The Dragon Rider's Chronicles


One Thousand Club
CLOSED RP between myself, MControl, and Twizinator.

The continent of Dracsofar is home to a dying breed of fighters: the dragon riders. As dragons have become more scarce, only the most exceptionally skilled may be chosen to become part of the elite guard commanded by the Queen of Dracsofar herself.

Mysteries brew on the horizon, however. Old wars and allegiances are beginning to create a rift between countries. Rumors are spreading of a continent of dragons to the north. And the slow weakening of Dracsofar's supreme leader's power is finally almost at its breaking point.

Central to all of this are the dragon riders themselves. They are wanted for their powerful skills in battle as the turn of the years brings about the hints of civil war. They must choose their allegiances wisely if they wish to survive.

Basic Skelly






Weapon of Choice:



Name: "Hermit" Kenzo (formerly had the surname Soromine)

Race: Dark Elf

Country: Ventenadana

Age: 25

Description: Thin athletic build with jet-black skin, short and spiky white hair, and red eyes on black sclera. He is fairly tall at 6'4''. He wears loose black pants with a gray cloth belt, black boots, a gray t-shirt, a rough black jacket, and black gloves. While the sun is up he wears a wide-brimmed sugegasa (conical Asian rice hat) that has a black-steel rim, serving to protect him from the sun. The hat typically covers his eyes and nose, so when people speak with him they only see his mouth. His ōdachi is strapped to his back and his katana is kept in his belt.

Weapon of Choice: wooden ōdachi (mounted), wooden katana (on foot). Neither sword has a guard on it above the grip, unlike most bladed weapons (even though his are wooden).

Backstory: Very little is known about Kenzo Soromine until after Ventenadana fell to the Dracsofarian government. His family, the Soromine Clan, were an elite warrior group of Dark Elves that exclusively used swords. They used wind-based magic to make their weapons impossibly sharp, and earth-based magic to make the swords impossibly durable. His clan was destroyed when they opposed Dracsofarian rule. Kenzo was spared because he wasn't quite an adult, and so wasn't considered a warrior in the eyes of the Soromine clan yet. His surname was erased, and he was orphaned and forced to live on his own toils. Less than two years later he was incarcerated for cutting off a Dracsofarian soldier's hand with a tree branch. Apparently, the soldier had been speaking ill of the Soromine clan. Kenzo was in prison for a year and his weapons were confiscated. Now, he lives as a wandering warrior, roaming the coast of Ventenadana, gaining the title "Hermit."

Personality: Kenzo is calm and collected in the majority of his actions. He is respectful above all else. To the world he puts on a mask of calm and serenity. Inwardly, however, he burns with hatred towards the Dracsofarian rulers that took his very name from him.

Extras: His skill with a sword is without peer, and he uses earth and wind magic in the tradition of his clan. With his ōdachi, he is even capable of launching wind-slashes through the air. He crafted his wooden weapons himself.
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Name: Ardra Dulanos

Race: Dark Elf

Country: Ventenadana

Age: 22


Hair: White

Skin: Black

Eyes: Purple

Height: 6”1

Weight: 150 lb.

Clothing/Jewelry: Ardra tends to wear black, soft leather armor that allows for freedom of movement. Her white hair is normally pulled back in a loose bun with a few strands falling from it, creating a windswept look. Black combat boots and a signet ring are her only other additions to her outfits. When out in the sun, she wears a black cloak that covers her arms and most of her face. She covers the bottom half of her face also with a half-mask.

Weapon of Choice: Bow (Adept Archer)

Backstory: Ardra is the youngest daughter of the Lord of Ventenadana, Verus Dulanos. She was brought up to fight with intelligence, though she is looked down on by her siblings because her chosen weapon is a bow and not a melee weapon. A bow is considered a ranged weapon for those too weak to truly join the battle. She is the underdog of her family and struggles to gain some sort of power amongst her siblings. In order to gain power, she has chosen to become the first dragon rider of her siblings.

Personality: Quiet, Shy, Easy to Startle

Extras: Ardra also carries a short sword on her belt just in case she is melee attacked.

