The Doki to End All Doki

Fuge... I'm afraid I don't understand exactly what you want? Can you elaborate? Are you wanting to make them npc's like the faction leaders?
Troll-tan maybe as the Ebony leader, but I just want to have some plot line basis to interact more with the other characters after I finish the Sailor Moon Arc.
One thing you could certainly try after your Sailor Moon endeavour is interacting with the other rpers. You've spent a lot of time by yourself. I promise-- Well, I can't promise Kokoro won't bite, but I guess Zaminn will have to meet her to find out, won't he?

But, yeah, like I said, for now let's try to stay within the fandoms we already have. Kingdom Hearts is a pretty expansive universe. Kidnapping Riku would certainly get Kokoro's attention. Then, I can guarantee that she certainly will bite you. Probably worse.
Okay, I've looked over both sides of the argument, and I'd like to say a couple of things:

1) Please do not use the OOC page for personal drama. Like the rules stated, keep that stuff out of here. @Mintsong ,if there was an issue with a player that you had, you should have addressed it in a private message to them or myself instead of blasting the situation out on the forums. I understand the complaint, I really do, but I don't want half of the OOC page to be full of complaints.

2) Bunnying/controlling another player's character is against the rules. Any comments made as OOC comments in the in-character role play are not allowed. The offense in question in this case was Chiblis's use of Mintsong's Sue in a way that she felt went against her character's personality. However, it seems that by the time I rolled around the offense had been fixed, as it appears there is no more player control at this point being done by @Chiblis. For that, I'd like to thank her for fixing the problem. As long as the issue is resolved and there will be no more violations, I see no harm in cleaning off the slate.

3) THAT SAID, TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT. Mintsong should not have taken matters into her own hands when dealing with the discomfort and, instead, she should have waited for me to resolve the conflict. Chaining up/removing Chiblis's clothes/caging her was not only an incredible violation of her character but also breaking the rules of the RP itself. So, please, @Mintsong change this section of the RP. If @Chiblis did it, then so can you. Again, I understand the offense and I should have stepped in sooner, but we cannot punish people by further breaking the rules.

I apologize for the delay in my response as it took a sizable time to weigh the evidence on both sides. That said, I sincerely hope that we can all wipe the slate clean of all of this and start anew. I'd like thank you all for bearing with me.
btw, those going to juuban,it is night time. 
Ok, I have a plan on the sailor moon arc, if you can, we all (that are in juuban) need to end up in *one* jail cell inside the Tokyo tower/fortress.
Hey I was just redoing my character when I accidentally erased her faction. I went back to find it again but the link that's there doesn't work... Is there another link you could provide?

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