The Devil's Cry *sign-up*


New Member
Name: (Given name and surname (if available) in the preferred format)

Age: (20+)

Race: (Human/Demon)

Species: (If Demon, what kind of demon?)

Personality: (Min. Three sentences. Make it something real. Demons are as varied as we are, but there are stereotypes in the world for both races; Demons tend to be aggressive and more prone to the use of brute force and are suited for military action, while humans tend to lean towards intellectual fields of employment.)

Appearance: (Descriptions are required, images permitted.)

History: (Your character's back-story. Make it detailed, have it make sense. Two paragraph minimum.)

Other: (Anything else you may want to add on; family, relationships, armaments, quirks, etc.)
Employee Name: Cayborne Sharn

Age: 35

Race: Human. Caucasian.

Personality: Clayborne,otherwise known as Clay,is the kind of person who gets minimal sunlight. He lives his life through computers,which makes sense for his job;he's a digital security expert. Many would describe him as a sarcastic know-it-all who gets his jollies by telling off the computer-illiterate just how daft they are by downloading all that porn from that FLAGRANTLY suspicious site,which just infected the entire network with a million and one viruses. When he's not mercilessly berating you over your technilogical idiocy,he is usually found talking geek (games,tech,Magic: The Gathering) with people like him. If he encounters someone with a modicum of knowledge about computers,he often tries to befriend them.

Appearance: Pasty white skin,square glasses,angular face. Brown eyes,blonde hair kept in a gelled ridge. Thin,lanky,wears jeans and polo shirts. Wears either runners or sneakers. Clothes are usually blue-hued or kakhi.

History: Clayborne was born into a family of means. His father,Dalton,was an Information Technology Engineer,and his mother,Marianne,was a programmer,both working for Sylpheed's Information Technologies division. They taught Clay a great deal before his own proffessional education,and aced every computer related course he took. When Clayborne decided to take a job at Sylpheed as an Information Technologies Consultant,he was hired immediately after the interview.

After three years of work,and a legendary amount of Human Resources complaints against him,all about him verbally abusing anyone who mistreated the computers or network somehow,he was transferred to a less people-involved job;Network Security. It's Clayborne's job to keep the Sylpheed network secure,and address any security problems. After another two years,Sylpheed given him quite a bit of wiggle room for what he could request for his job;tensions with Umbra were heating up rapidly,and the uppder brass suspected espionage.

Currently,Clayborne continues his work,and,in his mind at least,is singlehandedly keeping Sylpheed's data network from being cracked open like Sony a few years ago. He even had a small team of hackers working under him,trying to find holes in Sylpheed's security so he can fix them proactively,and failing that,they try to crack Umbra's network,to divert their resources from their primary project.
Name: Kathrin "Kat" Lanner

Age: 23

Race: Half and half

Personality: Kat is, for the most part, non-aggressive. She's typically the sweet tempered woman who prefers to stay out of the fight. She's calm, usually pretty quiet, and enjoys the little things in her miserable life. But no matter how long she's been away from the lab, her mind will be warped. She'll always have nightmares, she'll always be clausterphobic, she'll always be afraid of the dark, and she'll always have her nervous spells. These things may get better with time, but they could very well stay with Kat for the rest of her life.

Appearance: She's fair skinned and about 5.4. Kat have long, black hair, brown eyes, and distinct Asian features, possibly from her mother. She has two deer-like antlers on her head, and her legs turn into brown furred, digitigrade deer legs below the thighs, complete with hooves. At the moment, she's very sickly looking. Her immune system isn't at it's best. She's often ill, her body weak and malnourished.

History: Kat's father was a demon who fell in love with a human woman. Her mother was a bit repulsed by him as first, but eventually, he grew on her. Then it only took one night to make Kathrin. Her mother got herself pregnant with a half demon child. Her parents were later killed for their odd relationship by a hate group.

