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Fantasy The Death of Count Airien //CLOSED



Zombie Enthusiast
Age (20-30)
Reason you’re suspected of the crime
Relationships with the other suspects
Favorite Things

Elora Willow
Servant to the Count and Countess
Elora was purchased by the counts father to be one of the staff. She was raised to be a servant by the other staff of the manor. It's all she has ever known. The count had always told her there were people born on top and then people to serve those on top, and she was born to serve. So that's what she did...mainly because that was all she's known. 1550943865060.png

Reason she's a suspect? She works closely to the Count. Serves his meals, spend 24 hours a day in the castle. She had plenty of opportunity to poison him.

Elora serves the Countess closely and works with the other servants of the castle. She's met the doctor and the priestess when they came over to meet with the Count.
Sweet and kind was the way Elora lived her life. She had no choice. No one said anything about abuse, but if the servants didn't meet expectations there were certain punishments they faced. She didn't face punishment much though.
Favorite things? Spending time in the large garden and making tea.​
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Brielle Edevane


Countess of Stonevale

Brielle grew up as one of five sisters, the middle to be exact. Despite her family being royalty in the neighboring kingdom of Calla, there was no way for her to continue her life there. Brielle wanted more than living off her family's money and the control of whatever older sister took over control once her parents left the throne. Brielle wanted to rule on her own.... so she found a way to do so. When Airien announced that he would be taking his father's place as Count of Stonevale, Brielle knew she had an in. For years the man chased her around parties and gatherings. Brielle never showed interest in the idiot since he wasn't next in line to the throne, his older brother was, but strangely... his older brother passed in a strange accident and suddenly, Airien was a good life plan. After their marriage the couple lived a rather lush but bitter life. They didn't speak but to criticize one another and the Count was always off doing wrongdoings and chasing young women. When he was murdered... part of Brielle was happier than she ever thought. The other part? Scared. Airien was a terrible man but he was also a scary man. Enemies didn't mess with their kingdom thanks to his reputation. Now that he was dead, Brielle had to show that she had the same ruthless mindset that her late husband had. Thus why she invited all the suspects to her home. So that she could show her kingdom that she would do what was needed to catch the killer... and give them what they deserve.

All of the suspects are either friends or staff of Brielle in some way or form. From her servants and knights to members of the community that worked with her and Airien often... even some she considered friends. Such as the local wizard and the priestess.

Brielle is a quiet and unfeeling stone of a woman. Her face is always devoid of emotion save for the occasional twinkle in her eye she gets when something peculiar is occurring around her.

Her favorite flower; Oleander. Her favorite drink; Earl Gray Tea. Her favorite color; Navy.
Delphina Cross
Delphina comes from a long line of priests and priestess's. Her fathers lineage could be traced to the first known priest. She was his only child and only family member, her mother passing when Delphina was born. As a priestess she possessed heavenly powers that could smite monsters and evil, and even preform exorcisms. However she was a very sick child. Prayer and faith in the heavens kept her strong. Since she was born she had shown great promise as a priestess, her father making her practice her powers every chance she got. When she was 6 she obtained her holy sword and became an expert swordsman by the time she was 10. At the age of 15 she went on her voyage to the holy land to strengthen her powers, but by the time she came back her father had disappeared. Since then Delphina has dedicated her life to protecting her kingdom and the people from evil at all cost.​

The priestess is involved in everyone's life. Everyone goes to her to confess their sins, to ask for advice or to seek her heavenly wisdom. Delphina had been spending more time researching the Count and spending time at the manor.
Delphina was a respectable woman across the lands which allowed her to be close to powerful people. The count and his family had always been close to the holy family, which meant that when the Brielle got married to the the count she made friends with her. The death of Airien's brother was mysterious so she kept an extra eye on him since then. She had even gotten close to a few of the knights since they started asking for help with their sword skills. The doctor was also a close acquaintance.
Delphina's personality was powerful and gentle at the same time. She had to be voice of reason, the slayer of all things evil, and the gentle word of the heavens all at the same time.
Favorite things would probably be practicing with her sword and improving her holy powers. She also enjoyed praying and talking with her followers.​
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Airiette Edevane


Knight to the Count and Countess of Stonevale

Airiette had a strange childhood, hidden in a large castle away from public eye while her two older brothers and parents got to talk to and visit the kingdom. The old Count, her father, wanted nothing to do with a female child. Women were used to look pretty and be seen not heard, Airiette was a very... loud mouthed and boyish looking young girl. She was everything he was embarrassed of. She had no interest in dolls or tea, instead she wanted to use the swords and bows that her brothers got to use. But that was never allowed. Their mother was her only saving grace, a kind woman who would sneak her youngest child and only daughter the items she craved. That is until her untimely death... the very incident that drove Airette to a dark place and away from the place she called home. Her brother... Airien... killed their mother. When she refused to help him convince the count that the eldest of the three siblings, Airez, was unfit to take the throne. He simply... killed her. That happened when Airiette was 17 years old. All she could do was run, far far away. She stayed away for 6 years and grew into an amazing archer by the name of Aiden, one that was scouted by the kingdom of Stonevale to be a member of the royal guard. It was her in, her way to get back at her brother and finally end his reign of terror. She would hide under her alias, wearing her signature half mask that covered her face all but her piercing blue eyes. A wig would cover her classic Edevane white locks and her Armour would hide her gender. It would be perfect. It was nearly a full year before the incident occurred where Airien was killed... and Airiette doesn't even remember if it was her....

