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Realistic or Modern The Devil's List


This RP is to be about murder and gore, and when i say gore don't leave out the detail's just keep it realistic. If you do this hats off to you, This RP will take place in New York. Keep in mind you are not limited on travel just stay in New York (If you want to get out of the state or continent, YOU WILL DISCUSS IT WITH ME! Also if you don't know its regions google a map and images.) You will choose your own role in society innocent or non innocent you choose and also meaning your career your personalities etc. I please highly suggest murderers and police offers for this RP make it a bit more actiony. Anyways when the RP starts it will be in the middle of October meaning its fall lets say like the fifteenth at 5:00 am. Now that you're done reading this description you can either go back to see other role plays or click that character sign up page and get accepted. maybe. Oh btw takes place in this current year.

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