Name: Neera Sentoni

Race: Human

Country: Lyathon

Age: 21


Hair: Golden Blond

Skin: Tan

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5”6

Weight: 120 lb.

Clothing/Jewelry: Neera is fond of wearing blues, greens, purples, and black. She mixes and matches her wardrobe depending on mood. She always wears a signet ring and a sapphire dragon pendant. Her hair is normally left free, hanging down to her shoulder blades.

Weapon of Choice: Great Sword (Two-Handed Weapon Combatant)

Backstory: Neera is the bastard daughter of Sapphire Sentoni, Queen of Dracsofar, and the twin sister of Kirion Sentoni. She was raised as an illegitimate heir to the throne of Dracsofar because it is unknown who her father is. She aspires to become as great a dragon rider as her mother before her.

Personality: Determined, Outgoing

Extras: Neera has a scar across her cheek bone from a duel gone wrong with her brother.

Name: Kestus Fierno

Race: Fairy (Fire Aligned)

Country: Koda

Age: 18


Hair: Auburn

Skin: Pale

Eyes: Gold

Height: 3”9

Weight: 50 lb.

Weapon of Choice: Magical Arts (Pyromancer)

Backstory: Kestus knew from the time he was young that he was a destructive fairy. His fire alignment was a problem because of his lack of control over his element. In order to make this unfortunate side of his a blessing, he began studying the arts of pyromancy. He was considered too young to actually study magic, however, so he self-taught himself a lot of magic. His magical potential was off the charts when tested thus earning him a spot in the Dragon Riders’ Battalions.

Personality: Defensive (especially about his height and the fact that he’s a fairy), Intelligent but Naïve, Conservative

Extras: Kestu’s wings create the illusion of flames when he flies.
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The island of Militum is the training grounds for all things military in Dracsofar. Though there has not been a war in several decades, the army is still maintained in case of a second civil war or political uprising. The island itself is located in a bay off the coasts of Ventenadana and Strykai. The island is famous for having rings of terrain created by extreme magic for different kinds of training. The first ring is the coastal ring which involves everything from sandy beaches to sheer sea cliffs and reefs. The second ring harbors the rainforest and all of its dangers. The third ring fades into a more deciduous forest. The fourth ring is a coniferous forest area complete with mountains. The fifth ring is an open plains area. The sixth ring is a swamp, considered one of the more dangerous areas because of the wild posora dragons in that region. The seventh ring is a desert, probably the most dangerous of all the areas. The inner circle is a gigantic canyon with buildings built into the canyon walls. This is where the military is housed but the other circles are used for training. Militum's training techniques are harsh enough to cause extreme injury and even death.

To get to the inner circle, one must take a train from the sea port on the coast through all the rings. This is where all recruits, including dragon riders, must begin their journey.


The boat from Ventenadana sailed into dock smoothly as usual. Ardra Dulanos kept her face covered and avoided the others as much as possible as she disembarked. Before her were different entrances into the train station, each one leading to a train that lead to a different division's barracks. She quickly took the one to the very right, noting that she was first to arrive.


Neera Sentoni was racing off the boat in excitement. Finally, today was the day. Today, she became a dragon rider. She grabbed her baggage and rocketed through the correct door. After observing the other apparent recruit, she settled down on a bench.


Kestus Fierno flew off of his boat without a care in the world. His eyes roved over the crowds, noting a few other fairies. Now aren't there some fine men here. Kestus is here to play, boys. He was disappointed however that he saw no other males in the room for the recruit dragon riders. ....curses. Stuck with women. Story of my life.
Kenzo walked into the train, totally silent. Though no one could see his eyes because they were shaded by his sugegasa, his expression was cool and collected anyway, so it didn't matter whether or not they could. He stood at the back of the train, refusing to sit, and silently observing everyone. Though he could remove his hat, seeing as he was no longer in direct sunlight, he opted to leave it on. He would rather not have someone recognize him as the last of his clan. His distinctive eyes would give him away. For now, he would be unknown.
Kestus stared at the new person unabashed. Definitely male, oozing of male superiority and prominence. Standoffish though. Should probably let him get more comfortable around the rest of us before I talk to him. Don't want this pretty face hurt. His flame wings flitted a bit as he thought intensely.