Airiette, or more Aiden, was close in a working manner to all the servants as well as the countess. She, or he, HATED his knight counterpart to guarding the Count... the guy was just such a cocky asshole.

Overall Airiette is a strong willed and strong witted woman though that barely comes out while she is in hiding at the castle.

Her favorite things are her bow and her locket from her mother.



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Aldus Roland
Witch Doctor

Aldus keeps to himself, he's the mysterious doctor with a shop that randomly opened 10 years ago. Aldus's story? He was orphaned when his mother passed during child birth. The kingdom he was from was miserable, and the orphanage he lived at was worse. When he was six a witch doctor took him in. He traveled kingdom to kingdom learning the doctor's ways. When he was 18 the doctor left their cabin in the woods to go speak to a friend in Stonevale. Aldus waited for weeks for his return, but after a month he knew something was wrong. He packed up some essential items and moved to a shop in Stonevale, in attempts to find his master. Every few months Aldus travels to other kingdoms to visit the sick in other kingdoms, Aldus being one of the most popular doctors.

The night of the Count's death Aldus was seen making a house call to the Count's manor. Regrettably to admit, he can't account for his actions.

As previously stated, Aldus keeps to himself. The priestess comes around to bother him a few times a week but other than that he stayed in the back of his shop working on potions. He always listens to the gossip around town, and he's been privately leading an investigation to find his master.

Aldus enjoys healing the sick and learning new medical practices.

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1550862016670.png Caine Albera
Appearance wise Caine hasn't age any since he was 24, however he's 28.
Knight to the Count and Countess of Stonevale

Caine was born a commoner to a small farming kingdom. He was a simple farm boy, tending to the animals when he remembered feeling sick. The sickness plagued the whole kingdom in the matter of a few days, killing all but a handful of people. The disease spread like wildfire throughout the whole body, causing searing and immense pain. Caine survived three days of the pain and burning before he woke up to an insane hunger. He wasn't the same person after the plague. He left the kingdom and went kingdom to kingdom as a mercenary. Once he made it to Stonevale he ended up saving the count from some bandits, the Count recruiting Caine as his personal Knight due to Caine's strength. That's where he's been for the last two years.

As the counts personal Knight Caine would be either the prime suspect or prime witness, most of his days were spent with the count. He can't remember what happened that night though.

Caine is thankful for life he fought for. He appreciates everything, especially anything beautiful. He's a lady's man, the ladies swoon over his good looks and suave demeanor. He has a way with words, too. Since the...illness, Caine has become quite a charmer. Some would assume that his attitude was fake but that's just how he was.

Anything beautiful. Flowers, women, animals, nature. Caine likes it all. He especially likes to use his strength and speed to help save people.
Warrin Beele


Servant to the Count and Countess

Warrin was the one who found the Count, they had been planning to spend time together than evening.

As long as Warrin could remember he was living in the castle, his parents servants to the then ruling Count and Countess, parents to Airien. Warrin could remember running around the servant passages of the castle, trying to entertain himself despite the lack of other children around him. It wasn’t until he was 10 years old that he finally met Airien... back then he was still an okay child. He was a brat and spoiled but at least he wasn’t imaginary. Their friendship soared and when Warrins parents passed Airien was there to get him through it at age 16. That was also the start of their.... relationship. The two were friends with benefits of sorts, Warrin labeled himself as bisexual and the soon the be Count labeled himself as “this never happened”... each time it happened. Airien was like a bad habit for Warrin. He knew the man was becoming a poisonous human but he couldn’t stay away. Not when he took the throne, when he got married... right up until he died.

Warrin is terrified of the Countess, she’s a good woman but Warrin is afraid of her anger as well as his own guilt. He is also fairly close with the knight Aiden as well as a few other servants and knights, those Caine is very irritating.

His favorite things are rose water and ice skating.

The local wizard of Stonevale, shop owner and adventurer

The party was wild and Cataz was, as usual, drunk. When the body was found he was passed out in the hall outside the room where Airien was found.

Cataz was an interesting character and always had been. From early childhood his father taught him to follow the path of magic. To listen to the cards and follow them where they lead him. Thus is why at the young age of 14 Cataz wondered into the city limits of Stonevale. Back then it was a rough place, abandoned shops lined the street and the boy found one with its windows intact and a beautiful dark oak door. Inside had clearly been a previous magic shop and that was that. Cataz opened his shop soon after, giving readings to the locals and selling rare herbs and ingredients whenever he ventured out to find them. His talents soon got him noticed by the Count and he was brought to the castle often to offer his assistance or to help tend the bar with his mean cocktail skills.

Overall Cataz is a self centered drunk with little care of who he hurts or who hurts him. Anything to keep life interesting.

His only real friendship left is with Brielle.

His favorite things are his tarot deck, his pet salamander Edwin and spirits.

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