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Fantasy The Dark War


The Guardian and Protector
The Earth, a planet full of life, a planet containing millions of organisms. A planet not without its own problems and yet life goes on. However, all life as it is known is about to be altered forever.

One day in the middle of Summer every thing changes. The day started out strange enough, that very morning reddish marks began to streak across the sky, slowly changing the overall color of the sky. There was overall panic at the occurrence and yet the government did everything they could to control the situation. The supernatural continued to get worse and worse. It took a worse turn when suddenly an incredibly powerful EMP blast permanently destroyed all technology. This however, was not the worst to come.

As twilight fell, a bright black ball of light fell from the sky and crashed into the ground. From the crater rose a dark figure of pure evil:


The figure moved forward and picked up the human closes to it in one hand. The person screamed then suddenly a dark energy surged through them. The person changed. Their teeth became sharpened points, they grew claws and talons and black markings of their body. It's eyes turned a feral yellow. The creature had brought forth the person's inner evil.

People panicked and ran for it but some were not fast enough and soon the creature raised an army of what came to be known as The Scourge. Those who had succumbed to the inner evils of their hearts. The creature who came to be known as Thantos, made it's campaign for domination over the human race. It had a plan, a plan to throw the world farther into anarchy and it was ready to act on it...

On a day that would forever be known as "The Day of the Dark Storm" Thantos set forth his plan. Releasing a supercharged wave of energy that covered the Earth:


His intention was to convert the rest of humanity into Scourge and effectively receive victory. There was something he could not count on though. As many people that have into evil the same number of People over came their evil and became known as The Pure. So began the War.

Before the Pure would act the Scourage destroyed all firearms, sending the world back into medieval warfare. However, the War still fared the Pure poorly. They were good fighters but they could not match the Scourges ferocity or blood lust and so The Pure began losing. However, to counteract the Scourage a special group was formed. This group became known as The Warhawks. A group of people with Supernatural abilities who could help balance the odds against the Scourage. So the War continued, raging over the very morality of good and evil.


This war takes place under the darkened sky's of The United States.


1. No heavy cussing

2. No sex scenes or rape

3.No God nodding

4. Do not take the roleplay into your own hands without speaking to me first.

5. Detailed posts would be greatly appreciated.

6. No spamming.

7. I'd prefer one character per person but if you'd like more then one then see me for approval.

8. Please fill out the following character sheet.



Warhawks or Scourage:




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