to it and kick it directly in its stupid face. It naturally lunges for your leg, trying to bite it or something, but jeans are enough to keep your leg safe from random, potentially poisonous scrapes as you smash your shin into it, throwing it back. The moment it hits the ground, even bouncing a bit, it scrambles back onto its feet and, oddly enough, runs back at you instead of away. This, you aren't as sure what to do. You can tell by the angle your leg connected with it that it can jump high, so there's a possibility it can jump way above the arc of your foot, and you don't want to take a risk for that.

So you run. You run back to the wall of slimes, which have now congregated into two main blobs at stomach height from gathering around the end of the pathway. You want to stop and think of a way to deal with them, but the skitters of the monster lizard dictate you need to rush, so you just leap between two, getting your foot caught in one in the process. On the bright side, the lizard immediately rushes through, getting itself caught in a slime. You then get a front row seat as it is slowly enveloped and suffocated, all while tugging your foot out. The lizard makes its final struggle and dissolves peculiarly, leaving behind nothing but a shiny crystal thing. The abnormal empty space immediately collapsing with a weird bubbling sound. That spectacle over and forever burned in your memory like especially disturbing porn, you return your attention to your leg currently being eaten by giant jello. You step on the edge of the slime with your other foot to gain leverage against it as you try to yank it out, but the slime is practically glued to your leg, and you can't gain any leverage without basically shoving your entire foot in it. Out of frustration more than anything you punch the slime. It wobbles once before rebounding and consuming your fist and you can't help but yell out "MOTHER FUCK." You start to feel a tingly feeling on your consumed limbs and realize the other slime has merged with the one you're stuck in, making it almost as tall as you. You are suddenly filled with disgust at the notion of dying to this thing, and you think to your insignia. Right, so it's supposed to let you fight monsters, huh? THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE THINGS.

In a fit of irritation you shove your consumed foot and fist into the slime they're already within, getting the unexpected result of going straight through to the other side. Okay.

You lift your arm, pulling it directly out of the slime, leaving a large fissure in its... top. This is immediately healed as the fissure closes up with a disconcerting 'schlorp'. Even so, if pulling one of multiple limbs out is easy, you breathe easy as you take your fist and shove it through the slime. You then immediately remove it and punch it again. And again. As you do it repetitively, the sexual motion of thrusting your fist in and out of it occurs to you and the notion that someone would think of your actions as such just makes you more irritated at it.

The slime is losing volume to an accumulating pile of something resembling mashed jello bits, but the fact that it pops back into shape makes you feel like you're making no progress. Even if you are, the pile is growing too slow. You aren't making enough progress on it. Even still, you keep at it. You don't know where you are or why you're here. You're in a shitty cave-cavern thing and you're going to have to be and fight a ton of stupid shit like this to get back home. You let your frustrations drive you as you thrust your fist-not through the slime, but at the slime. You just don't care anymore. The stupidity of it all is just beyond comprehension. It's like being here isn't even real to you, like you've suspended your disbelief in favor of just going back to see your mother. Your punch sinks into the slime. The outcome is unacceptable for what you feel, and so it doesn't surprise you at first when the slime suddenly splatters all over the wall like you just pressed an 'eject all' button on a canister of spray paint with slimes inside. When you realize you splattered the entire slime off you is when you're satisfied and surprised. Your clothes don't even smell. That's the best a man can ask for.

You'll have to ask Tsukuyomi what the hell just happened, but for now the slimes remind you of your end of the bargain. The liquified slime scattered on the wall dissolves and the largest slime drop that does so leaves behind a crystal of sorts that fits snugly in your closed palm and glistens softly with an eerie shine. You assume this is the magic stone Tsukuyomi was talking about. You pocket it and head back towards the dungeon entrance. You've gotten a taste of what this dungeon is. You don't know what it has to do with ending up here, but for now you know this: You're going to be here for a while.

You sigh a bit, feeling crushed under a particularly heavy weight settling itself on your shoulders.

Sorry mom.
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Sagitta finally arrived at Ornesse, the town was nothing like his old village with building as tall as the biggest trees in the forest and some even taller. With people every where you look just walking around some playing with magic, while he knew about magic he never saw it up close before. But Sagitta was here for a reason and it was not sightseeing, he looked around for people with weapons they surely would be part of a guild he thought. But after asking several people and groups of people he found out that most guilds are not actually recruiting new people or at least not people who just randomly come to their members on the street and ask to join. Sagitta spent a few days like this he was staying in the Inn with what little money he had but he didn't have enough for much longer, he had to join a guild to survive or he would have to resort to different ways of earning money.

Then he saw a god and his followers well... following him, The god had a bow and arrow just like Sagitta had so he had an idea. Challenging the god to a archery match if Sagitta wins the god accepts him to his guild if he wins Sagitta gives him all the money he has. After pondering what ever or not he should do it, Sagitta finally decided to do it. He stops the god and his followers and with as manly tone as he could make he said "I am challenging you to an archery contest, if I win you accept me to your guild if I lose I give you all my money" The god look shocked for a moment then said with a smile "No need my friend, I am Ullr and I will gladly accept you to my guild" Now Sagitta was the shocked one "T-Thank you, ahhh I didn't think that it will work this way" Sagitta said while laughing out of embarrassment more than anything. "Whats your name boy?" Ullr said still smiling. "Ah its Sagitta... my lord (?)" Sagitta said still unsure as to how he should even address his god. Ullr laughed "Just Ullr is fine, Sagitta give me your left hand." Ullr said holding his hands out as to show Sagitta to put his left hand on top of Ullr's left hand, Sagitta nodded and did what Ullr told him to. Then Ullr put his right hand over Sagitta's left sandwiching it between his own hands, a bright light came up and then Ullr let go. Sagitta looked at the back of his palm and saw the Insignia of Ullr marked on his skin. "Well then what are you waiting for go to the plaza out side of the dungeon to get a party going I don't recommend going in alone for the first time, and we have something we need to take care of our guild house is that one over the corner" Ullr said as he pointed towards a big building with his own mark on it. "Come over there once you done your exploring for today" Ullr said with a smirk on his face, Sagitta nodded with excitement and ran off towards the plaza he couldn't wait to finally enter the dungeon.