Neera, however, was not shy at all. She walked straight up to him, staring him up and down before speaking. "So, who are you?"

Ardra was wondering if she was looking at a fellow Ventandanan. Her royal purple eyes glowed slightly beneath her hood, though she tried to keep them hidden.

The train started moving. The fact that there were only four people was shocking to some but no surprise to insiders. The number of dragons left was dwindling quickly, thus only the best were allowed to join them.
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Kenzo tilted his head down slightly at the human woman's question. He was a bit conflicted: he didn't want to be disrespectful, but he also didn't want to reveal his identity just yet. He opted for a more vague answer. "I am the same as you: a person who is being granted the opportunity to be a dragon rider." He spoke exceedingly calmly.
"....ooh mysterious...." Neera said teasingly. "So, person, do you have a name?"

Kestus tilted his head to the side. Mysterious, eh? I'm liking this guy even more.

Ardra narrowed her eyes at the loud-mouthed human. She knew who this person was, thanks to dinners for the lords and the queen. Neera Sentoni, bastard daughter of the queen, was going to be a dragon rider too? Could her day get worse?
"I do indeed." He said cooly. "As do you, I would infer." He really didn't want to be rude, but he couldn't really gauge what her reaction would be to his identity.
"Okay seriously you're going to be one of my partners. You might as well reveal your name." Neera smiled friendlily. "I'll start I guess since no one else is brave. I'm Neera."

Festus flew up next to her. "Festus Fierno, at your service." He was still staring at the stranger with his head cocked to the side.

Ardra kept silent. Did Neera know who she was?
Kenzo froze. He leaned forward slightly. "...Neera?" he said, slighly quieter but still nothing in his tone to give him away, "Princess Neera Sentoni?"
"...why yes." Neera laughed. "Looks like you know more about me than I know about you. I think it's time you tell me your name."

"It's only polite." Festus added.

"There will be time for pleasantries later." Ardra kept her voice low, hoping Neera did not recognize it. "Just leave the poor guy alone."
"No, it's fine," Kenzo said in response to the unidentified woman, "As the fairy man said, 'it's only polite'. I've been vague and I apologize." He raised his right hand and removed his sugegasa, holding it to his side by it's brim. His fiery red eyes stared at Neera and Festus. "My name is Kenzo. Some call me 'Hermit' Kenzo. Whether or not you call me that is up to your discretion." He was perfectly respectful and blank, but something burned in his eyes...threatening to betray his deep-seated hatred.
Neera took a step back. "The last Soromine? What an honor." She wracked her brain, trying to remember why the Soromine were important in history.

"Ah, yes Kenzo, I'm sure that you and I will be spending a lot of quality time together. I'd say you're my room mate." Festus was transfixed by the fiery red eyes, looking like beautiful dancing flames. Pretty, pretty fire. Mmm I'm liking this more and more.

Ardra gave no reaction except to look at the three more directly. Though Neera and Festus' backs were facing her, Kenzo would be able to see the purple eyes, the sign of Ventenadan royalty.
Kenzo bowed his head for a second respectfully. "An honor to meet you as well, Princess," he said. Then, he noticed the pair of purple eyes staring at them. "Excuse me," he said, moving past the two and going to the fellow dark elf who he now knew to be...

"Princess Ardra Dulanos," he muttered so only she could hear. "An honor to be in your presence," he said with a small but respectful bow.
"No need to bow to me, Kenzo." Ardra dropped her hood and face-mask with a sigh. "We're team mates now."

Neera's eyes started out of her head. "....Ardra?!?! But I thought....since when did you pass the test?!?!"

Festus stared between the three. "Am I missing something?"

