The Dead Walking

Does Female Supplier mean like the person who goes out to scavenge for supplies then takes it back to camp? If so, please reserve that role for me. :D
I'll take male leader if no one else wants the task. I've often scenario'd how someone would actually lead a team of rag tag survivors :P
Sorry My laptop died so now I am all over the place. So @Kai Ghoul u want the role of the Leader

@pulpfiction u want female supplier

And they are like the walking dead kind

Remember that everyone must have 2 characters
/scared of Kai Ghoul's character.

My characters hope to never get sick or break an arm or something. c;

Rylee: ... *walks away.*

Milo: I'm never leaving the kitchen again. c:
Where just a group looking for a base camp so we just a roaming survival group for now

I wants to start tomorrow
[QUOTE="Amanda Cromwell] 
I wants to start tomorrow

Sounds good. Going to start working on my first post's
Rise said:
/scared of Kai Ghoul's character.
My characters hope to never get sick or break an arm or something. c;

Rylee: ... *walks away.*

Milo: I'm never leaving the kitchen again. c:
Sol only keeps him around because he can scare off potential raiders lol. And also it's always a smart move to keep your enemy's close.
• Sammy is scouting through the forest to find the city limits.

• A lot of the group has woken up.

• Sol cut Baz off of food for getting into a fight with Jay.

I concluded that we should leave for the actual city the following day as soon as Sammy returns from his mission. That cool?
Yea thanks let me just wake up my other character and we can move on from there and @Shimakage Thunder yoi can jump in the Roleplay of u want
I wasn't receiving any Notifications, can someone give me a rundown of what I missed?
I am going to do a reboot because this Roleplay just died so if you guys like to be part of it just let me know thanks for joining guys.

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