As he reached for the plaza he looked around trying to find anyone who is new as well or relatively new to form a party with, having not found one he decided to wait a bit if no one will show up after a while he will go in alone.
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He takes his father's sword. He sheathes it at the waist. Dust snows in the scattered sun beams. He wears his brother's buckled armor. He straps the gloves. He wraps his mother's scarf around his lips to breathe and around his neck against wind chill. In the dimness, he and a three yards' radius glowed golden. These are the Sable heirlooms. And Sam Sable is the only one yet undefeated.

Sam rummages through the papers. All their notes on Spells and Skills. But each page that was lifted broke, cascading into dust. Gone. Only the heirlooms and this cellar house, they left behind.

If only he paid attention to what they were doing. No one said much. It was a quiet house even with clients and relatives coming and going. So he just hears traffic rumbling outside. He thinks hard.

No memory comes. Not surprising. In his anger, he must have blacked out his childhood. There's no one to ask, no one to answer to. Now it's just him and all that weight of steel on his body. This cellar house he used to call home is rubble. Just a quick stop on the way to the Thoth guild. He turns slowly and glances around, hoping a little to see a ghost among all the dust. But he sees nothing but an empty grave.

He leaves, stomping upstairs.

Outside the town of Ornesse, far from the cave and the dungeon, Sam treads through a shallow lake. The water ripples around his waist. His eyes lock on what glows blue and brighter than his scarf.

An astral pyramid spins aimlessly around a gravitational sphere, and sits on its throne a werewolf pharaoh with the head of a gargantuan ibis. The long hooked beak turns. Gold bird eyes glare mercilessly with pitch black pupils. Thoth, the god of thought and focus, finally slows the spinning to a stop. They stare without uttering a sound. Sam does not need to say anything. Thoth knows what I want.

Thoth grabs a net of tiny stars and crumples them in his hand, painting a golden palm. Then the bird god slams his hand forward. Despite the distance between them, Sam feels the insignia numb into the left collarbone, a tingling sensation spreading throughout his neck.

Sam blinks a few times. His eyes dilate.

It would be a few moments later when Sam Sable enters Ornesse and the plaza of adventurers. All are preparing for the odyssey underground. Many bark that their teams are full. He starts getting desperate, looking about for a space to fill in. How did my family do this?

I wish they told me.
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“What is your name?” The Goddess inquired—no, demanded. That one simple question carried with it an innate regality, and a certain quality that sent it apart from the people that brought him to the “guild”, as they called it. The guild building was, well, Greek in architecture. Most iconic were the massive carved stone columns. Marble, gold, and ivory were used plentifully. Also present were stone statues of owls

“I don’t remember.” responded the otherworlder calmly. He couldn’t remember his name, or all that much of his past life and world in general, but that didn’t concern him at all. What he did remember told him that what was forgotten was no great loss.

“In that case, I name you Avant. Count yourself fortunate—it isn’t too common for a mortal be be bestowed a name by a Goddess.” The Goddess smiled warmly at Avant. Beautiful is how she would be described, but to say just that would be a gross injustice. The Goddess was impossibly fair, with skin literally too perfect to be human. Her eyes were storm grey and sharp enough to cut steel. She looked more like a painting, something straight out of classical art. Adorned in a white peplos, the simplicity of her garb only served to highlight her natural beauty. Her features weren't especially outstanding, nor was her figure extraordinary, yet he couldn't help but feel that her appearance was unearthly.

Avant bows his head for a moment to choose his words. He had the feeling that building up a good relationship with divinity would be beneficial. Even if this wasn’t really a Goddess, the lady was clearly in charge.

“Thank you. What... can I do to repay this honor, ma’am?” Avant asks probingly.

Unexpectedly, the Goddess laughs--a clear and light sound at odds with her previously serious demeanor. “Ma’am? That makes me sound so very old. You may address me simply as Athena.”

“How old--” Athena’s smile twitches and Avant cuts himself off. Dodged a bullet there. Wait, what’s a bullet again... Flat at one one, sort of pointy on the other, is fired by a gun... Do they have guns here? Or do they all use magic... Magical girls...? GIRLS WITH GUNS!?!??!!

Athena’s smile slowly fades as Avant rapidly switches between expressions of shock, excitement, horror, resignation, and back to excitement all over again. She waits patiently, her mouth now in a hard line as Avant’s eyes spin in his head. Is he ignoring me...? I’m being ignored... Me, a Goddess worshiped for eternity, with millions of followers, and I’ve been completely forgotten...

“ENOUGH!” Shouts Athena impatiently. She catches her breath and smooths down her peplos before continuing. “Your sudden appearance must have left you in shock (so I’ll let you off). Allow me to explain how this world works...”

Avant nods slowly as Athena enlightens him on the workings of the world. Limitless potential to grow stronger, huh?

“I’ll join.” Avant answers without hesitation. “I swear I won’t let you down.” He mostly remembered what he had learned about Athena in his own world. Some of the key traits she represented were wisdom, strength, courage, and justice. She also represented the arts—so the guild should be financially stable. From what he had seen of Athena and the guild, it wasn’t bad at all.

“Where would you like my insignia?” The Goddess asks as she approaches. The gentle sway of her hips and the faint fragrance that she exudes distracts Avant, and his thoughts flash to a particular location before he gets a hold of himself. Avant no! The only thing that response will get you is a bad end!

“How about on my back?” I’ve always wanted a back tattoo...


"Glad it all fits." rumbles Arum. In his late forties, balding and slightly overweight, he was a gruff but helpful man that was put in charge of sorting out Avant's beginner gear. Equipped with a leather chest-piece, bracers, leg guards, boots, and gloves, Avant now looked the part of an adventurer. Somewhat, at least. He was still wearing the graphic tee and jeans from his own world.

"Now, what weapon will you be using? Or are you one of them magic types? You don't look it, a sturdy young man like you." Arum remarks, squeezing Avant's bicep inquisitively, looking him up and down as if he were a cut of meat.

Personal space much? Avant edges away slightly. "Let me try out all of the weapons and see what I like."

"Can do! Whale away at one of the straw men till you get a feel for something you fancy." Arum leads him over to an expansive courtyard, partially shaded by olive trees. Along one side of the courtyard, in a line were wooden posts to which straw dummies were affixed. Perpendicular to the row of dummies were archery targets, fenced in. A few people were present in the courtyard, some waving at Arum, others too focused to turn away.