"You're missing everything, my isolated fairy friend." A man stood at the front of the car, with a bemused look on his face. "I see you have all met each other. Good." His hair was black and hung to his shoulders messily. His blue eyes were staring down at book that he was nonchalantly reading. The lighting showed that his skin was tan and that his clothing was classic leather armor....with a long black trench coat over it. "Get comfortable with each other and expect more to come later."
Kenzo turned to face the newcomer, sizing him up. "Identify yourself." It was neither a request nor a command.
"Heh, they told me you'd be an interesting one." The stranger put up his book in his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it. "The name's Nathaniel Draconas. I'm the one who gets to teach your sorry asses everything about dragons."

Neera smiled. "Hello Draconas!" She already knew him; he was a friend of her mother's.

Festus sized up this newcomer. And the sexy men just keep coming!

Ardra stood up, going naturally into a defensive position. This newcomer was their teacher?
"When we actually get there." Draconas let out a puff of smoke. "Keep chit chatting, kiddies. I'm going back to my book." He lazily sat down and began reading again.

Neera smiled broadly. "I can't wait to get my dragon! I've dreamed of this for years!"

"I'm still trying to figure out why I got placed here." Kestus shook his head. "Why send a pyromancer to the dragon riders?"

Ardra sat back down and observed the others. Neera was going to be....a giant pain. The fairy....seemed a bit on the homosexual side. Kenzo.....was interesting but mysterious. Ardra's guard was up and it was going to stay up.
Kenzo donned his sugegasa so that he could stare at Neera without being caught. Though no one could see them (save for Ardra, who was at an angle behind him, so she would be able to see it) his eyes burned with anger. Though he held nothing against the princess herself, he despised her family and country.

Two princesses and a pyro-fairy man..., he thought to himself, ...and myself, the sole survivor. Quite the odd team we will make.
Neera was staring out the window as they approached the desert ring. Time would tell what dragon she got and what her future would hold. But, until then, she was going to give her all in this team.

Ardra could see that Kenzo shared her distaste for Neera. Of course he would, considering who his family was. A small smile covered her face and she sat back in order to look out the windows, content that she was not alone.

Kestus sighed as he sat down. His home country, Koda, was extremely isolated so it was no wonder that he did not understand the complexities of the other races. It was obvious that he had a lot to learn before he would be able to understand this team.

Draconas continued reading while pondering these first four. Trouble was already brewing between Ardra and Neera and he also suspected that Kenzo might pose a problem to Neera as well. The fairy was....going to be a difficult challenge. Very few fairies actually made it into this area of the military. And this one was an uncontrollable pyromancer who was almost a pyromaniac. He tched and looked out the window for a brief moment; it would be interesting to see what the Queen would say about this team when she reviewed them in a month.
Kenzo broke off his stare when they entered the inner circle, where the military station was. Any moment now they would stop...
Instead of seeing a train station ahead, all that one could see was the sheer drop off of the cliff. Before reaching said sheer drop, however, the train veered down and to the right underground, soon arriving at an underground train station. It was dark, save for a few lights. The place was deserted except for them.

"All of you. Off. Now." Draconas shut his book and shambled off the train. "Follow me closely and don't get lost."

Neera was fast in following him, knowing that if she lagged behind Draconas would not wait.

Kestus shouted after them. "What about our luggage?"

"It'll be taken to your rooms. I have something much more important for you four." Draconas lit another cigarette.

"...more important than my beauty products?" Kestus looked at him imploringly. "Please, I can't let them get damaged."

"Fairy. Move." Ardra sighed. "You can worry about your make-up later."

"What? I don't wear make-up!" Kestus shouted, blushing.

"Sure. Sure you don't." Neera cracked up slightly.
Kenzo silently rose and followed the man called Draconas. As they walked he wondered what how his new allies handled themselves in combat...and whether or not he could trust them. He sure as hell didn't trust Neera, at least. No, that isn't fair, he thought. She may be kin of monsters, but that doesn't make HER a monster, too.

The only person that he trusted right now was Ardra. Not only because they were both dark elves, but because she was his princess. He would obey any and all orders from her, as the code of the Soromine clan dictated.

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