Kat, who was only 14 at the time, ran off into the dark city. She hid in the slums for a while afterwards, afraid that all human would want to kill her like they did her parents. It was a year later that a man happened upon her, dirty, bony, and a sight for sore eyes. He, funny enough, was a scientist who studied demons. He found Kat's demon features to be very intriguing; he'd never seen a half demon.

The man kindly offered her a place to stay, to which the desperate girl agreed. Kat found the man to be fairly decent. He gave her new clothes, fed her, made her clean herself up, and then took her to see his colleagues. They too found her interesting, but they had different ideas that the doctor. He only wanted to do blood samples and such with Kat, but they had something a bit more sinister in mind.

So in the middle of the night, they took her and whisked her away to another lab, one that was kept under wraps. There, she was contained to be used as a breeder. You see, these mad scientists wanted to create the perfect demon-human hybrid. If they could, imagine the money and fame they would receive. So they boxed poor Kathrin up and used her to make little demon hybrids with any other demon they happened to find.

Kathrin has been contained for eight years. She's rarely seen the light of day during this time. Over the years, she's had seven children, one stillborn. Her body is in horrible condition from the constant pregnancy. The doctors have tried to clone her, but all clones have died before they could be impregnated. So with Kat on her last good years, they're trying to squeeze out a few more kids from her before she gives out.


Riddle: Looks great so far. Just remember that I'm expecting a fair bit of detail when it comes to the history when I get the story posted.

Met: It's a good thing you already know something of what I'm trying to do with the story; otherwise, I may take exception. As it is, it looks great.
Well, I'm still working on the story for this. It's taking way longer than expected, though; work's proving to be a bit more of a snag than I thought it would be. In fact, I'm starting my shift right now. >.>
Well, I've finally got ideas for the story, and it should be up in a day or so. On another note, whoever tagged this "magic," please remove it. I'm taking an X-men approach to any supernatural powers that demons would posses and explaining it using psionics.
This isn't like where we came from =P It's actually the second part of the OoC thread. You know, the one that was missing from this thread.
Name: Roy Mathers

Age: 20


Personality: Ry was taught from a very young age never to show fear. He grew up on the streets stole what he could and lied when he was given the opportunity. In his later years he tends to attempt to try and get his hands on the latest techs from the shady companies that dominate the times.


History: Roy's father was a military man, and naturally he was chosen by sylpheed as a preliminary test subject. Roy watched as his father became someone he didn't recognize. The experiments changed his father made him stronger, faster yet he was unhappy. He lashed out at Roy driving him away from his home. Roy's mother tried to comfort him but eventually Roy had had it.

Yet instead of running away Roy pretended to take interest in his father's line of work. He began to ask questions learn about the weaponry powers anything he could learn. Roy began to live a double life by day he was his father's son running errands and listening to his father's stories. By night Roy began to dive into a underworld desperately craving weapons and lots of them.
I'm sorry to say this, but I'm so tired of people scraping the very bottom of the barrel. For one thing, I did say description required; that's so that I can not only know more about what he looks like, but so that I know you can describes physical characteristics of people and places in the scenes to be acted out. As for the ties to the plot... They seem dodgy at best. Without some considerable tweaking, I'm going to have to say not accepted.
Surname: Slajhnur

Name: Talhar

Age: 713 years old

Race: Demon

Personality: Cruel, is one word to sum his personality up. But to make matters worse, he's indifferent too, uncaring whether he hurts a human, demon or any other species. He receives a weird sense of satisfaction in slaying someone in the matter that he pictured in his mind before the actual battle, if there was time for that. If he is forced to kill whoever it is he is fighting in any other way, he will do his utmost best to keep the adversary alive in order to torture and torment him for declining his satisfaction.

Without a sense of humor, tact or empathy/sympathy for anything, he isn't well liked. Not that he gives a plaguerat's ass about it though, he just goes his own way.



A grotesque demon, although far less grotesque than some other creatures of Hell. His entire face is made of ivory-styled texture, like he has no skin or flesh on his face, the rest of his body is made of rotten, green/yellow/black flesh that emits a pungent odor to anyone unfortunate enough to be in his stink's reach. He has a few large piercings on his body that have no cause other than to contrast heavily with their pure, golden shine against the decayed and rotten background of his body.