Telling Avant not to move, Arum jogs away and returns wheeling a rack of steel weapons. All the basic archetypes were there--sword, spear, dagger, ax, mace, staff, club, as well as a few less commonly seen weapons. Enthusiastic to grow stronger, Avant tries them all before settling on the sword, with a dagger as backup. Now fully equipped, he thanks Arum before setting off for the dungeon. With "limitless potential for growth" in mind, Avant couldn't wait to get started.


The plaza was packed. The presence of so many people garbed in adventurer gear was both exciting and overwhelming. It was recommended that he find a party to join, but where to start? Most parties were either full, composed of experienced adventurers that would only be inconvenienced by a newbie, or both. If I can't join one, I'll make one. Sucking up his dignity and embarrassment, Avant calls out loudly "Looking for party members please join! Healers and mages needed!" I hope some cute girls join. I don't think my looks are too bad, and I'm a "mysterious otherworlder", that should count for something right?


Time passed.

But nobody came.

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Soren lazily looks out a window of his room, quietly observing the noisy bustle of the town below. Memories of last night flickered through his mind: Weary and ragged from travel, he had arrived at Ornesse late at night. His first order of business was to find a proper guild. He disinterestedly glanced around most of them, feeling like he didn’t belong there. Finally, he encountered Vidar’s guild. Norse god of vengeance. A chill went down his spine, Sounds fitting. I wonder what I have to do to join? Soren strode in there with confidence, albeit a bit nervous. He expected to walk in on the usual banter inside a guild, but people only spoke in hushed tones. He could almost feel the silent anger and bitterness thrum through the air. There was no need for words here. Only vengeance. I feel like somebody is watching me though.. Soren glanced up and noticed an imposing figure staring at him from a throne covered in a wolf pelt. So he’s Vidar, huh?

“I would like to join your guild. What must I do?” questioned Soren.

The god said nothing and simply beckoned with his calloused hand. He stepped forward until he was in front of Vidar and the god abruptly palmed his left cheek.

Slightly reeling from the blow and clutching his face, Soren exclaimed, “What was that for?!”

“Insignia,” the god spoke, a deep rich voice that resonated through the room.

Vidar motioned one of his followers and an armored man hastily made his way over.

“Vidar has accepted you into our guild and has blessed you with an insignia. From joining this guild, you will receive basic equipment and gear, as well as your own living space. Your main duty is going to the dungeon and bringing back any magic stones you find there by killing monsters. The guild association will compensate you with gold for them,” the armored person explained, “Any questions?”

Soren took several moments to absorb this information and then asked, “What does an insignia do?”

“An insignia lets you fight monsters and grow stronger. It also contains information about your class, skills, and levels. Right now it’s a blank slate though, because you haven’t done anything with it yet. Let us find you a suitable equipment and weapon. Any other information is not necessary at this time.”

It doesn’t matter as long as I can become stronger. Soren shrugged but followed along. He couldn’t see his own insignia now, but he figured he’d look in a mirror when he got the chance.

“Choose from one of these,” the man gestured to a wide array of weapons.

Soren picked up a straight sword, then promptly put it back down. I’m no knight of justice. He tried out several other weapons, such as a spear, staff, and a bludgeon; but these felt too unwieldy for him. When Soren picked up the dagger though, it fit comfortably in his hand. Soren had frequently used a knife to carry out his... uncouth deeds, and a dagger was not much different.

“I’ll be taking this,” Soren called out.

The armored man looked over at him in response and brought back a set of leather armor, “These should fit you. Let me know if they don’t.”

After all of that, Soren had simply figured out where his room was and put on the armor. When he peered into the mirror, he noticed the insignia beneath his eye. Out of all places, did it have to be my face? It doesn’t look too bad though. Soren tried to move around in the get up and found that he was able to move satisfactorily and that everything fitted him. He stripped the armor off and passed out on his bed.

Elysia, I’ll avenge you soon. Please wait a little longer…

Soren shakes himself from his thoughts. There was no point in daydreaming about the past, after all. I better go check out that dungeon today. He straps on his armor and checks to make sure the dagger is securely attached on his waist. Soren treads carefully through the guild-- this place was probably full of criminals after all. Or wronged people. Either way, they were not people that Soren particularly wanted to cross. He knew that he’d do anything to gain the power necessary to avenge Elysia and he was certain that these people had the same kind of resolve. As he make his way outside, with the sunlight temporarily blinding him, he scans his surroundings. Ornesse certainly looked different when it was daytime. Sure, there were people still having midnight adventures, but it wasn’t so...uncomfortably crowded as it was now. After all, he had learned to not trust anyone. Pushing his way through the mass of people, Soren finally arrives at what he presumes to be the plaza before the dungeon. Soren only briefly glances at the various shops’ wares. I doubt I can afford spending my money carelessly right now. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots a peculiar shirt and stops to stare at it.

The owner of the shirt called, "Looking for party members please join! Healers and mages needed!"

Soren scoffed to himself, I’ll never join a party.
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the plaza was full of people none of them seemed new though and no one would want a newbie in their party besides other newbies, Sagitta waited a bit and then fell a sleep after waiting for some time. Some one shouting is what woke Sagitta up he wasn't sure what he was shouting but from what he could hear it was "please join! Healers and mages needed!" Well Sagitta wasn't a healer or a mage but he figured he try his luck anyway he couldn't really see anyone else looking for a members. Sagitta stood up and as he saw the source of the shout he was puzzled, the shirt and pants the guy was wearing were odd to say the least. Maybe he was one of those "other worldly" people he heard about those who were found with no memory in the dungeon. It doesn't matter Sagitta thought and he approached the man "I am no healer or magician, but if you are in the need for a long range attacker I am your guy" Sagitta said not worrying too much about what ever or not the man would let him join his party from the looks of it, it wasn't really much of a party he didn't seem to have anyone but himself yet, besides he probably could handle the dungeon on his own if he does so carefully.



"A long ranged attacker is just what I needed! Glad to have you--hang on a moment sorry." Avant notices a possible recruit stop to look at him, and he refused to miss this chance. Besides, his confident gained another boost after being approached by the archer. What could go wrong? Trailing apologies, Avant hurries away, hoping that the archer will remain in place when he returns.
Avant and Soren

Avant zeroes in on the young adult of slightly ambiguous gender like an experienced merchant spotting a naive tourist. The person’s equipment looked fairly basic--hopefully they were a new to a guild as well.

“YOU there! Yes, you! You should join my party!” Avant rapidly closes in on Soren as the crowd edges away from him.

