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Realistic or Modern The Devil's Marauders Characters


New Member
Name: (First | Last)
Nicknames: (Optional)
Preferred Name: (Optional)
Ethnicity: (Any)
Age: (20+)
Date of Birth: (Make Sure It’s Correct)
Place of Birth: (Must Be In The U.S)
Role: (The One Reserved)

Bio: (One Paragraph)
Personality: (Mandatory)
Why You Went To Jail: (One Paragraph)
Why You Chose War: (Mandatory)
Likes: (Five Things)
Dislikes: (Three Things)
Fears: (Two Things)
Family: (Optional)

Height: (FT or CM)
Weight: (LB or KG)
Appearance: (IMG)
Quote: (Optional)
Name: Frank | Burnette

Nicknames: Frankie

Preferred Name: Frank

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Age: 25

Date of Birth: 17th of March, 1919

Place of Birth: Conway, Arkansas

Role: Squad Leader

Bio: Born and raised at a farm in Conway, Frank's upbringing was far from easy. His parents, Thomas and Eleanor, had not been prepared for yet another child. At an early age, he learned to take responsibility as he and his older brother Joseph had to help their father run the farm. Eleanor was a housewife who's main priority was to take care of the children and manage the household. Something Frank always admired her for. Except for his brother Joseph, he also had an older sister called Rosie. She was usually helping their mother with the cooking and cleaning around the house, however, every now and then she was needed at the farm.
Growing up on a farm meant a lot of hard work, early mornings and not so much friends. Quickly his siblings became his best friends, especially Joseph. Frank always admired him, he never complained, always did what he was told to and if he didn't know how to do something, he learned it. A true role model for little Frankie.
Shortly after graduating High School in 1937, Frank began working full-time at the family farm together with his brother and father. Rosie had began her studies at the University of Central Arkansas. His plan was to take over the farm together with Joseph once his father couldn't run it anymore, it would have been an honor for him.
By the end of 1941, the Empire of Japan attacked Pearl Harbor which led to the U.S entry in the war. Frank and Joseph enlisted for the Marine Corps at an instance, it tore their mother apart. However, Frank was classified 4-F due to a bad leg he had gotten from an accident at the farm. Only a year earlier a horse had kicked him leaving his femur broken. Due to a bad healing process the pain came back from time to time, making him limp. It wasn't often, but often enough to not fit in the Marine Corps. Since he couldn't go to war he had no other option than staying at home.
During a family dinner in January of 1943, they were informed that Joseph had lost his life in the Guadalcanal. All of the sudden, the war got personal for Frank.

Personality: Decisive + Responsible + Honest + Loyal + Intuitive | Introvert - Stubborn - Mysterious

Why You Went To Jail: "When the tragic news about my brother came, I lost it. I pushed the two military notifiers aside and walked straight out of the house. All I heard was Rosie shouting at me to please come back inside. The two men had left their car unlocked and with the keys still left inside of it. I got in the car, lit a cigarette and drove away from the farm. All I could think about whilst driving was how Joseph might have survived if I was there, maybe it could have been me and not him. In pure anger I closed my eyes for only a few seconds and slammed my fists against the steering wheel. That's when I lost control of the car and flipped it over the side of the road. I hit my head rather bad and woke up at the hospital by a policeman. I was arrested for vehicle theft."

Why You Chose War: "Since I'd stolen a car from the military my jail time would have been six years, I wasn't going to get revenge for my brother in there would I?"

Likes: Music + Fishing + Cars + Reading + Alone Time

Dislikes: Cold - Darkness - Cowards

Fears: Captured x Fire

Father | Thomas (55, Alive)
Mother | Eleanor (54, Alive)
Brother | Joseph (30, Dead)
Sister | Rosie (27, Alive)

Height: 6'0 ft

Weight: 171 lbs

"Oh boy, am I going to get revenge."
Name: Antonio | DeLuca

Nicknames: Tony | Luca

Preferred Name: Tony

Ethnicity: Caucasian | Italian-American

Age: 20

Date of Birth: 4th of August, 1923

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York

Role: Ammunition Bearer

Bio: Tony was the first child of Enzo and Maria, but not their last. Apart from Tony, they later on had three more children, all girls. Mimi, Santina and Vanna.
At the age of five, Tony lost his father in a work-related accident. This left his mother devastated, having to take care of four children all on her own.
Shortly after his fathers death, they moved in with his grandparents who helped their daughter with the children as she had to work. Even though she had just lost her man, worked multiple jobs, Tony remembers her as being a happy and loving mother anyway.
As Tony got older they moved out to their own apartment back in Brooklyn. Since he was older he could help his mother run the household, it was at least what he insisted. Early on he felt like he had to take on the father-role, which he did. He helped his little sisters with everything, getting ready for school, making sure they did their homework, eating and so on. There just wasn't enough time for Maria to do all of this. However, this made it hard for Tony to handle is own life. It didn't take long before he fell behind with his own studies. But that was just the way it was he thought.
At the age of 18 he met a girl in school, her name was Alma and he fell instantly in love. His mother was so happy for him that he got to experience love and begin his own life. She always felt guilty that he never got be a kid. Now it was his time to focus on himself. So he did, he moved in with Alma only a few months after they had met. Tony had a hard time letting go of his family, every now and then he had to check in on them, making sure everything was going well.
After High School Tony began working as an ironworker in New York, high up in the air building skyscrapers. It didn't pay much but it was better than nothing.

