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Realistic or Modern The Dead Walking

Calypso nodded at Jack. "Sure. I'm just checking out the nearby abandoned building though. For supplies, you know." Quickly but quietly, she headed down to the clearing near the store. She peeked through a window pane and saw about two to three walkers in there, just mindlessly strolling about. No problem, she thought, those would be easy to take down. She looked back at Jack and nodded, whispering that there were about three walkers there. She slowly swung the door open as to not attract any zombies, then as a walker came at her, she struck an arrow through its head, then took the arrow back, wiping it clean on her shirt. Dodging the other two zombies, she looked through the shelves and found a few canned goods.
Rylee Calton

"Shut up, Milo..." was the only thing Rylee said in return to Milo, hating the nicknames he gave her. She saw that the male leader of this group, Sol, was walking over to them.

"I'm going to go keep watch over there..." She grumbled to Milo before getting up. Her weapons were already on her person, and so she stalked over to the other side of the camp to keep watch of any undead that could find their way close to the camp.

Milo Day

Milo just smiled as he watched Rylee get up and leave him. He didn't care that she was being, to as he described, grumpy because he knew that's not the way she usually acted. Not there isn't much a difference to most, but there was a difference to him. When it was just the two of them, the scowl on her face usually wasn't there.

"Hey, man! What's up?" Milo said as he looked over to Sol, pushing himself up from his seated position on the ground.

@Kai Ghoul
Jay finished cleaning the arrow and started sharpening

the tip back to a clean point. He stood up an sheathed the arrow in the quiver

then walked over to Jessica's cot to see if she was awake. @Amanda Cromwell
Rochelle had been sitting up against the wall all night. There was just too many things to think abut and she couldn't shut her mind off. The brunette would definitely not be of use scavenging that day if she didn't sleep soon but just way too many people were awake for that to be happening. Through her peripherals, she could see people beginning to move around or just whispering. So with a small sigh, the muscular girl pushed herself up from her sitting position and headed towards the door. Rochelle had been generally silent since they had banded together and it felt like she wasn't even there most of the time. Unless of course she had a knife in her hand and was killing a walker.
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• Sol Harkness -

" Ah you know how it is bro... Shit just falling apart all over the place. Just making sure you and Rylee are all good to be honest. "

He noticed the chick had an attitude problem, but that was pretty normal for people this day in age, and was not on the top of his worry concern. He still felt he should ask anyway, just for curiosity's sake.

" Does Rylee always act like that? I've only talked to her a couple of times, but she just seemed to blow everything off. "

He figured he would get all of the unneeded hostility out of the way before they all started getting into serious shit together.

When Victoria got back from her walk every was pretty much up, but her sister Jennifer of course. Victoria went to her tent and she would wake her up and says "Jenny I need you to wake up we have to move now" she says to her. She grabbed her bag and helped her up and say "Sorry to mess up your beauty sleep, but we have to keep moving" she says looking at her.

Jennifer rolled her eyes and says"Whatever" she grabs her bag from Victoria and dusts her pants off of dirt. Jennifer was not in the perfect mood since they decided to keep moving to find a camp. Jennifer would grab her knife and her gun and walks out her tent and ties up her shoes so they are not in her way of the road.

When the sun began shining in her face, Tiffany awakened with a yawn. After rubbing her eyes, she looked down at her swollen belly. Since she was pregnant, it was tough doing certain things. Well, maybe except for aiming a gun. Running...Yeah, that was pretty tough. Afterwards, the expecting mother would stretch out her arms before gently rubbing her belly. "We'll be alright, hun. Promise." She said, smiling and patting her stomach. She used her shotgun to help herself stand up. After getting her boots and jacket on, she left her tent, grabbed her backpack, armed herself and got ready to move on with the rest of the group.
Victoria rolls her eyes and said "I don't care if your in the mood or not but if you want to be alive we have to move" she said looking at her.

Jennifer went up to her to her face looking from eye to eye and said "Since when do you care about how I am feeling" she said with a smirk

Victoria looked at her and said "Your lucky that your my sister and not on of those dead walkers, because. She stopped and smirked and said "You would be dead right now" she said walking away from her and getting her bag set up to move
Rochelle ignored the surrounding conversations, preparing to move out. She didn't have much other than the knife in her waistband and the small leather satchel on her back with a bottle of water and a can of beans. She didn't travel with to much. Even if what she carried was for the others as well. Which to their unawares was absolutely nothing. The only thing that she had that even meant anything to her was a silver engraved ring on a gold chain around her neck that she kept tucked under her shirt. Looking around silently, her face slack of any emotion that could be labeled, Rochelle raised an eyebrow at the two sisters talking.
Jack followed Calypso's lead and left the remaining walkers undisturbed plus he needed to save ammo. He kept his pistol's sights on the closest walker to them and kept his eyes and ears open.