Highly uncomfortable with the newfound attention, Soren shifts slightly and assesses the perpetrator. It seemed as if the weird shirt guy had no battle experience whatsoever. Nor had gone through anything particularly serious. Soren had seen those kinds of faces daily when he had a life of crime, in the people he dealt with and his own face. This kid looked like he had experience no hardship whatsoever. His gear also seemed similar to his own, meaning he had recently joined a guild too.



But it refused.

“Yes.” Avant glares at Soren with a face full of Determination.

Soren sighs and holds his forehead with his hand. This world is kill or be killed. It is safer going with someone else than alone. There’s no point in risking myself unnecessarily before I can carry out my revenge. And I could always stab him in the back if he tries something funny. Figuratively and literally.


“I’m glad you came around.” Avant smiles in satisfaction. “What’s your name, guild, and party role? I’m Avant, of Athena, a swordsman.”

“Soren, and that’s all you really need to know about me,” he replies, gazing off into the distance with a dark expression on his face.

Edgy af. Like damn. “C’mon, you might as well tell me now. I’ve seen your insignia already, a few minutes of asking around and I’ll figure it out myself anyways.”

“Vidar, Norse god of vengeance. Happy?” Soren practically glares at Avant. This kid. Asking me so many infuriating questions. If I was going to party up, I should’ve asked someone from my own guild. At least they’re quiet.

“Almost. You a close combat type? Or a mage? I only see that blade on you, so you’re either a mage or a rogue of some sort.” Look at that wisdom going to work. And the god of vengeance? So edgy I’ll have to take care I don’t cut myself...

The ‘swordsman’ seemed to almost be pleased with himself. It’d be nice if he had something expensive on him--I’d have an excuse to stab him then. Since this will probably be a long, torturous experience otherwise, I might as well be friendlier. After several seconds of silence, Soren smiles and concedes, “I would assume I am a close combat type as I only have this dagger and no knowledge of any spells yet. Sorry about my behavior before, I was in a bad mood because my sister died recently. We probably got off on the wrong foot there.”

Soren cautiously holds out a hand to shake.

Did I ask about your sister? No. That’s nice though. Musta cared about her quite a bit. Enough to join a guild dedicated to vengeance. I wonder what he’ll do once he achieves his revenge. “I see. No worries, it’s all good.” Avant smiles warmly and accepts the hand, shaking strongly.

“Let’s go kill some monsters then, shall we?” Soren prompts.

“Nah, I’m going to recruit a few more party members first.” Avant responds, motioning for them to walk back toward the archer that he’d left hanging.

“Alright,” Soren shrugs. Whatever. This going to be annoying.


*click* *click*

*click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *cli--*


“Don’t waste the power son.”

“Haha sorry dad… it’s just so… bright…” *click*

“Of course it is. This’ll give you an edge (haha you’ll need it) when it gets dark in there, and will keep your hands free. Much better than carrying around a lantern and more efficient than just lighting up a stone. Ideally you’ll have a mage to create light for the party, but better to be self-sufficient. You shouldn’t need any spare stones for the light either, as you won’t be in there for long or venture too deep your first go.”

“Which is why I started to learn magic, you know” Seff said. His father responded “well, it’s your first time, and I could practically sneeze through the early parts. ”

Around Seff’s head and secured by an elastic band, the headlamp emitted a stark white light onto the table between Seff and his father. They were standing at his merchant stall outside the plaza around the dungeon. It was early morning, with more and more adventurers gradually gathering around the plaza, ready to start their hunting day off. Seff pounded his fist against his chest, right above his sternum, where the Omoikane guild insignia was placed just the day before.

“Get used to that mark, you’ll be seeing your God quite often now” Seff’s father said. “Of course, Omoikane was very kind and clear in what would be going on, I understood mostly due to your explanations beforehand too. The rest of the guild members were a little… intimidating, but I’m sure they’ll warm up eventually once they get to know me” Seff replied.

“All your equipment good?”

(Why the hell do you even want to carry that many more blades child… the guild gave you gear)

(Dad, it’s a magic thing you wouldn’t understand.)

(*grumble* Phases…)

*click* “Yes.”

The light went straight into his father’s eyes. He squinted and glanced downward, raising his hand to block the light.

“Have fun, son. And don’t pick up any girls in the dungeon. Be cautious” his father warned with slight a smile.

“Thanks again Dad!” Seff called out as he looked back at his father’s stall. Wide grin on his face, he bounded towards the entrance of the plaza, eager to find a party that would accept new members.

Standing at the relative edge of the crowd around the entrance, Seff stood idly, looking and listening out for someone that was still looking for members. A pair of grizzled looking adventurers looked over and gave a look promising death and despair if Seff moved an inch closer.


Seff quickly looked the other way and stumbled in the other direction. He gulped and continued looking back and forth, but to no avail. Sweatdrops were uncomfortably forming, as well as a feeling of awkwardness due to the sensation of having no place to be. His methodical searching degraded to a blunder across the plaza, desperate to find a group, when at least he heard what he wanted from the sight he wanted to see. A new looking adventurer with equipment looking on par with his own.

"Looking for party members please join! Healers and mages needed!"

That’s… not exactly me. Better than nothing I suppose

“Let’s do this proper and clear” Seff muttered to himself, preparing for a confident entrance.

Seff beelined for the adventurer, striding through the crowd with determination. He came to a halt at the side of the young man and outstretching his hand for a firm handshake with the other hand on his hip.

“H-hello, my name is Seff. I’d like to jo---”

The man promptly walked towards another person some distance away.

Where did he gooooooo

The man quickly returned to sight, but to Seff's dismay, promptly walked towards another angst-y looking adventurer.

Well, that went horribly wrong


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On the way back to where the archer was, Avant spots a figure on his hands and knees. "Erm--are you okay? Also, you should join my party." Avant leans over and extends a hand, smiling warmly. Smiling warmly was quickly becoming his trademark recruitment tool. Archer guy please don't go, I haven't forgotten you either. He glances sideways at where the archer guy was hopefully still standing.

"T-thank you! Yes I'm fine." Seff said, returning the warm smile.

Seff tightly grasped the sturdy hand offered and pulled himself up, dusting off his knees. "I accept your offer!"

"Today will be my first day in the dungeon actually. What about you? You seem rather out of place compared to the others around us... but you also seem comfortable." Seff inquired, also curious about the other individuals watching the recent exchange. The angst and the archer.

I wonder if... CRAP HIS NAME WHAT

"Sorry! I didn't get your name, in case you didn't hear my the time before, I'm Seff."


