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Realistic or Modern The Dead Walking

Los Angeles,CA

October 26,2020

7'oclock am

Victoria was always the first one up to make sure no walks came pass the camp. Victoria would grab her spear gun that she had and she puts it with her gun carrier. Victoria was waiting for the others to wake up so she wanted to go for a small little walk. She grab her knife and she took a small walk waiting for the others to awake


@Kai Ghoul @Santii @LunarShines @Rise @pulpfiction @jacunliffe
Jay woke up and looked around before sitting up and stretching.

He stands up and grabs his hunting rifle and slings it on his back and puts on a utility belt

containing a few small toools and a knife.
Los Angeles,CA

October 26,2020

7'oclock am

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.43c4f1a83631ce4afe580b60df798f38.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49203" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.43c4f1a83631ce4afe580b60df798f38.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sol Harkness -

Sol awoke watching Victoria leave for one of her 'walks', it was reckless for her to go out on her own all the time, but he knew she could usually handle herself out there. He lit a cigaret, then opened his bag and did a quick round count; 300 rounds even. Sol took out his Kukri and started sharpening it with a soft stone wail walking around; seeing if the others were still alive.



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Jay looked over to Sol and said "Im going to do some

scouting for animals and walkers, Ill be back." He said as he

took his rifle in his hands and walked silently into the woods.
• Sol Harkness -

Sol agreed with a silent nod, then continued walking around. He was a little hungry, but he would wait till everyone else ate, like always. He nudged his buddies nap sack, trying to wake up the silent Sammy.

• Sammy Brown -

Sammy woke up almost instantly, grabbing his GunBlade. Realizing it was only Sol, he puts it away in his holster. Sol only woke him up to go scout the forest, he needed to find shelter; quickly. It was starting to get a little chilly, and they couldn't be too far from the actual city at this point. Sol gets up and packs his gear, leaving the camp and heading out into the woods. He grabbed a protein bar from the cooks bag, like he was told he could before making scouting trips.
Jay looked around the forest and came upon an old Hunting cabin.

He drew his rifle and kept it aimed at the door as he slowly approached

and he went silently not to attract walkers. He then kicked open the door and entered

the dark room. He drew his flashlight and clicked it on displaying rifle ammo and pistol ammo,

then on the far wall he saw it. A modern hunting bow. He holstered his rifle and picked it up along

with s quiver full ow 20 arrows. He searched a bit more and found a can of beans an extra, but dull hunting knife

and some rope.


  • Hunting Rifle
  • 50 rifle and pistol ammo
  • 2 hunting knifes
  • Rope
  • Hunting Bow
  • Beans
  • 20 Arrows
• Sammy Brown -

Sammy walked for about half a mile when he saw a walker in front of an abandoned hunting cabin. It looked like it was about to go inside, so Sammy shot it in the head with one of his arrows. Still wearing his mask, he draws his GunBlade just incase anymore were inside. He opened the door to only find Jay. He silently nodded his head and lowered his blade.

Alex awoke to the sound of the other's getting up. He let out a huge yawn before getting up and getting his rifle, “Jack get up, we are moving” He give the boy a little kick. He found it funny annoying Jack most mornings.

He walked around the camp stretching his legs a little, keeping an eye out all the time. “I'm starving” he thought to him self, his belly grumbling on cue.
• Sol Harkness -

Sol noticed Alex wake up, he walked up to him and noticed he was still vigilant.

" Good... This is why I like you bro, you're never complacent. Can't say the same about most of the other people here... If you're hungry, go ahead and get a protein bar from the cooks bag. "

Sol walked away, continuing to sharpen his Kukri and smoking his cigaret. This was the best part of the day, besides making sure everyone ate of course.

He motioned him to look at his findings then heard

crackling of leaves out side and he quickly crouched and drew

the bow. He walked out of the doorway and saw a mindless walker growling

he aimed the bow and launched the arrow and it stuck straight through its

head. He then showed him the findings.
• Sammy Brown -

Sammy looked as he showed him his findings with a emotionless expression. He gave him a thumbs up then walked away, sheathing his GunBlade and bow so he could run faster. He forced himself not to eat his bar until he found the city limits, allowing him to have enough energy to run back in time before nightfall.
He followed close behind him keeping quiet. He ran into a few

walkers that he easily took care of. They finnaly reached camp and he put

the beans over a fire.
• Baz Doe -

Baz woke up with a massive hangover; he was drinking and walker bashing last night, that was probably why it was so quiet around here. Hangovers made him incredibly hungry, so he went to the cooks bag and grabbed a bar. He glared daggers at the sleeping cook, why the hell was he still asleep? He decided not to kick him in the face surprisingly, since he could poison his food. Baz ate his bar and still had a massive headache. He saw Jay at the fireplace and looked around to see if Sol was watching. Once Sol was out of earshot; Baz went and stole Jay's beans, stuffing them down his mouth and laughing maniacally.