"Hey Ipso find anything useful?" He whispered in her direction.

Alex Kepler

Alex sat and watched all the commotion at the camp that morning with pure contempt. "These assholes are selfish pricks" he thought to himself. He decided his time would be better spent cleaning his rifle, so he quickly de constructed it and started cleaning the parts.

When he seen Tiffany emerge from her tent he went and made sure she was OK. "Good Morning Tiff. You need anything?"
When greeted by Alex, she smiled a bit. She slung her Shotgun over her shoulder, figuring that she wouldn't be using it anytime soon. "Morning Alex. Um, no I don't really need anything. But I'd love to sleep in." She interlocked her hands underneath her stomach. "Though I don't think I can get much bigger then I already am." She smiled as she looked down. "Not sure if Victoria or Sol would agree." Even though she wanted to hold her baby, it would be so for another two months. Bringing a Child into the World they know now...Wasn't really something that Tiffany was sure about. Oh well, too late now.
Jay woke up on his cot and said to himself "Damn

mustve passed out last night...." He sat up rubbing

his head and reached over to his bow and sheathed it.

He picked up the arrows and adjusted the quiver after

slinging it on his back and stretching. He was worried

about Jennifer, he hadnt seen her last night. "Jennifer!"

He called for her.
Jennifer heard her name while she was packing her things. She walked a little closer and then she say her boyfriend Jay. She walks over to him and said "Hey what happen are you okay" she said with a smirk on her face
"Yea, I was worried sick I didn't see you last night,

I went out looking around and found some things but

then Baz ate our dinner, what an asshole." He said

smiling at her and asked "So how was your day?"

He put his hands in his jacket pockets and listened

to her answer.
Jennifer laughed and said "Shitty like yours" she said laughing. Jennifer says "Me and my sister just had a fight,and I really don't want to talk to her at all for the rest of the day,like I understand she is trying her best to protect everyone but..." She stopped and puts her hand in her pocket.
He frowned and rubbed her arm and said "Dont worry, Im sure things will turn

out good, and I saved us some canned pineapples if you want any, its been a while

since weve eaten anything sweet so I thought we could share it." He said picking up the

can smiling at her.
She smiled and said "Thanks,for the food" she said smiling at him. She would go seat on some log and start to eat the pineapples. She would then grab a stick and her knife and start to cut her stick nice a sharp
He walked over and sat beside her eating some pineapples aswell "Your welcome." He said happily as he ate the sweetest thing hes had since almost a year. He took off his bow and quiver and continues eating the food.
Rochelle, silent and beautiful as always was now sitting at the base of a tree in silence. Slowly twisting the ring that hung on the gold chain around her slender neck. It wasn't like she purposefully was thinking about... him. But it wasn't like she had anything better to do other than fear the world she now lived in.
• Sammy Brown -

As he kept running, he finally found the city limits. He was starving, so he crouched down and got out his protein bar and ate it slowly. After eating it he threw up a little blood and decided it was time for his daily dose. He reached in his bag and took out a small bag. He poured out a small line of cocaine on his knee and snorted it. He was good to run back and tell the others about the details of his discovery.
Victoria was eating a protein bar because really don't eat much a lot. She loss about 10 pounds when the apocalypse started. She wasn't always hungry all the time and she drinks lots of water. So she believes that she is okay when she knows that's she is not. Victoria was leaning against the tree behind her and sharing her knife.

Jennifer smiled at him and said "You know Injust hope that Sammy finds a city limit somewhere I don't want the just sleep in the shitty woods anymore" she said looking at him.
"Yea, I feel ya the cots are damp every morning its terrible.' ' He said finishing his food //sorry for low detailed i brb//
She would look at him say "I agree with you on the 100% she said smiling at him. Jennifer would get up and walk to her sister and say "Hey Vicky, your right about what you said like I think 40 minutes ago I totally agree of what you said she said looking at her sister.

@Kai Ghoul
• Sol Harkness -

Sol turned away from the cook and responded to Victoria.

" When Sammy gets back, we will sleep until morning. After that, we set up camp and bounce out of here... Has everyone eaten yet? There's plenty of bars left over. "

Sol was starving, but he wouldn't eat until everyone else was fed.
Victoria looked at him and said "Yea everyone ate but me and you but I am really not hungry, but you do look hungry" she said looking at him.

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