"Comfortable? I guess... It's more like I just feel lucky to be alive and here, you know?" As Avant speaks, he tugs Seff along with him toward the archer, with Soren following behind. "I'm Avant by the way. Nice to meet you all." Avant says to both Seff and the archer before adding a beaming smile to accentuate the statement. Sun, you are the sun, shine like the sun and others will orbit...

"I'm from the Athena guild, and I'm (probably going to become) a swordsman. I hope we'll all be able to work together well in the dungeon." Avant adds. This is really shaping up now...

The prospect of continuing the way you are is extremely unappealing. You've no weapon, no sort of protection, and no clue as to your end goal here. Even still, you think back to how Tsukuyomi described the insignia. He said it was a matter of progression. "Every hardship and display of talent, the blessed become stronger." That just means you need to keep going the way you are, right?

...Maybe you can do that splatter thing again.

You figure you might as well give it a shot before heading back. Navigating the town is a mess. It took you so long to figure out which way was west, and you're not looking forward to having to track down the Tsukuyomi guild again. You retrace your steps to the slime room and continue down the path of the four-eyed komodo dragon. Once you enter the next room, all the torchlight from the room back at the end of the staircase has ended, but just as well since the other half of the room is lit with glowing blue crystals embedded in the wall. These seem distinct from the ones that come out of monsters. They illuminate the place a lot better, even if only dimly, and have a blue glow as opposed to the multicolored chaos of the magic stones. You're guessing you don't need to take those back. You're pretty sure all those sword-wielding vagabonds just outside the dungeon don't use them to go mining. In any case, you faintly realize that someone is already here, a mage, throwing fire and lightning at a bunch of small... goblins, or something, trying to gang up on her. You're about to go get a closer look when all at once a boy with a kitsune mask and extremely normal clothing appears in front of you, as if from nothing. He's carrying a backpack with pins on the strap and a sword dangling from a belt loop. He stares you down through the slits the mask has for eyes before turning back to the girl and calling out something in Japanese. "Nashi buki de betsu no sekai kara shoshinsha"

At this the girl unleashes a wave of flame around her, killing off the rest of the monsters. It's only now you realize the boy and girl are part of a group, two other members emerging from the dark corner unlit by the crystals. Come to think of it, it's really easy to be ambushed by monsters here. One of the two figures that emerged from the dark walks over to you, the masked boy from earlier running over to pick up the magic stones, the girl making no move to help him.

The approaching man is tall and his clothing is oddly formal for a dungeoneer. Come to think about it, all four of them don't have any visible armor. The girl mage appears to be wearing a zipper hoodie and the other figure from the dark is wearing a dress of sorts. In any case, they seem to be getting ready to leave the area. The room itself was large, and you wonder if it was full of monsters previously. Either way, the three at the other end of the room are clearly waiting on you and the man with a small bag slung over one shoulder as he comes to a stop in front of you. Without any words, he simply reaches into the bag and tosses something at you. You catch it, and are surprised to find that it was a knife. You just barely avoided your hand getting cut open. "Newbies shouldn't come into the dungeon unarmed." You look back up at him only to see that he's already walking away to rejoin his group. He calls over his shoulder. "We'll be taking this route, so if you want to do some training, you should go back and take a different path." With that he leaves. You examine the knife again. It looks simple enough. The hilt has a Japanese inscription you can't read,

but besides that it doesn't look like anything special.

You know what he meant by what he said. When you get strong enough to do so, it seems like something you'd do yourself, clearing out an entire route by yourself.

In any case, you're going to have to take another path to get any fighting done. As you walk back through the path, you find that a singular, tiny slime is now hopping about the slime room. You immediately jump on it, splattering it on the ground. You pick up the much smaller magic stone and walk back to the large torch-lit chamber at the bottom of the steps. It seems other parties are checking up on their preparations here, and it occurs to you that maybe you should get in a party for the time being, at least while you're doing your training.

You consider what you have to lose by heading back up the stairway to the surface, but then come to the conclusion that training doesn't necessarily have to be done on monsters as long as you have the insignia. Right? Whether physical or magic superpower training, you decide to give in and ascend the stairs again, if for no other reason than for the exercise. There were tons of groups getting together in that plaza outside the dungeon.

...Not that you intend to join a group or anything. Going solo is definitely the best way to get stronger, but...

It would be nice to size up the deeper parts of the dungeons with one... They may not be able to take you far, but they should at least show you the extent of your training grounds, so to speak. Just once. You'll try exploring with a group just for now.

As you reach the top of the staircase, you come to see a great array of adventurers of all ages, genders and specializations.

You don't know where to even begin.

This was a mistake.

Sagitta was a bit annoyed when the man just left him there without finishing any kind of proper meeting, Hell he didn't even know his name yet. Sagitta stood there with an angry face staring as the man went on the recruit some one else, then as he turned around walking towards Sagitta with the new recruit Sagitta relaxed his face returning to normal no point in starting on the left foot with his first party. But the man then stops to recruit another one, this time Sagitta couldn't help but to smile, not a kind smile though a smile of "Oh I am going to kill you some day" kind of smile. Then as Avant comes back and finally introduced himself "I am Sagitta as you can probably tell from my bow and arrows I am an archer, while this will be my first time in the dungeon today I am far from inexperienced with the bow and with hunting." Sagitta said still with a bit of a angry tone. Then waiting for every one else to introduce them self he relaxed calming himself down, he probably should have done so before speaking but too late for it now.
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Soren sighs, exasperated as Avant goes ahead and picks up a desperate stray. Earlier the same person had gone up to Avant and mumbled out an introduction, but Avant had left to recruit Soren. Seff, was it? He looks naive too. He glances over Seff’s gear. And has a deep obsession with blades. Must be a phase.

Looking around, Soren locks his gaze on an archer’s ‘I’m going to kill you’ smile. He seems impatient and pissed off about something. We might get along. Maybe. Soren follows Avant to meet up with that very person. Figures. Even Avant-the-crowd-pleaser can’t please everyone, huh? Once the archer introduces himself as Sagitta, Soren decides he might as well get his introduction over with.

“My name is Soren and I’ll be using a dagger to fight,” Soren says in a cordial tone.

