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Fantasy The Darkest Shadow - Lore

Table of Contents

The World
a) Yggdrasil and Water of Mímisbrunnr
b) The Nine Realms
c) Realm travel

The Mag-Krigere
a) An overview
b) The 'base ability'
c) The 'signature ability'
d) Mane
e) Novice vs. Veterans

Darklings and Corruption
a) The Darklings
b) The Corruption

a) The Map
b) The Great Forest
b) Grovelond
c) The Ocean
d) Aolvik

The Patron Deity
a) Summary

The World

Yggdrasil and the Water of Mimisbrunnr

Yggdrasil is a white tree that's at the center of the universe. It supports the Nine Realms and all the life within.

At the base of the tree, there is a well called Mimisbrunnr. This water have many magical properties, but the most notable one is that it can reverse the corruption. Almost all Gods carry around this water, and they have been known to give is as a gift every now and then.

Yggdrasil has a shadow of its own. This shadow (called the Dark Tree) is a twisted version of life-sustaining Yggdrasil supports whole nine realm of its own. It is known to emerge into Yggdrasil's realms every now and then. The cause of it remains a mystery.

The Nine Realms

There are nine realms in this universe, and they are:

Midgard, the world of humanity
Asgard, the world of the Aesir tribe of gods and goddesses
Vanaheim, the world of the Vanir tribe of gods and goddesses
Jotunheim, the world of the giants
Niflheim, the primordial world of ice
Muspelheim, the primordial world of fire
Alfheim, the world of the elves
Nidavellir/Svartalfheim, the world of the dwarves
Hel, the world of the eponymous goddess Hel and the dead

Realm Travel

Traveling between realms is no easy feat. The most common form of realm travel is death - when one dies, one goes to the world of Hel. Another way to travel is using the Bifrost, which is watched by the god Hemidall.

The Mag-Krigere

An Overview

Mag-Krigere - usually called simply as Krigere, Krige, Mag, or Kri - are animals that have been turned into human form by divine intervention. They are often turned in times of great need. The criteria for being chosen as a Mag-Krigere is simply an innate potential to be a great warrior. They are powerful and fast warriors from the start, to the point where they are no match for mortals - about twice as much compared to an exceptionally trained adult warrior.

The "Base Ability"

All Mag-Krigeres have these base abilities, which do not require any mane.
1) Ability to shift into a human, an animal, or somewhere in between (for example, humans with tails / cat ears / wings). And yes, just like any other magical girls, they have their own 'transformation sequences'.
2) Ability to summon signature weapons and armor. Every Kriges have signature weapons and armors that are uniquely tailored to them. The weapons and armors are of an exceptional quality.
3) Ability to enter into a trance and contact the patron deity they serve for guidance.
4) Ability to talk with animals.

In addition to these abilities, Mag-Krigeres share the ability to reverse Stage 1 and Stage 2 corruption by using their mane. Stage 2 corruption require more mane to heal than Stage 1.

The "Signature Ability"

In addition to the base abilities, all Mag-Krigeres have their 'signature ability' gifted by the Gods. These abilities can take any shape or form. Using a signature ability requires mane, as explained below.

The abilities are ranked in power from 'Primary', 'Secondary', and 'Tertiary'. Primary abilities are powerful enough to be used in combat with great effect. Secondary abilities are half as powerful as Primary. Tertiary abilities are half as powerful as Secondary. Tertiary ability are usually too weak to be used for combat other than providing a small utility, while Secondary ability can be used but are not as powerful and effective as Primary.

You can gain a new ability or advance an existing ability by divine intervention. Gods usually give this gift when 1) you have completed a heroic feat or 2) in times of dire need.


'Mane' is a sacred magical energy related to the moon. Every Mag-Krigeres have a reservoir of mane. It exists as a thin mist-like shroud that envelops the owner of that mane. Every Kriges can see their own mane, as well as each other's.

Mane can be used for two things:
1) Using the signature ability.
2) Reversing the corruption.

Mane is recharged by exposing yourself to moonlight at night. On cloudy days, mane is recharged more slowly.

It is important to note that mane is what provides protection against corruption for Mag-Krigere. More mane means more protection - less mane means less protection. Therefore it is very important that you keep some amount of mane in battles. Thus, an important consideration for all Mag-Krigere is when to battle and when to rest, and when to use signature ability or not.

Novice vs. Veterans

You will have an option to start out as 'Veterans' or as a 'Novice'. The 'Veteran' role simply means you have been transformed into Kriges before the start of the RP, unlike 'Novice' who will start out as an animal.

Darklings and Corruption

The Darklings

The darklings are, more or less, corrupted life. They have blackish-purplish skin and often look like a twisted version of their old self. Extra limbs, claws, thick furs, and additional eyes are all common. A few darklings, however, have features that are indistinguishable from their old self (a gibbering slime that contains nothing but eyes, for example).

All darklings exude an aura of corruption, which can turn living things into their kind. The more darklings there are, and the more powerful they are, the stronger the aura is. Proximity is also a factor: the closer one is to darklings, the more susceptible he or she is to corruption.

The Corruption

The corruption is a semi-reversible state where a life form is slowly turned into Darklings. No life forms are immune to the Corruption, however, interestingly enough, it has been observed that the further the life form is from intelligence, the less they are susceptible to corruption. Thus humans are the most susceptible, while simple animals are the least susceptible.

The stages of corruption are as follows:

Stage 1: Black, purplish dots begin appearing on the body. Reversible with mane and Water of Mímisbrunnr.
Stage 2: The purplish dots turns into patches. Small signs of transformation (claws on fingers, feathers on face, etc) begins to develop. Reversible with mane and Water of Mímisbrunnr.
Stage 3: The signs of transformation begins to develop further (fully developed wings or extra limbs). The individual begins to develop hostility toward life forms, which is almost impossible to resist. Reversible with Water of Mímisbrunnr.
Stage 4: The individual's thoughts begin to connect with the hivemind of the Darklings. Gains superhuman strength and agility. Loses memory of past life. Reversible only with a miracle (such as divine intervention).
Stage 5: The victim is fully turned into a Darkling. Irreversible no matter what.


1) The Great Forest
2) Grovelond, the human village
3) The Ocean
4) Aolvik, the human village

The Great Forest

The forest where the animals live. The area to the west (left side of map) has higher altitude than the area to the east. A river runs from west to east, leading into the human village. There is a lake around the middle of the forest. At the edge of a forest there is a hut where the seior-practicing sorceress live.



The Ocean




The Patron Deity


Most- but not all - Mag-Krigeres have a patron deity, one god they answer to above all else. The patron deity often guides (and sometimes rebukes) the Mag-Krigeres. Mag-Krigeres can contact their patron deity through trance. Any Norse gods can be a patron deity.
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