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Futuristic The D.U.S.T.


New Member
The Dust. the plage that swept humans back hundreds of years and nearly off the globe and rendered all of our lasting structure to dust that could grow very little as if all the life was taken from it. it seems to not react with any thing but the creatures that rule the lands.

the plage it self either did one of three things to a person either it killed them by turning them in to ash,.

if you did not die most quickly lost all of there memory regrading the past and any thing not needed to live as a hunter, but gained uncanny instinct to track most any thing skillfully.

the best result was that your forget one thing but you stopped aging and things near you do not run our of power and will not turn to dust unless left away from a dust survivor. the hunters seem to have the same effect but to a much lesser extent.

a few months after the dust first happened large winged beasts began to make piles of rock that would not yield to the massive storms that sweep the planet. the rock piles when not used as nests for the beasts have becoming towns that have dual lives. one above and one below the rock pile.

in the sky's there is a air ship that seems all but immune to the dusts destructive ways, a filed is the source but even that has its limits. the last of the worlds governments lies on that ship.

rp nation tos.

i can add/change rules.
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