( Sammy's looking for the city limits still)
"I hate protein bars" he thought to himself, whilst rummaging through Milo's bag.

"Hey Sol. Any idea's on what the hell we are going to do next?"
He sighs and stood up angrily

"The beans were for the camp tonight asshole if your

just going to starve everyone get the hell out!" He

yelled getting in his face and shoving him.
• Sol Harkness -

Sol stopped walking and turned around to face Alex.

" I sent Sammy out to find us where the city limits are... Once he comes back, we are leaving the next morning. So it would behoove you to rest up a little, we probably won't get another day off like this. "


• Baz Doe -

Baz started laughing more at the funny attempt to push him. He kicked Jay's knee and started to dance around the fireplace, taunting Jay to follow.

" C'mon pussy! Let's dance! "

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Calypso woke up groggily, wiping at her eyes. She quickly sat up, searching her surroundings warily. Calypso tied her hair up before standing up and stepping into her boots, and quickly snatched her crossbow which she had kept near her while she had been sleeping. She always made sure she had a weapon nearby. She patted at her pockets to make sure her gun was still there. All good. Calypso made her way out to find a clearing. She figured she might as well look for some supplies while she was out. Not like their supplies were low, but she wanted to do as much as she could to help. As a zombie neared, Calypso shucked an arrow through its head.
• Sammy Brown -

As Sammy ran through the woods, he realized the city limits were probably farther than he thought. He stopped and crouched to catch his breath, seeing about four walkers ahead of him. Since Sammy only kept three arrows in his bow, and didn't carry extra's, he felt he should just bypass them. He didn't feel like using up energy or blank rounds killing them, since they weren't too close to the camp. He continued to run to find the city limits.
Jack sat bolt up right “whaah... whaas wrong” he mumbled half asleep. Coming to his senses he realised it had just been Alex waking him. “Douchbag” Jack thought. “Well better make myself useful” He got up and gathered his gear.

He seen Calypso heading out and jogged after her. " Hey. Heading out? Mind if I tag along? Need to watch each other's back and all that."
Rylee Calton

Rylee had been up way before seven a.m. Usually she slept in, being a night owl and all. However that was before the apocalypse hit and she was with a group that she didn't completely trust, but when was there a time she actually trusted someone? Her staying with this group wasn't permanent or so she'd like to think. Milo was the one who kept her staying with groups a little too long for her liking.

Her eyes drifted over to Milo's sleeping form next to her, Overly clingy oaf..., before they went over to see a guy rummaging in Milo's bag. She had to contain herself from yelling at him, but remembered that Milo was the cook of this group and that all food in this group was equal share for everyone. But that didn't stop from glaring daggers as she kept silent.

Milo Day

Milo woke up to people already awake, their talking and such. He rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and looked up to see Rylee already awake and sitting next to him, which caused him to smile a bit. Rylee was always on his case about being annoying and clingy, yet she kept near him instead of the rest of the group, or alone even. He sat up and stretched his arms out a little, saying, "You're gonna get wrinkles from all that scowling, Ry-Ry." With that comment resulted the glaring focused on him, which caused him to chuckle.
Jay kicked a burning of out of the fire

as a distraction and punched him hard in the jaw

then he put his arms up expecting another attack
• Sol & Baz -

Just as Baz was about to destroy Jay's world, Sol crept up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. Baz turned around, beans still all over his face.

" Heh... Hey there buddy, how's life of a leader and such!? "

Sol glared at him, then walked over toward Jay, Kukri still in hand.

" What's going on here... I swear to fucking god this happens every morning... "

Sol scratched his head, the reasons for keeping Baz around were starting to dwindle, except for the fact of him going postal and shooting up the camp for being rejected from the group.

"The fucker shoved the camps dinner down his

throat like thegreedy slob that he is."

Jay said angrily sitting down in his chair and started cleaning

off the bloody arrow.
• Sol & Baz -

Sol smiled, it actually helped him out in the long run, since there were people who needed a little more food than others. Now he didn't have to feed Baz for the rest of the day.

" Well don't worry about the Camps dinner. We have enough bars in the cooks bag for about three more days. Baz just isn't going to eat anything else for the rest of the day. "

Sol gave Baz a look that he understood very well. Baz threw the empty can of beans into the fire.

" Hah, whatever queer, I'll just fetch my own food. I'll be watching you Jay! Hope you don't have any BooBoo's for daddy to fix anytime soon. "

Baz walked away from the fire, he went to his tent to grab his Spaz 12 Gauge Shotgun to go hunting. Since nobody was really injured except for Sammy, he figured it would be alright for Baz to leave.

" You did good guy, normally people just let him do whatever he wants; and that's not the right answer... He's fucking lucky he's a doctor that's pretty decent at killing walkers, or I would have shot him in the face long ago... "

Sol patted Jay on the back and walked away, walking over to the cook Milo to see if everything was still good.


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