His wings are suprisingly fleshy and healthy-looking, albeit black as the night, except for the unexplainably thin tissue between the 'arms' of his wings. The tissue is much like a fly's wings, light and easily torn but somehow strong enough to allow relatively easy flight.

His most recognizable feat must be the human's face sticking out of his torso, which is a result of a fierce battle that almost resulted in Talhar's lose, if it wasn't for the last and only once useable resort, to absorb the human. It resulted in him surviving and gaining a bit more intellect than most other demons thanks to the absorbtion of a calculating and intelligent human. Unfortunately it also resulted in his body changing slightly, one of his arms is now far less powerful and demonic looking than the other. His rightarm has been transformed into that of a human's and even with training the difference between a human and demonic limb is way too large to dual wield like he used to.

Last but not least, he has an interesting tail, it is as rotten and pungent as the rest of his body. But it is scaled, unlike the rest. The black scales cover up the soft, rotten flesh beneath it and protect it aswell.

History: ( Will make one later today )

NOTE: This is a WiP; Work In Progress; so don't (dis)approve it yet, cheers. ^^

2ND NOTE: Picture-credit goes to a certain artist from dA, forgot the name though. ^^

Riddle: Keep an eye on your punctuation. Commas (,) and semicolons ( ;) and parentheses all need spaces as well. Otherwise, it looks good. Accepted.

Carl: Holy crap, an Admin's interested O.o While I know it's not finished, what has been finished certainly is impressive. I can't go either way until it's done, though.
Name: Tao

Age: 32

Race: Human

Species: Technologically advanced

Personality: He has a firm sense of duty and loyalty to Orion, remaining stoic and quiet. However, he seizes opportunity to advance in rank as he sees it. He seems to suffer from Dissociative identity disorder, a condition which means he has two personalities dominating control of his body. Since he wears a half black, half white mask, this represents the Taoist concept of Yin Yang, hence his name. His "Yin" personality seems more soft-spoken, gentle, and compromisable whereas the "Yang" side is more cynical, impatient, and easily frustrated. Both are literate and philosophical and will debate with each other often.

Appearance: View attachment 700He wears a half white, half black tight mask over his head with curved eyesockets and lip-shaped formation on the mouth area and ear-shaped ones where his ears should be. He wears a white and black vest with a chin-high black collar and lines going down the vest, with various gear being attached to the black straps he keeps on his person. He has white gloves with black tips on the ends of the fingers and a purple gem socketed into a strap wrapped around each glove. He has these straps on his black and white boots as well, with tight black pants and spike-tipped black and white boots. His skin is a dark, dead grey and he has tribal tattoos going up his left arm. His hair is short, spikey, silver, and sticks up on several ends with dark blue, greyish eyes and a tribal tattoo on the left side of his face. He keeps his sword sheathed in a back sheathe attached to his vest.

History: An orphan living with his disorder, Tao was adopted by a company representative of Orion, who immediately began using the poor boy as a test subject for the company's interests. Tao adopted his new name and style after years of contemplating his life meaning, accepting Orion's ideals as his own and becoming fervently loyal to them, almost religiously.

Tao never truly saw his adoptive father as a fatherly figure, more like a boss. When the man was fired and to be "accidentally terminated", Tao had some reserves about killing him but did so anyway, his blind devotion to Orion coming first to his loyalties to his "father".

Quirks: His "Yang" personality doesn't care for body modification, while the "Yin" side does. To this end, the Yin side had tattoos on his "half" of the body, whereas the other remains without tattoos. Also, Tao has a facial tic that when he's stressed or excited, his right eye will twitch repeatedly. His Yang side explains that it's somewhat of a coping mechanism. Also, when wielding a weapon, each half is skilled in a certain variety of weapons: His right side prefers melee weapons whilst the left prefers guns. The Yang personality values traditional means of warfare, whilst the Yin side sees the use of guns as practicality.

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