Can we get going already? We’re killing time that could be better used to get stronger. And loot. Loot is important.
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The lummox runs all over the plaza in his buckled armor, hearing shouts from an ambitious recruiter. He jerks his head left. Cmon, keep shouting! Where are you? His attention snaps right. He sees Avant stirring up a commotion from Sagitta, Soren, and Seff. He strides over and reaches out for a handshake, "Hi, I'm Sam Sable. I'm a Spellsword, so that's mage enough, right?"




"Sure?" Avant says after a short moment, shaking Sam's hand. He supposed this early on, forming a well-rounded party wasn't too important. The lack of cute girls was rather concerning however. Maybe he'd be able to find some inside the dungeon? Fantasies of a chance meeting with a cool beauty mage girl in the middle of battle, overcoming hardship while entrenching his manly stature in the girl's mind, saving the girl from certain doom in the nick of time--in doing so carving his presence into her very heart and soul. Avant's imagination runs rampant with fantasies. An almost visible aura of idiocy wafts off of the novice adventurer.

"With this, we have a full party. As most of you know already, I'm Avant, of the Athena Guild, and a swordsman. The archer is Sagitta. The well-armed man is Seff, and this is Soren. Good to have you, Sam. Let's go make some money." Introductions settled, Avant sets off toward the dungeon, the others presumably in tow. A good leader was self-confident, and looking back to see if others were following was not a show of confidence. Of course, if it turns out that there really wasn't anyone following, it'd be deathly embarrassing, but Avant could just chastise the others for dragging their feet. Or just enter the dungeon alone. All alone. By his lonesome. With only himself for company. Unless he met a cute mage girl along the way.

After showing his insignia to the guards (thankfully he only has to go through that process once), he walks down the stairs and enters the dungeon for the first time. Avant supposed the inside was consistent with what he expected. Torches and magic stones lit the cave-like interior. Several paths opened up, Avant choosing the left-most one. The path opened up into a mid-sized cave with a fairly low ceiling, decently lit by more of those glowing stones. Bouncing around on the ground were shiny orange orbs with dark orange eyes. The moment Avant entered, the orbs stopped moving and slowly turned toward Avant.

Avant stared back at the orbs expressionlessly.

The orbs smiled, exposing rows of sharp orange teeth.


After the spellswordsman joined, Soren does a small calculation in his head. Basically, most of the party would be running at any monsters with some sort of pointy weapon. Great. As long as they don't get in my way, I don't care at this point. And if they die, I can just steal their stuff. He gets the urge to smack Avant out of whatever fantasy his mind was currently in, noticeable courtesy of a stupid expression plastered all over Avant's face. Soren does feel a slight flash of gratitude when Avant introduces him to the spellswordsman though, mainly because he didn't feel like mustering the energy to introduce himself again. When Avant leaves the group, Soren follows after him silently, they were finally entering the dungeon. The guards don't check him for his insignia of course. One of the advantages of having your guild advertised on your face.

Soren's eyes readjust to the different lighting inside the dungeon. And... comes face to face with orange orbs. They smile.

I'm just going to stab it.

Soren unsheathes his weapon and approaches the orbs cautiously, alert for any sudden movements. One orb bounces towards him and Soren jerks his left arm away from its bite and swiftly stabs it with his other arm. The dagger sinks into its flesh easily and the orb falls to the ground, getting a revenge bite on his right calf.

"That barely hurts," Soren snarks at it and stomps on the orb until it stops moving entirely.

He extracts the magic stone from the body and smoothly pockets it.

The Spellsword goes for a running start and leaps high. He brandished the blade in the air before wielding it straight down. Sam falls with all his weight and pops an orange orb, spilling the ooze and a Magic Stone. His gloved hand gripped it before another orange orb clamped its fangs onto his hand. Grateful it couldn't penetrate his armor, he grabbed it and squeezed.

The second Magic Stone broke and crumbled to uselessness.

Oops, he realizes. Too reckless...

My family must have learned to mine for resources as gently and destructively as possible from many near-death mistakes. They weren't just mindless and careless with their lives. To deal with the dungeon, you had to be apt and deft. Brute force meant nothing. This was a warning, if not an omen. He kept his eyes peeled, pocketing the first Magic Stone, for the right way wasn't obvious.
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As Soren unsheathes his blade and apporaches the balloons, Avant does the same. He draws his sword and holds it in front cautiously. There shouldn't be any real struggle here, but it's always good to start from the basics. He focuses on the nearest balloon in front of him. The unassuming orange blob stares back at him with a toothy grin, bouncing in place.

His concentration is broken by Sam's sudden appearance. The spellsword leaps into the air and slams down on a balloon, killing it instantly. They didn't appear too hard to kill at all. This brings Avant to realize just how easy this would be compared to what was to come. Why was he even hesitating here? He should be killing as fast as possible to move on to what was to come.

Three meters away, the balloon continued to bounce. Avant narrows his eyes at it, picturing what he'd do. Three steps forward and run it through with the sword. Simple. He tightens his grip on his blade and runs at the balloon, leaping at it with his sword pointed right at it.

The world rushes past in a sudden blur. He comes to a unsteady stop a few meters past, an unfamiliar weight on his sword. Impaled through the mouth all the way to the hilt, the balloon bites weakly down on the sword before wilting away to nothing, the magic stone clinking to the floor. Avant pockets the stone on reflex, as if it were a shiny penny.

So that's what a magic stone looks like huh? What was that sudden burst of speed back there though... The status increase? Athena told me it wouldn't be active until I came back to her after some training and hardship, and even more so might not be perceivable at first. I don't feel stronger or faster either. A skill then? She mentioned I would most likely gain a skill at some point, but was that it? I didn't even make a conscious effort to activate anything. Aside from that final step that I put everything into. Is that it? A quick-step? ... SHUNPO??!??!??!

Bursting with enthusiasm, Avant continues to hack apart orange orbs with glee, occasionally using his new「Charge」skill to decent effect. It only worked part of the time, and quickly got too tiring to maintain using, but the feeling was addictive. Of course, he remembered to pick up the magic stones. To leave them would be like leaving spare change on the ground. (Some people do that, but not Avant. Not that Avant actually knew how valuable these tiny cores were.)

Rubbing her stinging left forearm, the newest Forseti guildie exited out of the glittering hall of her patron ǫ́ss into the bustling town of Ornesse. The town had really become quite the hot spot as of late with the sudden appearance of “the dungeon.” People of all kinds had gathered in the quaint town for all sorts of motives, just like her. Somehow the fact summoned a giddy grin upon the face of the young lass. Such an ideal situation was enough to get her spirits soaring high through the skies.

