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Fantasy The deep woods


Pokemon,Anime,Video Games, pan sexual, and proud
Here Lie the dead those who entered the woods and never ventured out...alive:
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The Shop under the Sakura Blossoms Run By Cherry also known as Chi.

Swamp, where Zander Lives.

Field where Angel's Hut resides.

The odd abandoned airport.

Creepy abandoned jail where Kenobi lives.

The hidden cavern where the spiral oaks reside and the odd girl.

The palace casino where Calloway Resides.

Aquarius's spring

The forests palace where Jule, Eric and Chrysa live.

The portal...The only way to leave, very few know it's location... even fewer have left through it. Some say it's guardian wanders the woods looking for people who are ready to leave.

The Rabbit-house bar where Alice works and lives.
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Monsters demons and murders:

The bloody patient...on the brink of the death she ended up in the deep woods... She lives in the abandoned hospital... I wouldn't stick around if you see her... She was never the nicest child...

The Ice Dragon.. Easily mistaken as icy peaks of the mountains...There isn't really an escape...

uck.. I don't even know what this is... but I know it isn't friendly either.

I think this guy was experimented on.. well I don't want to find out...

I don't know why I even have to say anything...y'know just be careful out there...

Oh I'm sure you wonder who has been peeping over your shoulder....

Well if you don't find somewhere safe I think that you won't live to find out..
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