Personality: Humorous + Energetic + Confident + Reliable + Extrovert | Impulsive - Sarcastic - Impatient

Why You Went To Jail: "Well, me and Alma had gone out for a drink, a date you could say. All was going well, we shared a few laughs and drinks were going down. When I left the table to pay for our visit I heard Alma talking to a guy, she didn't sound too happy about it. I turn around and notice this drunkard picking on her and touching her only God knows where. Being the gentleman that I am I walk back to the table, grab a glass bottle and smash it across his face. What was I supposed to do? Talk to him? However, he gets up and begins swinging his fists at me. I told Alma to get away and wait outside, as she stood up he pushed her making her fall across a table and down to the floor. That's when it really snapped for me, I took the broken glass bottle in my hand and simply hit him in his stomach. He fell to the ground and blood poured out of that fucker. I grabbed Alma by her hand and began running away, a few minutes later the cops came and arrested me for voluntary manslaughter."

Why You Chose War: "Five years in a prison or win the war in less than that? Hmm..."

Likes: Fishing + Food + Alcohol + Card Games + Humor

Dislikes: Early Mornings - Cocky People - Rain

Fears: Drowning x Snakes

Father | Enzo (Dead, 27)
Mother | Maria (Alive, 42)
Sister | Mimi (Alive, 18)
Sister | Santina (Alive, 16)
Sister | Vanna (Alive, 15)

Height: 5'8 ft

Weight: 150 lbs

"I'm going to come back with Hitler's moustache, Roosevelt pays me 10 grand a year, what a life."
Name: Zachariah | McCray
Nicknames: Zach, Zee, Z, and on rare occasions, McZee
Preferred Name: Z or Zee
Ethnicity: American
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 8th of March, 1921
Place of Birth: Sedona, Arizona
Role: Rifleman Grenadier

Bio: Zach was thrust into a world devoid of happiness in every way possible. To start off his life, his earliest memories would be being beaten up in an orphanage by older kids. His parents were completely off the grid as no one, not even the matron, knew where his parents were. His already diminishing hopes for their return turned into speculation on either their death or, in his words, "their total lack of human emotion." In the orphanage, being the youngest meant being the scapegoat for the other's tomfoolery as well as being the lowest slave to literally everyone else in the household.

This misfortune lasted for the majority of his childhood into his mid-teens until he was finally adopted by a rich family. The kid, now 16, gazed around his new environment in complete and utter awe. He never knew a place like this existed, so you could understand his bafflement. A butler took him to his room, and for the first time in his life, he slept in a proper bed with pillows and sheets. Much to his surprise, Zach was given a collection of rags, cleaning materials, and an extravagantly long list of chores. Instead of fulfilling his wishes of being a son in a loving family, his negative perspective of life deepened further. Life was going to be no different from his time in the orphanage.

After two years of constant cleaning and errand running, Zach had just about enough. He had racked up quite the strength from an entire life of chores, so he would be able to fare well by himself. One night, Zach hatched his master plan. One that involved a lot of stealing then running away. One that was executed absolutely perfectly. Now, an 18-year-old Zach was on the run with a large collection of tidbits and items pickpocketed from around his former slavemaster's home.

He traveled the country, hopping from city to city to barter and pawn his items so as to not draw too much attention. So what does a teenager who has been cooped up doing chores and running errands for his entire life do with a small fortune? Well, Zach did anything and everything he could. For once, he was out in the world with a fortune to spend!

Much like the story of the prodigal son, Zach completely spent all his money within a week, wasting it on alcohol, strip clubs, and other useless tomfoolery. But what he definitely wasn't ready for was the love of his life. He met her in a bar on his last day of having money, completely and utterly wasted. The two drunkenly hit it off, and while Zach expected her to leave the moment she found out he was penniless, she stayed.

Personality: Quiet + Obedient + Observant + Calculative | Pushover + Vindictive + Plotting + Traitorous + Skeptical
Why You Went To Jail: "Man, don't even get me started. That witch took away three years of my life! Three. Goddamn. Years. You know what you can do in three years? Me neither. But I do know that it's a whole lot! You gotta understand why I did it, man. Three years to me is practically my lifetime. Which is why I took hers. All I did was just loosen a few screws in the plane of her jackass of a boyfriend. So what if they crash-landed? I practically crash-landed when she left me. Yknow what, I don't give a damn. This questioning is over. I want out!"
Why You Chose War: "Have you seen me? I wouldn't last a second in prison. I'd rather die in the field instead of someone's prison honey. Besides, kill enough people and the one murder that put me into jail won't even matter. What's one body amongst a thousand other bodies, yea?"
Likes: Alcohol. Lots of alcohol. + Carrying out revenge plans. + Watching enemy machinery blow up. + Explosives training. + A good old grenade fight.
Dislikes: Rainy weather. - Swamps and marshes. - Fighting against submarines and ships.
Fears: The ocean. Heights.
Family: Parents: Unknown.

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 152lbs
Devin Murphy
“The only sure game is a rigged one.”
  • c5e21d785e3edad6540b40ce52b1ce32.jpg
    Name: Devin Murphy [Birth Name Redacted]
    Nicknames: Dev, Murph
    Ethnicity: Irish-American
    Age: 29
    Date of Birth: May 24th, 1915
    Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts
    Role: Rifleman Scout

    Height: 5’3”
    Weight: 136lbs
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