“Yush!” shouted the blonde, spunky bumpkin as she pumped her right fist into the air enthusiastically. Luckily the passing travelers were too busy with their own preparations to notice her spontaneous, quirky outburst. She quickly retracted the hand, though, in order to continue massaging the inflamed area on her left forearm. The old geezer...god...had been a kind, boisterous fellow, overjoyed to have Odea join his ranks of justice and reconciliation. However, he had been almost too enthusiastic to the point that Odea had begun to consider him quite obnoxious. The more the old man...god...rambled on and on about the chronicle of his life story, the more she regretted her decision to join his guild. But, her menial research had showed that a god’s blessing was necessary to enter the dungeon, so she had endured the history lecture through clenched teeth, fake grins, and polite nods of feigned interest. Finally the formalities concluded with the bestowal of the god’s insignia. The hearty god was so ebullient that while Odea had been contemplating and examining her immediate extremities for the ideal place to receive her insignia, the jubilant god’s hand slipped and accidentally slapped the center of her left forearm, branding it with his guild’s crest.

The accidental placement was a blessing in its own way, though. It saved her time spent deciding the ideal place, and allowed her the chance to elude further backstories and myths that her god was sure to tell if given the time of day. Forseti, apologetic for the incident, had summoned another guild member to hurry Odea on her way as a means of compensation and shirking of the mistake that he had just made. The other guild members doted on the new recruit, each preaching a similar vibe of pure, fluffing justice and holiness. Their shining auras of purity were unbearable to be around, much like Odea's older siblings. She just knew that their assertive personalities would clash with her own. Politely declining their persistent offers of assistance, Odea quickly left the confines of her new guild and escaped to the fresh air.

Odea sighed at the memory that had just occurred moment prior. Rolling her sleeves down of the plain, brown tunic shirt that she had been wearing since she had departed from her family’s farm, Odea decided that it was about time for her to be on her way. There was still enough daylight left that she could probably brave part of the dungeon’s inner sanctums in order to get a feel for what she will be up against before needing to return.

The time had finally come for her to realize her potential and gain her much desired fame and fortune. Odea grinned like an idiot while her simple sword and shield clanged at her sides as she half-skipped, half-fast walked towards the plaza at the edge of the town. Blinded by her own delusions and wishful thinking, the zealous, novice dungeoneer bumped and pressed her way through the crowd of clustered individuals without much remorse.

Everything was going swell. The guards had granted her clearance to proceed forward without any hassle once she showed her god’s insignia, and she had nearly arrived at the dungeon’s entrance. All she had to do was follow the steps down to the dungeon and she would be one step closer to realizing her dreams. Or...at least that was what she had thought before her first step sent her stumbling down the stairway and crashing right back into reality. Face-planting in the most ungraceful manner, Odea lay frozen in place for a few moments. She had now arrived at her destination, the bottom of the steps. What a great start, right? Snickers ensued around her. Odea sighed. Pray for her dear god Forseti, it would be a long while before she earned any form of glory for herself and her guild.

After carefully noting down the name of each party member, Seff slowly followed behind the group as they proceeded to the guards to present their insignia. Unfortunately for him, his insignia was beneath a layer of armor, which delayed his entry while the the others streamed in one by one as he removed his gear.

Party please don't abandon me...

"Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is necessary for the first time, it's just protocol" the guard said to him. Seff missed the guard's words, as he was hastily stripping out of his top in hopes that Avant wouldn't get too far ahead. He pulled down his collar, presenting the insignia to the guard, who nodded and motioned for Seff to proceed. After a prompt thank you and head nod in return, Seff redressed by the entry and began heading down.

Other adventurers standing alongside him suddenly stopped and peered down the stair entryway, some glancing at each other with confused expressions.

"Did someone just..."


"Woah what happened to her"

"Ha drunk adventuring?"

"Yo let's try that next time"


"I warned you about stairs bro!!!!"

Curious of "her" fate at the bottom of the stairs, Seff went down, noticing someone lying prone at the bottom as he descended. The landing was sparsely populated with groups, all staring at the fallen knight, a young woman who let out a defeated sounding sigh as Seff stepped over her. He came to a crouch in front of her, about to reach out to tap her shoulder when a memory of his father's words flashed back at him.

This is a female. I'm in a dungeon. This is a girl in a dungeon.

Forgive me, father. for I have sinned.

"Hey... miss are you alright?" Seff asked tentatively, unsure of how to address her.
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Soren feels a small sense of satisfaction after his first kill. It’ll be more satisfying killing that bastard though. He frowns a bit after reminding himself to keep his anger in check, and then redirects his attention to the remaining orbs. They were practically free gold to him, right? Gold is so very important. The balloons gnash their teeth threateningly towards Soren.

“Would you like to join your comrade here? I’ll be happy to oblige,” Soren taunts.

He grips his dagger firmly and twists his wrist expertly to slash at the nearest orange ball multiple times, opening up wounds that oozed what Soren could only assume was orange monster blood. What are they, oranges? Soren thinks distractedly as he plunges the dagger into one of its annoying glowing eyes. The sphere lets out a piercing cry and dissolves into orange dust that sprinkles down onto the uneven cavern floor. Soren strikes down another with a strong downward slash, popping the monster like some sick orange monster confetti. He glances around and notices that the number of monsters are rapidly dwindling, indicated by the orange that pastes the once dark ground in the area. Soren decides that he now hates the color orange. Or at least will never be able to think of the color without associating it with these stupid spheres and their creepy looking smiles. He starts towards a dark tunnel that he presumes leads to a new room, but a few more orbs block his way. They bounce over to Soren aggressively, taking short, quick hops, and open their mouths to bite him. This time however, a red aura glows from their teeth. Sensing trouble, Soren takes a few quick steps back, avoiding several orbs that lunge at where he previously stood. Despite his efforts, teeth clamp down on his right arm and thigh. Searing pain shoots through his entire body and he lets go of dagger, the weapon clattering against the hard floor. I-it burns. His legs nearly buckle underneath him and Soren grits his teeth with Determination. ...I can be stronger than this. I have to be. With newfound vigor, Soren picks up his dropped knife with his left hand and angrily stabs the orb attached to his arm right in the face. The blade almost sinks to the hilt and the monster squeals and lets go. That’s one off of me. Now for the other one. He tries to pry the orange globe off with his right hand, but to little success. The balloons were simply too rounded to get a good grip. He throws a punch angled to knock the irritating globe off, landing a solid hit on the middle of the body. The orb desperately clings onto his thigh and Soren punches it again before it can get a better grip on his thigh. The orange sphere is sent flying back to its other monster friends and Soren notices the other balloons priming to attack again. Furious at the pain he had experienced at the hands mouths of the orbs, Soren kills the rest of the monsters blocking his way. He gathers the dropped magic stones, which glinted under the eerie light of the crystals. He casts his gaze back to the others, who were still embroiled in the fray, and starts to check his own wounds. He had no intentions of dying because of infected wounds from some wimpy oranges with mouths. When Soren stripped off the equipment on the bit areas, he finds that aside from the torn fabric--there was no serious injury whatsoever. His arm looked like it had only sustained slight puncture wounds from the teeth. Nothing close to even nearly warrant the amount of pain that Soren had experienced. No burn marks either, even though it had felt that someone branded his skin. That red glow… it probably increased the amount of pain I felt without actually increasing the damage I took. That’s really interesting. Soren sits down to rest, more mentally exhausted than anything. He stares at his dagger, contemplating about the bizarre battle he had just fought. It would be cool if that same power could be applied to a weapon or armor. He inspects his blade closely for the first time. It was a simple dagger complete with leather grip that was frayed at the edges. The hilt was a simple cross and the blade itself only shone dimly. The material looked to be iron and some rust had encroached onto the weapon. The cutting edge was well-maintained at least. Soren imagines the same edge covered in that orb’s red aura. That was the only redeeming part of those wannabe oranges. I bet they don’t even taste good.

When the dagger starts glowing red, Soren nearly drops the weapon, startled. His heartbeat still racing, Soren blinks several times to make sure he’s not having some sort of freak hallucination. He carefully prodds the flat of the blade with a single digit. He feels nothing out of the ordinary. Soren rubs his eyes and stares at it some more. I think... I’m responsible for this? When the aura fades, Soren tries it again, focusing on his armor this time. It gained the same red sheen as the dagger did. Soren pats his armor gingerly. It doesn’t affect me I guess. Excitement bubbles inside Soren, he had gained a strange new power! He was itching to test it out on something. Without checking to see if anyone was following him, Soren travels through the dark tunnel. His footsteps echo softly around him while he keeps his eyes peeled for anything potentially dangerous. As he walks, the crystals around him transition from being primarily blue and white to a myriad of colors. A large red crystal jutting out near his feet, a yellow one hanging right over his head, a green one protruding from a wall, crystals everywhere-- all gently pulsing with their own light. Even though the dungeon was a perilous place, there was still much beauty to be found in it. Soren allows himself a small smile. Elysia would have liked this. A pang of sorrow wracks his body. I miss you. I wish you were here.

The tunnel opens up to a similarly sized room to before. The walls were decorated with crystals of all the colors of the rainbow too. A mix of orbs and what looked like colorful jello blobs meandered aimlessly through the room. Once they catch sight of him, the orbs make that same menacing smile again. The slimes sense him through other means and begin to inch closer and closer.Soren takes a deep breath and activates the aura on his dagger, the metal faintly glowing red. He certainly did not want to get bit again, but he also had no clue what the slimes could do. He was only wasting time by standing around, so he swipes at the closest orb. Although the cut was rather shallow, the balloon lets out the loudest cry Soren has heard yet. Alright. That confirms my suspicions. I still can’t believe that I’m somehow using a fake orange’s ability as my own. For good measure, he also applies the enchantment on most of his outer gear. Let’s see them bite me now. He allows one sphere to approach him while he zones away the other by hitting them with an enchanted dagger. The other globes cower away from him while the single one stupidly continues approaching him. The monster gleefully bites his armguard, but flinches and bounces away in fear. Soren smirks and was about to go chase after them, but a slime slams into his leg, hitting him like a bag of wet sand. I stood in one place too long. Stupid of me. He nearly loses his balance and applies the spell to his shoe while stepping on the slime with his free foot. Unfortunately for Soren, the foot gets stuck in it. Fantastic. Just my day. And the slime seems to have no intention of letting it go, despite the fact that his shoe was still coated in the aura. Of course, these jello blobs probably can’t feel pain. Soren frustratingly attempts to tug his foot out, but to no avail. Witnessing Soren’s predicament, the orange orbs menacingly approach him, having not forgotten Soren’s earlier offense.

Today is going to be a long day..
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Noticing Soren leave, Sam slices apart the nearest orb and grabs its magic stone before it drops to the floor. Figuring he has to look out for his party members, he follows the path Soren vanished into to find that he's having several orbs close in on him.

In a rough scrape, Sam slices through the orange globs that came too close to Soren.

"Getting tired already, Soren?? Haven't you eaten?"

He picks up three Magic Stones and added them to his collection.

His stomach growls. "Man, now I'm hungry."

Peppered salmon with lemon. Sam could salivate.

But then an orange goop drops from above. It sticks to his armor.

Plop. Some more torpedo down in the background.

"Whoa!" Sam slices one in halves before it could reach his face.

The one that stuck to his armor begins crawling towards his cheek, glowing red.

"Okay, that looks nasty! Gerroff!" He snarls. Within seconds, he visualizes Thoth.

The long hooked beak turns. Vigilant yellow eyes, pitch black pupils. Bristled feathers.

Focus... Sam suddenly unleashes a memory ten years back.

"Sam!" that harsh whisper came. His mother gripped his face. She hissed, "Watch! Focus!"

He was twelve, sitting on that stool in the cellar house. Mother, saying no more, wielded a blade between them. She held out a palm.

Somehow, a blue ring of light flared up. This made a mandala onto the blade, a seal. Mother hissed, "Mana Thief!"

Sam returns to the present. Like an old friend reimagined, he mimics the Mana Thief Skill and applies it to his sword.

The burning hot ooze rolls up to his face.

"Nice try!" Sam pierces it. The red aura transfers to the blade, and what little mana was spent is revitalized.

The glob melts, bubbling away like boiling Jell-o. He flicks it off his blade before it evaporates. He gains another Magic Stone and pockets it with the rest.

He turns to Soren, figuring him adequately rescued. "Let's rejoin the group." Without waiting for an answer he heads back.

As soon as he lays eyes on the rest of his party members, finishing off the last orbs, Sam announces what he has in mind."I propose a lunch break. Peppered salmon with lemon, anyone?"
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